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Last active October 3, 2021 09:34
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Z-gaude rail model driver by M5Atom + HBridge
#include "M5Atom.h"
#include "FastLED.h"
#include "pixeltypes.h"
// Fader Unit connected to Grove port of M5Atom Lite
#define NUM_LEDS_FADER 14
#define DATA_PIN_FADER 26
#define INPUT_PINS 32
// Define the array of leds
uint8_t brightness = 70;
int16_t rawADC = 0;
// ATOM HBridge Kit
const int IN1_PIN = 19;
const int IN2_PIN = 23;
int freq = 500;
int ledChannel1 = 0;
int ledChannel2 = 1;
int resolution = 8;
bool direction = true;
int VIN_PIN = 33;
int FAULT_PIN = 22;
void setup() {
M5.begin(true, false, false); // Serial enable only
// Fader set color
fill_gradient_RGB(leds, 0, CRGB::Red, 2, CRGB::Blue);
fill_gradient_RGB(leds, 4, CRGB::Blue, 6, CRGB::Red);
fill_gradient_RGB(leds, 7, CRGB::Red, 9, CRGB::Blue);
fill_gradient_RGB(leds, 11, CRGB::Blue, 13, CRGB::Red);
// PWM setup
ledcSetup(ledChannel1, freq, resolution);
ledcSetup(ledChannel2, freq, resolution);
ledcAttachPin(IN1_PIN, ledChannel1);
ledcAttachPin(IN2_PIN, ledChannel2);
void loop() {
// get Fader input, set brightness
rawADC = 2048 - analogRead(INPUT_PINS); // Read ADC value
brightness = map(abs(rawADC), 0, 2047, 0, 128); // Map ADC value to LED brightness: set maximum to half brightness
if(abs(rawADC) < 150) brightness = 0;
FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); //Adjust the brightness of the FADER LED;
// set PWM duty by fader input
uint32_t duty = map(abs(rawADC), 0, 2047, 0, pow(2,resolution-3)); // Map ADC value to PWM duty: set maximum to 1/8: If input is 12V, max volume indicates 1.5V.
if(abs(rawADC) < 150) duty = 0;
Serial.printf("rawADC: %d, Duty: %d\n", rawADC, duty);
direction = rawADC > 0;
if(direction) {
ledcWrite(ledChannel1, duty);
ledcWrite(ledChannel2, 0);
} else {
ledcWrite(ledChannel1, 0);
ledcWrite(ledChannel2, duty);
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