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➜ sofatutor git:(master) branch=rails-assets-to-yarn rake deploy:staging2:migrations
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
remote: Enumerating objects: 516, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (516/516), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done.
remote: Total 716 (delta 488), reused 489 (delta 474), pack-reused 200
Receiving objects: 100% (716/716), 418.44 KiB | 348.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (545/545), completed with 148 local objects.
context('when in population', () => {
// const promise = sinon.stub().resolves(true);
const stubs = {
'../../src/population/filters/countryCodeAlpha2/geoipService': Promise.resolve(true),
'@global': true
const filter = proxyquire('../src/population', stubs);
mokus80 / gist:2057cd4ed84c4cfa7e82e2c8dc6f6041
Created December 5, 2017 14:35
Angebote im Frontend ohne Solution Category
Offer with ID 145 has no solution category
Offer with ID 147 has no solution category
Offer with ID 148 has no solution category
Offer with ID 149 has no solution category
Offer with ID 150 has no solution category
Offer with ID 151 has no solution category
Offer with ID 152 has no solution category
Offer with ID 153 has no solution category
Offer with ID 184 has no solution category
Offer with ID 188 has no solution category
list = []
DivisionsPresumedTag.all.each do |d|
Division.find d.division_id
list << "no division with ID #{d.division_id}"
Tag.find d.tag_id
mokus80 / gist:07603ecb47dd8673a2ea0b0891ad6184
Created November 24, 2017 14:01
Ungültige Orgas, Divisions und Kontaktpersonen
Orga with ID 1603 has no website
Orga with ID 870 has no website
Orga with ID 184 has no website
Orga with ID 307 has no website
Division with ID 1515 has no orga
Division with ID 1429 has no orga
ContactPersn with ID 5808 has no orga
ContactPersn with ID 190 has no orga
mokus80 / gist:4160081d9acb54df9d139e1d7990e882
Last active December 6, 2017 15:08
Offer mir fehlender Location, Area oder Logic Version
Offer with ID 498 has no location
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1129
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1315
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1123
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 713
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1124
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1130
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1136
Could not find Area for Offer with ID 1220
mokus80 / gist:99e3c8a233d75aa575fb03d60596df73
Created November 24, 2017 12:42
Offers ohne Solution Category
Offer with ID 2144 has no solution category
Offer with ID 2156 has no solution category
Offer with ID 1417 has no solution category
Offer with ID 1428 has no solution category
Offer with ID 2189 has no solution category
Offer with ID 1473 has no solution category
Offer with ID 3470 has no solution category
Offer with ID 3494 has no solution category
Offer with ID 1490 has no solution category
Offer with ID 3498 has no solution category
Illegale Chinesische Restaurants. Sind von außen nicht erkennbar, einfach in den ersten Stock gehen bzw klingeln:
Dieses hier macht erst um 7 auf, deshalb waren wir hier nicht:
Hier waren wir, war ok:
Strände in Estoril und Cascais, in ca. 40min mit der Vorortbahn von der Station Cais de Sodre (im Zentrum) zu erreichen...
Felder: SB ID, SB L-Kat-ID, SB L-kat Name, Anzahl dazugehöriger Angebote, Orga ID
Felder: Angebot ID, L-Kat ID (Angebot), SB ID, SB L-Kat ID, SB L-Kat Name, Orga Name, Orga ID
26025,,6536,143,Jugendzentrum,[272],["Albatros gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für soziale und gesundheitliche Dienstleistungen mbH"]
26028,,6541,1,Beratung,[328],["Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf"]
26026,,6543,47,Selbsthilfegruppe,[932],["Nachbarschaftsheim Schöneberg e.V."]
25675,,865,1,Beratung,[9],["Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Berlin e.V."]
25680,,6301,122,Begleitete Elternschaft (§27 SGB VIII),[422],["EJF gemeinnützige AG"]
25678,,6302,1,Beratung,[1056],["Selbstbestimmte Geburt und Familie e.V."]
25679,,6303,155,Trauerbegleitung,[1056],["Selbstbestimmte Geburt und Familie e.V."]
25677,,6381,243,Krisendienst,[275],["Platane 19 e.V."]