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Last active April 1, 2020 13:30
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import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
// no default value
const guessedWordsContext = React.createContext();
* @function useGuessedWords
* @returns {Array} guessedWordsContext value, which is a state of [value, setter].
export function useGuessedWords() {
// useContext is a hook that returns the context value
// In this case, the context value is an [value, setter] array for the context state
// useContext also subscribes to changes, and will update any time the context value updates
// we've memoized this so that it will only update when the guessedWords value updates
const context = React.useContext(guessedWordsContext);
// throw an error if the context doesn't exist -- means we aren't in a provider
if (!context) {
throw new Error(
'useGuessedWords must be used within a GuessedWordsProvider'
// otherwise return the context
return context;
* @function GuessedWordsProvider
* @param {object} props - props to pass through from declared component
* @returns {JSX.Element} Provider component
export function GuessedWordsProvider(props) {
// create state that will be used within the provider
// initial state value is false
const [guessedWords, setGuessedWords] = React.useState([]); // ! init of {} 4
// value for the context provider will be array of [value, setter] for guessedWords state
// useMemo just ensures that the provider value will only update when guessedWords updates
// No need to test this -- React tests useMemo for us!
const value = React.useMemo(() => [guessedWords, setGuessedWords], [
// Return a Provider component with the [value, setter] array as the value, passing through the props
return <guessedWordsContext.Provider value={value} {...props} />;
export default { GuessedWordsProvider, useGuessedWords };
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