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Created April 6, 2017 00:11
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How to set up my adaptable scheme.

Put this in your .zshrc:

  cat "/home/x/.colors/$1" && (
    echo $1 > ~/.curcol
    xrdb ~/.Xresources
    xrdb -merge "/home/x/.colors/$1"
    killall polybar
    polybar top -r &!
    feh --bg-fill "/home/x/Pictures/themes/$1.png" || feh --bg-fill "/home/x/Pictures/themes/default.png"
    bspc config active_border_color "$(~/xparse foreground)"
    bspc config normal_border_color "$(~/xparse background)"
    killall dunst
    dunst -lb "$(~/xparse background)" -nb "$(~/xparse background)" -cb "$(~/xparse background)" -lf "$(~/xparse color10)" -nf "$(~/xparse color11)" -cf "$(~/xparse color9)" &!

Put this in ~/xparse and make it executable:

#!/usr/bin/env node
x=E('xrdb -query')+''

Put this in .zshenv:

alias dmenu_run='dmenu_run -i -h 1800 -w 2880 -p "          >" -fn "DejaVu Sans Mono-15" -o .8 -nb "$(~/xparse background)" -nf "$(~/xparse color1)" -sb "$(~/xparse background)" -sf "$(~/xparse foreground)" -q'

Put the Xcolors files in ~/.colors (name the file to the theme name), put the wallpaper in ~/Pictures/themes (rename to [theme name].png), and run colo [theme name] in the terminal. Each time you run colo, you must restart urxvt to see changes.

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