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Created February 9, 2023 22:21
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systemd unit to run the wireguard jail as a service. see notes at the bottom.
# forked from
# ln -s /path/to/this/file /usr/lib/systemd/system/netns-proton.service
Description=Named network namespace "proton"
# run the wgjail script to create the wireguard interface
ExecStart=/tank/opt/nas1-config/scripts/wgjailr up
# remove the named network namespace
ExecStop=/tank/opt/nas1-config/scripts/wgjailr down
# once this is in place, we can:
# 1) a) sudo systemctl edit qbittorrent-nox
# b) sudo systemctl edit xteve
# 2) add the following:
# [Unit]
# After=netns-proton.service
# Requires=netns-proton.service
# [Service]
# NetworkNamespacePath=/var/run/netns/proton
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