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Last active May 25, 2018 07:33
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  • Save moisadoru/3c894abf13474f48b5c3ce4d84a64e4e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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NODE_VERSION=$(node --version)
function download_missing_node_gyp_file {
curl -s "$BUG_20921_URL/$1" -o "$BUG_20921_FILE/$1"
# Patching node v10.2.0, as it is missing the "core.h" header file, which breaks the build
# for modules like lib-sass, so we need to install node-gyp and patch the installed sources.
# See:
if [ "v10.2.0" == "$NODE_VERSION" ]; then
npm i -g node-gyp
node-gyp install
download_missing_node_gyp_file "core.h"
download_missing_node_gyp_file "callback_scope.h"
download_missing_node_gyp_file "exceptions.h"
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