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pysubs2 - Convert subtitle with precision
import bisect
import json
import math
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import pysubs2
import pytest
import subprocess
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Dict, Type, Union, List
class TimeType(Enum):
class Timestamps:
"""Timestamps object contains informations about the timestamps of an video.
timestamps (List[int]): A list of [timestamps]( in milliseconds encoded as integers.
It represent each frame [presentation timestamp (PTS)](
set_from_timestamps (bool, optional): If True, then it will does some calculation related on the timestamps. If false, this means the object will approximate frame timestamps.
normalize (bool, optional): If True, it will shift the timestamps to make them start from 0. If false, the option does nothing.
"srt": 1, # milliseconds
"ass": 10, # centiseconds
"ssa": 10, # centiseconds
"json": 10, # centiseconds
"mpl2": 100, # deciseconds
"tmp": 10, # centiseconds
"vtt": 1, # milliseconds
timestamps: List[int]
denominator: int = 1000000000
numerator: int
last: int = 0
def __init__(
timestamps: List[int],
set_from_timestamps: bool = True,
normalize: bool = True,
self.timestamps = timestamps
if normalize:
self.timestamps = Timestamps.normalize(self.timestamps)
if set_from_timestamps:
self.numerator = int(
(len(self.timestamps) - 1)
* self.denominator
* 1000
/ self.timestamps[-1]
self.last = (len(self.timestamps) - 1) * self.denominator * 1000
def from_fps(
cls: Type["Timestamps"], fps: Union[int, float, Fraction]
) -> "Timestamps":
"""Create timestamps based on the `fps` provided.
Inspired by:
fps (positive int, float or Fraction): Frames per second.
An Timestamps instance.
if not 0 < fps <= 1000:
raise ValueError(
"Parameter 'fps' must be between 0 and 1000 (0 not included)."
timestamps = [0]
cls.numerator = int(fps * cls.denominator)
return cls(timestamps, False, False)
def from_timestamps_file(
cls: Type["Timestamps"], path_timestamps: str, normalize: bool = True
) -> "Timestamps":
"""Parse timestamps from a [timestamp file format v2]( and return them.
To extract the timestamps file, you can use [gMKVExtractGUI]( for .mkv file.
path_timestamps (str): Path for the timestamps file (either relative to your .py file or absolute).
normalize (bool): If True, it will shift the timestamps to make them start from 0. If false, the option does nothing.
An Timestamps instance.
# Getting timestamps absolute path and checking for its existance
if not os.path.isabs(path_timestamps):
dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
path_timestamps = os.path.join(dirname, path_timestamps)
if not os.path.isfile(path_timestamps):
raise FileNotFoundError(
f'Invalid path for the timestamps file: "{path_timestamps}"'
# Parsing timestamps
timestamps = []
with open(path_timestamps, "r") as f:
format_version = f.readline().strip().replace("timecode", "timestamp")
tf = "# timestamp format"
if format_version in [f"{tf} v1", f"{tf} v3", f"{tf} v4"]:
raise NotImplementedError(
f'The timestamps file "{path_timestamps}" is in a format not currently supported by PyonFX.'
if format_version != f"{tf} v2":
raise ValueError(
f'The timestamps file "{path_timestamps}" is not properly formatted.'
while line := f.readline().strip():
if line.startswith("#") or not line:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f'The timestamps file "{path_timestamps}" is not properly formatted.'
return cls(timestamps, normalize=normalize)
def from_video_file(
cls: Type["Timestamps"], video_path: str, index: int = 0, normalize: bool = True
) -> "Timestamps":
"""Create timestamps based on the `video_path` provided.
video (str): Video path.
index (int): Stream index of the video.
An Timestamps instance.
def get_pts(packets) -> List[int]:
pts: List[int] = []
for packet in packets:
pts.append(int(Decimal(packet["pts_time"]) * 1000))
return pts
# Verify if ffprobe is installed
if shutil.which("ffprobe") is None:
raise Exception("ffprobe is not in the environment variable.")
# Getting video absolute path and checking for its existance
if not os.path.isabs(video_path):
dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
video_path = os.path.join(dirname, video_path)
if not os.path.isfile(video_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Invalid path for the video file: "{video_path}"')
cmd = f'ffprobe -select_streams {index} -show_entries packet=pts_time:stream=codec_type "{video_path}" -print_format json'
ffprobeOutput =, capture_output=True, text=True)
ffprobeOutput = json.loads(ffprobeOutput.stdout)
if len(ffprobeOutput) == 0:
raise Exception(
f"The file {video_path} is not a video file or the file does not exist."
if len(ffprobeOutput["streams"]) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"The index {index} is not in the file {video_path}.")
if ffprobeOutput["streams"][0]["codec_type"] != "video":
raise ValueError(
f'The index {index} is not a video stream. It is an {ffprobeOutput["streams"][0]["codec_type"]} stream.'
timestamps = get_pts(ffprobeOutput["packets"])
return cls(timestamps, normalize=normalize)
def validate(timestamps: List[int]) -> None:
"""Verify that the provided timestamps are valid. Raising ValueError in case they are not.
Inspired by:
timestamps (list of int): A list of [timestamps]( encoded as integers.
if len(timestamps) <= 1:
raise ValueError("There must be at least 2 timestamps.")
if any(timestamps[i] > timestamps[i + 1] for i in range(len(timestamps) - 1)):
raise ValueError("Timestamps must be in non-decreasing order.")
if timestamps.count(timestamps[0]) == len(timestamps):
raise ValueError("Timestamps must not be all identical.")
def normalize(timestamps: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Shift the timestamps to make them start from 0. This way, frame 0 will start at time 0.
Inspired by:
timestamps (List[int]): A list of [timestamps]( encoded as integers.
The timestamps normalized.
if timestamps[0]:
return list(map(lambda t: t - timestamps[0], timestamps))
return timestamps
def get_time_format(format: str) -> int:
format (str): Format of the subtitle. Ex: "srt", "ass", etc...
The time format depending on milliseconds.
- If the format is in milliseconds, it will return 0.
- If the format is in centiseconds, it will return 10.
time_format = Timestamps.FORMAT_IDENTIFIER_TO_PRECISION.get(format, None)
if time_format == None:
raise ValueError(f"The format {format} is not currently supported")
return time_format
def ms_to_frames(
self, ms: int, time_type: TimeType = TimeType.EXACT, approximate: bool = True
) -> int:
"""Converts milliseconds to frames.
Inspired by:
ms (int): Milliseconds.
time_type (TimeType, optional): The type of the provided time (start/end).
approximate (bool, optional): If True and if the ms is under 0 or over the video length, it will approximate the frame.
The output represents ``ms`` converted into ``frames``.
if not approximate:
if ms < 0:
raise ValueError("You cannot specify an time under 0.")
elif ms > self.timestamps[-1]:
raise ValueError("You cannot specify an time over the video lenght.")
if time_type == TimeType.START:
return self.ms_to_frames(ms - 1) + 1
elif time_type == TimeType.END:
return self.ms_to_frames(ms - 1)
if ms < 0:
return int(int(ms * self.numerator / self.denominator - 999) / 1000)
elif ms > self.timestamps[-1]:
return (
ms * self.numerator
- int(self.numerator / 2)
- self.last
+ self.numerator
- 1
/ self.denominator
/ 1000
+ len(self.timestamps)
- 1
return bisect.bisect_right(self.timestamps, ms) - 1
def frames_to_ms(
frame: int,
format: str,
time_type: TimeType = TimeType.EXACT,
approximate: bool = True,
) -> int:
"""Converts frames to milliseconds.
Inspired by:
frame (int): Frame.
format (str): Subtitle format. Ex: "srt", "ass", "ssa", etc...
time_type (TimeType, optional): The type of the provided time (start/end).
approximate (bool, optional): If True and if the frame is under 0 or over the video length, it will approximate the ms.
The output represents ``frames`` converted into ``ms``.
if not approximate:
if frame < 0:
raise ValueError("You cannot specify a frame under 0.")
elif frame > len(self.timestamps) - 1:
raise ValueError(
"You cannot specify an image above what the video length."
if time_type == TimeType.START:
precision = Timestamps.get_time_format(format)
# Previous image excluded
prev_ms = self.frames_to_ms(frame - 1, format) + 1
# Current image inclued
curr_ms = self.frames_to_ms(frame, format)
prev_ms = math.ceil(prev_ms / precision) * precision
curr_ms = math.floor(curr_ms / precision) * precision
# We do an average of the previous frame and the current one, because there may be some difference between timestamps due to rounding error.
average = math.floor(((curr_ms - prev_ms) / 2) / precision) * precision
return prev_ms + average
elif time_type == TimeType.END:
precision = Timestamps.get_time_format(format)
# Current image excluded
curr_ms = self.frames_to_ms(frame, format) + 1
# Next image inclued
next_ms = self.frames_to_ms(frame + 1, format)
curr_ms = math.ceil(curr_ms / precision) * precision
next_ms = math.floor(next_ms / precision) * precision
# We do an average of the current frame and the next one, because there may be some difference between timestamps due to rounding error.
average = math.floor(((next_ms - curr_ms) / 2) / precision) * precision
return curr_ms + average
if frame < 0:
return int(frame * self.denominator * 1000 / self.numerator)
elif frame > len(self.timestamps) - 1:
frames_past_end = frame - len(self.timestamps) + 1
return int(
frames_past_end * 1000 * self.denominator
+ self.last
+ int(self.numerator / 2)
/ self.numerator
return self.timestamps[frame]
def convert_subs(
subs: pysubs2.ssafile.SSAFile, timestamps: Timestamps, output_path: str
"""Converts subtitle to another format with an highly precision on the time.
subs (pysubs2.ssafile.SSAFile): Subtitle.
timestamps (Timestamps): The timestamps of the original subtitle.
output_path (str): The converted subtitle output path.
The output represents ``frames`` converted in ``ms``.
output_format = pysubs2.formats.get_format_identifier(
for line in subs:
start_frame = timestamps.ms_to_frames(line.start, TimeType.START)
end_frame = timestamps.ms_to_frames(line.end, TimeType.END)
line.start = timestamps.frames_to_ms(start_frame, output_format, TimeType.START)
line.end = timestamps.frames_to_ms(end_frame, output_format, TimeType.END), format_=output_format)
def main():
video_path = r"VIDEO_PATH"
subs_input_path = r"SUBS_INPUT_PATH"
subs_output_path = r"SUBS_OUTPUT_PATH"
timestamps = Timestamps.from_video_file(video_path)
timestamps = Timestamps(timestamps)
subs = pysubs2.load(subs_input_path)
convert_subs(subs, timestamps, subs_output_path)
# Run test
def test_frames_to_ms():
timestamps = Timestamps([0, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003])
assert 0 > timestamps.frames_to_ms(-1, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 0 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(0, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 1000 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(1, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 1500 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(2, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2000 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(3, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2001 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(4, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2002 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(5, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2003 == timestamps.frames_to_ms(6, "srt", TimeType.EXACT)
assert timestamps.frames_to_ms(-1, "srt", TimeType.START) < timestamps.frames_to_ms(
0, "srt", TimeType.START
assert timestamps.frames_to_ms(0, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 0
assert 0 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(1, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 1000
assert 1000 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(2, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 1500
assert 1500 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(3, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 2000
assert 2000 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(4, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 2001
assert 2001 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(5, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 2002
assert 2002 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(6, "srt", TimeType.START) <= 2003
assert timestamps.frames_to_ms(-1, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 0
assert 0 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(0, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 1000
assert 1000 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(1, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 1500
assert 1500 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(2, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 2000
assert 2000 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(3, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 2001
assert 2001 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(4, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 2002
assert 2002 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(5, "srt", TimeType.END) <= 2003
assert 2003 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(6, "srt", TimeType.END)
# Test edge case
assert 0 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(0, "srt", TimeType.END, False) <= 1000
assert 2003 < timestamps.frames_to_ms(6, "srt", TimeType.END, False)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
timestamps.frames_to_ms(-1, "srt", TimeType.END, False)
assert str(exc_info.value) == "You cannot specify a frame under 0."
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
timestamps.frames_to_ms(7, "srt", TimeType.END, False)
assert (
== "You cannot specify an image above what the video length."
def test_ms_to_frames():
timestamps = Timestamps([0, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003])
assert 0 > timestamps.ms_to_frames(-2, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 0 > timestamps.ms_to_frames(-1, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 0 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(0, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 0 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(999, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 1 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1000, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 1 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1499, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1500, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1999, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 3 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2000, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 4 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2001, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 5 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2002, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 6 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2003, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 6 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2004, TimeType.EXACT)
assert 0 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(-2, TimeType.START)
assert 0 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(-1, TimeType.START)
assert 0 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(0, TimeType.START)
assert 1 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1, TimeType.START)
assert 1 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1000, TimeType.START)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1001, TimeType.START)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1500, TimeType.START)
assert 3 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1501, TimeType.START)
assert 3 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2000, TimeType.START)
assert 4 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2001, TimeType.START)
assert 5 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2002, TimeType.START)
assert 6 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2003, TimeType.START)
assert 7 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2004, TimeType.START)
assert 1 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1500, TimeType.END)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(1501, TimeType.END)
assert 2 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2000, TimeType.END)
assert 3 == timestamps.ms_to_frames(2001, TimeType.END)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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