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Last active April 7, 2016 13:54
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(function(window, document) {
function bindReady(handler) {
var called = false
function ready() {
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// IE, the document is inside a frame
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// Old browsers
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#Asset Loader

asset loader for preloaded (rel=preload) assets.

it's not a polyfill. it's just a small script load assets declared with preload

add css and js assets as per the new w3c draft

<link rel="preload" class="css-preload" href="defer.css" as="stylesheet">
<link rel="preload" class="css-preload" href="" as="stylesheet">
<link rel="preload" class="js-preload" href="main.js" as="javascript">

notice js-preload and css-preload classes. these classes will be used for finding out which scripts and styles to load.

copy and paste asset_loader.min.js at the bottom of body tag. if you need to support non javascript browsers use <noscript> tag to add the styles

based on - and

live example -

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