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Created March 27, 2022 18:02
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CalyxOS 3.x (Android 12) with Magisk

CalyxOS 3.x (Android 12) with Magisk with working signed images and AVB Verity

This idea was inspired by this post topjohnwu/Magisk#509 (comment)

I got this working with CalyxOS 3.3.1 (Android 12) with full AVB Verity enabled and was able to lock the bootloader after flashing and still have su. The OTA update zip generated was also tested against the Calyx 2.11.0 version (with Magisk) and it works well.

Create a working build

First, make sure you can build and sign a proper CalyxOS for your device. This is probably the hardest part.

Prepare Magisk files for rooting

Second, prepare a magisk directory outside your build directory as follows:

mkdir magisk24304
cd magisk24304/
unzip app-debug.apk

Replace the apk URL with whatever version is latest or works best for you. For Android 12, v24+ is a must. The URL for the latest version can be found in the Magisk files repo.

We then need a few helper scripts in the same directory. cat >


SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"


export BOOTMODE=true
export KEEPVERITY=true

cp $SCRIPT_DIR/lib/x86/ $SCRIPT_DIR/assets/magiskboot
cp $SCRIPT_DIR/lib/arm64-v8a/ $SCRIPT_DIR/assets/magisk64
cp $SCRIPT_DIR/lib/armeabi-v7a/ $SCRIPT_DIR/assets/magisk32
cp $SCRIPT_DIR/lib/arm64-v8a/ $SCRIPT_DIR/assets/magiskinit

. $SCRIPT_DIR/assets/ $*

chmod 755

Make sure magiskinit is correct for your target in

cat > dos2unix

cat $*

chmod 755 dos2unix

cat > getprop

echo $*

chmod 755 getprop

That's all for preparing magisk.

Prepare signing step

Now we need to intercept avbtool to root the boot.img file just before it's hashed/signed.

In the last step of building the OS, the target files are zipped up and moved into a signing directory, along with the signing keys and binaries. In the bin directory, you should find avbtool which will be used during signing. We're going to replace it with a script that detects boot images, roots them and then continues with the real avbtool.

cd bin
mv avbtool avbtool.real

cat > avbtool


# change this to whereever you created the magisk directory:

echo "%%%%%%%%%%" `date` Running avbtool with "$*" >> $MAGISK_DIR/avbtool-invokes.txt

SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
IMG_NAME=`realpath $3`

if [[ $1 == add_hash_footer ]] && [[ $7 == boot ]] ;
        echo starting to root $3 >> $MAGISK_DIR/rooting.txt
        $MAGISK_DIR/ $IMG_NAME >> $MAGISK_DIR/rooting.txt 2>&1
        cp $MAGISK_DIR/assets/new-boot.img $IMG_NAME

$SCRIPT_DIR/avbtool.real $*

chmod 755 avbtool

We'll do something similar for toybox to avoid an error in the build.

mv toybox toybox.real

cat > toybox


SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
echo "%%%%%%%%%%" `date` Running toybox with "$*" >> $SCRIPT_DIR/toybox-invokes.txt

if [[ $1 == cpio ]] && [[ $2 == -F ]] ;
        echo ignoring toybox error >> $SCRIPT_DIR/toybox-invokes.txt
        $SCRIPT_DIR/toybox.real $* >> $SCRIPT_DIR/toybox-invokes.txt 2>&1
        exit 0

$SCRIPT_DIR/toybox.real $*

chmod 755 toybox

Now, sign the target files again. If all goes well, that should create a rooted boot.img with the correct signatures. You can check the avbtool-invokes.txt and rooting.txt files to see if everything went well. You can apply the factory image (which will wipe the phone), or the OTA update (no wipe) if you have a previous OS with the same keys.

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@ubergeek77 thanks. I'll wait a bit longer till this stuff is more stable.

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Has anybody gotten this to work for Android 14? I got it to work with 13, but no luck with 14 just yet.

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I've been waiting for a new release of canary, which includes the changes ubergeek77 mentioned as required. The release yesterday (26403) might work, so I'm going to try it soon (probably during the holidays). Any earlier release is highly unlikely to work, and you'll need ubergeek's improved script above.

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@dvdmle Yes, I have. Have you tried this with the fixes I mentioned were needed for Android 14?

Use the latest Canary build, updated just yesterday. It should work:

If you did all this, do you have logs or something that might point out what the issue is?

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Alright, good to know. I should also note that I constantly get this prompt, but any time I do what it tells me to do it bricks my phone.


I have a Pixel 5a.

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Did you ensure PREINITDEVICE is correct? The correct value is metadata on at least the Pixel 6 Pro and the Pixel 8 Pro, but I have no idea what it's supposed to be for the 5a.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what to suggest, apologies.

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devycarol commented Dec 15, 2023

I knew something was up with those args! As for PREINITDEVICE, it should just be 'boot,' right? Since boot.img has been what's been being modified all along? Wait, I've got it wrong. I have no idea what it's supposed to be.

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@dvdmle Read the comment I put in the script ;)

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DrMaxNix commented Feb 4, 2024

Just to provide some feedback: I got it working today on a Google Pixel 8 shiba with CalyxOS 5.3.2 and Magisk 26.4 (26400).
I used the newer script version by ubergeek77 which worked flawlessly. I got this popup on the first boot, but after I executed the requested reboot, it never popped up again. Root is working; I did not try Zygisk though.

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DrMaxNix commented Feb 21, 2024

For anyone using this method: Don't use the updater in the Magisk App. If you have OEM Unlocking disabled, this will brick your phone pretty badly (failing to boot, unable to reflash via fastboot due to locked bootloader, neither recovery, nor fastbootd working anymore). I had to learn the hard way. My advice is to always enable OEM Unlocking while tinkering with the bootloader.

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