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Last active September 22, 2021 17:49
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Quick API server for testing - Total.js, Schemas, embedded flat file database
require('total.js').http('release'); // default port 8000
NEWSCHEMA('Product').make(function(schema) {
schema.define('name', String, true);
schema.define('price', Number, true);
schema.define('description', String);
// Query products
schema.setQuery(function(error, options, callback) {
// pagination = U.parseInt( - 1;
options.max = U.parseInt(options.max, 20);
// if page not specified set it to 0
if ( < 0) = 0;
// number of items to return
var take = U.parseInt(options.max);
// number of items to skip
var skip = U.parseInt( * options.max);
// NOSQL is total.js embedded database
var filter = NOSQL('products').find();
if(options.sort) filter.sort(options.sort);
filter.callback(function(err, docs, count) {
// let's create object which will be returned
var data = {};
data.count = count;
data.items = docs;
data.limit = options.max;
data.pages = Math.ceil(data.count / options.max) || 1; = + 1;
// Get single product by id
schema.setGet(function(error, model, id, callback) {
.where('id', id)
.callback(function(err, product){
callback({success: !!product, data: product});
// Save the product into the database
schema.setSave(function(error, model, options, callback) {
// if there's no id then it's an insert otherwise update
var isNew = ? false : true;
// create id if it's new
if(isNew) = UID(); //UID returns string such as 16042321110001yfg
.upsert(model) // update or insert
.callback(function() {
callback({success: true, id:});
// Remove a specific product
schema.setRemove(function(error, id, callback) {
.where('id', id)
callback({success: true});
// URL Handler Flags Method
F.route('/api/products', query, ['*Product']); // GET (default)
F.route('/api/products/{id}', get, ['*Product']); // GET (default)
F.route('/api/products', save, ['*Product', 'post']); // POST
F.route('/api/products/{id}', remove, ['*Product', 'delete']);// DELETE
function query() {
// `this` is an instance of Controller
var self = this;
// $query is Schema method that we defined using `schema.setQuery(...)`
self.$query(self.query, self.callback());
// instead of self.callback you can supply your own callback function
// self.$query(self.query, function(err, result){
// self.json(result);
// });
function get(id) {
// the id is parsed by framework from url `/api/products/{id}`
var self = this;
// $get is Schema method that we defined using `schema.setGet(...)`
this.$get(id, self.callback());
function save() {
var self = this;
// $save is Schema method that we defined using `schema.setSave(...)`
// the $save method is available on this.body for POST request
// another way to use it is
// this.$save(this.body, self.callback());
function remove(id) {
var self = this;
// $remove is Schema method that we defined using `schema.setRemove(...)`
this.$remove(id, self.callback());
F.on('request', function(req, res){
console.log(`[${req.method}] ${req.url}`);
// outputs e.g. `[GET] /api/products`
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