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Last active November 26, 2022 13:06
How to configure Asciidoctor Diagram in a Jekyll site

How to configure Asciidoctor Diagram in a Jekyll site

Generate site

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir jekyll-site-creator
$ cd jekyll-site-creator
$ rvm use 2.4
Gemfile (create)
source ''

gem 'jekyll', '~> 3.4.3'
$ bundle --path=.bundle/gems
$ bundle exec jekyll new ../jekyll-site
$ sed -i '/^ruby RUBY_VERSION$/d' ../jekyll-site/Gemfile
$ echo 2.4 > ../jekyll-site/.ruby-version

Initialize site

$ cd ../jekyll-site
$ bundle --path=.bundle/gems

Add and configure AsciiDoc plugins

Gemfile (modify)
group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'asciidoctor-diagram', '~> 1.5.4'
  gem 'jekyll-asciidoc', '~> 2.0.1'
$ bundle
_config.yml (append)
  - images
  base_dir: :docdir
  safe: unsafe
    imagesdir: /images

Create content

$ wget -P images
diagram.adoc (create)
= Diagram
:page-layout: page

This page shows diagrams being used in a regular page.


   0  |        |  <- start
   1  |        |  <- q  scans from start to end
      :  ..... |
      |        |  <- end
      +--------+  <-+
      |        |    |
      +--------+    | rest of the
      :  ..... |    | allocated memory
      +--------+    |
  n   |        |    |
      +--------+  <-+

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_posts/2017-05-20-diagram-in-a-post.adoc (create)
= Diagram in a Post
:page-layout: post
:page-categories: [jekyll, asciidoc]

This page shows diagrams being used in a post.

digraph g {
    a -> b
    b -> c
    c -> d
    d -> a

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Test site

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Visit http://localhost:4000 to see the result.

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