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Created January 7, 2016 12:13
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abstract class Tree
case class Sum(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree {
override def toString(): String = "(" + l + " + " + r + ")"
case class Var(n: String) extends Tree {
override def toString(): String = n
case class Const(v: Int) extends Tree {
override def toString(): String = v.toString
type Environment = String => Int
def eval(t: Tree, env: Environment): Int = t match {
case Sum(l, r) => eval(l, env) + eval(r, env)
case Var(n) => env(n)
case Const(v) => v
def derive(t: Tree, v: String): Tree = t match {
case Sum(l, r) => Sum(derive(l, v), derive(r, v))
case Var(n) if v == n => Const(1)
case _ => Const(0)
def simplify(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case Sum(l: Const, r: Const) => Const(eval(t, { case _ => 0 }))
case Sum(l: Const, r) if l == Const(0) => simplify(r)
case Sum(l, r: Const) if r == Const(0) => simplify(l)
case Sum(l: Sum, r: Sum) =>
val t1: Tree = Sum(simplify(l), simplify(r))
t1 match {
case Sum(l1: Const, r1: Const) => simplify(t1)
case _ => t1
case Sum(l: Sum, r) => Sum(simplify(l), r)
case Sum(l, r: Sum) => Sum(l, simplify(r))
case _ => t
val exp: Tree = Sum(Sum(Var("x"), Var("x")), Sum(Const(7), Var("y")))
simplify(derive(exp, "x"))
simplify(derive(exp, "y"))
defined class Tree
defined class Sum
defined class Var
defined class Const
defined type alias Environment
eval: eval[](val t: Tree,val env: Environment) => Int
derive: derive[](val t: Tree,val v: String) => Tree
simplify: simplify[](val t: Tree) => Tree
exp: Tree = ((x + x) + (7 + y))
res0: Tree = ((x + x) + (7 + y))
res1: Tree = 2
res2: Tree = 1
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