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Last active February 13, 2022 09:27
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Internship interview assignment - Bold Care

Find below the requirements for the internship assignment. Reach out to if you have any questions.

Figma link


  • Home Page
  • Facts Page
  • Generator Page

APIs Used

App Overview

  • Top Bar: top bar consists of links(Home, generator, fact) and Logo(on clicking on logo route to home). Top Bar is sticky(i.e. it should be shown even if the user scrolls down)
  • Footer: footer consists of links(Home, generator, fact), Logo(on clicking on logo route to home) and contact details. Footer is at the end of the page.

Home Page

url: /

  • On Page load a cat image with message - "Welcome to cat generator is loaded"(Using the Cataas API).
  • On clicking the "Get New" button, a new image with "Welcome to cat generator is loaded" if added below the latest image.
  • eg: get new button is clicked thrice, so 3 new images are generated.

Facts Page

url: /facts

  • On page load fetch a random cat fact from Meow API and use the Cataas API to generate a random cat image with the fact as the text.
  • On clicking the "Generate fact" button, fetch a new fact and create a new random image with the fact as the text on the image.
  • new images are appended to the page in a similar fashion as the main page

Generator Page

url: /generator

  • Page has a form with the fields:
    • tag: tag of the cat image(select field). Options:
      • cute
      • ugly
      • big
      • small
      • white
      • black
    • message: message to be shown on the image(text field)
  • Validate form
    • message must be a string with minimum length 3 and maximum length 30
    • tag must be non-empty
  • On submitting form append a new image using the url - /cat/:tag/says/:text where tag is tag field in the form and text is message field in the form.
  • Append images in a similar fashion as the above 2 pages. No inital image on page load.


  • Append all calls to Cataas API with ?v=random_number where random_number is a randomly generated number. This will prevent caching of images when you generate a new image.
  • Check out some tutorials about how to implement figma designs in html-css.
  • You are free to add some UI elements that might help improve the design of the website.

Tech Stack

  • Use react
  • Any styling library or vanilla css allowed
  • No class based components. Only functional components allowed.


Evaluation will be divided into 2 components:

  • functional: did the coder implement all functional requirements and pages correctly.
  • ui: how accurately did the coder implement the UI. Is the website responsive?

Try to make the website responsive. Only the desktop view is given

Submission guidelines

  • Create a new private github repo and add to the repo.
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