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Created April 13, 2015 22:22
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Font Face mixin usage
// Font Face mixin usage (
// @include font-face($style-name, $file, $family, $category)
// $style-name being the name of the font e.g. Helvetica
// $file meaning the file name, without the file extensions
// $family being the folder inside the fonts folder where the font files are
// $category is serif or sans-serif or monospace etc. as a fall back in CSS
=font-face($style-name, $file, $family, $category: "", $weight: "", $style: "")
$filepath: $file + "/" + $family
font-family: '#{$style-name}'
src: url($filepath + ".eot")
src: url($filepath + ".eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url($filepath + ".woff") format("woff"), url($filepath + ".ttf") format("truetype"), url($filepath + ".svg#" + implode(explode($family,'-')) + "") format("svg")
@if $weight != ""
font-weight: #{$weight}
@if $style != ""
font-style: #{$style}
@if $category != ""
family: #{$style-name}, #{$category}
family: #{$style-name}
weight: normal
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