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Last active June 8, 2023 22:12
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A script to subsample Fasta/FastQ files using Seqtk
set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail
# A script to subsample Fasta/FastQ files using Seqtk
if ! `command -v seqtk > /dev/null 2> /dev/null`
echo "Failed to find seqtk!"
exit 1
# Define a usage message
function Usage() {
echo -e "\
Usage: sample_info frac [outdir] [seed]\n\
where: 'sample_info' is a Fasta/FastQ file to be subsampled \n\
or a list of Fasta/FastQ files to be subsampled \n\
'frac' is either the fraction or number of reads to be kept \n\
Optional: 'outdir' is the directory to put the subsampled files \n\
If not specified, we will use \n\
'seed' is the seed value to be used for all samples run during \n\
this instance. If not specified, a random number will \n\
be generated and recorded for posterity's sake \n\
" >&2
exit 1
# Do we have the two required arguments?
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]
# Give the arguments names and set default values
SEED=${4:-`echo "$RANDOM"`}
# Make sure that the outdirectory exists
mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}
# Define a function to carry out the subsampling
function subsample() {
echo "Subsampling ${sample}"
name=`basename "${sample}" | cut -d '.' -f 1`
ext=`basename "${sample}" | cut -d '.' -f 2`
seqtk sample -s"${seed}" "${sample}" "${frac}" > "${out}"/"${name}"_sub_"${frac}"."${ext}"
# Export this function
export -f subsample
# Get the first line of ${SAMPLE_INFO}
LINE=`head -1 "${SAMPLE_INFO}"`
# See if this first line is a file
if [[ -f "${LINE}" ]]
then # If so
if `command -v parallel > /dev/null 2> /dev/null` # See if we have GNU Parallel installed
then # If so
cat "${SAMPLE_INFO}" | parallel "subsample {} ${SEED} ${FRAC} ${OUTDIR}" # Run the subsample function on all files in parallel
else # If we don't have parallel
for fastq in `cat "${SAMPLE_INFO}"` # Run the subsample function in serial
subsample "$fastq" "${SEED}" "${FRAC}" "${OUTDIR}"
else # If the first line doesn't point to a file, assume we were given a Fasta/FastQ file
subsample "${SAMPLE_INFO}" "${SEED}" "${FRAC}" "${OUTDIR}"
# Record what ${SEED} was, let us know where the final files can be found, and write all this to an out message file
echo -e "`date`:\nWe used a seed value of ${SEED}\nAll subsampled files can be found at ${OUTDIR}\nThis message can be read again at ${OUTDIR}/outMSG.txt" | tee -a ${OUTDIR}/outMSG.txt
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