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Last active May 2, 2021 07:44
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a new impl. to fix some shortcomings from how we represent thunks
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Language.Jsonnet.NewEval where
import Language.Jsonnet.Core
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Language.Jsonnet.Common
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits, toRealFloat)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.IntMap.Lazy (IntMap, (!))
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IntMap
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (%=), (<+=), use)
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Internal.Fold (foldMapOf, toListOf)
import Data.Monoid (Any(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Language.Jsonnet.TH.QQ
import Language.Jsonnet.Desugar
import Language.Jsonnet.Error
import Language.Jsonnet.Pretty ()
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding (encloseSep, (<$>))
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits, toRealFloat)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List (find)
import Language.Jsonnet.Annotate
type Loc = Int
type Error = String
type Eval a = ExceptT EvalError (ReaderT Env (StateT Heap (FreshMT IO))) a
data Value
= VNull
| VBool !Bool
| VNum !Scientific
| VStr !Text
| VObj !Object
| VArr !(Vector Value)
| VThunk !Core !Env
| VIndir !Loc
| VFun !(Value -> Eval Value)
| VPrim !Prim
| VClos !Fun !Env
type Object = HashMap Text (Hideable Value)
--data Object = Object
-- { _self :: Loc,
-- _super :: Loc,
-- _dict :: HashMap Text (Hideable Value),
-- }
data Cell = Cell { cellVal :: Value, cellIsWHNF :: Bool }
deriving (Generic)
mkCell :: Value -> Cell
mkCell v = Cell v False
type Env = Map (Name Core) Value
data Heap = Heap
{ _memory :: IntMap Cell,
_nextLoc :: Loc
deriving (Generic)
makeLenses ''Heap
emptyHeap :: Heap
emptyHeap = Heap IntMap.empty 0
class HasValue a where
inj :: a -> Value
proj :: Value -> Eval a
instance HasValue Value where
inj = id
proj = pure
instance HasValue Bool where
proj (VBool n) = pure n
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "bool" v
inj = VBool
instance HasValue Text where
proj (VStr s) = pure s
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "string" v
inj = VStr
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasValue [Char] where
proj (VStr s) = pure $ T.unpack s
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "string" v
inj = VStr . T.pack
instance HasValue ByteString where
proj (VStr s) = pure (encodeUtf8 s)
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "string" v
inj = VStr . decodeUtf8
instance HasValue Scientific where
proj (VNum n) = pure n
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "number" v
inj = VNum
instance HasValue Double where
proj (VNum n) = pure (toRealFloat n)
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "number" v
inj = VNum . fromFloatDigits
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Integral a => HasValue a where
proj (VNum n) = pure (round n)
proj v = throwTypeMismatch "number" v
inj = VNum . fromIntegral
instance HasValue a => HasValue (Maybe a) where
proj VNull = pure Nothing
proj a = Just <$> proj a
inj Nothing = VNull
inj (Just a) = inj a
instance HasValue a => HasValue (Vector a) where
inj as = VArr (inj <$> as)
proj (VArr as) = mapM (whnfV >=> proj) as
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasValue a => HasValue [a] where
inj = inj . V.fromList
proj = fmap V.toList . proj
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (HasValue a, HasValue b) => HasValue (a -> b) where
inj f = VFun $ whnfV >=> fmap (inj . f) . proj
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (HasValue a, HasValue b, HasValue c) => HasValue (a -> b -> c) where
inj f = inj $ \x -> inj (f x)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (HasValue a, HasValue b) => HasValue (a -> Eval b) where
inj f = VFun $ whnfV >=> proj >=> (fmap inj . f)
proj (VFun f) = pure $ proj <=< f . inj
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (HasValue a, HasValue b, HasValue c) => HasValue (a -> b -> Eval c) where
inj f = inj $ \x -> inj (f x)
inj'' ::
(HasValue a, HasValue b, HasValue c) =>
(a -> b -> c) ->
Value ->
Value ->
Eval Value
inj'' f v1 v2 = inj <$> liftA2 f (proj v1) (proj v2)
-- try to go throw an example that showcases why this approach is good
rnf :: Core -> Eval Value
rnf c = whnf c >>= rnfV
rnfV :: Value -> Eval Value
rnfV (VObj vs) = VObj <$> mapM (mapM rnfV) vs
rnfV (VArr vs) = VArr <$> mapM rnfV vs
rnfV v@(VThunk {}) = whnfV v >>= rnfV
rnfV v@(VIndir {}) = whnfV v >>= rnfV
rnfV v = pure v
whnfV :: Value -> Eval Value
whnfV (VThunk c e) = withEnv e (whnf c) >>= whnfV
whnfV (VIndir loc) = whnfIndir loc
whnfV v = pure v
whnf :: Core -> Eval Value
whnf (CVar n) = lookupVar n
whnf (CLoc _ c) = whnf c
whnf (CLit (String s)) = pure (VStr s)
whnf (CLit (Number n)) = pure (VNum n)
whnf (CObj dict) = whnfObj dict
whnf (CArr cs) = VArr . V.fromList <$> mapM mkValue cs
whnf (CLet bnd) = whnfLetrec bnd
whnf (CPrim p) = pure (VPrim p)
whnf (CApp e es) = whnfApp e es
whnf (CFun f) = VClos f <$> ask
whnfArgs :: Args Core -> Eval [Arg Value]
whnfArgs = \case
as@(Args _ Strict) -> args <$> mapM whnf as
as@(Args _ Lazy) -> args <$> mapM mkValue as
whnfApp :: Core -> Args Core -> Eval Value
whnfApp e es = do
vs <- whnfArgs es
whnf e >>= \case
VClos f env -> whnfClos env f vs
VPrim op -> whnfPrim op vs
v -> throwTypeMismatch "primitive" v
whnfClos :: Env -> Fun -> [Arg Value] -> Eval Value
whnfClos rho (Fun f) args = do
(bnds, e) <- unbind f
(rs, ps, ns) <- splitArgs args (second unembed <$> unrec bnds)
withEnv rho $
extendEnv (M.fromList ps) $
extendEnv (M.fromList ns) $
appDefaults rs e
-- all parameter names are bound in default values
appDefaults rs e = mdo
bnds <-
M.fromList <$> mapM
( \(n, e) -> do
th <- extendEnv bnds (mkValue e)
pure (n, th)
extendEnv bnds (whnf e)
-- returns a triple with unapplied binders, positional and named
splitArgs args bnds = do
named <- getNamed
pos <- getPos
unapp <- getUnapp named
pure (unapp, pos, named)
(bnds1, bnds2) = splitAt (length ps) bnds
(ps, ns) = split args
pNames = fst (unzip bnds)
getPos = do
if length ps > length bnds
then throwError $ TooManyArgs (length bnds)
else pure $ zip (fst $ unzip bnds1) ps
-- checks the provided named arguments exist
getNamed = traverse f ns
f (a, b) = case g a of
Nothing -> throwError $ BadParam (pretty a)
Just n -> pure (n, b)
g a = find ((a ==) . name2String) pNames
getUnapp named =
pure $ filter ((`notElem` ns) . fst) bnds2
ns = fst (unzip named)
split [] = ([], [])
split (Pos p : xs) =
let (ys, zs) = split xs in (p : ys, zs)
split (Named n v : xs) =
let (ys, zs) = split xs in (ys, (n, v) : zs)
whnfPrim :: Prim -> [Arg Value] -> Eval Value
whnfPrim (BinOp op) [Pos e1, Pos e2] =
liftA2 (,) (whnfV e1) (whnfV e2) >>= uncurry (whnfBinOp op)
whnfPrim Cond [Pos c, Pos t, Pos e] = whnfCond c t e
whnfBinOp :: BinOp -> Value -> Value -> Eval Value
whnfBinOp Lookup e1 e2 = whnfLookup e1 e2
whnfBinOp Add (VObj x) (VObj y) = x `mergeWith` y
whnfBinOp Add n1 n2 = evalBin ((+) @Double) n1 n2
whnfBinOp Sub n1 n2 = evalBin ((-) @Double) n1 n2
whnfBinOp Eq n1 n2 = evalBin ((==) @Double) n1 n2
whnfBinOp Le e1 e2 = evalBin ((<=) @Double) e1 e2
whnfBinOp op _ _ = throwError (InvalidKey (pretty $ show op))
whnfCond :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Eval Value
whnfCond c e1 e2 = do
c' <- (whnfV >=> proj) c
if c'
then whnfV e1
else whnfV e2
evalBin ::
(HasValue a, HasValue b, HasValue c) =>
(a -> b -> c) ->
Value ->
Value ->
Eval Value
evalBin = inj''
whnfLookup :: Value -> Value -> Eval Value
whnfLookup (VObj o) (VStr s) =
liftMaybe (NoSuchKey (pretty s)) (H.lookup s o) >>= \(Hideable v _) -> pure v
throwTypeMismatch :: Text -> Value -> Eval a
throwTypeMismatch e f = throwError =<< TypeMismatch e <$> valueType f
lookupVar :: Name Core -> Eval Value
lookupVar n = do
rho <- ask
v <- liftMaybe (VarNotFound (pretty n)) (M.lookup n rho)
whnfV v
--mkIndir :: Core -> Eval Value
--mkIndir c@(CLit _) = whnf c
--mkIndir c = VIndir <$> (allocate =<< (VThunk c <$> ask))
mkIndirV :: Value -> Eval Value
mkIndirV v = VIndir <$> allocate v
mkThunk :: Core -> Eval Value
mkThunk c = VThunk c <$> ask
mkValue :: Core -> Eval Value
mkValue c@(CLit _) = whnf c
mkValue c = mkThunk c >>= mkIndirV
-- this comes from Disco!
whnfIndir :: Loc -> Eval Value
whnfIndir loc = do
m <- use memory -- Get the memory map
let c = m ! loc -- Look up the given location and reduce it to WHNF
case c of
Cell v True -> return v -- Already evaluated, just return it
Cell v False -> do
v' <- whnfV v -- Needs to be reduced
memory %= IntMap.insert loc (Cell v' True) -- Update memory with the reduced value
return v' -- Finally, return the value.
whnfLetrec :: Let -> Eval Value
whnfLetrec (Let bnd) = mdo
(r, e1) <- unbind bnd
bnds <-
M.fromList <$> mapM
( \(n, Embed e) -> do
v <- extendEnv bnds (mkValue e)
pure (n, v)
(unrec r)
extendEnv bnds (mkValue e1)
whnfObj :: [KeyValue Core] -> Eval Value
whnfObj xs = mdo
self <-
mkIndirV =<< VObj . H.fromList . catMaybes
<$> mapM
( \(KeyValue key val) -> do
let bnd = M.fromList [(s2n "self", self)]
k <- whnf key
v <- whnfObjValue bnd `traverse` val
case k of
VStr k -> pure $ Just (k, v)
_ -> pure Nothing
whnfV self
-- | Right-biased union of two objects, i.e. '{x : 1} + {x : 2} == {x : 2}'
-- with OO-like `self` and `super` support via value recursion (knot-tying)
mergeWith :: Object -> Object -> Eval Value
mergeWith xs ys = mdo
zs' <- mkIndirV $ VObj (H.unionWith f xs' ys')
xs' <- pure $ self zs' <$> xs
ys' <- do
xs'' <- mkIndirV (VObj xs')
mapM (super xs'') (self zs' <$> ys)
pure zs'
f a b
| hidden a && visible b = a
| otherwise = b
self xs = fmap $ \case
VThunk c env ->
let env' = M.insert "self" xs env
in VThunk c env'
v -> v
super xs = mapM $ \case
VThunk c env ->
let env' = M.insert "super" xs env
if hasSuper c
then mkIndirV (VThunk c env') -- memoized the result
else pure (VThunk c env')
v -> pure v
whnfObjValue :: Env -> Core -> Eval Value
whnfObjValue _ c@(CLit _) = whnf c
whnfObjValue self e
| lb e = extendEnv self (mkThunk e)
| otherwise = mkValue e
lb e = hasSelf e || hasSuper e
hasSelf, hasSuper :: Core -> Bool
hasSelf = isFreeIn (s2n "self")
hasSuper = isFreeIn (s2n "super")
isFreeIn :: Alpha b => Name Core -> b -> Bool
isFreeIn = elementOf fv
elementOf l = anyOf l . (==)
anyOf l f = getAny . foldMapOf l (Any . f)
extendEnv :: Env -> Eval a -> Eval a
extendEnv = local . M.union
withEnv :: Env -> Eval a -> Eval a
withEnv = local . const
allocate :: Value -> Eval Loc
allocate v = do
loc <- nextLoc <+= 1
-- io $ putStrLn $ "allocating " ++ show v ++ " at location " ++ show loc
memory %= IntMap.insert loc (mkCell v)
return loc
visibleKeys :: Object -> HashMap Text Value
visibleKeys = H.mapMaybe f
f vv@(Hideable v _)
| not (hidden vv) = Just v
| otherwise = Nothing
valueType :: Value -> Eval Text
valueType (VStr _) = pure "string"
valueType (VObj _) = pure "object"
valueType (VArr _) = pure "array"
valueType (VClos {}) = pure "function"
valueType (VFun _) = pure "function"
valueType (VPrim _) = pure "function"
valueType v@(VThunk {}) = whnfV v >>= valueType
valueType v@(VIndir {}) = whnfV v >>= valueType
manifest :: Value -> Eval JSON.Value
manifest (VStr s) = pure (JSON.String s)
manifest (VNum s) = pure (JSON.Number s)
manifest (VArr vs) = JSON.Array <$> mapM manifest vs
manifest (VObj vs) = JSON.Object <$> mapM manifest (visibleKeys vs)
foo = [jsonnet|
local fibnext = {
a: super.a + super.b,
b: super.a,
local fib(n) =
if n == 0 then
{ a: 1, b: 1 }
fib(n - 1) + fibnext;
bar = desugar (annMap (const ()) foo)
result = rnf bar >>= manifest
run e = runFreshMT (evalStateT (runReaderT (runExceptT e) M.empty) emptyHeap)
liftMaybe :: EvalError -> Maybe a -> Eval a
liftMaybe e =
Nothing -> throwError e
Just a -> pure a
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