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Created February 3, 2015 15:56
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npm: gulp-*
❯ npm s /\^gulp- htdocs/git/master
gulp-6to5 Turn ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime required =sindresorhus…
gulp-9-patch Utilities for android-9-patch images. =manse
gulp-a11y A Gulp plugin for a11y to run accessibility audits on html… =mpezzi
gulp-absolute Filter files by absolute path =jeromedecoster
gulp-absolute-image =spud
gulp-absurd AbsurdJS plugin for Gulp =krasimir
gulp-accord a unified interface to compiled javascript languages =jenius
gulp-acss gulp plugin for ACSS =morishitter
gulp-adapter Transform gulp plugin into standard javascript task. =yuanyan
gulp-add Add files by content at any point in the pipeline =hoho
gulp-add-src Add more 'src' files at any point in the pipeline (gulp… =urish
gulp-additem 追加文件入缓存流中 =colee 2014-03-1
gulp-adhoc Easily compose sequential and parallel task on the command… =ngconsulti
gulp-aggregate Keep track of received files and send them as a batch all… =andresberrios
gulp-aggressive-inline Gulp wrapper for aggressive-inline =joaojeronimo
gulp-aglio Port of aglio for gulp =nnnnathann
gulp-agnitio-templatecache Concatenates and registers HTML templates in the app.cache. =jofan
gulp-am-transport am-transport gulp plugin =semious
gulp-amd-bundler Make an AMD moudle and its relative depended moudles into… =webyom
gulp-amd-dependency Find out relative depended AMD module files by a AMD module… =webyom
gulp-amd-jst Compile underscore templates to a JST file using gulp.(… =blune68
gulp-amd-optimizer Emits the entire dependency tree of one or more AMD… =mariusgundersen
gulp-amdcheck Uses AST to find and remove unused dependencies in AMD… =mehdishojaei
gulp-amdclean A gulp wrapper for amdclean. =rstone770
gulp-amw-dest am-dest gulp plugin =semious
gulp-angular Opinionated domain driven AngularJs project builder based… =mcnull
gulp-angular-builder Gulp plugin to filter and include only necessary AngularJS… =jessezhang91
gulp-angular-compiler HTML compiler for angularify app =henrytao
gulp-angular-dep dynamic angular bower dependencies module =enricolucia
gulp-angular-dependency A gulp plugin which will retrieve files needed by angular… =ixday
gulp-angular-extender Extend AngularJS applications by injecting module… =mariocasciaro
gulp-angular-filesort Automatically sort AngularJS app files depending on module… =joakimbeng
gulp-angular-gettext Gulp plugin for extracting/compiling angular-gettext strings =gabegorelick
gulp-angular-gettext-annotate Gulp plugin for adding angular-gettext annotations to… =bartekn
gulp-angular-gettext-export-html Gulp plugin for parsing angular templates with… =bartekn
gulp-angular-htmlify Change your ng-attributes to data-ng-attributes for HTML5… =pgilad
gulp-angular-includes Opinionated gulp transform to create angularjs includes for… =seryl
gulp-angular-inject-module Add module as dependency Injection to a other. =nahody
gulp-angular-injector This module is meant to solve an annoying problem of… =alexgorbatchev
gulp-angular-module Allows for dynamic module extension =rossross
gulp-angular-modules Detects when you are adding a new `Angular.js` module into… =yagoferrer
gulp-angular-protractor Based on the gulp-protractor plugin with an option to start… =rochejul
gulp-angular-require-builder A Gulp plugin generates typescript code. The generated code… =kazup0n
gulp-angular-template Compile AngularJS one time binding expressions. =allenkim
gulp-angular-templatecache Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the… =mickel
gulp-angular-templatecache-ionic Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the… =adamshiervani
gulp-angular-templatecache-n3utrino Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the… =n3utrino
gulp-angular-templatecache-noconcat gulp angular templatecache noconcat =liutian
gulp-angular-templates AngularJS template assembler for Gulp.js =robbinhabermehl
gulp-angular-translate Concatenates and registers translations for… =robbinhabermehl
gulp-angular-workflow Gulp tasks that are commonly used to handle angular web… =chrisronline
gulp-api-log Log the gulp cli responses when consuming the api… =yoshuawuyts
gulp-apidoc RESTful web API Documentation Generator =cobaimelan
gulp-apidoc-to-markdown gulp-apidoc-to-markdown =agavish
gulp-apidocjs RESTful web API Documentation Generator =apriendeau =mschip…
gulp-apigen PHP ApiGen plugin for Gulp =nathanmac
gulp-appcache Generate HTML5 Cache Manifest files with relative path =sharique-hasan
gulp-append-data Append content of JSON file as property to currently… =backflip
gulp-appendit > work in progress =stefanbuck
gulp-apply-template Apply templates to file contents =zaim
gulp-applymin Replaces references to none optimized scripts ,… =calledt
gulp-archy Render a buffered files structures with archy =maetchkin
gulp-arialinter Gulp plugin for the accessibility tool AriaLinter =charca
gulp-article gulp plugin for parse vinyl and convert to article vinyl =jigsaw
gulp-article-archive gulp plugin for article archive =jigsaw
gulp-article-publish gulp plugin for article publish =jigsaw
gulp-article-rss gulp plugin for generate rss with markdown articles =jigsaw
gulp-artifactory-upload Gulp plugin to deploy files to a JFrog Artifactory server. =peteward44
gulp-artoo A gulp plugin to create artoo.js bookmarklets. =yomguithereal
gulp-as-css-imports Add CSS file with @import for all files in the stream =hoho
gulp-asar Gulp plugin to generate atom-shell asar archives. =bwin
gulp-asciidoctor asciidoctor to HTML =dongwq
gulp-aside Apply only to files that match pattern. =danestuckel
gulp-aspnet Gulp ASP.NET plugin =alxandr
gulp-aspnet-k Gulp plugin for ASP.NET vNext =tugberk
gulp-assemble Gulp plugin for Assemble. =jonschlinkert…
gulp-assemblyinfo AssemblyInfo.cs file generator plugin for gulp =chriscanal
gulp-asset Gulp module for managing asset revisions and using multiple… =benjaminpearson
gulp-asset-manifest gulp plugin for adding generated assets to a manifest file =vanjacosic
gulp-asset-pipeline Example of Asset Pipeline using Gulp =thelinuxlich
gulp-asset-transform A fully async Usemin-like Gulp library =================== =futurechan
gulp-assetpaths A Gulp plugin to change asset paths from one environment to… =qwales1
gulp-assets A plugin for Gulp that extracts the javascript and css… =kombucha =shinnn
gulp-assign-to-jade Assign file contents to the Jade template as a local… =shinnn
gulp-ast gulp js AST transformations =andyscott
gulp-aster aster binding for gulp =rreverser
gulp-async-func-runner A gulp task for running asynchronous functions. =cellarise
gulp-atom A gulp plugin for atom-shell distribute applications. =xeodou
gulp-atom-shell gulp plugin for packaging Atom Shell applications =joaomoreno
gulp-atomicscss A plugin for Gulp that takes text, scans for class… =interneterik
gulp-audit Generates an audit trail for minified builds with build… =azakus
gulp-auto-emblem Gulp task for Emblem.js templates with Ember (Plain module) =indream
gulp-autocompletion-zsh Autocompletion support for your gulp.js tasks (zsh). =akoenig
gulp-autopolyfiller Autopolyfiller plugin for Gulp. =azproduction
gulp-autoprefixer Prefix CSS =sindresorhus…
gulp-autowatch Sugar for reusing a paths object to watch and run gulp tasks =fractal
gulp-aws AWS S3 plugin for Gulp =spreaker
gulp-aws-s3 AWS S3 plugin for Gulp =stanislaw-glogowski
gulp-awslambda A Gulp plugin for publishing your package to AWS Lambda =willyg302
gulp-awspublish gulp plugin to publish files to amazon s3 =pgherveou
gulp-awspublish-router Define your build sources in HTML. =jussi-kalliokoski
gulp-azure-storage Gulp plugin to download and upload files to/from the Azure… =joaomoreno
gulp-backpack Collect all the classic gulp's dependencies you need in one… =maximet
gulp-backtrace Backtrace =webyom
gulp-bailey a gulp plugin to compile bailey.js =relekang
gulp-balmung Gulp plugin to run balmung image optimizer. =hakashun
gulp-base-files This is a poorly written, poorly maintained hack that I've… =za_creature
gulp-base64 gulp task to encode images to data URI =wenqer
gulp-baseimg Convert images to dataUri-stylesheet =sunify
gulp-bash-completion ## Simple Usage =scivey
gulp-basswork Gulp wrapper for Basswork =jxnblk
gulp-batch Event batcher for gulp-watcher =floatdrop
gulp-batch-replace A batch string/regexp replace plugin for gulp =metrime
gulp-batman-templates Turn HTML files into JS code to preload batman.js templates =rmosolgo
gulp-beautify Asset beautification using node-beautify =fractal
gulp-behat Behat plugin for Gulp =codedungeon
gulp-belch > A gulp wrapper for the popular… =chmontgomery
gulp-belongs-to plugin for adding parents of included files to stream =garmash
gulp-bem BEM toolset for gulp =floatdrop
gulp-bem-debug Debug utility for BEM objects =floatdrop
gulp-bem-js-pack Packing CommonJS modules in BEM-compatible way =floatdrop
gulp-bem-pack Packing CommonJS modules in BEM-compatible way =floatdrop
gulp-bemjson Gulp plugin for process bemjson to html =molforp
gulp-beml HTML preprocessor for BEM =zenwalker
gulp-bench Run performance benchmark tests =hiddentao
gulp-bench-summary Display gulp-bench results in nice table view =ai
gulp-benchmark Benchmark test runner for gulp with full control on input… =vportnov
gulp-bg Spawn a process in the background =litek
gulp-bh Gulp plugin for BH rendering =floatdrop
gulp-bintray A gulp task for uploading files to Bintray =frankwallis
gulp-bird bird-v2 =ccxsungodzzx
gulp-biscotto A Gulp-friendly module to generate… =adam-lynch
gulp-blade Blade plugin for gulp ( =stevelacy
gulp-bladephp blade (laravel) template engine =xash
gulp-blanket-mocha Execute blanket coverage on Mocha tests =dylanb
gulp-blaze Blaze compiler simplifies building security rules for… =diwank
gulp-bless CSS post-processor which splits CSS files suitably for… =adam-lynch
gulp-blink Gulp plugin for Blink. =jedmao
gulp-bliss Compile Bliss templates with gulp. =ngconsulti
gulp-blog a gulp Plugin for use github-pages set up blog =qingo
gulp-bolt-tpl convert medley type templates =jlof
gulp-bookmarkify Minify files with UglifyJS. =coldlogic
gulp-bootlint A gulp wrapper for Bootlint, the HTML linter for Bootstrap… =tschortsch
gulp-bootsie Gulp plugin for Bootsie =cmyklove
gulp-borschik Borschik plugin for gulp =doochik
gulp-bower Install Bower packages. =alexander.zonov
gulp-bower-deps Easily describe your bower dependencies =tardyp
gulp-bower-dist Fix bower_component paths for distribution =potch
gulp-bower-files Build gulp.src() of your bower packages main files. =cknoetschke
gulp-bower-normalize Takes a list of bower files and normalizes them by as… =cthrax
gulp-bower-source Build object of your bower packages main files. =mariust
gulp-bower-src gulp-src bower files =bclozel
gulp-bower2 Install Bower packages. =fronter-as
gulp-brace-tags Brace Tags Gulp plugin (wrapper for command line… =cabrera
gulp-brass Build RPM package =monai
gulp-brass-npm Helpers for packaging npm packages with gulp-brass =monai
gulp-brfs fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner with gulp =stayradiated
gulp-browatchify Browserify + Watchify the gulp way. =tounano
gulp-browserify Bundle modules with Browserify =deepak_robo
gulp-browserify-library-seed This is a Kickstarter or a Seed project to use to build… =mgonto
gulp-browserify-mangle Mangles browserify require strings in final bundle to… =yamalight
gulp-browserify-protect hide window.require and window.define from browserify… =mathisonian
gulp-browserify-task browserify task generator for gulp =hshn
gulp-browserify-thin A very thin extension of Browserify that overrides the… =bluejeansandrain
gulp-browserify-wrap Gulp plugin that allows the use of browserify transforms in… =call-a3
gulp-browserify2 browserify recipe wrapper as a gulp task =chmanie
gulp-buddha Buddha's grace illuminates code as sunshine =materliu
gulp-buddy.js Gulp plugin for running buddy.js =semigradsky
gulp-buffer Make sure all gulp file contents are available as buffer =jeromew
gulp-build Build files for different environments by swapping in… =tjeastmond
gulp-build-branch Publish a folder to the given build branch (like gh-pages). =neoeno
gulp-bump Bump npm versions with Gulp ( =stevelacy
gulp-bundle Parse build blocks in HTML to concatenate JavaScript and… =jonkemp
gulp-bundle-assets Create asset (js, css) bundles from a config file… =chmontgomery
gulp-bundle-assets-express-middleware Express middleware for gulp-bundle-assets =chmontgomery
gulp-bundle-manifest generates a manifest file from a list of input files =naltatis
gulp-bust Gulp cache busting with development or production mappings =mattyod
gulp-buster Cache buster hashes generator for gulp. Blazing fast and… =ult_combo
gulp-busterjs BusterJS runner for gulp =sdepold
gulp-bytediff Compare file sizes before and after your gulp build process. =beneb
gulp-cache A cache proxy task for Gulp =jgable
gulp-cache-breaker Gulp utility for cache busting. =codeviking
gulp-cache-bust Append a query string to your assets to bust that cache! =furzeface
gulp-cache-manifest Generate HTML5 Cache Manifest files =sharique-hasan
gulp-cachebust Generates checksums and renames references to files, useful… =josiah
gulp-cached A simple in-memory file cache for gulp =fractal
gulp-callback GULP PIPE CALLBACK =oliverfoster
gulp-capnp-text2json Convert Capnproto's text dump format to JSON. =popham
gulp-casperjs Gulp plugin for running CasperJS scripts =zayec77
gulp-cat Echo file(s) to the console. =beneb
gulp-cdn-absolute-path A gulp plugin for replacing local path with cdn absolute… =anhulife
gulp-cdn-ref change urls in css/js files to cdn-based version =lisposter
gulp-cdn-replace gulp-cdn-replace ================ =jarvisjiang
gulp-cdnizer A gulp plugin for replacing local links with CDN links,… =overzealous
gulp-cex-utils utilities for building cex application =ticaasd =clokze…
gulp-cfx Packe Firefox Add-ons in the pipeline. =evanxd
gulp-change allow file content manipulations =marcopeg
gulp-changed Only pass through changed files =sindresorhus
gulp-changed-files Compares files from stream, with files from target folder.… =chandru9279
gulp-changed-old Only pass through changed files =ground5hark
gulp-channels All your pipe are belong to us =mgcrea
gulp-check Gulp plugin to detect illegal expressions =nicholasboll
gulp-check-constants Find numbers that should be extracted as a declaration… =pgilad
gulp-check-file-naming-convention A plugin for Gulp =hakashun
gulp-check-unused-css Checks your CSS for unused classes in HTML templates =npiccolotto
gulp-cheerio Manipulate HTML and XML files with Cheerio in Gulp. =kenpowers
gulp-chitose gulp chitose =kawax
gulp-chmod Change permissions of Vinyl files =sindresorhus
gulp-chokidar Awesome Gulp Watcher =trysound
gulp-chown Change ownership of Vinyl files =sindresorhus
gulp-chrome-manifest usemin for chrome manifest.json =magnifismail
gulp-chug Run external gulpfiles as part of a gulp task inside… =robatron
gulp-cirru-html Gulp plugin compiling Cirru-HTML to HTML =jiyinyiyong
gulp-cirru-script Gulp plugin of CirruScript compiler =jiyinyiyong
gulp-cjs =netroy =bwindels
gulp-cjsx 'Coffee-react module for GulpJs' =mtscout6
gulp-class-prefix Add a class prefix to further sandbox CSS styling for… =johno
gulp-clean A gulp plugin for removing files and folders. =petervilja
gulp-clean-css Minify files with CleanCSS =radmen
gulp-clean-dest A gulp plugin for removing files from the dest directory… =clark800
gulp-clean-old A gulp plugin for removing files and folders. =ground5hark
gulp-clean-sketch Cleanup Sketch SVG files =ooflorent
gulp-clean-ts-extends In compiled TypeScript files remove all __extends… =rauluranga
gulp-cleancss Gulp task to minify CSS styles with clean-css =mgcrea
gulp-cleanhtml Removes unneeded whitespaces, line-breaks, comments, etc… =hemanth
gulp-cli The streaming build system =fractal =phated
gulp-clientappcompile Gulp tasks for compiling all js into one single file. Based… =arron
gulp-clientjade Compile Client Jade templates =antonded
gulp-clip-empty-files Clip empty files from stream. =nahody
gulp-clipboard A gulp plugin to copy the content of your file to the… =duivvv
gulp-clone Clone files in memory in a gulp stream =mariocasciaro
gulp-closure Closure Compiler for gulp and other vinyl streams =terinjokes
gulp-closure-compiler Gulp plugin for Google Closure Compiler =sindresorhus…
gulp-closure-compiler-old Gulp plugin for Google Closure Compiler =ground5hark
gulp-closure-compiler-service Gulp plugin to the Google Closure compiler service =gavinhungry
gulp-closure-deps A gulp.js port of Google Closure library =steida
gulp-closure-dicontainer DI Container for Google Closure with automatic registration… =steida
gulp-closurecompiler The ClosureCompiler.js Gulp Task =julianxhokaxhiu
gulp-closurizer A gulp plugin for the Google Closure Compiler =wolfendale
gulp-cloudfiles A plugin for Gulp that uploads files to rackspace cloudfiles =pieceoftoast
gulp-cloudflare A plugin for Gulp =miteshsondhi
gulp-cloudfront > Updates the Default Root Object of a CloudFront… =smysnk
gulp-cmd-cct ported from grunt-cmd-cct =blune68
gulp-cmd-concat ported from grunt-cmd-concat =bentz
gulp-cmd-nice another cmd transport for gulp =magicsky…
gulp-cmd-transport ported from grunt-cmd-transpor. =bentz
gulp-cmd-trs ported from gulp-cmd-trs. =blune68
gulp-coco Compile coco to JavaScript with gulp =stevelacy
gulp-cocostudio-unusedtextures =dengzhao
gulp-cod gulp plugin for cod =namuol
gulp-codeception PHP Codeception plugin for Gulp =codedungeon
gulp-codetrack codeTrack gulp plugin =kunhualqk
gulp-coffee Compile CoffeeScript files =fractal
gulp-coffee-istanbul Istanbul coffee and js unit test coverage plugin for gulp. =duereg
gulp-coffee-react Compile CoffeeScript & React files =cheft
gulp-coffee-react-transform gulp coffee react transform =markwithers
gulp-coffee2closure gulp plugin fixing CoffeeScript compiled output for Google… =steida
gulp-coffeeify Gulp task for browserify with coffee-script. =nariyu
gulp-coffeekup CoffeeKup plugin for gulp =kmtr
gulp-coffeelint Lint your CoffeeScript using gulp and CoffeeLint =janraasch
gulp-coffeelint-threshold A GulpJS plugin to catch the output from gulp-coffeelint… =adam-lynch
gulp-cog Builds a list of includes in a similar way to snockets or… =coen-hyde
gulp-cola ColaScript compiler plugin for Gulp. =dangreen
gulp-collate Take all files from gulp.src, collate/rename all files to… =oliver.foster
gulp-collections [![Build… =alexsomeoddpilot
gulp-colorguard Keep a watchful eye on your css colors. =pgilad
gulp-combine-media-queries Combine matching media queries into one media query… =konitter
gulp-combine-mq Gulp plugin for node-combine-mq =spacedawwwg…
gulp-combo html scripts, links combo for gulp =paulguo
gulp-command Use Commander-CLI options in Gulp for passing Command line… =joelcoxokc
gulp-command-task Execute command line processes from a gulp task (have it… =seanpkps
gulp-comment-debug comment-debug plugin for gulp =turing
gulp-common Gulp common =gideonairex
gulp-common-wrap Add commonjs wrapper =retrofox
gulp-commonjs Wrap files with a commonjs wrapper =chraz
gulp-compass Compile Compass files =appleboy
gulp-compass-compile gulp-compass-compile ==================== =noyobo
gulp-compass-imagehelper gulp plugin for providing the compass imagehelper functions… =phlppschrr
gulp-compassn Compile Compass to CSS using compass-node =miniflycn
gulp-compile Gulp filter for compiling templates into JS source code. =komputerwiz
gulp-compile-handlebars Compile Handlebars templates to file - gulp plugin =kaanon
gulp-compile-js Gulp plugin to compile a file into a JavaScript… =kmalakoff
gulp-complexity A JavaScript complexity analysis gulp task =alexeyraspopov
gulp-component Component build plugin for Gulp =yyx990803
gulp-component-assembler gulp-component-assembler is a gulp plug-in that assembles… =collinsmg
gulp-component-build gulp plugin for build component. =hrsh7th
gulp-component-builder component build plugin for gulp =ooflorent
gulp-component-helper A way to help ensure the common tasks are consistent across… =peter-mouland
gulp-component-loader Loads files defined in component.json an pipes them into… =philjs
gulp-component-resolver A gulp plugin to pipe files resolved from a component.json =frankwallis
gulp-component-updater Gulp-friendly module to auto add/delete files in your… =yyx990803
gulp-composer Install composer packages =cyberdummy
gulp-compressor A gulp plugin for compressor(minify) html,js and css. =steel1990
gulp-concat Concatenates files =fractal
gulp-concat-callback Concatenates files =ekino
gulp-concat-css Concatenate css files, rebasing urls and inlining @import =mariocasciaro
gulp-concat-filenames Similar to concat, but creates a file with a list of… =the_simian
gulp-concat-json A plugin for Gulp to combine several JSON files =itrulia
gulp-concat-json2 Concatenates JSON files =oliver.foster
gulp-concat-json2js Concat JS files from a JSON array =xethron
gulp-concat-limit Concatenates files into as few files as possible without… =adam-lynch
gulp-concat-po A plugin for .po files concatenation =justblackbird
gulp-concat-script Parses js files, finds `document.write('<script… =wenzhixin
gulp-concat-sourcemap Concatenate files and generate a source map file =mikach
gulp-concat-sourcemap-bom Concatenate files and generate a source map file. Remove BOM =cwmacdon
gulp-concat-util Gulp task to concat, prepend, append or transform files =mgcrea
gulp-concat-vendor Concatenates external libraries installed by Bower and… =patrickpietens
gulp-cond Ternary operator for Gulp. =nfroidure
gulp-confidence a gulp plugin for confidenceJS =kingles
gulp-config Provides Grunt like config support to gulp =indieisaconcept
gulp-config-checker Checks a given config file against a config template for… =thomastuts
gulp-config-sync Synchronize version, name, description, keywords... in each… =danlevan
gulp-confirm Abort or continue the tasks flow according to an answer to… =anseki
gulp-conflict Check if files in stream conflict with those in target dir,… =joakimbeng
gulp-conkitty Compile Conkitty Templates =hoho
gulp-connect Gulp plugin to run a webserver (with LiveReload) =avevlad
gulp-connect-multi A fork of gulp-connect with multiple servers support =rifat
gulp-connect-php Starts a php server =micahblu
gulp-consolidate Template engine consolidation for gulp =timrwood
gulp-consolidate-render A library for compiling and rendering via Consolidate.js =alexsomeoddpilot
gulp-content-cache Gulp plugin that caches the result of heavy operations =mogstad
gulp-content-includer include files =qinjia
gulp-continuous-concat Continuously concatenates files (makes gulp-watch useful… =davewasmer
gulp-contribs Give your open-source contributors some credit -… =shakyshane
gulp-convert Gulp plugin to convert to or from JSON, YAML, XML, PLIST or… =doowb
gulp-convert-encoding Convert files from one encoding to another using iconv-lite. =heldinz
gulp-converter-tjs Converts new type of OpenCV HaarCascade xml data to… =cirocosta
gulp-cookbook A collection of frequently used gulp recipes grouped into a… =klaascuvelier
gulp-cooker a internal build tool =exolution
gulp-copy Plugin copying files to a new destination and using that… =janrywang
gulp-copy-ext copy =tianzhiqing
gulp-copyright =gdi2290
gulp-cordova-bump Bump cordova package version =michaeltaylor3d
gulp-cordovacli Wraps a web application as a hybrid app with Apache Cordova… =rcsole
gulp-cortex-handlebars-compiler Gulp task builder for cortex-handlebars-compiler =kael
gulp-cortex-html-sauce gulp task for cortex-html-sauce =villadora
gulp-cortex-jade-mixins Common jade mixins for cortex projects. =kael
gulp-count count files in vinyl streams =giladgray
gulp-coverage Instrument and generate code coverage independent of test… =dylanb
gulp-coverage_output Instrument and generate code coverage independent of test… =glenn.abrahamsen
gulp-coveralls Gulp plugin to submit code coverage to Coveralls =markdalgleish
gulp-cram Assemble resources using cujoJS cram =bclozel
gulp-crash-sound Play a WAV or MP3 when gulp crashes =zacbarton
gulp-crass Css optimize =cobaimelan
gulp-crc32 gulp-crc32 =tree.xie
gulp-crx Packe Chrome Extension in the pipeline. =evanxd
gulp-crystal gulp tools for crystal build =youngjay
gulp-cs-helper A module to demonstrate a typical Coffeescript gulp… =greghart
gulp-cslint gulp plugin for eslint your coffee-script source =geta6
gulp-cson Parse cson with gulp =stevelacy
gulp-cson-safe Parse cson with gulp =drampelt
gulp-css Minify css with clean-css. =karoo
gulp-css-base64 Gulp's task for transform all resources found in a CSS into… =zckrs
gulp-css-cache-bust Add query to CSS for cache buster. =minodisk
gulp-css-combo > Lorem ipsum =daxingplay
gulp-css-condense A gulp plugin for the CSS compressor that shows no mercy. =beneb
gulp-css-description =qingo
gulp-css-file2base64 Gulp plugin. Adds a function file2base64 in css. =liderman
gulp-css-flip A CSS BiDi flipper gulpjs plugin based on css-flip package =itaymesh
gulp-css-flipper Gulp plugin for Twitter's css-flip - a CSS BiDi flipper =bobnisco
gulp-css-globbing A Gulp plugin for globbing CSS @import statements =jsahlen
gulp-css-grayscale Grayscale for css =tomekf
gulp-css-image A plugin for Gulp =lexich
gulp-css-image-dimensions image-height and image-width functions for CSS =kaesetoast
gulp-css-inline-images A wrapper to use css-inline-images in the Gulp task runner =driebit
gulp-css-purge Purges duplicate CSS rules. Based on… =ajkochanowicz
gulp-css-rebase-urls Rebase relative image URLs =kimjoar
gulp-css-rework-url rework css font and img url =itbeihe
gulp-css-scss Gulp plugin for converting CSS to Scss. =johno
gulp-css-sprite CSS Sprite with spritesmith =minodisk
gulp-css-spriter Sprite Sheet Generation from CSS source files. The best and… =mlm
gulp-css-statistics =jxnblk
gulp-css-str2base64 Gulp plugin. Adds a function str2base64 in css. =liderman
gulp-css-target Gulp helpers for Toolkit… =snugug
gulp-css-url CSS Sprite with spritesmith =minodisk
gulp-css-url-adjuster Adjust urls inside css =relaxation
gulp-css-url-versioner A gulp plugin for versioning the CSS property: url =jansanchez
gulp-css-urlversion A plugin for gulp.js to inline an md5-based version of… =gothy
gulp-css-validator Gulp port of the node css-validator plugin =mgmeyers
gulp-css-whitespace Converts white-space significant CSS to normal CSS =rschmukler
gulp-css2js Convert CSS into JavaScript. Works with buffers and streams. =fidian
gulp-cssabsoluteurl 将css中的相对路径转化为绝对路径 =yangruting 2014-09-24 0.0
gulp-cssbeautify Reindent and reformat CSS =jonkemp
gulp-csscomb CSScomb is a coding style formatter for CSS. =koistya
gulp-csscomb-lint Lint CSS coding style with CSScomb =matmuchrapna
gulp-csscss gulp plugin for running csscss =morishitter
gulp-cssfont64 Encode base64 data from font-files and store the result in… =247even
gulp-cssimg handle background images for css =sorrycc
gulp-cssimport Parses css files, finds `@import` directive and includes… =iamthes
gulp-cssjoin Extend and join css @import loaded file =suisho
gulp-csslint CSSLint plugin for gulp =lazd
gulp-csslint-filereporter File reporter for the gulp-csslint module =defoil
gulp-csslint-report Glup plugin to generate HTML report from the csslint results =cackharot
gulp-csslint-sourcemap-reporter Console reporter adjusting error location by source map for… =orgachem
gulp-csslint-teamcity TeamCity Reporter for gulp-csslint =chunkysamurai
gulp-cssmin minify css using gulp =chilijung
gulp-cssnext Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today, using cssnext via Gulp =bloodyowl =moox
gulp-csso Minify CSS with CSSO. =beneb
gulp-csso-fix-in-csso215 Minify CSS with CSSO. =marimax
gulp-cssretarget Retarget relative CSS URLs during asset rebasing. =soncodi
gulp-cssshrink Run CSS through cssshrink =torrottum
gulp-cssstats Gulp plugin for CSS Stats =jxnblk
gulp-csstojs Compiles CSS files into JS that can be loaded on demand via… =dzearing
gulp-cssurl A plugin to systematically replace URLs in CSS code =alexandref93
gulp-cssurl-rev gulp task to rewirte urls inside stylesheet width reversion =calledt
gulp-csv2json csv to json using gulp =chilijung
gulp-ctags ctags plugin for gulp =daylilyfield
gulp-cubebox =xhowhy
gulp-cucumber Gulp task for running cucumber.js features =vgamula
gulp-cwebp Convert JPG and PNG images to WebP with gulp task. =1000ch
gulp-dalek Run Dalek tests =mattcreager
gulp-data Generate a data object from a variety of sources: json,… =colynb
gulp-data-json Loads JSON data from companion files and stores it in… =kflorence
gulp-data-matter Extracts front-matter from files and stores it in =kflorence
gulp-data-module Wrap any JS value into an ES6 module. The gulp way. =tomekwi
gulp-data-uri convert imgs from css to datauri =versoul
gulp-data-uri-stream gulp streaming module to convert generic input to a data uri =wittnl
gulp-david David plugin for Gulp.js, the streaming build system. =cedx
gulp-db Manage databases with gulp =mmalov
gulp-debug Debug vinyl file streams =sindresorhus
gulp-declare Safely declare namespaces and set their properties =lazd
gulp-decompress Extract TAR, TAR.BZ2, TAR.GZ and ZIP archives =kevva
gulp-decorate-index decorate-index plugin for Gulp =matsutakefungus
gulp-dedupe Check for duplicates in the stream and filter them or throw… =hoho
gulp-defeatureify Remove specially flagged feature blocks and debug… =jas
gulp-define-module gulp.js plugin for creating modules =wbyoung
gulp-defs Gulp plugin for static scope analysis and transpilation of… =efrafa
gulp-deleted The gulp plugin `gulp-deleted` allows you to remove files… =oliver.foster
gulp-delta Only pass through changed files by comparing buffer contents =stolksdorf
gulp-dependency-visualizer Gulp plugin for js-dependency-visualizer =1000ch
gulp-deploy-azure-cdn Gulp plugin for uploading files to Azure Blob Storage =bestander
gulp-deporder Reorder by dependencies =mkleehammer
gulp-deps Get the complete list of a files dependencies =ashaffer88
gulp-deps-order Sorts files in stream by dependencies using @requires… =nevyk
gulp-derequire A Gulp plugin to apply derequire to target Buffer/Stream =twada
gulp-dereserve gulp plugin to replace ES3 reserved keyword indentifiers =teppeis
gulp-dest Gulp plugin for easily defining destination paths. =jonschlinkert
gulp-dev Toggle html comments so that you can enable functionality… =ryannolson
gulp-develop-server run node.js server and automatically restart for your… =narirou
gulp-developerconsole A Gulp plugin that injects a console presenting test… =elifa
gulp-devtools Gulp integration with Chrome Dev Tools =niki4810
gulp-diff Show diffs for files in the stream against those in a… =diff_sky
gulp-digest-versioning Property merge =webyom
gulp-dir-sync Synchronizing directories plugin for Gulp. =nariyu
gulp-dir2module Creates a single browserify/commonjs module that includes… =mquinnv
gulp-directive-replace A gulp task to replace templateUrl by html template =brunobertolini
gulp-directory-map Convert a buffer of files into a JSON representation of the… =masondesu
gulp-directory-sync A gulp plugin to sync 2 directories which actually works. =peteward44
gulp-distributor Plugin for creating various distributions of a package =michaelherndon
gulp-dmd gulp plugin for dwarf build =miniflycn
gulp-do Directory-based, promisified task management for Gulp =acdlite
gulp-docco A docco plugin for Gulp =dmp
gulp-document-write Merge script file by document.write =javey
gulp-dogen a fast & easy scaffold cli for any development (based on… =orizens
gulp-doggy New gulp-jsdoc modified by myself =kevinkuang
gulp-dom Gulp plugin for generic DOM manipulation =trygve
gulp-dom-src Create a gulp stream from script/link tags in an HTML file. =cgross
gulp-domly DOMly plugin for gulp =lazd
gulp-dot Gulp plugin to ompile doT.js templates. =vohof
gulp-dot-precompiler Gulp plugins for precompilation of doT template engine. =kentliau
gulp-dot2cjs A gulp plugin which precompiles doT templates to CommonJS… =jacquesw
gulp-dotdot Gulp plugin for transforming notation to… =bahmutov
gulp-dotify Gulp plugin for precompilation of doT templates. =titarenko
gulp-dotjs-packer Dotjs packer for Gulp.js =xquezme
gulp-dotjsify Gulp plugin to preompile doT.js templates =sergey.shpak
gulp-dotnet-assembly-info Gulp plugin for editing .NET assembly info files. =hcoverlambda
gulp-download Gulp plugin for downloading files via http/https. =metrime
gulp-download-atom-shell gulp plugin to download atom-shell =ronn
gulp-dox A plugin for Gulp =cobaimelan
gulp-dox-foundation Gulp plugin to transform js to dox-foundation html. =tracker1
gulp-doxdox Provides Doxdox support for gulp =simplyianm
gulp-doxx Doxx documentation generator for gulp =filipovsky
gulp-drafts Gulp plugin for skipping files marked as drafts. =jonschlinkert
gulp-dss A plugin for Gulp to generate UI documentation with DSS… =jaysoo
gulp-dss-extra gulp plug-in to parse DSS with extra annotations =paulwib
gulp-dum-tpl A gulp plugin wrapping the DUM templating library. =koglerjs
gulp-dummy-json Creates dummy test json data from dummy-json templates… =jsbuzz
gulp-duo Gulp plugin to run duo =sergeyt
gulp-duojs > compile duojs =yelo
gulp-durandal A gulp plugin for building durandaljs projects. =danikenan =vzaidman
gulp-duration Track the duration of parts of your gulp tasks =hughsk
gulp-dust Precompile Dust templates =sindresorhus
gulp-dust-compile-render A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a… =cellarise
gulp-dust-html Render dust templates in HTML =framp
gulp-dust-render Render Dust templates. =popham
gulp-dustin Gulp plugin for dustin =tunderdomb
gulp-dwebp Convert WebP images to PNG with gulp task. =1000ch
gulp-dynamic A plugin to import fragmented files within other =alexandref93
gulp-dynamo Helps you generate your gulp.js file, so you can… =tcarlsen
gulp-easy-ui-component Let's easy create UI Component. =maplejan
gulp-eco Precompile ECO templates into JavaScript =fluxsaas
gulp-eco-template Render eco templates within gulp tasks =macario
gulp-ect Gulp plugin to compile ect.js template engine. =avevlad
gulp-ect-compile Gulp plugin to compile ect.js templates. =fluxsaas
gulp-ect-simple Gulp plugin to compile ect.js template engine. =muniere
gulp-edit Edit files with gulp =fritx =simevidas
gulp-edit-xml Gulp plugin for editing xml files =vkbansal
gulp-ejs A plugin for Gulp that parses ejs template files =rogeriopvl
gulp-ejs-precompiler A plugin for gulp that precompiles ejs templates =churpeau
gulp-ejs-template Precompile EJS templates to a JS file. =zensh
gulp-elasticsearch-indexer Index json documents in Elastic Search with Gulp =josiah
gulp-elixir-cssmin Elixir minify css extensions =jeffreyvdb
gulp-elm elm compiler for Gulp =philopon
gulp-email A gulp plugin to send emails with or without attachments… =jansanchez
gulp-email-marketing-helper A Gulp task for generating HTML with inline CSS(compiled… =thelinuxlich
gulp-embedlr A gulp plugin for embedding a livereload snippet into html… =mollerse
gulp-ember-emblem Gulp task for Emblem.js templates with Ember =wbyoung
gulp-ember-handlebars Ember Handlebars plugin for gulp =jonbuffington
gulp-ember-handlebarz Ember Handlebars plugin for gulp =toranb
gulp-ember-order Reorder a stream of files based on their ember dependencies. =s1985
gulp-ember-rocks-traceur A Gulp plugin. Compile ES6 script on the fly using… =alexferreira
gulp-ember-template-compiler A gulp plugin that precompiles Handlebars templates for… =gaucs
gulp-ember-templates Gulp plugin for compiling emberjs templates =swelham
gulp-emblem Emblem.js plugin for gulp =silvinci
gulp-empty Gulp task that does not do something =garfieldius
gulp-encrypt A simple gulp plugin to encrypt files =charliedowler
gulp-enhanced-vulcanize gulp enhanced vulcanize =limingv5
gulp-entity-convert Converts Unicode characters to HTML and CSS entities =louh
gulp-env Add env vars from a .env file to your process.env =russmatney
gulp-enyo-builder build enyo applications and components with gulpjs =dmikeyanderson
gulp-eol Replace or append EOL end of file =fritx
gulp-es3ify Gulp plugin to convert ES5 syntax to be ES3-compatible =jussi-kalliokoski
gulp-es6-module-bundler Compiles your ES6 modules into one single bundle =fesor
gulp-es6-module-jstransform Transpile ES6 modules to CommonJS with… =schnittstabil
gulp-es6-module-to-closure compile ES6 import/export to goog.require/goog.provide =jinjor
gulp-es6-module-transpiler Gulp plugin for the ES6 Module Transpiler =ryanseddon
gulp-es6-node-module A gulp wrapper for the es6-node-module library, intended to… =christyharagan
gulp-es6-transpiler Transpile ES6 to ES5 =sindresorhus
gulp-es6mt Gulp plugin for the ES6 Module Transpiler =rkusa
gulp-es6to5 Transpile ES6 code to ES5 without runtime =churpeau
gulp-escodegen Generate JS from ASTs w/ escodegen =dtao
gulp-escomplex Code complexity module for Gulp using escomplex =jerrysievert
gulp-escomplex-reporter-html HTML Reporter for gulp-escomplex =jerrysievert
gulp-escomplex-reporter-json JSON Reporter for gulp-escomplex =jerrysievert
gulp-esformatter Beautify JavaScript code with esformatter =sindresorhus
gulp-eslint A gulp plugin for processing files with eslint =adametry =shinnn
gulp-esmangle gulp plugin for esmangle minifying task =constellation
gulp-esnext Transform next-generation JavaScript to today's JavaScript =sindresorhus
gulp-esperanto Gulp plugin to transpile ES6 module syntax with esperanto =attamusc
gulp-espower A gulp plugin for power-assert =twada
gulp-esprima Parse JS to ASTs w/ esprima =dtao
gulp-estarify es-tar plugin for gulp =nbqx
gulp-este Gulp tasks for Este.js =steida
gulp-evil-icons Gulp plugin to use Evil Icons in your project =outpunk
gulp-example-to-test Turn code examples into testcases. =jasperwoudenberg
gulp-exec exec plugin for gulp =robrich
gulp-execsyncs gulp plugin for execSync =yosuke-furukawa
gulp-exemplary Turn code examples into testcases. =jasperwoudenberg
gulp-exif Extract EXIF data from photographs =shimon
gulp-exit Terminates gulp task. =dreame4
gulp-expand-template-url Expand the template url of your angular templates =guzart
gulp-expand-url Expands a url inside a file using the file relative path. =guzart
gulp-expect-file Expect files in pipes for gulp.js =kotas
gulp-express gulp plugin for express, connect =yucc2008
gulp-express-serice Express development and debugging, restart it =colee
gulp-express-service Express development and debugging, restart it =colee
gulp-express2 gulp plugin for express =caiguanhao
gulp-ext > File extension utility =floatdrop
gulp-ext-replace Small gulp plugin to change a file's extension =tjeastmond
gulp-extend A gulp plugin to extend (merge) JSON contents =adamayres
gulp-extname gulp plugin to dynamically rewrite dest extensions based on… =jonschlinkert
gulp-extract-sourcemap Gulp Task to strips an inline source into its own file and…
gulp-fabricate A gulp plugin for fabricating pages. =lukeaskew
gulp-factor-bundle a gulp plugin help you use factor-bundle =undozen
gulp-faster-browserify Faster browserify builds with dependency caching =robrichard
gulp-favicons Favicons generator for Gulp =haydenbleasel
gulp-fb gulp-fb ======= =jare
gulp-fcsh A gulp plugin for fcsh =youpy
gulp-fest Gulp plugin for fest templates compiling =dmitrydorofeev
gulp-fest-hardcore js, lua, Xslate templator =ikuznetsov
gulp-fight-riot Riot compiler =kysonic
gulp-file Create vinyl files from a string or buffer and insert into… =amingoia
gulp-file-activity Display activity of gulp streams as they are passed around =rnijveld
gulp-file-builder Replace custom tokens with the content of a file. =fuzzysockets
gulp-file-cache gulp plugin. Create a cache that filter files in your… =pgherveou
gulp-file-concat cancat css/js =johnqing
gulp-file-contents-to-json Slurp in some files, output a JSON representation of their… =briangonzalez
gulp-file-copy copy file =johnqing
gulp-file-include a gulp plugin for file include =coderhaoxin
gulp-file-includer A file include plugin for gulp =pictela
gulp-file-insert Replace custom tokens by files content =jbdemonte
gulp-file-parser easier way to parse file with gulp =gyson
gulp-file-to-js Gulp plugin to convert a file into a JavaScript… =coswind
gulp-file-tree A gulp plugin for amalgamating a stream of files into a… =iamcdonald
gulp-file-wrapper A gulp plugin to wrap file content within another =irregular
gulp-file2js Convert files to JavaScript modules =ooflorent
gulp-file2json Parses file names of a specific format into a JSON file =qingo
gulp-filelist Convert list of file paths in current stream to a JSON file. =cjroth
gulp-filelog A gulp plugin that logs out the file names in the stream.… =adamayres
gulp-filename-hint Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,… =caiogondim
gulp-filename-media-query Wrap CSS files with media queries indicated by their names =taig
gulp-filenames Register every filename that has passed through =johnydays
gulp-files-to-json *A really shitty gulp plugin to read a bunch of files and… =iest
gulp-filesinstream A plugin, which prints current files in stream into console… =maxgrass
gulp-filesize Logs filesizes in human readable Strings =metrime
gulp-filetree Compute file tree and add as property =wires
gulp-filter Filter files in a vinyl stream =sindresorhus
gulp-filter-by Filter files by checking the file itself =dualcyclone
gulp-filter-java-properties Gulp wrapper for the filter-java-properties Node pacakge =samolsen
gulp-finder A plugin for Gulp =joelcoxokc
gulp-finger Gulp plugin for writing files fingerprints =arnaud00
gulp-fingerprint Rename assets with fingerprinted assets =vincentmac
gulp-fix-sourcemap-file Fix file property in file.sourceMap =churpeau
gulp-fix-windows-source-maps Converts path delimiters in embedded source maps built with… =smrq
gulp-fixmyjs A plugin for Gulp =kcherkashin
gulp-fixtures2js Convert your fixtures into a JS object for use in tests. =jussi-kalliokoski
gulp-flashcc-createjs-dataurl Converted to DataURL, the images of manifest in output from… =dameleon
gulp-flatten remove or replace relative path for files =armed
gulp-flatten-requires Flattens relative require('./path/<module>') calls to… =insin
gulp-flex-svg flex-svg plugin for gulp =shinnn
gulp-flow (in progress) A plugin for Gulp that provides a workflow to… =nicolab
gulp-flowtype Run Facebook's Flow in your gulp pipeline =charliedowler
gulp-fn gulp-fn - gulp plugin used in order to run a custom function =thierry.spetebroot
gulp-fncallback gulp-fncallback ============= =itgalaxy
gulp-folders Gulp plugin that lets you work with folders and treat them… =hakubo
gulp-fontcustom A gulp plugin to generate icon fonts with Fontcustom from… =johanbrook
gulp-fontgen Generator of browser fonts and css from ttf or otf files =agentk
gulp-fontozzi An easy way to use Google Fonts in your app =basharov
gulp-footer Gulp extension to add footer to file(s) in the pipeline. =tracker1
gulp-for-compass gulp plugin for compass =neekey
gulp-foreach Send each file in a stream down its own stream =mariusgundersen
gulp-foxy-less Dependency driven stream extender for gulp-less tasks. =mhoyer
gulp-framework-dep dynamic framework bower dependencies injections =enricolucia
gulp-frau-publisher Utility for publishing free-range apps and libraries to our… =d2l-travis-deploy
gulp-freeze Adds md5 checksum to file names =just-boris
gulp-freeze-resources A resource freezer plugin for gulp =nyakto
gulp-frep A find and replace utility, using Frep. Replace strings or… =jonschlinkert
gulp-front-matter Extract front-matter header from files =naholyr =shinnn
gulp-frontnote StyleGuide Generator for Gulp =frontainer
gulp-fsharp A Gulp plugin for calling F# scripts =mollerse
gulp-ftp Upload files to an FTP-server =sindresorhus
gulp-ftp-env gulp pulgin for changing environment =viwayne
gulp-funnel Join streams into an array =mikkolehtinen
gulp-ga Inject google analytics into html with Gulp ( =zhhz
gulp-gather gulp plugin to gather files to filename/contents json… =otiai10
gulp-gather-template gather template into a .js file =magicdawn
gulp-generate-bower-json gulp plugin for generate-bower-json =sventschui
gulp-generator =xhowhy
gulp-geojson convert multipule file format to geojson. =chilijung
gulp-gh-pages Gulp plugin to publish to Github pages (gh-pages branch). =rowoot
gulp-gh-pages-ci-compatible Gulp plugin to publish to Github pages (gh-pages branch). =markmiro
gulp-gist Gulp plugin to update snippets from source to Gist. =eloisant
gulp-git Git plugin for gulp ( =stevelacy
gulp-git-extras Provides git-extra bindings. =eljefederodeodelje…
gulp-git-pages Gulp plugin to publish to Github pages (gh-pages branch). =necoleyu
gulp-git-sha Append the git sha of the HEAD commit to various file types =tjkrusinski
gulp-github A gulp plugin to pipe contents to github pull request… =zordius
gulp-gitinfo Plug to fetch git information about local repository =optimus-king
gulp-gitmodified A plugin for Gulp to get an object stream of modified files… =mikaelb
gulp-gitshasuffix A plugin for Gulp to suffix files with latest commit sha. =mikaelb
gulp-gitversion gulp plugin for appending git-version =blackbing
gulp-gjslint Gulp task for running gjslint, the Google Closure linter. =tomseldon
gulp-glob-html Add globbing to your HTML =gevgeny
gulp-glob-replace Inject glob(s) into an existing file stream =snapwich
gulp-gm Image manipulation with GraphicsMagick for gulp. =normanrz
gulp-gm-limit Limit image sizes with gulp-gm. =jsdevel
gulp-gobin Convert any file into managable Go source code (like… =dong
gulp-gold Custom Gulp pack =ikeagold
gulp-google-cdn Replaces script references with Google CDN ones =sindresorhus
gulp-gorender Golang text.Template renderer =localvoid
gulp-gorilla Compile gorillascript files =unc0
gulp-gotohead Put into the HEAD CSS or JavaScript codes. =belchior
gulp-gray-matter Extract gray-matter header from files. =jakwings
gulp-grep A gulp plugin for filtering stream objects matching certain… =demisx
gulp-grep-stream A gulp file stream filtering plugin for Gulp =floatdrop
gulp-groc A simple gulp plug-in to generate a project's documentation… =iamdenny
gulp-group-aggregate a group and aggregate plugin for gulp (and other streams) =amitport
gulp-group-concat Concats groups of files into a smaller number of files =danestuckel
gulp-group-css-media-queries CSS postprocessing: group media queries. Useful for… =avaly
gulp-group-files A gulp plugin for grouping files via an object for further… =vkbansal
gulp-grunt Run grunt tasks from gulp =gratimax
gulp-gsub gsub file content with Gulp ( =zhhz
gulp-gulp A gulp plugin to run other gulps. =oskarjakiela
gulp-gunzip Uncompress gzip files in your gulp build pipeline =jmerrifield
gulp-gzip Gzip plugin for gulp. =jstuckey
gulp-haml Gulp plugin for haml =stevelacy
gulp-haml-coffee Gulp plugin for haml-coffee =saschagehlich
gulp-haml-sass Fast bootstraping for the web stack: sass, haml and js. =edravis
gulp-haml-templates Gulp plugin wich provides compiling coffee-haml templates… =sbd
gulp-hamlet-compile Compile hamlet templates (see:… =purge
gulp-hammerdown Gulp plugin for using hammerdown(streaming html to markdown… =tjchaplin
gulp-handlebars Handlebars plugin for gulp =lazd
gulp-handlebars-compiler Gulp plugin to precompile Handlebars.js templates with same… =pasangsherpa
gulp-handlebars-html Gulp plugin to compile handlebars templates to html =framp
gulp-handlebars-michael Handlebars plugin for Gulp =michaelch
gulp-handlebars-render Renders handlebars templates =markhuge
gulp-has gulp has plugin =jeffrose
gulp-hash A gulp plugin for cachebusting files by adding a hash to… =mivir
gulp-hash-creator gulp hash creator for files and string =wxwdesign
gulp-hash-filename gulp-hash-filename is a gulp plug-in that adds a hash to… =collinsmg
gulp-hash-manifest Creates a manifest of file paths and their hash. =drk
gulp-hash-references Replaces references (paths) to files according to the… =mivir
gulp-hash-src Add hashes to links in HTML/CSS =nmrugg
gulp-hashmap Create a JSON file of file hashes =litek
gulp-hashspace gulp-hashspace ==================== =ariatemplates
gulp-hashsum Generate a checksum file (like shasum, md5sum, ...). =remko
gulp-haste Gulp plugin for the Haskell to JS compiler =vzaccaria
gulp-hb A sane Handlebars Gulp plugin. =shannonmoeller
gulp-hbs-import Handlebars "import" helper plugin for gulp =zbinlin
gulp-head-picker gulp plugin to extract heading elements from HTML string. =lost_and_found
gulp-header Gulp extension to add header to file(s) in the pipeline. =tracker1
gulp-header-footer-gen create html pages using a template's header and footer. =born4code
gulp-headerfooter A gulp plugin for adding headers and footers to your files =garrows
gulp-help Adds a default help task to gulp and provides the ability… =chmontgomery
gulp-helper gulp helper =phi
gulp-helptext pretty helptext for your gulp tasks =potch
gulp-heroku-deploy-slug Deploy slug archives to Heroku =matthewwithanm
gulp-hexsquare Gulp plugin to conver hex textures to square =dnbard
gulp-hexuglify Minification plugin for Gulp =katienazarova
gulp-highlight ## Install =johannestroeger
gulp-hint-not Gulp plugin for removing jshint comment directives from… =ifandelse
gulp-hjson Convert Hjson and JSON for gulp =laktak
gulp-hogan gulp plugin to compile mustache templates =hemanth
gulp-hogan-compile A gulp plugin to compile mustache HTML templates to… =paulwib
gulp-hoganify Turn templates into html with partials using hogan =mattstyles
gulp-hologram Generate Hologram style guides with Gulp =rejah
gulp-hsp-compiler gulp-hsp-compiler ================= =ariatemplates
gulp-hsp-transpiler gulp-hsp-transpiler ==================== =ariatemplates
gulp-htmin Minify HTML via gulp =nmrugg
gulp-html gulp plugin for HTML validation, using vnu.jar =watilde
gulp-html-autoprefixer Gulp plugin to Autoprefix all CSS inside an html page - CSS… =motdotla
gulp-html-bindify gulp-html-bindify =riim
gulp-html-compile A small gulp plugin to compile your static html into… =datuhealth
gulp-html-extend Make it easy to extend html =frankfang
gulp-html-extract Extract HTML text in your gulp pipeline. =ryan.roemer
gulp-html-extract-x Extract HTML text in your gulp pipeline. But for realz this… =cbleslie
gulp-html-file-to-directory For prettier URLs foo/bar.html -> foo/bar/index.html =brian-c
gulp-html-glob-expansion Expands glob expressions in HTML resource URLs. =wilsonjackson
gulp-html-i18n Html i18n =webyom
gulp-html-include HTML include generator for static assets, e.g., foo.min.js… =derekpeterson
gulp-html-js-template Gulp task that converts a html file with template… =lernetz-mich
gulp-html-minifier Minify HTML with html-minifier. =chazelton…
gulp-html-optimizer Optimize html files. =webyom
gulp-html-prettify HTML Prettify Plugin for Gulp =colynb
gulp-html-rebuild Rebuild html with htmlparser2. =minodisk
gulp-html-remove Cleans out HTML nodes by CSS selectors or attributes. =gevgeny
gulp-html-replace Replace build blocks in HTML. Like useref but done right. =vfk
gulp-html-src Gulp plugin to accept HTML input, and output the linked… =davegb3
gulp-html-ssi Gulp plugin for building HTML files into each other. Made… =thesly
gulp-html-tag-include Gulp plugin for building HTML files into each other =dissolve
gulp-html-to-json Automatically generate angularjs file for templateCache.… =johnturingan
gulp-html-validator Validate html with =hoobdeebla
gulp-html2jade gulp plugin to covert HTML to Jade format. =hemanth
gulp-html2js Gulp plugin for converting AngularJS templates to JavaScript =fraserxu
gulp-html2jsobject Convert HTML files to a single javascript object =zverev
gulp-html2jsx Converts HTML to JSX for use with React =hemanth
gulp-html2kissy transform html templates to kissy module. =taojie
gulp-html2md Removes unneeded whitespaces, line-breaks, comments, etc… =hemanth
gulp-html2pdf Export HTML files to PDF =igor_zoriy
gulp-html2react compile html to react syntax =ocowchun
gulp-html2string Converts static HTML templates to JavaScript strings. =settinghead
gulp-html2tpl Convert HTML files into a JS object containing pre-compiled… =tjeastmond
gulp-html2txt gulp plugin to convert html to text =hemanth
gulp-htmlbars To compile htmlbars templates for Ember App or handlebars… =mattma
gulp-htmlbuild Extract content from html documents and replace by build… =janpotoms
gulp-htmlclean Simple and lightweight cleaner that just removes… =anseki
gulp-htmlflattenassets gulp plugin for flatten assets in html =sorrycc
gulp-htmlgroup gulp plugin for handle group in html =sorrycc
gulp-htmlhint A plugin for Gulp =bezoerb
gulp-htmlimg handle images for html =sorrycc
gulp-htmlincluder Gulp plugin for building HTML files into each other. Made… =interneterik
gulp-htmlinline inline script and link for html =sorrycc
gulp-htmlmin gulp plugin to minify HTML. =jonschlinkert…
gulp-htmlone combo js & css assests to html doc =hongru
gulp-htmlparser parse html into js objects with gulp =stevelacy
gulp-htmlprocessor Process html files at build time to modify them depending… =nesk
gulp-htmlrefs Replaces references of js/css/img to rev version filenames… =rehorn
gulp-htmltidy Node Wrapper for HTML Tidy =cobaimelan
gulp-htmltojade Convert html pages to jade templates =serhey.shmyg
gulp-hub A gulp plugin to run tasks from multiple gulpfiles =frankwallis
gulp-humans Humans.txt generator for Gulp =haydenbleasel
gulp-huxley Gulp task for node-huxley. =wombleton
gulp-i18n-swig =romaric
gulp-i5ting-toc gulp-i5ting-toc: a gulp task wrapper of i5ting_ztree_toc… =i5ting
gulp-iced Compile Iced CoffeeScript files =stathat
gulp-iced-coffee Compile IcedCoffeeScript files =undozen
gulp-iconfont Create icon fonts from several SVG icons =nfroidure
gulp-iconfont-css Generate (S)CSS file for icon font created with Gulp =backflip
gulp-iconfontforweb Create icon fonts from several SVG icons =leeqqiang
gulp-iconify 'A mystical CSS icon solution', grunticon-like build system. =gavro
gulp-iconv gulp-iconv ========== =minodisk
gulp-iconv-lite Iconv Lite =fiuza
gulp-identity A gulp plugin that does nothing. Passes the stream/files… =soplakanets
gulp-if Conditionally run a task =robrich
gulp-if-else [Gulp plugin] Conditional task with "if" callback and… =nicolab
gulp-iftp ftp deploy file into server =roninliu
gulp-ignore Include or exclude gulp files from the stream based on a… =robrich
gulp-ignore-errors Ignore all your javascript errors =jemyoung
gulp-imacss A gulp plugin for using imacss (the image to datauri to CSS… =akoenig
gulp-image Optimize PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task. =1000ch
gulp-image-data-uri Converts images to inline data URIs =adam-lynch
gulp-image-diff Image diff'ing tool that compares pixel by pixel. =mlm
gulp-image-embed A gulp task for converting images inside a stylesheet to… =anhulife
gulp-image-grayscale Grayscale for images =tomekf
gulp-image-optimization Minify PNG, JPEG and GIF images. this is based on… =firetix
gulp-image-preload image preload for gulp =lexich
gulp-image-resize Resizing images made easy. =normanrz
gulp-image-set Gulp plugin to add future-proofed support for W3C-style… =johno
gulp-image2cssref A gulp plugin that takes a bunch of image files and creates… =akoenig
gulp-imageisux 智图gulp插件 =tqtan 2014
gulp-imagemin Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images =sindresorhus =kevva
gulp-imerge CSS sprite tool using gulp. =javey
gulp-img-change-version replace version for images in css files when images is… =flftfqwxf
gulp-img64 Convert and replace image-files within your DOM/HTML to… =247even
gulp-imgsizefix Fix the IMG tags size (width and height) attributes. =atuyl
gulp-import gulp.import('PKGNAME/FILENAME') =nak2k
gulp-import-css Import several css files into a single file, one by one,… =yuguo
gulp-importjs Allow @import rules in jsrc files. Files should be relative… =ronniesan
gulp-imports Gulp plugin for importing/including files =ifandelse
gulp-inc Inject file contents with an include tag and compile using… =danioso
gulp-incbuild inc build tools =yleo77
gulp-include Makes inclusion of files a breeze. Enables functionality… =wiledal
gulp-include-file Include the contents of a file in javascript as a string. =rnijveld
gulp-include-helper Helps you include your assets in html or templates file. =claud
gulp-include-js Plugin for Gulp to includes JavaScript files =litiws
gulp-include-more gulp plugin to concatenate js files with Sprockets… =beatak
gulp-include-source Include scripts and styles into your HTML files… =gil
gulp-include-templated gulp-include with a template preprocessor =relaxation
gulp-includer A plugin for Gulp =timrwood
gulp-indent Indent piped files =johnydays
gulp-index-creation Gulp plugin which creates index.js files =rektide
gulp-initial-cleaning Remove folders before starting tasks =lucm
gulp-inject A javascript, stylesheet and webcomponent injection plugin… =joakimbeng
gulp-inject-file Gulp plugin for injecting files into another files. =mzahor
gulp-inject-reload Injects a Live Reload script into your files =schmicko
gulp-inject-string Inject snippets in build =schmicko
gulp-inject-svg A plugin for Gulp =donsindrom
gulp-injector Inject code into file =jiren
gulp-inline Inline styles and scripts into an html file. =ashaffer88
gulp-inline-angular-templates Inline angular templates into an HTML file =wmluke
gulp-inline-assets Gulp plugin for inlining CSS assets =gustavohenke
gulp-inline-base64 Convert assets to inline datauri, ideal to integrate small… =g33klabs
gulp-inline-css Inline linked css in an html file. Useful for emails. =jonkemp
gulp-inline-file gulp inline file =jfengjiang
gulp-inline-imgurl modify the image url which is inline in the dom =rubyless
gulp-inline-resize define your image sizes in your code, not your build file =danielberndt
gulp-inline-source Inline flagged js & css sources. =fmal
gulp-inline-style replace link tags with inline style tags =npmfisher
gulp-inlining-node-require A plugin for Gulp =azu
gulp-insert Append or Prepend a string with gulp =rschmukler…
gulp-install Automatically install npm and bower packages if… =joakimbeng
gulp-instrument Gulp plugin for instrumenting code using jscoverage (or… =amingoia
gulp-intercept Intercept Gulp streams and take full control of the content. =khilnani
gulp-intermediate A gulp helper for tools that need files on disk. =robwierzbowski
gulp-inuit A plugin for Gulp =brian.lai
gulp-istanbul Istanbul unit test coverage plugin for gulp. =sboudrias
gulp-istanbul-custom-reports Forked from SBoudrias/gulp-Istanbul - Istanbul unit test… =cellarise
gulp-istanbul-enforcer Plugin for gulp that enforces coverage thresholds from… =iainjmitchell
gulp-istanbul-report write istanbul coverage reports from pre-collected coverage… =willembult
gulp-j140 Compile j140 templates. Gulp plugin for j140 - Javascript… =tunnckocore
gulp-jade Compile Jade templates =phated
gulp-jade-exports takes all the `exports` blocks from the given jade files to… =bloodyowl
gulp-jade-find-affected Find affected files when changing jade files that are… =teltploek
gulp-jade-inheritance Rebuild only changed jade files and all it dependencies =juanfran
gulp-jade-jst-concat Compiles Jade templates into a commonjs module containing… =gunderson
gulp-jade-php compile jade php =oroce
gulp-jade-script Turn file names in stream into jade script directives =oliversalzburg
gulp-jade-stylesheet Turn file names in stream into jade link directives =oliversalzburg
gulp-jade-template gulp plugin for jade template =jigsaw
gulp-jade-usemin Gulp plugin for running usemin on Jade files =gdi2290…
gulp-jade2 Compile Jade templates. Ouput extension can be HTML or… =mariust
gulp-jade2php jade2php plugin for gulp. This is a temporary solution. For… =franzskuffka
gulp-jaded Compile Jaded files with gulp ( =stevelacy
gulp-jasmine Run Jasmine tests =sindresorhus
gulp-jasmine-phantom Jasmine 2.0 suite runner, optionally with PhantomJS =dflynn15
gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs Run Jasmine tests with PhantomJS =sandermak
gulp-javascript-stylus-sprite Sprites with stylus & spritesmith =iliakan
gulp-javascriptobfuscator Obfuscate JavasScript via Please… =tangkhaiphuong
gulp-jedi Gulp plugin for jedi lang =nonamesheep
gulp-jekyll Compile Jekyll sites with Gulp. =dannygarcia
gulp-jeml ## Usage ```js var gulp = require('gulp'); var jeml =… =gyson
gulp-jemplate Compile Template Toolkit templates to JavaScript =forestbelton
gulp-jest Gulp plugin for running your Jest tests =dakuan
gulp-jimp A Gulp friendly version of Jimp =antoinejaussoin
gulp-jison Jison plugin for gulp =matteckert
gulp-jison-cli A Jison command line plugin for Gulp =malcomwu
gulp-jison-lex Jison-lex plugin for gulp =danilo-valente
gulp-jisp gulp plugin to compile jisp =mitranim
gulp-job Wrap compiled Gulp templates and bind them to an object =mattyod
gulp-joycss gulp-joycss for joycss which generate css sprite =weekeight
gulp-jquery Gulp plugin for generating custom jQuery builds from source. =chipersoft
gulp-jquery-closure Enclose the content with jQuery definition and more =jbdemonte
gulp-js-beaut Gulp plugin for asset beautification using node js-beautify =zeroedin
gulp-js-beautify JS-Beautify Plugin for Gulp =rangle
gulp-js-escape Gulp plugin to turn a file into a JavaScript escaped string =mrdaniellewis
gulp-js-include =platdesign
gulp-js-inline Inline text files in javascript =saalaa
gulp-js-prettify Prettify, format, beautify JavaScript. =mackers
gulp-js-wrapper gulp-js-wrapper =============== =josephclay
gulp-js1k Gulp plugin for minifying and verifying for js1k =dunxrion
gulp-js2coffee gulp plugin to convert js to coffee =hemanth
gulp-jsbeautifier for Gulp =tarunc
gulp-jsbeautify js-beautify plugin for gulp =sorrycc
gulp-jsclosure Gulp Plugin that wraps your file in a configurable… =jshcrowthe
gulp-jscodesniffer Gulp plugin for jscodesniffer =jedrichards
gulp-jscoverage JSCoverage instrumentation plugin for Gulp =yyx990803
gulp-jscpd Gulp plugin for the copy/paste detector jscpd =yannickcr
gulp-jscrambler Obfuscate your source files using the JScrambler API. =magalhas
gulp-jscrush Minify files with JSCrush =vfk
gulp-jscs Check JavaScript code style with jscs =sindresorhus…
gulp-jscs-custom Gulp plugin for JSCS with custimizable reporter, and with… =lourenzo
gulp-jscs-stylish Stylish reporter for gulp-jscs =gonsfx
gulp-jsdc gulp-jsdc ==== =army8735
gulp-jsdoc A jsdoc plugin for Gulp =dmp
gulp-jsdoc-to-markdown gulp-jsdoc-to-markdown =75lb
gulp-jsdox Gulp plugin for the JSDox markdown generator for JSDoc =mrjoelkemp
gulp-jsdox-struct Launch jsdox-struct npm =kiwapp
gulp-jsfmt `gulp` task for `jsfmt` =brian.lai
gulp-jsfuck Fuck JavaScript and obfuscate it using only 6 characters… =bevacqua
gulp-jsfy css to js (append link element) =59naga
gulp-jshint JSHint plugin for gulp =fractal…
gulp-jshint-cache Gulp task for fast, cached linting =iliakan
gulp-jshint-cached A cached version of the gulp-jshint task =jgable
gulp-jshint-file-reporter A simple reporter for gulp-jshint that writes it's output… =spenceralger
gulp-jshint-html-reporter Simple generator of HTML report for gulp-jshint that writes… =ivanvesely
gulp-jshint-instafail Instantly failing reporter for gulp-jshint. =sdepold
gulp-jshint-xml-file-reporter A JSHint reporter to be used with gulp-jshint that will… =lourenzo
gulp-jshtml Convert HTML to Javascript =sw4
gulp-jsify Convert text files into requireable JavaScript modules… =parroit
gulp-jsify-html-templates Converts HTML files into JavaScript files and populates… =craigstjean
gulp-jsincluder inline js files =jelle.spekken
gulp-jsinspect A JavaScript copy-paste analysis gulp task =alexeyraspopov
gulp-jslint The classic and strict javascript lint-tool for gulp.js =karimsa
gulp-jslint-simple Run JSLint analysis =pandell =milang
gulp-jsmin minify js using gulp =chilijung
gulp-json-editor A gulp plugin to edit JSON object =morou
gulp-json-explode Explode a JSON-encoded object. Every key becomes a new JSON… =tomekwi
gulp-json-format A gulp plugin to parse and format JSON in files. =mivir
gulp-json-lint JSON linter Gulp plugin =nawitus
gulp-json-sass Gulp plugin for turning JSON files into files of scss/sass… =rbalicki
gulp-json-to-hbs-to-html gulp-json-to-hbs-to-html ======================== =alexsomeoddpilot
gulp-json-to-less > My outstanding gulp plugin =guipasmoi
gulp-json-transform A gulp plugin to transform json files, pipe json files… =thaggie
gulp-json-wrapper Create javascript config from json file =krowten
gulp-json5 A gulp plugin to convert JSON5 to strict JSON. =nechtan
gulp-jsoncombine A plugin for Gulp to combine several JSON files using a… =reflog
gulp-jsonlint A jsonlint plugin for Gulp =rogeriopvl
gulp-jsonmin Minifies json files my parsing and re-stringifying it. =englercj
gulp-jsonminify Minifies blocks of JSON-like content into valid JSON by… =tcarlsen
gulp-jsrefs js debug/develop refs replacement plugin for gulp. =rehorn
gulp-jsss Compile jsss to CSS =watilde
gulp-jst Compile underscore templates to a JST file using gulp. =rdm
gulp-jst-concat Compile underscore/lodash view templates to a single JST… =tambourinecoder
gulp-jst2 Compile lodash templates to a JST file using gulp; allow… =djtregear
gulp-jst_compiler Compile jst templates using gulp. =hcodes
gulp-jstemplate-compile jstemplate compile plugin for gulp =rehorn
gulp-jstemplater Compiles all templates into one js variable. =maxmert
gulp-jstransform gulp plugin to transform ES6 to ES5 =hemanth
gulp-jsvalidate Validate JavaScript code and report possible syntax errors =sindresorhus
gulp-jswrap Wraps every function in the try-catch statement =grimalschi
gulp-jsx Transpile JSX in gulp streams. =amingoia
gulp-jsx-coverage Enable coverage on .JSX or .coffee files. =zordius
gulp-jsx2 Transpile JSX in gulp streams. =sorrycc
gulp-jsxcs Check JSX code style with JSCS =agschwender
gulp-jsxhint gulp plugin, wrapper for jsxhint =andrewzey
gulp-jsxify gulp plugin to convert html files to react jsx =parroit
gulp-jsxtransform gulp jsx transform plugin =cookfront
gulp-jszip gulp-jszip is a packaged all of the following files in the… =roninliu
gulp-juice process html files through juice to inline CSS =imlucas
gulp-juicepress Gulp plugin for building static blog using juicepress =garfieldius
gulp-juicer gulp for juicer =xhowhy
gulp-just-replace A gulp plugin only to do string.replace(). =caiguanhao
gulp-karma Karma plugin for gulp =lazd
gulp-kclean kclean gulp plugin =taojie
gulp-kd-pistachio-compiler pistachio compiler for KD's own templates =sinan
gulp-kdf-pistachio Gulp task for compiling JS files with pistachio strings =usirin =sinan
gulp-kissy-html2js KISSY html2js =6174
gulp-kissy-xtemplate > Lorem ipsum =daxingplay
gulp-kit Integrates node-kit with gulp to compile .kit files =lukx
gulp-kmc kissy module compiler for gulp =taojie =daxingplay
gulp-kmd kissy module compiler with gulp =weekeight
gulp-kmd2 =taojie
gulp-kmt kissy module compiler for gulp =taojie
gulp-kpc kpc plugin for gulp =maxbbn
gulp-kraken Gulp plugin to optimize all your images with the powerful… =matylla
gulp-kss Gulp plugin for KSS (Knyle Style Sheets) documentation… =philjs
gulp-kss-robloach Gulp plugin for KSS (Knyle Style Sheets) documentation… =robloach
gulp-kulerthemes Gulpfile for kulerthemes =luanvuvt
gulp-l10n-extract Extract localization calls from Code. =mythmon
gulp-lab Gulp test runner for Lab =otodockal
gulp-laravel Gulp implementation for Laravel =jeffreyvdb
gulp-laravel-autoprefixer Autoprefixer plugin for gulp-laravel =jeffreyvdb
gulp-laravel-validator Generate PHP validations from short and concise… =ernestoalejo
gulp-layoutize Render contents of input files through a templating engine… =rowoot
gulp-lb-include Gulp plugin for `#include`-ing HTML files inside other HTML… =jffry
gulp-lego gulp plugin for cmd transport =herbertliu
gulp-less Less for Gulp =ccowan =fractal
gulp-less-dependents Collect dependents of less files =tarao
gulp-less-sourcemap Less for Gulp with source map generation support =radist2s
gulp-less-templates Less with templates for Gulp =relaxation
gulp-less-to-scss A gulp plugin convert less to scss =steelydylan
gulp-less-variables Gulp plugin to create an index of variables within all… =jessezhang91
gulp-lex-parser Lex-parser plugin for gulp =danilo-valente
gulp-license Add licenses to gulp streams. =terinjokes
gulp-license-finder Find licenses of project and dependencies =iandotkelly
gulp-lightmin Remove whitespaces and comments. =crock
gulp-limit-complexity Limit complexity in JavaScript projects by failing build if… =danestuckel
gulp-linker Autoinsert script tags in an html file =filipsobczak
gulp-lintspaces gulp-lintspaces =============== =cknoetschke
gulp-liquid A gulp plugin to parse liquid template =rowoot
gulp-liquify Render Liquid templates in Gulp using TinyLiquid =fchasen
gulp-literature Write literate code in markdown, use gulp-literature to… =andreaspizsa
gulp-litmus Send email tests to Litmus =jeremypeter
gulp-livecss Gulp module for stream new css to browser and delete… =wwwsevolod
gulp-liver Livereload for gulp =yunghwakwon
gulp-livereload Gulp plugin for livereload. =vohof
gulp-livereload-for-was Live reload for WAS as gulp plugin. =iamdenny
gulp-livescript Compile LiveScript to JavaScript for Gulp =tomchentw
gulp-livingstyleguide Easily create living style guides with Markdown, Sass/SCSS… =medialwerk…
gulp-ljs Literate Javascript Gulp plugin. =dmonad
gulp-lmd gulp lmd plugin =ikuznetsov
gulp-load Load gulp task just like grunt.loadTasks. =popomore
gulp-load-params Load gulp task just like grunt.loadTasks and pass… =cellarise
gulp-load-plugins Automatically load any gulp plugins in your package.json =jackfranklin
gulp-load-tasks Task loader for Gulp =rummik
gulp-load-utils Conveniently wrapped utility functions for working with gulp =dskrepps
gulp-loader Gulp plugin that wraps gulp and loads tasks as seperate… =call-a3
gulp-loadfile add loadfile to gulp =fa113n
gulp-loadsome Replaces references of into their downloaded and… =eikaramba
gulp-local-screenshots Make the screenshots of your static html files using… =efrafa
gulp-localization gulp plugin for localization static pages using the template =notary
gulp-localize Create localized copies of your .html files using YAML… =martinodf
gulp-lodash-jst gulp plugin that compiles lodash templates =aita
gulp-lodash-template gulp plugin compile lodash template to a function =jarvisjiang
gulp-log log helper for gulp =raistlin916
gulp-log-capture captures logs from any other gulp plugin in the pipe =sloosch
gulp-logger Gulp plugin for logging stream stages, transformation and… =chrisgreeff
gulp-logwarn A plugin that check if you left debug code =pmcalabrese
gulp-loopback-sdk-angular gulp plugin for auto-generating Angular $resource services… =zimlin =bajtos…
gulp-lr-snippet Gulp plugin to insert a Live Reload snippet (and remove it) =callumlocke
gulp-lsn-angular-file-sorter Sortowanie plików angulara przy wstrzykiwaniu do index =pitisec
gulp-lsn-ng-templates Build all of your angular templates in just one js file… =pitisec
gulp-luamin luamin for Gulp =noobsarepeople2
gulp-lyonesse Convert Lyonesse files to Scss and/or Js from Gulp =ulflander
gulp-m2df Multiple Module Definition Formatter =ringz
gulp-macros sweetjs macros for gulp =schtoeffel
gulp-mail Send mails with gulp =fritx
gulp-mailgun Send emails though mailgun as part of your build =davidturner
gulp-make-css-url-version replace version for images in css files =qinjia
gulp-manifest Generate HTML5 Cache Manifest files =hillmanov
gulp-manifest-hash generate manifest using gulp =chirag04
gulp-map (A)synchronous mapping and filtering of object streams =wires
gulp-markdown Markdown to HTML =sindresorhus
gulp-markdown-code-blocks Gulp task for running markdown-code-blocks. =sdepold
gulp-markdown-docs Parse markdown into an navigable HTML document with themed… =sojournerc
gulp-markdown-livereload Markdown to HTML =i5ting
gulp-markdown-pdf Markdown to PDF =sindresorhus
gulp-markdown-to-json Parse Markdown + YAML, compile Markdown to HTML, wrap it… =pushred
gulp-markdox Generate Markdown documentation with markdox =gberger
gulp-marked Convert markdown to html with marked. =t8g
gulp-marked-man A gulp plugin that converts markdown files to man pages. =jsdevel
gulp-markup-transformer Transform source with markup-transformer. =manse
gulp-match Does a vinyl file match a condition? =robrich
gulp-mathmode Turns LaTeX math expressions into images. =marapper
gulp-mau Mau plugin for gulp. =kunhualqk
gulp-maven-deploy Simple gulp plugin for the maven-deploy module =leftiefriele…
gulp-mc-inline-css Gulp plugin to send HTML to Mail Chimp's Inline CSS API =jayzawrotny
gulp-mc-inliner Gulp plugin for inlining CSS throught MailChimps Inliner API =derekborland
gulp-mcss mini css =tianzhiqing
gulp-md5 add md5 to filename =raistlin916
gulp-md5-assets md5 the static file and change the names in the quoted… =stipsan
gulp-md5-plus md5 the static file and change the names in the quoted html =wpfpizicai
gulp-md5json > My badass gulp plugin =guipasmoi
gulp-mdox Convert and insert Markdown from JavaScript sources =ryan.roemer
gulp-mdvars Extract VarStream metadatas from markdown files. =nfroidure
gulp-mediawiki Upload files as pages to a MediaWiki instance =maxkueng
gulp-melchior Gulp plugin for Melchior.js modules optimization =dnbard
gulp-menu A plugin for Gulp =iamdenny
gulp-merge Merge multiple streams into one stream in order. =zensh
gulp-merge-fragment merge-fragment plugin for Gulp =matsutakefungus
gulp-messageformat Gulp plugin for messageformat =microx
gulp-messageformat-bundle Compile a JSON tree of messages with messageformat.js. =tomekwi
gulp-mew-template Precompile template file to a cmd module with gulp =l3au
gulp-micro Ensure your micro-lib stays micro =sindresorhus
gulp-micro-templates gulp plugin for `micro-template` by John Resig =otiai10
gulp-min 压缩js,css,图片 =yangruting 2014
gulp-min-map gulp plugin for CSS/JS minification mapping using HTML5… =jrnewell
gulp-mincer Gulp Plugin for Mincer =jisaacks
gulp-minerr-strip Strips minErr error messages from your build. =llwt
gulp-mini-css 用于压缩css的gulp插件(基于clean-css) =minghe 2014-10-31
gulp-minifier Minify HTML, JS, CSS with html-minifier, UglifyJS, CleanCSS. =webyom
gulp-minify > Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2. =taojie
gulp-minify-css Minify css with clean-css. =jonathanepollack
gulp-minify-html Minify html with minimize. =jonathanepollack
gulp-minify-inline Gulp plugin to uglify inline JS and minify inline CSS =shkuznetsov
gulp-minify-inline-scripts minify inline scripts in html files =qinjia
gulp-minify-template-inline It is a gulp plugin to uglify & inline underscore template… =kaven
gulp-minisprites Converts multiple images into a single spritesheet. =ripe
gulp-mirror Make a mirror of stream, it's useful that do different… =popomore
gulp-mixotroph short-learning-curve text-based preprocessing =nathanross
gulp-mjs Compiles Metascript files. =bamboo
gulp-mjs-conventions Gulp build conventions for projects using metascript =mmassi
gulp-mkdirp mkdirp plugin for gulp =evandarwin
gulp-mkit Gulp task for maxmertkit framework package manager =maxmert
gulp-mm web rebuild dev tool =jfengjiang
gulp-mobilizer Mobilizer task for Gulp =mcasimir
gulp-mocha Run Mocha tests =sindresorhus
gulp-mocha-browserify-suite Generates a suite file for Mocha on the fly from a gulp.src… =tarsolya
gulp-mocha-browserify-sweet Generates a suite file from gulp.src glob on the fly for… =toranb =computmaxer
gulp-mocha-co Run Mocha tests with co generators =rafinskipg
gulp-mocha-phantomjs run client-side Mocha tests with PhantomJS =mrhooray
gulp-mocha-selenium Run Selenium tests with wd and Mocha =wookiehangover
gulp-mocha-tdd easy test driven development with gulp and mocha =jhudson
gulp-mock Just mock data for test. =danilo_shan
gulp-modernizr Gulp wrapper for custom Modernizr builds =metalshark
gulp-modified Passthrough only changed files =anru
gulp-modify Modify the content of vinyl files with custom callback… =medialwerk…
gulp-modou-packager a gulp plugin can package modou plugin source files into… =howard.zuo
gulp-module-builder Concatenate files in manifesto =boxersb
gulp-module-requirejs Builds projects using require.js's optimizer for multiple… =weisuke
gulp-module-system Gulp plugin to combine files into a module system. Great… =kmalakoff
gulp-module-wrapper Process files to create modules. =ziflex
gulp-modulex compile, concat and generate dependencies of modulex modules =yiminghe
gulp-modulize Makes working with modulized Gulpfiles in subdirectories a… =ssboisen
gulp-modulizr Build custom Modernizr with gulp =maxbublik
gulp-mongoose-scenario Gulp wrapper for mongoose-scenario =hash-bang
gulp-monic Using Monic with Gulp. =kobezzza
gulp-more-css Minify CSS using more-css & gulp. =beneb
gulp-mox Gulp plugin for using mox( A markdown javascript… =tjchaplin
gulp-mq-remove Remove all media queries, inlining a default one. =kjv
gulp-msbuild msbuild plugin for gulp. Inspired by grunt-msbuild. =h0ff1
gulp-msx Precompiles Mithril views which use MSX into JavaScript =insin
gulp-msx-logic Gulp plugin for adding flow logic to Mithril msx templates.… =eddyystop
gulp-mt2amd Convert micro template into AMD module. =webyom
gulp-multi-extend A gulp plugin to extend multiple JSON files =tjokimie
gulp-multi-renderer plugin to render contents using various template engines. =lost_and_found
gulp-multi-tab 多tab =hordeliu 2
gulp-multimarkdown MultiMarkdown to HTML =jjlharrison
gulp-multinject Inject scripts, stylesheets and more into templates and… =mariocasciaro
gulp-mustache A plugin for Gulp that renders mustache templates into html =rogeriopvl
gulp-mustache-plus A plugin for Gulp that renders mustache templates =jbdemonte
gulp-mutuo the plugin to help UI Engineer Conversion @Nx images for… =roninliu
gulp-mux A gulp utility for registering and running tasks based on… =thaiat
gulp-mvn-deploy Simple gulp plugin for the maven-deploy module =mythx
gulp-myth Myth - Postprocessor that polyfills CSS =sindresorhus
gulp-myth-css Gulp Myth CSS polyfill postprocessor plugin =worldeggplant
gulp-nar Create and extract nar archives =h2non
gulp-native2ascii native2ascii plugin for gulp =adamme
gulp-natural-sort Sort stream by path name using a natural sort =emgeee
gulp-nav gulp plugin to help build navigation elements =jessaustin
gulp-nekyll Jekyll-like gulp build system =webmakersteve
gulp-nette-basepath Parse build blocks in Nette/Latte templates and resolves… =quinix
gulp-neuron-builder Build CMD module to neuron wrapped module =spud
gulp-neuter Unifies javascript source files in the order you require =squarewolf
gulp-newer Only pass through newer source files =tschaub
gulp-nfy Convert AMD modules to CommonJS modules =popham
gulp-ng-annotate Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with… =kagami
gulp-ng-annotate-check Checking if angular annotations are provided. =elmccd
gulp-ng-autobootstrap A gulp plugin to automatically create bootstrap files for… =maximilianschmitt
gulp-ng-channels All your pipe are belong to us =mgcrea
gulp-ng-classify Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules =carylandholt
gulp-ng-config AngularJS configuration generator for a module of constants =atticoos
gulp-ng-constant Gulp plugin for dynamic generation of angular constant… =guzart
gulp-ng-constant-fork Gulp plugin for dynamic generation of angular constant… =andidev
gulp-ng-deporder Reorder by angular module dependencies =busata
gulp-ng-html2js A Gulp plugin which generates AngularJS modules, which… =marklagendijk
gulp-ng-html2js-ext A Gulp plugin which generates AngularJS modules, which… =truthatenvy
gulp-ng-inject Add dependencies to your main Angular.js project file… =yagoferrer
gulp-ng-json2js Inspired by gulp-ng-html2js wrapper for json texture as… =galkinrost
gulp-ng-json2translate Inspired by grunt-json-angular-translate. Wrap json file as… =felixmosh
gulp-ng-jsoncache Build all of your JSON in just one js file using $jsonCache… =thalmighty
gulp-ng-scaffold Scaffolds Angular resources from Swagger API specifications =liquidcowgithub
gulp-ng-template Precompile AngularJS templates to a JS file with… =zensh
gulp-ng-template2js Gulp plugin to convert Angular HTML and Jade templates to… =mcamac
gulp-ng-templatecache Gulp plugin that pre-loads HTML templates in $templateCache =lukescott
gulp-ng-templates Build all of your angular templates in just one js file… =victorqueiroz
gulp-ng-ts Compile TypeScript classes to AngularJS modules. =mattduffield
gulp-ngbs-forms Generate forms using Angular for validations and Bootstrap… =ernestoalejo
gulp-ngbuild gulp plugin for ngbuild =galkinrost
gulp-ngcompile AngularJS assembler with dependency tracking for gulp =ceymard
gulp-ngconcat The gulp plugin of easy to use concatination for Angular… =galkinrost
gulp-ngdocs gulp plugin for angularjs documentation =nikhilmodak
gulp-nginclude Gulp task for embedding AngularJS ngInclude elements =mgcrea
gulp-ngmin Pre-minify AngularJS apps with ngmin =sindresorhus
gulp-ngspec Hard file management for gulp projects =greenboxal
gulp-ngtemplate Gulp task to precompile AngularJS templates with… =mgcrea
gulp-ngtemplates AngularJS template assembler for gulp =ceymard
gulp-ngtpl base on =chrisfan
gulp-nice-package Opinionated package.json validator =chmontgomery
gulp-nico-prebuild gulp-nico preBuild =semious
gulp-nightwatch gulp plugin for Nightwatch.js =tatsuyafw
gulp-nightwatch-headless An almost-zero configuration Gulp plugin to run Selenium,… =peteward44
gulp-no-media-queries Export mediaqueries that match provided max page width =efrafa
gulp-nocache Version static assets. Clear cache of browser when you… =javey
gulp-node-debug Run node-debug from your gulp build: 1. Runs… =johanneshoppe
gulp-node-inspector Run node inspector from your gulp build. =vesparny
gulp-node-spritesheet Gulp plugin for node-spritesheet utility =ngaer
gulp-nodefy Convert AMD modules to CommonJS modules =popham
gulp-nodemon A gulp-friendly nodemon wrapper that restarts your app as… =jacksongariety
gulp-noder gulp-noder ========== =ariatemplates
gulp-nodeunit Gulp nodeunit runner =kjv
gulp-nodeunit-runner A nodeunit test runner plugin for Gulp =baer
gulp-nop No operation =hoho
gulp-noprotocol NoProtocol's Best Practices for Gulp =bfanger
gulp-notify gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors… =mikaelb
gulp-notify-growl A custom notifier for gulp-notify to send messages to Growl… =yannickcr
gulp-npm-script-sync gulp-npm-script-sync ==================== =austinpray
gulp-nproxy A cli/gulp-plugin proxy tool specialized in file replacing.… =iskenhuang
gulp-nsupload A gulp module to upload files to netsuite given proper… =truecloud
gulp-ntpl =xhowhy
gulp-nuget gulp nuget support to pack and push nuget packages =mckn
gulp-nuke-whitespace Removes the trailing whitespace at the end of each line in… =jbenner55
gulp-nunit nunit test runner for gulp =chriscanal
gulp-nunit-runner A Gulp.js plugin to facilitate the running of NUnit unit… =keithmorris
gulp-nunjucks Precompile Nunjucks templates =sindresorhus
gulp-nunjucks-html Render Nunjucks templates to HTML =giaman
gulp-nunjucks-render Render Nunjucks templates =carlosl
gulp-nwayo-include Enables functionality similar to that of snockets /… =jblandry =leandreb
gulp-obfuscate Obfuscate your code. =mikrofusion
gulp-obfuscator Obfuscate node.js projects with gulp =iandotkelly
gulp-obj Add user data to File =minodisk
gulp-octet Compile octet templates. Gulp plugin for octet - Javascript… =tunnckocore
gulp-ondemand-server Gulp plugin that runs a local server that executes tasks… =ernestoalejo
gulp-one-guide Gulp plugin for one-guide =golyshevd
gulp-onejs-build Common gulp utilies to use in OneJS projects =bobnisco
gulp-onejs-compiler Compiles OneJS html templates and generates a variety of… =dzearing
gulp-onelink > Parse build blocks in HTML files to combo non-optimized… =xuyang
gulp-open Open files and URLs with gulp =stevelacy
gulp-optimizer gulp plugin for optimizer =vinodkl =pnidem
gulp-optipng Lossless compression of PNG images =ameyp
gulp-order The gulp plugin `gulp-order` allows you to reorder a stream… =sirlantis
gulp-origin-stylus Stylus for gulp =javey
gulp-oss A plugin for Gulp that uploads files to oss =chylvina
gulp-oss-up A gulp plugin for uploading static file to aliyun oss. =marshalyuan
gulp-osws-templates OSWS Templates gulp plugin =opensourcewebstand…
gulp-out Output files with patterned output filenames =dylanb
gulp-outliner HTML Outliner for Gulp - generates a Table of Contents =ear1grey
gulp-output Gulp plugin which output filenames. =ahsx
gulp-ozjs gulp plugin for ozma -- =kebot
gulp-p2r px2rem gulp plugin =hongru
gulp-p4 perforce plugin for gulp =wokim
gulp-pack-run Run gulp tasks from json manifest =treeskar
gulp-packages gulp package management helper =ktty1220
gulp-packer Minify Javascript =yanatan16
gulp-page-json Generates full index of all pages and pagination files in… =allenkim
gulp-pagemaki gulp-pagemaki ============= =rhodesjason
gulp-pako A gulp plugin to compress (gzip, deflate) files with Pako. =jameswyse
gulp-pancakes Gulp plugin for the Pancakes framework =jeffwhelpley
gulp-pandoc Pandoc plugin for gulp. =gummesson
gulp-param Add params to your tasks =schtoeffel
gulp-partial-to-script Move the content of a partial between <script… =dhoko
gulp-path-modifier Modify relative url of selected elements =othree
gulp-path-prefix Gulp plugin for prefixing paths to assets =ifandelse
gulp-pathmap Rename files with pathmap. Think of it like `sprintf` for… =jeremyruppel
gulp-pathway Gulp plugin to compile javascript source directories into… =rur
gulp-patternlint A generic pattern lint plugin for gulp =neagle
gulp-peaches Peaches plugin for gulp. =sorrycc
gulp-peg Gulp plugin for compiling PEG grammars =lazutkin
gulp-personium gulp plugin for client development. =mid0111
gulp-phantom phantomjs plugin for gulp =cognitom
gulp-phantomcss Run your phantomCSS tests with Gulp. =dangerdan
gulp-phaser-tiled-pack Creates a phaser asset pack file based on tiled maps =englercj
gulp-phonegap-build Build phonegap app via =marcbuils
gulp-php-connet Starts a php server =micahblu
gulp-php2html A plugin for Gulp =bezoerb
gulp-phpcs PHP Code Sniffer plugin for Gulp =justblackbird
gulp-phpdox PHPDOX plugin for Gulp =nathanmac
gulp-phpspec PHP PHPSpec plugin for Gulp =codedungeon
gulp-phpunit PHPUnit plugin for Gulp =codedungeon
gulp-phrase A simple gulp plugin to download phraseapp translations in… =danjesus
gulp-pipeconsole Logs any text to console =kaok
gulp-pipemin Streamlined resource transformations configured in html. =frizi
gulp-pipereplace A string replace plugin for gulp ,can use pipe as… =kunhualqk
gulp-pistachio-compiler Gulp plugin for pistachio compiler =sz
gulp-pixrem Pixrem plugin for gulp. =gummesson
gulp-plates Uses flatiron plates to do DSL-free html templating =007design
gulp-platform-overrides A Gulp plugin for applying platform-specific manifest values =adam-lynch
gulp-plato Generate complexity analysis reports =sindresorhus…
gulp-play-usemin Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =damiya
gulp-pleeease Postprocess CSS with ease. =efrafa
gulp-plex-bem Plex bem middleware for gulp =kysonic
gulp-pluck Pluck function for gulp file properties. =jon49
gulp-plug Plug is a Light Utility around Gulp =vbrajon
gulp-plugin-unofficial An unofficial template for building Gulp plugins =koglerjs
gulp-plumber Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins =floatdrop
gulp-pngmin Optimize PNG image plugin for Gulp. =nariyu
gulp-po-json Utility to convert PO files to JSON files with Gulp =ulflander
gulp-po2angular Gulp plugin to convert .po files to JSON for use with… =gabegorelick
gulp-po2json Gulp plugin to convert gettext .po files to JSON =gabegorelick
gulp-pogo Compile PogoScript files =dereke
gulp-polyfer Gulp plugin to post process Polymer CSS polyfills with… =helder
gulp-polymports Generator a HTML having HTML Import links =ragingwind
gulp-poole Gulp Tasks for Mr. Poole, the Jekyll Generator =iamcarrico
gulp-postcss PostCSS gulp plugin =unsoundscapes
gulp-power-doctest gulp plugin for power-doctest. =azu
gulp-prefix Implementation of html-prefixer for gulp =007design
gulp-premailer A gulp module using Premailer to bring CSS styles inline… =justin713
gulp-preprocess Gulp plugin to preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files… =jas
gulp-preprocess-mallowigi Gulp plugin to preprocess HTML, JavaScript, and other files… =zero-chan
gulp-prettify Prettify, format, beautify HTML. =jonschlinkert…
gulp-pretty-data Gulp plugin to minify or prettify xml, json, css, sql =neilcarpenter
gulp-pretty-url Simple gulp-rename wrapper to generate pretty URLs for files =kflorence
gulp-prettybelly prettybelly ----------- =romaric
gulp-print Prints names of files to the console so that you can see… =alexgorbatchev
gulp-processhtml Process html files at build time to modify them as you wish =jcastelain
gulp-production-package-json Generates a package.json for production. =hugojosefson
gulp-progeny Gulp plugin for dependencies building =nonamesheep
gulp-project-template A gulp web app template =bernardogfilho
gulp-prompt Add interactive console prompts to gulp =freyskeyd
gulp-properties Parse properties files into JS object =dragosh
gulp-property-merge Property merge =webyom
gulp-props Convert Java .properties to JSON =crissdev
gulp-protector ``` var gulp = require('gulp'); var protector =… =poying
gulp-protractor A helper for protactor and gulp =steffen…
gulp-protractor-burked A helper for protactor and gulp forked by bullgare =bullgare
gulp-protractor-qa Gulp Protractor QA warns you on the fly whether all… =ramonvictor
gulp-prune-html Prune HTML based on CSS selectors =hemanth
gulp-pseudo-i18n Gulp plugin to generate pseudo translation from GNU gettext… =wp7pass
gulp-pseudoconcat-js Transform javascript files into <script> includes =milanlempera
gulp-publish Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =bornkiller
gulp-pulichomeport-prebuild gulp-pulichomeport preBuild =semious
gulp-pure-cjs Gulp plugin for Pure CommonJS builder =parroit
gulp-purescript Run the PureScript compiler =ethul
gulp-px2rem A gulp plugin for node-px2rem =ggkovacs
gulp-pxtorem A gulp plugin for postcss-pxtorem =cuth
gulp-qiniu Gulp task for deploying files to qiniu CDN =hfcorriez
gulp-query-html Query HTML content and replace the origin file =othree
gulp-qunit Run QUnit unit tests in a headless PhantomJS instance. =jonkemp
gulp-r Gulp r.js (requirejs optimizer) plugin. =mcharytoniuk
gulp-ractive Precompile ractive templates with Ractive.parse(). =maxgalbu
gulp-raml A gulp plugin for running raml-parse =johanobrink
gulp-raml2html A simple RAML to HTML documentation generator. =walling
gulp-raster A rasterization plugin for Gulp =otouto
gulp-razor-emailer Gulp extension to parse .cshtml files and send an email… =zettersten
gulp-razor-tmpl gulp pulgin for razor-tmpl .razor file =magicdawn
gulp-rbc-amd-update Update pages and widgets dependencies. =anaza
gulp-reacss Gulp plugin for adding styles from a css files to the… =yodairish
gulp-react Precompile Facebook React JSX templates into JavaScript =sindresorhus
gulp-react-bundle This is a JavaScript build tool that compiles our… =thesunny
gulp-react-jade Compiled jade template to react =lamo2k123
gulp-react-nexus-style gulp React Nexus Style ====================== =elie.rotenberg
gulp-react-rails-style Gulp plugin to process React on Rails compiled components… =elie.rotenberg
gulp-react-st Gulp plugin for react-st npm module =redexp
gulp-react-statics-styles Gulp React Statics Style ======================== =elie.rotenberg
gulp-react-templates Gulp plugin for react-templates - Light weight templates… =yoel-zeldes…
gulp-reactify plugin for gulp to transform react jsx file =yiminghe
gulp-readme Generate a readme from templates. =jonschlinkert
gulp-readme-to-markdown Convert readme.txt style files to GitHub… =ahoereth
gulp-rebase Adjust the base directory of a gulp file =rschmukler
gulp-recess Lint CSS and LESS with RECESS =sindresorhus
gulp-recipes Gulp Recipes for use on projects =kaanon
gulp-recursive-concat A gulp plugin for recursive concatenation =jansanchez
gulp-reduce Forget all other gulp-tasks. This is all you need to… =mrtnbroder
gulp-reduce-file Reduce files to one single output using custom callbacks. =mvhenten
gulp-redust A plugin for Gulp for compile dust templates =wenqer
gulp-ref-hash Generates a hashed name for assets concatenated using the… =ggordan
gulp-refuseuse A gulp task for refuseuse =panyifei
gulp-regenerator Transpile ES6 generator functions to ES5 =sindresorhus
gulp-regex-replace Replace your code using regular expressions. =mikrofusion
gulp-regex-shuffler Use regular expressions to shuffle around text! =thenaglecode
gulp-regexpu Gulp plugin that transpiles ES6 Unicode regular expressions… =mathias
gulp-rejs Gulp support for ReJS, a tool for concatenating JavaScript… =kuu
gulp-release Bump the package version, build the project, create tag,… =pasangsherpa
gulp-release-tasks gulp-release-tasks ========= =lfender6445
gulp-reload A plugin for Gulp =floatdrop
gulp-reloader gulp plugin for devtools-reloader =jiyinyiyong
gulp-rem-to-px Convert rem units to pixels =liamhegenbarth
gulp-remarkable Gulp plugin for Remarkable - Markdown parser done right.… =johno
gulp-remember Adds previously seen files back into the stream. =ahaurw01
gulp-remember-history Adds previously seen files back into the stream while… =ornthalas…
gulp-remote-src Remote gulp.src =dong
gulp-remove-code Remove sections of code from files based on conditions =crissdev
gulp-remove-empty-lines Remove empty lines. =efrafa
gulp-remove-files Remove files from stream. =efrafa
gulp-remove-lines A gulp plugin that will remove all lines that matches one… =relekang
gulp-remove-use-strict A plugin for Gulp =azu
gulp-removelogs gulp plugin to remove console.logs =hemanth
gulp-rename Rename files =hparra
gulp-rename-git Renames a file and passes a git hash to use on the path =gcollazo
gulp-rename2 A gulp plugin for transforming file paths in the stream =demisx
gulp-render Pre-render React components at compile time. E.g.… =koistya
gulp-renderful Precompile templates to HTML with the power of Express! =connor.peet
gulp-renvy A configurable gulp plugin very inspired by gulp-replace… =pmcalabrese
gulp-replace A string replace plugin for gulp =lazd
gulp-replace-async Replace text using an async replacement function. =brianreavis
gulp-replace-build-block Replaces useref style build blocks in html with a refrences… =nlundquist
gulp-replace-line Replace line =minodisk
gulp-replace-path A string replace plugin for gulp =kennethlynne
gulp-replace-ref Replace file references in the target files =weisuke
gulp-replace-task Replace text patterns with applause. =outatime
gulp-replacer Small gulp plugin that replace input token with contents of… =avotx3
gulp-replay Sits in the middle of your stream and caches every file… =ashaffer88
gulp-requi Gulp plugin, that makes easy assets' dependency management… =trolev
gulp-require build requirejs 2.1.15 =lamo2k123
gulp-require-angular require() AngularJS modules/dependencies without having to… =fergaldoyle
gulp-require-convert A plugin for Gulp =nixonchris
gulp-require-list A gulp plugin for creating require manifests from… =korbin
gulp-require-src Gulp plugin to create a file stream of required sources =kmalakoff
gulp-require-tpl2js convert tpl file content to js for requirejs =qinjia
gulp-requirejs Builds projects using require.js's optimizer =robinthrift
gulp-requirejs-bundler Gulp plugin: wraps gulp-requirejs, adds ability to emit… =stevesanderson
gulp-requirejs-inline something about gulp =hordeliu
gulp-requirejs-optimize RequireJS optimizer plugin for gulp =jlouns
gulp-requirejs-optimizer personal achieve project for requirejs optimize ---… =bornkiller
gulp-requirejs-replace-script A plugin for Gulp to replace RequireJS script tags when… =jfmatt
gulp-requirejs-simple A gulp plugin for compiling with requirejs =joshje
gulp-requirejs-wrap-text Convert plain text files to requirejs modules =saschagehlich
gulp-requirer Frontend packager for gulp =ooflorent
gulp-resolve-dependencies Resolve dependency directives in assets (e.g. "@requires"… =backflip
gulp-resolve-dependents gulp-resolve-dependents resolve file dependents =ryiwamoto
gulp-resolver Replace references to source files with references to… =jussi-kalliokoski
gulp-resources Extracts js/css/less and other resources from html =gevgeny
gulp-respond Send file stream into http server response. =orianda
gulp-responsive gulp responsive images =mahnunchik
gulp-responsive-config Config generator for gulp-responsive =mahnunchik
gulp-responsive-ie Remove media queries for older IE browsers =liamhegenbarth
gulp-rest-emulator Gulp plugin use Rest Emulator =temrdm
gulp-resx2 A resx file converter plugin for gulp =pagury
gulp-retina-sprite gulp sprite plugin =ikuznetsov
gulp-retina-sprites Convert images automatically to retina sprites. =medialwerk…
gulp-rev Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to… =sindresorhus…
gulp-rev-all Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to… =smysnk
gulp-rev-append Cache-busting plugin for gulp. =bustardcelly
gulp-rev-cleaner Renamed to gulp-rev-outdated
gulp-rev-collector Static asset revision data collector from manifests,…
gulp-rev-css-url The lightweight plugin to override urls in css files to… =galkinrost
gulp-rev-hash Appends a file's hash to a file URL to cache assets in any… =outluch
gulp-rev-manifest-replace Plugin to replace assets urls based on generated manifest… =jiyinyiyong
gulp-rev-manifest-replace2 rev-manifest.json simple replace =7c00
gulp-rev-mtime Appends a file's modified UNIX timestamp to a file URL to… =thomastuts
gulp-rev-napkin Remove gulp-rev or gulp-rev-all file originals =frankymartz
gulp-rev-outdated Old static asset revision files filter
gulp-rev-pointer A gulp plugin to augment gulp-rev or gulp-rev-all. It… =karlvr
gulp-rev-rails-manifest Write manifest.json that is Rails assets helper compatible =joker1007
gulp-rev-reloaded Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to… =yola
gulp-rev-replace Rewrite occurences of filenames which have been renamed by… =jamesknelson
gulp-rev-replace-stream A plugin for Gulp =lynndylanhurley
gulp-reveal HTML to Reveal.js =bmpvieira
gulp-revplace Ultimate asset collector and rev-helper for gulp =tenphi
gulp-revsolve Asset resolver and gulp-rev helper. =jzvelc
gulp-rework Preprocess CSS with Rework =sindresorhus
gulp-rework-urls gulp-rework-urls =riim
gulp-rewrite-css Rewrite url references in CSS =joscha
gulp-rewrite-cssurl rewrite css url gulp plugin =guilipan
gulp-rho A plugin for gulp =ryanthejuggler
gulp-rift-template gulp-rift-template =riim
gulp-rigger A gulp plugin for using rigger =kuzyk
gulp-rimraf rimraf plugin for gulp =robrich
gulp-riot gulp plugin for riot =jigsaw
gulp-rjs A gulp interface to r.js =nkostelnik
gulp-rm Gulp Plugin: Removes files and directories =jhermsmeier
gulp-robots Robots.txt generator for Gulp =haydenbleasel
gulp-rollbar Upload source map files to =ismriv
gulp-roole A plugin for Gulp to Compile Roole files to CSS =chrisenytc
gulp-roro Preprocess CSS with roro. =fmal
gulp-routes Add middleware to run for specified routes in your gulp… =doowb…
gulp-rss Generates an RSS file from files with metadata (typically… =naholyr
gulp-rsvg Convert SVG to PNG or PDF. =beneb
gulp-rsync Rsync tasks for deploying gulp file structures =jerrysu
gulp-rte Better dest handling for Gulp. =jonschlinkert
gulp-rtlcss Gulp plugin that uses RTLCSS to convert LTR CSS to RTL. =jjlharrison
gulp-ruby-haml Compile Haml to HTML with Ruby Haml =cheshire137
gulp-ruby-haml-rkkn Compile Haml to HTML with Ruby Haml =civilframe
gulp-ruby-sass Compile Sass to CSS with Ruby Sass =sindresorhus…
gulp-ruby-sass-ns gulp plugin for ruby-sass =vohof
gulp-run Pipe to shell commands in gulp =cbarrick
gulp-run-seq Gulp plugin to run tasks in order. =sttk
gulp-run-sequence Deprecated - Please use run-sequence instead:… =overzealous
gulp-runtime A gulp runtime interface =stringparser
gulp-rwi Simplified responsive images with Gulp. =haydenbleasel
gulp-s3 A plugin for Gulp that uploads files to s3 =nkostelnik
gulp-s3-upload A gulp task to upload/update assets to an S3 account. =clineamb
gulp-s3-util A plugin for Gulp that provides AWS s3 utilities. =merobertsjr
gulp-safe Safe proxy for output files =gobwas
gulp-sakugawa Run Sakugawa via gulp for CSS splitting, filtering and… =paazmaya
gulp-sane-watch Gulp watch with sane =ggkovacs
gulp-sass Gulp plugin for sass =dlmanning
gulp-sass-binaries Gulp plugin for sass (this package uses node-sass-binaries… =bulyshko
gulp-sass-bulk-import import directories in your SCSS =mathisonian
gulp-sass-graph Only pass along Sass files that have changed, along with… =lox
gulp-sassdoc SassDoc gulp task =pascalduez
gulp-save Store and restore stream =efrafa
gulp-savefile write file to disk =changkong
gulp-saxon xslt by saxon plugin for gulp =nbqx
gulp-scaffold-cli > A Karma utilities for AMD modules =carlosmarte
gulp-scenario register gulp task =achamaro
gulp-scope-css A plugin for Gulp =nixonchris
gulp-scorm-manifest scorm manifest gulp task =rmatsikas
gulp-scp Transfer files via scp =fjandin
gulp-scp2 Copy file to remote server, using scp2 that is a pure… =popomore
gulp-script-inject A gulp plugin to inject JS variables after reading from a… =rmdort
gulp-scss-lint Validate `.scss` files with `scss-lint` =juanfran
gulp-scsslint SCSS-Lint plugin for gulp =noahmiller
gulp-se-entry-point Se entry point =broflovsky
gulp-seajs seajs builder for gulp =chenllos
gulp-seajs-combo seajs(CMD) Module combo pulgin for gulp =chenmnkken
gulp-seajs-config 用来生成seajs-config.js的gulp插件 =zjj 2014-12
gulp-seajs-transport transport seajs modules gulp plugin =guilipan
gulp-seajs-trs An seajs transport plugin =lichenhao
gulp-sections Cutting specified fragments of scripts =wszerad
gulp-selectors Minify CSS selectors. =calebthebrewer
gulp-selenium Gulp plugin for working with Selenium Server =ianwalter
gulp-semiflat Amend the base path of gulp vinyl files based on a Glob to… =bholloway
gulp-semverify Gulp plugin that checks package.json dependencies to make… =mandarind
gulp-sequence Run a series of gulp tasks in order. =zensh
gulp-series Gulp non-dependent ordered tasks runner. It solves the… =iameugenejo
gulp-serv Simple static server for gulpjs =yunghwakwon
gulp-serve Serve your assets =hell0w0rd
gulp-serve-bundle Gulp task for serve bh bundle =fi11
gulp-serve-spa Serve your assets =mgonto
gulp-server gulp-connect ============ in developing =avevlad
gulp-server-livereload Gulp plugin to run a local webserver with livereload… =hiddentao
gulp-service gulp plugin for spawning processes and services such as… =ivoputzer
gulp-set-contents Set contents for the files =churpeau
gulp-sftp Upload files via SSH =gtg092x
gulp-sharp Gulp plugin to resize image using sharp (libvips binding… =rizalp
gulp-shell A handy command line interface for gulp =sun-zheng-an
gulp-shopify-upload A tool to watch and upload files to Shopify for use in… =mikenorthorp
gulp-showhelp Gulp plugin to show a help message for your gulpfile.js. =sttk
gulp-shrinkwrap Opinionated package.json dependency shrinkwrapper =chmontgomery
gulp-simple-compass A plugin for Gulp =snugug
gulp-simple-rename A simpler approach to renaming files in gulp. =tomekwi
gulp-simplecrypt Simplecrypt for Gulp. =metrime
gulp-simplefont64 Create base64 data from font files and group them into… =joshblack
gulp-sip A wrapper for gulp providing task descriptions, a more… =johnsonjii
gulp-site-config A plugin that scans through JSON files and produces a… =codemonkey800
gulp-sitemap Generate a search engine friendly sitemap.xml using a Gulp… =pgilad
gulp-sitemap-files Gulp plugin to get all files listed in a sitemap =adam-lynch
gulp-size Display the size of your project =sindresorhus
gulp-size2 Display the size of your project =afc163
gulp-sizereport Display the size and gzipped size of your project, trigger… =jaysalvat
gulp-sketch SketchTool plugin for gulp =cognitom
gulp-skin skin =wuxiaorui86
gulp-sky-component-helper A way to help ensure the common tasks are consistant across… =peter-mouland
gulp-slack Post messages to Slack =auoja
gulp-slang Curl files to JCR using Sling =mnlsn
gulp-slash Convert gulp file paths using slash. =bholloway
gulp-slim slim plugin for gulp =cognitom
gulp-slm Compile Slm to HTML for Gulp =simnalamburt
gulp-sloc A port of the grunt-sloc plugin for gulp =oddjobsman
gulp-sloc-simply Gulp plugin to log number of source lines of code =krzysztof-o
gulp-smoosher Inline css and js links with file contents =gabrielflorit
gulp-sms SMS Gulp wrapper =smstw
gulp-smushit Gulp plugin to optimize PNG and JPG using Yahoo Smushit =helder
gulp-snakeskin Using Snakeskin templates with Gulp. =kobezzza
gulp-soften A gulp task that converts hard tabs to spaces. =jacksongariety
gulp-sonar Sonar runner for gulp. =machellerogden
gulp-sonic Gulp task for compiling Sonic templates =tinganho
gulp-sort Sort files in stream by path or any custom sort comparator =pgilad
gulp-sort-json gulp-sort-json ============== =leeqiang
gulp-source-url Source URLs for files run though with gulp =rschmukler
gulp-sourcemaps Source map support for Gulp.js =floridoo
gulp-soy Gulp plugin to build Google Closure Templates, aka Soy =jbdemonte
gulp-soynode Gulp plugin using soynode for working with Closure… =eduardolundgren
gulp-spa Define your build sources in HTML. =jussi-kalliokoski
gulp-spawn spawn plugin for gulp =hparra
gulp-spawn-mocha Runs Mocha as a child process. =kenpowers
gulp-spawn-shim Thin wrapper (shim) of Node.js's child_process.spawn() with… =dashed
gulp-spawn-xcodebuild Compiles xcode project with gulp =llun
gulp-special-html Converts special characters to UTF-8. =metrime
gulp-spellcheck A gulp plugin for spell-checking with GNU Aspell. =akoenig
gulp-spider Compile Spider to JavaScript with Gulp =izolate
gulp-spider-script A simple gulp plugin for compiling Spiderscript files. =simplej
gulp-spiderscript Compile Spider to JavaScript with Gulp =johnleung
gulp-spm gulp plugin for cmd transport =popomore =sorrycc
gulp-sprite gulp task for creating image sprites and the corresponding… =aslansky
gulp-sprite-generator Plugin that generate sprites from your stylesheets (using… =gobwas
gulp-sprite-glue Gulp Glue Plugin =frontainer
gulp-spritegen generates sprites for different densities (iPhone 6+) =noveogroup…
gulp-spriter the plugin to help UI Engineer creating css sprite =roninliu
gulp-spriters gulp-sprites === =jfengjiang
gulp-sprites [![NPM… =army8735
gulp-sprites-preprocessor > [Sprite… =jansedivy
gulp-spritesmith A plugin for Gulp =otouto
gulp-sprockets-compiler ## Usage =mogstad
gulp-sprockets-directive-parser Sprockets directives with Gulp. =mogstad
gulp-sqlite3 A gulp module that executes sql files against a SQLite… =edjboston
gulp-src-files Synchronous get filenames like a gulp.src =59naga
gulp-src-ordered-globs gulp.src() wrapper which respects the globs array order… =ult_combo
gulp-ssg Generate a static site with gulpjs =paulwib
gulp-ssh SSH and SFTP tasks for gulp =zensh
gulp-stack My gulp stack =leipert
gulp-start Start process based on filename =floatdrop
gulp-start-process Just start process with nice output =floatdrop
gulp-starter-stylus Gulp starter with common tasks and scenarios =spiralx
gulp-static-api ======= [![Build… =alexsomeoddpilot
gulp-static-cache cache css/js/html =johnqing
gulp-static-combo-in-freemarker A gulp plugin for combo static file in freemarker =anhulife
gulp-static-handlebars Compile handlebars into static files, taking data, partials… =danestuckel
gulp-static-hash A gulp plugin for cache files by adding a hash version… =anhulife
gulp-static-site Build a static site with gulp =wires
gulp-stats Display stats for Gulp tasks =simmo
gulp-sterno-manifest generate a sterno manifest when deploying your app =imlucas
gulp-stitch A plugin for Gulp =thriller_wu
gulp-storage A plugin for Gulp =joelcoxokc
gulp-strap Basic bootstrapping for some gulp tasks =yunghwakwon
gulp-strapr A plugin for Gulp =glenn.abrahamsen
gulp-straw [EXPERIMENTAL] Gulp Task Manager: The tool for managing… =cognitom
gulp-stream Make sure all gulp file contents are available as streams =jeromew
gulp-streamify Wrap old plugins to support streams. =nfroidure
gulp-streamify-old Wrap old plugins to support streams. =ground5hark
gulp-streamline Streamline plugin for gulp
gulp-streamlinejs Streamline plugin for gulp =calvinwiebe
gulp-string Implementation of javascript String routines which may be… =djtregear
gulp-strip-banner Strips non-protected banner comments (/** ... */, but not… =oscarg
gulp-strip-code A gulp plugin to remove parts of code based on regular… =massick
gulp-strip-comments Strip comments from code =rnbwd
gulp-strip-css-comments Strip comments from CSS =sindresorhus
gulp-strip-debug Strip console and debugger statements from JavaScript code =sindresorhus
gulp-strip-json-comments Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your… =sindresorhus
gulp-strip-line Strip line plugin for gulp =guzart
gulp-strip-module Removes module structure from a NodeJS module. =andrewq
gulp-strip-ng-log Gulp plugin to strip calls to AngularJS's $log functions. =ntdaley
gulp-strip-react-dom-comment Strips the /** @jsx React.DOM */ from pipes to support… =stonecypher
gulp-stripbom strip bom of files/string =light
gulp-striphtml Strip away all html and replace with empty lines =oxyc
gulp-stss Gulp plugin for stss =amitkothari
gulp-stubby-server A Gulp plugin for setting up a Stubby mock server based on… =felixzapata
gulp-stubcell stub server for gulp =yosuke-furukawa
gulp-studio Repository of modern web development tooling and components =djfrsn
gulp-styl Preprocess CSS with Styl =sindresorhus
gulp-style-prototype Gulp Runners for Style Prototypes =snugug
gulp-stylecow Transform css files using stylecow =oscarotero
gulp-styledocco StyleDocco plugin for gulp. =konitter
gulp-styledown A gulp.js plugin for styledown. =st44100
gulp-styleguide gulp pipeline to generate a styleguide from DSS =paulwib
gulp-stylestats Gulp task for StyleStats =1000ch
gulp-stylestats-report Outputs stylestats data to a JSON file =mgmeyers
gulp-stylist Gulp plugin for stylist =tunderdomb
gulp-stylus Stylus plugin for gulp =stevelacy
gulp-stylus-sprite Sprites with stylus & spritesmith =iliakan
gulp-stylus-sprites gulp stylus sprite =syuji-higa
gulp-subset-process Process a subset of the stream and put the result into place =hoho
gulp-substituter Replace matched strings in files for defined values =jansedivy
gulp-subtask Create sub task for gulp. =hrfm
gulp-subtree Gulp module to push a folder to a subtree =snugug
gulp-suitcss Preprocess and validate SUIT CSS components =casear
gulp-supersede Replaces content within a HTML/DOM structure =247even
gulp-supervisor Run supervisor as a gulp task for easy integration with the… =leny =krkn
gulp-surgeon Surgical percision for Gulp =rschmukler
gulp-susli precompile susli templates into js =yasanchezz
gulp-svg-icons Inserting SVG icons was never so easy. =coma
gulp-svg-ignore Just for removing the layers of svg sources =morlay
gulp-svg-sprite SVG sprites & stacks galore — Gulp plugin wrapping around… =jkphl
gulp-svg-sprites Create SVG sprites with PNG fallbacks =shakyshane
gulp-svg-spritesheet Gulp SVG sprite sheet generator =iamdarrenhall
gulp-svg-symbols Convert SVG files to symbols with gulp =hiswe
gulp-svg2el Extract SVG DOM element from SVG image file =sw4
gulp-svg2png A gulp plugin for converting SVGs to PNGs. =akoenig
gulp-svg2ttf Create a TTF font from an SVG font =nfroidure
gulp-svgedit Edit Svg files =ssen
gulp-svgfallback Generate png sprite from svg icons =unsoundscapes
gulp-svgicons2svgfont Create a SVG font from several SVG icons =nfroidure
gulp-svgicons2svgfontforweb Create a SVG font from several SVG icons =leeqqiang
gulp-svgmin Minify SVG files with gulp. =beneb
gulp-svgo Minify SVG images =twistdigital
gulp-svgstore Combine svg files into one with <symbol> elements =unsoundscapes
gulp-swagger-dummy Create dummy JSON from swagger docs =jsbuzz
gulp-sweetjs gulp loader for sweetjs =sindresorhus…
gulp-swiffy Gulp plugin to convert SWF files with Google Swiffy. =blvz
gulp-swig Swig Plugin for Gulp =colynb
gulp-swig-jst Compile Swig templates to a JST file using Gulp. =codedsignal
gulp-swig-precompile Swig precompiler for gulp =asabhaney
gulp-switch Stream condition for switch/case =popomore
gulp-sym Gulp symlink =soyuka
gulp-symlink Create symlinks during your gulp build. =beneb
gulp-sync sync for dependency tasks of gulp.task method =kaminaly
gulp-sync-processor Sometime we need to use the data which other pipe emitted… =morlay
gulp-table2csv Convert html tables to valid csv. =nechtan
gulp-tag-version Tag git repository with current package version =ikari
gulp-taggit Simple semantic version interactions with git tags =klowner
gulp-tap Easiest way to tap into a pipeline =mgutz
gulp-tar Create tarball from files =sindresorhus
gulp-targethtml Preproces HTML files by using target tags =dinoboff
gulp-tarte-jsunit Unit test tool for Javascript codes working on Node.js. =sttk
gulp-task A wrapper of gulp.task that enables promise-based… =timhuff
gulp-task-factory gulp task factory =turner
gulp-task-list Lists gulp tasks and their comments =totolicious
gulp-task-listing Adds the ability to provide a task listing for your gulpfile =overzealous
gulp-task-loader Load gulp tasks from folder =hontas
gulp-task-master Offers a way to modularize your tasks =ksmithut
gulp-task-promise A wrapper of gulp.task that enables promise-based… =timhuff
gulp-tasker Gulp task loader and task registration manager =ivdwiel
gulp-taskfromstreams Forward stream errors to a task =pandell =milang
gulp-taskify A plugin designed to aid in managing tasks that are split… =whitneyit
gulp-tasks-common Common modules for Java-Script development with Gulp =jkuetemeier
gulp-tcoffee gulp-tcoffee ============ =minodisk
gulp-techy A Gulp plugin containing the core of Techy… =krasimir
gulp-teddy Teddy template compiler gulp plugin =csombek
gulp-teenypng Minify PNG images with TinyPNG =mikehall314
gulp-template Render/precompile Lo-Dash/Underscore templates =sindresorhus
gulp-template-compile Gulp task to precompile lodash templates =ingruz
gulp-templatecache Gulp plugin to join AngularJS templates in one JavaScript… =darlanalves
gulp-tenon-client Gulp Plugin for Tenon Accessibility Testing API =egauci
gulp-tenzing Builds style guides from handlebars templates =linssen
gulp-test All-in-one unit, lint, coverage & complexity tester =justinfreitag
gulp-testem A plugin for Gulp =sargentsurg
gulp-testium This is a gulp plugin for testium. =alexgorbatchev
gulp-text-translator Translate your files by using {{ syntax }} and… =raphaelluchini
gulp-text2json A Gulp plugin for compiling text files into adjacent JSON… =bluejeansandrain
gulp-textile Textile plugin for gulp =shuhei
gulp-texttojs Compiles text files into javascript files. =dzearing
gulp-tfcsprite A plugin for Gulp =hakashun
gulp-tfs gulp plugin for team foundation server =junyiz
gulp-tfs-commander TFS check-out and edit plugin for gulp =josephclay
gulp-theme-less A LESS plugin for Gulp. Clean Less files, to make easy… =cristianmr
gulp-themer Generate JSON hashmap of css selectors for theming. =speedmanly
gulp-throttle A gulp plugin to test your web app with slow internet… =johno
gulp-through Gulp stream transform factory =mgcrea
gulp-tictail Gulp target for simplifying Tictail theme creation =kalasjocke =ptz0n
gulp-tika-extractor Document extractor using Tika for Gulp =faizhasim
gulp-tinypng gulp plugin to compress png images using tinypng api =creativeaura
gulp-tipograph Tipograph plugin for Gulp =nevyk
gulp-titanium =atticoos
gulp-tmod the gulp plugin for tmodjs =light
gulp-tmpl Lodash/Underscore templates plugin for gulp. =adrianolaru
gulp-to-json Create json file from sources. =efrafa
gulp-to-markdown Gulp wrapper for to-markdown - an HTML to Markdown… =kuu
gulp-toc Generate a Table of Contents for HTML files =phated
gulp-todo Generate a file from comments of files in stream =pgilad
gulp-todos Generate a file from all your project files TODOs… =jabher
gulp-toga Clothe your code with Gulp. =shannonmoeller
gulp-tojson A gulp plugin for transforming data, e.g. CSV to JSON, TSV… =dengzhao
gulp-token-replace A token replace plugin for gulp =pictela
gulp-toml Convert toml to json =will-ob
gulp-toor gulp plugin to package all require.js files =toobug
gulp-tpl [data(yaml/json)] + [data(gulp control)] + [filter(js)] +… =changkong
gulp-tpl2amd Convert js templates to AMD modules no matter what syntax =dexteryy
gulp-tpl2js Compile template to js string, and wrap as amd/cmd module. =chunterg
gulp-tpl2mod gulp plugin to transform plain text to javascript string =spud
gulp-trace Add trace info into coffee, js, css, less files. =webyom
gulp-traceur Traceur is a to JavaScript-of-today compiler =sindresorhus
gulp-traceur-cmdline Traceur command line plugin for Gulp =cabrera
gulp-traceur-compiler Compiles ES6 to ES3/ES5 using the Traceur Compiler =origin1tech
gulp-track-filenames Capture file names before and after transform steps so as… =bholloway
gulp-trailer add a file to a source stream after all others are done =jden
gulp-trans trans Markdown to HTML =i5ting
gulp-transform-head Transform the beginning of a stream/buffer, useful for… =kolodny
gulp-transform-js-ast Gulp plugin to transform a javascript AST using recast… =ntdaley
gulp-transform-selectors A plugin for Gulp =nixonchris
gulp-transformify stream transform factory =mgcrea
gulp-transifex Gulp plugin for uploading source languages files to… =kevin.martin
gulp-translate-html A plugin for Gulp =hakashun
gulp-translation gulp plugin to translate any plain text file =mastilver
gulp-translator Translate your files by using {{ syntax }} and… =arathunku
gulp-transport gulp plugin for cmd transport =popomore =sorrycc
gulp-trconvert A plugin for Gulp =hakashun
gulp-tree A gulp plugin to create tree JSON from directory. Used for… =rmdort
gulp-tree-concat Gulp processor to merge multiple javascript files into one… =timnew
gulp-tributary Gulp plugin to insert one file into another =mrdaniellewis
gulp-trim gulp-trim =riim
gulp-trycatch-closure Enclose the content with a try...catch statement =ulflander
gulp-ts TypeScript compiler Gulp plugin =nawitus
gulp-tsb A gulp plugin for very fast TypeScript compilation. =jrieken
gulp-tsc TypeScript compiler for gulp.js =kotas
gulp-tsc-autoref Automatically adds typescript references to the top of the… =ifeltsweet
gulp-tsd Gulp plugin to automate TSD and TypeScript definition… =moznion
gulp-tslint TypeScript linter Gulp plugin =nawitus
gulp-tslint-log tslint plugin for gulp =guzart
gulp-tsv2json tsv to json using gulp =chilijung
gulp-ttf2eot Create an EOT font from a TTF font =nfroidure
gulp-ttf2woff Create a WOFF font from a TTF font =nfroidure
gulp-ttkm Template to kissy module =zhouqicf
gulp-tvm-tsc Compile TypeScript files to JavaScript with TypeScript… =watilde
gulp-twig Twig.js plugin for gulp.js ( =zimmen
gulp-twig-compile Compile Twig templates to javascript =jonspalmer
gulp-twig-with-data Fork of gulp-twig that can use gulp-data =colynb
gulp-twitter Make your build system tweet =janraasch
gulp-twoside Gulp extension to add wrap .js file for twoside.js module. =chaosim
gulp-type A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation… =ivogabe
gulp-typedoc Gulp plugin for the TypeDoc typescript documentation tool. =rogierschouten
gulp-typescript A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation… =sindresorhus…
gulp-typescript-compiler Typescript plugin for gulp =guzart
gulp-typescript-package Gulp task that compiles typescript files into one package… =lernetz-mich
gulp-typogr Typography utils =jeddy3
gulp-typograf Prepare texts with Typograf using Gulp. =hcodes
gulp-ucc ucc adapter for gulp =windyge
gulp-uglify Minify files with UglifyJS. =terinjokes
gulp-uglify-inline Gulp plugin to uglify inline scripts =shkuznetsov
gulp-uglifycss Gulp plugin to use uglifycss =spy-seth
gulp-uglifyjs Minify multiple files with UglifyJS. =craigjennings11
gulp-uglyfly Minify files with UglyflyJS. =quaderi
gulp-umd Gulp plugin for build JavaScript files as Universal Module… =eduardolundgren
gulp-uncache Append unique string or md5 hash to paths in html files to… =elmccd
gulp-uncss Remove unused CSS selectors. =beneb
gulp-uncss-sp Remove unused CSS selectors. Insanely copied from… =samar
gulp-uncss-task A Gulp task for removing unused CSS =addyosmani
gulp-unpathify Compress browserify require paths using gulp. =beneb
gulp-unretina Scales @2x images down to standard resolution =ramonfritsch
gulp-untar Extract tarballs in your gulp build pipeline =jmerrifield
gulp-untar2 Extract tarballs in your gulp build pipeline =sorrycc
gulp-unwrap unwrap cmd modules =light
gulp-unzip gulp plugin for unzip =suisho
gulp-update Fast Npm update when package.json changes. =tounano
gulp-updatepackagever 自动根据当前branch更新package.json中version =phataim 2014-12-0
gulp-upload-azure Yet another gulp plugin for uploading files to Azure Blob… =zheng1
gulp-upyun gulp plugins for upyun service =jacobbubu
gulp-use-asset Simply replaces asset references with a given file path. =ktstowell
gulp-usemin Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =alexander.zonov
gulp-usemin-query Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =skytracer
gulp-usemin-reloaded A better usemin. =julianxhokaxhiu
gulp-usemin-stream Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =mgcrea
gulp-usemin2 Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets… =pursual
gulp-user-story Gulp plugin for UserStory.js =piumosso
gulp-useref Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to… =jonkemp
gulp-using Lists all files used =jeromedecoster
gulp-utf8-convert convert file encoding to utf8 =qinjia
gulp-utf8ize-sourcemaps A Gulp plugin to apply utf8ize-sourcemaps to target… =twada
gulp-util Utility functions for gulp plugins =fractal
gulp-uudpend Prints out unused AMD dependencies =toben
gulp-validate-jsdoc Validate JsDoc function parameters are documented =sboudrias
gulp-varnish-bust Gulp task for busting Varnish cache after deploy =termina1
gulp-vartree Create a variable tree from the property values of given… =nfroidure
gulp-velocity A gulp plugin for rendering velocity template, based on the… =winniebear
gulp-ver Appends package version (package.json) to static files:… =bukharov
gulp-verb Gulp plugin for Verb, the zero-configuration markdown docs… =doowb…
gulp-version-append Cache-busting plugin for gulp. =m03geek
gulp-version-number Add version number to css/js/image... in HTML file. =shinate
gulp-version-tag A plugin for Gulp =soliury
gulp-vfs Virtual file system that works with Gulp =dong
gulp-vhash Asset versioning (for caching optimization) =up
gulp-view-compile 用于将html代码打包成cmd,amd规范可以使用的模块。这样可以跨域… =purplebamboo 2014-12-02 1.0.2 g
gulp-viewcache Concatenates and registers view templates in the… =duellsy
gulp-viking-posts A gulp plugin for generating lightweight JSON blog posts.… =jneurock
gulp-vinyl-yazl Pure JavaScript, streaming vinyl adapter for zip archives =blvz
gulp-vinyl-zip Streaming vinyl adapter for zip archives =joaomoreno
gulp-vm Run scripts in gulp =goatslacker
gulp-vows Gulp plugin for vows.js =m0x72
gulp-vulcanize Concatenate a set of Web Components into one file =sindresorhus
gulp-w3c-css A Gulp plugin for CSS Validation =gchudnov
gulp-w3cjs A Gulp wrapper for w3cjs to validate your HTML =callumacrae
gulp-wait A gulp task that inserts a delay before calling the next… =bpartridge83
gulp-war A Java WAR file generator plugin for Gulp =scottweinstein…
gulp-watch Watch, that actually is an endless stream =floatdrop
gulp-watch-concat gulp concatenate file watch =cooolbasha
gulp-watch-git Short package description =mdevils
gulp-watch-koala Watch, that actually is an endless stream =koala
gulp-watch-less Watch .less files and their @imports using the gulp-watch… =craga89
gulp-watch-local-packages Gulp watcher to automatically update local packages when… =wilmoore
gulp-watch-network Watch File Events received over the Network using Listen… =medialwerk…
gulp-watch-sequence Merge the actions of multiple watch triggers into a single… =bholloway
gulp-watchify integrates watchify with gulp.js =marcello
gulp-web-modules Module oriented build system for single page applications =jhudson
gulp-webmake > Bundles CommonJS and Node.JS modules for web browsers… =cmtt
gulp-webp Convert images to WebP =sindresorhus
gulp-webpack webpack =sindresorhus =shama
gulp-webpack-build Helps to build bundles based on webpack configs =mdreizin
gulp-webpack-config Gulp plugin to run webpack on a stream of config file and… =kmalakoff
gulp-webpcss A plugin for Gulp =lexich
gulp-webserver Gulp plugin to run a local webserver with LiveReload =schickling
gulp-webshot Webshot provides a simple API for taking webpage screenshots =cobaimelan
gulp-weibo-dot2js A plugin for Gulp, compiles doT template to .js files =liuweifeng
gulp-weinre using gulp run weinre task =iskenhuang
gulp-wisp Wisp plugin for gulp =jacksongariety
gulp-word-count A wordcount gulp utility =antjanus
gulp-workspace PoliteJS Workspace Utility Package for GulpJS =marcopeg
gulp-wp-rev Revisioning JS and CSS to scripts.php file on wordpress… =raulghm
gulp-wpstylecss A plugin for Gulp =stefanfisk
gulp-wrap A gulp plugin to wrap the stream contents with a template. =adamayres =shinnn
gulp-wrap-amd Wrap files with an AMD wrapper =phated
gulp-wrap-amd-infer Gulp plugin to automatically wrap and optionally compile… =kmalakoff
gulp-wrap-commonjs Wrap files into a CommonJS module definition compatible… =efacilitation
gulp-wrap-define Gulp plugin for wrapping files in a define statement =kmalakoff
gulp-wrap-docco A gulp plugin to convert code into html using docco's… =amitport
gulp-wrap-exports Wrap CommonJS module in IIFE and create global variable =alexeyraspopov
gulp-wrap-function gulp plugin for wrapping your customize function =yhsiang
gulp-wrap-js Gulp plugin for templating JavaScript code with source maps… =rreverser
gulp-wrap-layout A gulp plugin to wrap the stream contents with a lodash… =mariusgundersen
gulp-wrap-require Plugin for Gulp to wrap modules in CommonJs style =litiws
gulp-wrap-umd Wrap files with an UMD wrapper =phated
gulp-wrapper A gulp plugin for wrapping files with custom strings.… =antouank
gulp-xgettext Gulp plugin for GNU xgettext utility =justblackbird
gulp-xml-editor A gulp plugin to edit XML document (libxmljs wrapper) =morou
gulp-xml2js Convert xml files to js with gulp ( =stevelacy
gulp-xml2json xml to json using gulp =chilijung
gulp-xmlpoke Updates values in XML files based on XPath queries. This is… =pedroreys
gulp-xqlint Gulp plugin for XQLint =wcandillon
gulp-xslt XSLT transformation plugin for gulp =vecmezoni
gulp-xtemplate compile .xtpl file to modulex module =yiminghe
gulp-xtpl Gulp XTpl (XTemplate) for TMall Biz =koolc
gulp-yadda-steps A gulp task to generate or update Yadda test step libraries… =cellarise
gulp-yaml Convert YAML to JSON =crissdev
gulp-yml Compile YML files =lazutkin
gulp-yui-meta Extract YUI Loader meta from YUI modules =cquinders
gulp-yuicompressor Minify files with yuicompressor =anhulife
gulp-yuidoc A yuidoc plugin for Gulp =dmp
gulp-zebrakss Gulp plugin for KSS (Knyle Style Sheets) =juliarechkunova
gulp-zeroc-slice2js Gulp plugin to compile Slice files to JavaScript =zeroc
gulp-ziey-i18n gulp i18n tool by zem =zemzheng
gulp-ziey-ruby-haml Compile Haml to HTML with Ruby Haml =zemzheng
gulp-zip ZIP compress files =sindresorhus
gulp-zkflow Gulp tasks for working on angular apps =bolo
gulp-zopfli Zopfli compressor for gulp =romeovs…
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