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Last active January 4, 2024 20:12
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  • Save moimikey/9675739 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save moimikey/9675739 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. SDB Price Checker
# This is best when used in conjunction with the Injector chrome extension:
# Add this snippet of code and launch Chrome or Canary in no sec mode:
# alias chrome-nosec="open /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-web-security --disable-prompt-on-repost"
# alias canary-nosec="open /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ --args --disable-web-security --disable-prompt-on-repost"
# Then pretty much just keep your dev console open and everytime you visit a page in the SDB, the code will
# automatically reach out to the JellyNeo item database and tell you if anything in your SDB is worth over x nps.
# 21 messages are hidden by filters. Show all messages.
# Trying ... Creamy Cloud Ice Cream
# Trying ... Pant Devil Balloon
# Trying ... NeoQuest II Map Notebook
# ITEM: Red Ixi Toothbrush -- 2200 NP
# Trying ... 1/3 Tangy Tigersquash Omelette
# Trying ... Fresh Fruit Surprise Omelette
# Trying ... Gruslen Pop-Up Book
# Trying ... Peophin Bath Toy
# Trying ... Pull Along Peophin
# Trying ... Tangy Tigersquash Omelette
# Trying ... Maraquan Faerie Tales
# Trying ... Blue Neocola Token
# Trying ... Tigerbuggle Fruit Pancakes
# Trying ... Plastic Ring of Sloth
# Trying ... Sponge Grundo Sponge
# Trying ... Back In Peaceful Times
# Trying ... Non-Sticky Sticky Hand
# [...]
# 2014 / Michael Scott Hertzberg /
if window.location.pathname is '/safetydeposit.phtml'
console.log 'Scanning Safety Box...'
i = 0
min = 2000 # only alert for items worth over 2,000np
list = []
items = $('tr[bgcolor] td[align=left]:nth-child(2) b')
$.each items, (a, b) ->
root = $(this)
item = root.text().replace /\(.*?\)+/, ''
if item
list.push item
$.each list, (a, string) ->
url: "{string}&name_type=exact&desc=&cat=0&specialcat=0&status=0&rarity=0&sortby=name&numitems=1"
.done (res) -> "Trying ... #{string}"
price = +$(res).find('.itemstable td a:last').text().replace(RegExp(" NP"),'').replace(RegExp(","),'')
if price > min '%cITEM: ' + string + ' -- %c' + price + ' NP', 'color:blue;', 'color:red;'
if i is list.length '%c>>> FINISHED LIST', 'color:green;'
# BONUS: item gallery price checker
if window.location.pathname is '/gallery/index.phtml'
console.log 'Scanning Gallery...'
i = 0
list = []
items = $('b.textcolor')
$.each items, (a, b) ->
root = $(this)
item = root.text().replace /\(.*?\)+/, ''
if item
list.push item
$.each list, (a, string) ->
url: "{string}&name_type=exact&desc=&cat=0&specialcat=0&status=0&rarity=0&sortby=name&numitems=1"
.done (res) ->
price = +$(res).find('.itemstable td a:last').text().replace(RegExp(" NP"),'').replace(RegExp(","),'')
if price > 0 '%cITEM: ' + string + ' -- %c' + price + ' NP', 'color:blue;', 'color:red;'
if i is list.length '%c>>> FINISHED LIST', 'color:green;'
# i made aber and
# also an crombie fitch . . .
# just holla
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