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Created January 17, 2017 11:07
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Jan 5 11:15:57 bogon bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1483586157 495665
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:19:38 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:19:38 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for Boolean: HighPriorityIO
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon[52660] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:19:38 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon syslogd[52662]: ASL Sender Statistics
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) configd_sim (52685)
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon logd[52671]: _cache_delete_register
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon logd[52671]: _file_brute_force_cull(10,1000)
Jan 7 22:19:38 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) aslmanager (52688)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) UserEventAgent (52663)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) identityservice (52673)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) cfprefsd (52690)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon[52663]: Alarm module initialized.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: [] __nwlog_err_simulate_crash_libsystem libsystem simulate crash unavailable "libsystem_network.dylib: networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings :: received NULL response"
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: [] networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings received NULL response, dumping backtrace:
[i386] libnetcore-856.30.16
0 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01cd114d __nw_create_backtrace_string + 123
1 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01cc5873 networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings + 93
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x01aa16ef _dispatch_client_callout + 14
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a85c04 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 235
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a86693 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1103
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a86a27 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 357
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a8846d _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 384
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a88285 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 134
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01e16d5e _pthread_wqthread + 1070
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01e1690a start_wqthread + 34
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assertiond (52681)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) containermanage (52692)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 main: containermanagerd performing first boot initialization
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 -[MCMMigrationStatus _migrateFromManyMarkerFilesToOne]: Migrating from many marker files down to one
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 -[MCMMigrationStatus isBuildUpgrade]: Did not find last build info; we must be upgrading from pre-9.3.1 or this is an erase install.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 -[MCMClientConnection _regenerateAllSystemContainerPaths]: Rolling system container directory UUIDs on disk
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 -[MCMMigrationStatus writeCurrentBuildInfoToDisk]: Saved last build version of 14C89
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) budd (52683)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0x174c1c0 main: containermanagerd first boot cleanup complete
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: objc[52686]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xd25c44c) and /Applications/ (0xd09db78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) lsd (52691)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon lsd[52691]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) backboardd (52678)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CoreSimulatorBr (52686)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) routined (52667)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Requesting installation of file:///Users/molikto/Projects/Games/SpyLove/code/ios/robovm-build/tmp/iOS/ios/x86_64/ with options: {
CFBundleIdentifier = "org.snailya.spylove";
PackageType = Developer;
SimulatorRootPath = "/Applications/";
SimulatorUserPath = "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data";
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) locationd (52680)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pasted (52693)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon pasted[52693]: Service started.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon pasted[52693]: BundleID from team (null) is requesting pasteboard
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon pasted[52693]: Registering for pasteboard preferences notification:
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon pasted[52693]: ...requesting pasteboard completed. Error: (null)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x7bd25de0> registered
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x78f2a440> registered
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x78f2a6b0> registered
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon routined[52667]: [METRIC] Asset, Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon locationd[52680]: Logging binary sensor data to /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/locationdSensors.bin
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 0 contextLevel: -1 appearance: 0
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: main display width 640 height 1136 framebuffer width 640 height 1136 scale 2 orientation 0
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: _sideways 0
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon locationd[52680]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon locationd[52680]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/Traffic.bundle
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) distnoted (52697)
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon distnoted[52697]: # distnote server daemon absolute time: 120429.411862649 civil time: Sat Jan 7 22:19:39 2017 pid: 52697 uid: 501 root: yes
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon locationd[52680]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/MotionCalibration.bundle
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon locationd[52680]: BLP: Need a bundle path or a bundle identifier.
Jan 7 22:19:39 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: layer position 320 568 bounds 0 0 640 1136
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:39 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ids_simd (52669)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistryd (52699)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 0 contextLevel: 2999 appearance: 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: main display width 640 height 1136 framebuffer width 640 height 1136 scale 2 orientation 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: _sideways 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: layer position 320 568 bounds 0 0 640 1136
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) tccd (52698)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) installd (52672)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) cplogd (52700)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) profiled (52694)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: [default] IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: Initialized Simulator HID System Manager: <SimulatorHIDFallbackSystem: 0x7c57c350>
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mobileassetd (52696)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistrylau (52703)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon tccd[52698]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52702)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52703]: [root_daemon] launch_disable_directory("/Applications/") duration: 0.015 returned 133
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon locationd[52680]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0x1c891c0 main: Reboot detected
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0x1c891c0 is_build_upgrade: Did not find last build info; we must be upgrading from pre-8.0 or this is an erase install.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52702]: 0xb0a95000 -[MISystemAppDataContainerMigrator performMigrationWithError:]: Migrating system app data containers
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52702]: 0xb0a95000 -[MISystemAppDataContainerMigrator performMigrationWithError:]: Migration complete
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) geod (52701)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52704)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 5 contextLevel: 3000 appearance: 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: main display width 640 height 1136 framebuffer width 640 height 1136 scale 2 orientation 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: _sideways 0
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: layer position 320 568 bounds 0 0 640 1136
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52704]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon geod[52701]: [GEOPersistenceManager] 4.1 Mapping directory does not exist. Will create it at path: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/GeoServices/PhoneNumberMapping.plist
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon geod[52701]: [LogMessageLogging] 5.1 adaptorOptionsArray is nil or empty, there no adaptors available to create
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0x1c891c0 record_current_build_info: Recorded current system version as 14C89
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52706)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlsessiond (52705)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0x1c891c0 __47-[MIDeveloperDiskImageTracker checkMountPoint:]_block_invoke: /Applications/ is not present now or before
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIClientConnection enumerateInstalledAppsWithOptions:completion:]: Enumerate installed apps requested by lsd (pid 52691) with options (null)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer init]: Updating plugin containers with their parent bundle ID
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMContainerMigrator performDataMigratorMigrationWithError:]: Performing Data Migration on 14C89
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMFileManager standardizeAllSystemContainerACLsAtURL:error:]: Potential containers requiring ACL migration: (
"2A99F1D3-61F0-44A7-B048-921BAE6E259E/ -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/",
"38EED0D2-76C7-4FA9-9038-8C66BD0F5837/ -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/"
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMFileManager standardizeAllSystemContainerACLsAtURL:error:]: Potential containers requiring ACL migration: (
"97E5A137-D290-4354-9A7E-E86297C6DD21/ -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/",
"A4ED6F41-EBA1-405A-AE28-FFE37DE2EF93/ -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/",
" -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/",
" -- file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/"
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMMigrationStatus setMigrationCompleteForType:]: Migration completed on 14C89 for ACLMigration
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMCodeSigningMapping _onQueue_migrateAppGroupIdsFromDataContainersToFile]: Performing group ID migration
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon nsurlsessiond[52705]: Failed to send PDURLSessionProxy startup message, error Error Code=200 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x78656780 {Error Code=3 "No pair is active." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No pair is active.}}}
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMMigrationStatus setMigrationCompleteForType:]: Migration completed on 14C89 for GroupIdMigration
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMCodeSigningMapping _onQueue_migrateCachedCodeSigningInfoFromBundleContainersToMapping]: Performing code signing migration
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon containermanagerd[52692]: 0xb0279000 -[MCMMigrationStatus setMigrationCompleteForType:]: Migration completed on 14C89 for CodeSigningMigration
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/48968202-4DA8-4F0B-AD74-93C61B05CE22
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52706]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/A146C4A1-9F23-44C5-A821-A22D2DB12CCE
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) securityd (52707)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/95AF1694-237C-4221-8279-53464BC7CD4E
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12946894) and /Applications/ (0xe64e4f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127aa8) and /Applications/ (0xc8990a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127b70) and /Applications/ (0xc89916c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127af8) and /Applications/ (0xc8991e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127b48) and /Applications/ (0xc89925c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127a80) and /Applications/ (0xc8992ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127be8) and /Applications/ (0xc8993ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127b20) and /Applications/ (0xc89943c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127d28) and /Applications/ (0xc899464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127c60) and /Applications/ (0xc899554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127ad0) and /Applications/ (0xc89957c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127d00) and /Applications/ (0xc89961c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127cd8) and /Applications/ (0xc89966c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127cb0) and /Applications/ (0xc899694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C0DAA925-DACD-41D5-89F6-93E894AF2BAA
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127bc0) and /Applications/ (0xc8996e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127b98) and /Applications/ (0xc89970c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127c10) and /Applications/ (0xc899784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127c88) and /Applications/ (0xc8997ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon backboardd[52678]: objc[52678]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x12127c38) and /Applications/ (0xc8997fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) accountsd (52708)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/A15F822C-D745-4122-9E52-E45BD23E1BD6
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata page is missing PID information for notifyd (52687)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info notifyd (52687)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) notifyd (52687)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata page is missing PID information for syslogd (52662)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info syslogd (52662)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syslogd (52662)
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/93E955BE-B36A-43AB-BDA1-43A1073113DB
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/307C347F-F472-46D5-86FE-2EC77B99752E
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/0540A083-5ADC-4F8B-9D84-D728146CC7C4
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/DA62A11C-4E8B-4347-B709-6FA3B749BC08
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4C56BBC1-71AC-44E4-A58D-FCE0758ECAB4
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/71AC01F1-CD0F-413F-85BD-7AD992D69CDB
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/D38E85F0-A1E6-4A70-8A77-B2121A5B2871
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 +[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer enumeratePluginKitPluginsInBundle:updatingPluginParentID:ensurePluginsAreExecutable:installProfiles:error:enumerator:]: Failed to get plugin bundles for bundle : Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/, SourceFileLine=37}
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Missing kAccountDataclassNews!"
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/7BBAE92B-5BF5-49C3-8BCC-6C4AD8F7AEFE
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/B2A56AC5-2A74-41B3-8335-E64C44FCA010
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/529D8F14-3A41-46B2-B0A0-D3EF432B3335
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/F5973582-C82E-43D0-B512-0E25D3C0043C
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/1F8F6F71-A1E2-4874-A5E5-276FF98DA26E
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:40 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/42A401F4-F29E-4F7C-9241-F13FFF89BEB8
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:40 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/A96A2911-EDAF-4742-8EF7-331CEF928C23
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon securityd[52707]: unable to access hwaes key
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/799E00D5-659D-4960-8D88-39A6708713F5
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/159F6424-8818-4487-B202-EB730D9B42AC
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/201B4EB2-60DA-4CB8-B7BC-4018567EE237
Jan 7 22:19:40 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4C0F5FB4-6BDA-4A5F-9F7B-45CFD0CD6040
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/43221E9F-B1C1-4913-8125-B4232275CCC1
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4B81EDE8-EBA3-4FC9-91A0-90683D12E0C3
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/EA2D563F-033D-4DD8-9E5D-6AD7EC112990
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/6F3E261E-FAAA-41E5-8E07-C4A473D4898B
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/CC9D7DEF-44D3-42F4-9E54-03EE8D34FE1A
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/CA71984C-4F01-4891-84A6-6143C405407C
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mediaremoted (52666)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/1BACC64C-246D-45E3-945E-3D4016514165
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C3657487-A90F-4F15-ABFD-206D4C9FFE99
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) itunesstored (52709)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/3191708F-949B-4D9E-A07E-8BFC463CE5CD
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/C81A53FF-2A18-4440-B3F1-7B2C20448E92
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/EF8A88C6-4601-41C5-A5B6-6A48AEFFF07E
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52710)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon itunesstored[52709]: [SoftwareUpdatesStore]: Skipping most of server registration for server <SSXPCServer: 0x78f27180> since we are using appstored software updates
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C4C10B12-2955-4DA4-B8A1-202E955AE36A
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/9A4899F1-366F-4757-AF06-979A76720D96
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/8447E827-3BA2-4BD5-BF0A-6D4B78C5E83B
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/478DABB5-B1AA-4026-B05F-AFE81F9E4391
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/2C1AF4C3-AC4F-41FF-BEE0-E2631408A230
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon[52710]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/6466E5D4-34FA-489C-815F-82D26BBB65D2
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/D08EF592-2314-4DF0-8974-6B4A584C31FE
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/BD726E4A-7D44-451A-81BC-0DEB3902DD1C
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/70544F40-573F-45B9-9239-4D8450855D00
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/974F7936-E8D5-4EB2-821C-DAC59FC237CE
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/B787A98B-FABE-4938-B034-823E946E5611
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) fileproviderd (52664)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/22BFEBFC-B322-499A-BB61-676C07DC6EE6
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/73C3DB55-48DF-47CE-B299-901D01C9B1EB
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/3D4FAF24-965C-4B00-A81E-D0A6BCBC286C
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/190105B5-29D0-48CA-B9ED-870F93DB2118
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C55C8AB8-762B-4F0D-B426-4FC3B4C27A29
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/655AD0C9-978E-44C2-BC08-AC4502684628
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1712a44c) and /Applications/ (0x16f6bb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/B1283769-FDFA-4BCA-BA3D-FF23E359BE85
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/C586298F-0B5D-44F3-A791-28AC2BEF910B
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/D50E66E1-DC72-4DCB-ACBA-482FE31ED852
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/EC96937D-61D1-4B32-8349-0401E9205053
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/01B3D321-3167-45DD-85CB-5CDC8397D8E3
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 6 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/2DCC1DC0-E958-49D3-990D-4452EB0DD6D8
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mstreamd (52668)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/9E6C4D68-1759-4696-8EFF-D2024F85861F
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon assetsd[52675]: objc[52675]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x5ec44c) and /Applications/ (0x1964b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) SpringBoard (52677)
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/24A308CF-4004-4B99-95C8-F19AA8BD1651
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/8BDB52EB-5C52-4AB4-8514-9C921C583907
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4515015C-B24C-4B49-B4EB-85EFFA4137DC
Jan 7 22:19:41 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C81F4C74-0255-42EF-8432-D86377CC45B0
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIFileManager realPathForURL:ifChildOfURL:]: Rejecting /Applications/ -> /../../../../usr/lib/libSystem.dylib, as it is points outside or to the base /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/45574270-1A3E-478F-BEBC-D7892DA1428C
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assetsd (52675)
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/177DDAD1-8C8A-46DF-B5A4-9EEC16D3E254
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/1C4A7403-97E4-49FC-BF13-B29C9D9AC8A2
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/685CAC7F-6262-465D-8922-2E12FA3B1B22
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/5F9B1ED0-5D70-413D-B3BA-8A80058C6EE8
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pkd (52711)
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) revisiond (52682)
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/589E182D-6C1D-4272-B847-11C19C988FB5
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/EBFD1325-65DC-48AC-B3F4-F4B265D0797E
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/0640BFBB-416F-4F09-A588-F89450596E32
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/66B84889-1F1E-43DC-8D9E-3B5788C5F925
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/D97552D9-6AB5-4ED7-9DEF-419797F352EB
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:42 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:42 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/B02173F8-3493-4B43-B80F-DDC9E744C924
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/96FB5FBD-40EB-4E20-9EE0-77DB141A6BFD
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/A958DF79-D096-4059-B838-6C883593D541
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4F481B40-C121-41C3-94FC-88785770ABB3
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/DB3C04E9-4E80-42DA-9353-F2333ACEB303
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C7F07E89-DBCF-4AE1-8FE8-FDA894164CC0
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/F4F72BA5-61C1-4CA8-B5ED-96EDED325561
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/DADE0328-40E6-4A8E-A8A7-60DE27CEB8B7
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C8BD3EC3-C4D4-4C81-A432-4830D7A80B3E
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/28D9D6EC-2250-485E-94AD-8C975AF56DB9
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/6A41ECC1-3AED-45F3-9E75-1DC92FA10013
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/964C0713-F4E7-4924-AEA7-4C9841FE6ADC
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/7F8B06FD-FFEB-4313-BAAB-077C594428AB
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/921164EF-CC91-48A9-AA10-823E6ACBBF6A
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/4CF81212-CC71-4513-B8B8-2D72E3E224A6
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/A4A53542-636D-47DE-9610-421FABBDE8DB
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/5343FD71-920C-473F-B70B-D17609D4ED59
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/5A96329C-244C-4C6B-9D6D-D2CF6247C33C
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/E95AF82D-FE95-4B9C-8168-4D8F13F4D6D4
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/050032D4-5D00-4886-B9CF-27287AEFA0CD
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/101B46CC-399E-4CCA-94E9-BE1E4C08F0A8
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) AppleIDAuthAgen (52674)
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/ACA46077-656C-4472-B49E-1A0F6172F136
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/16324E5E-B652-495E-90C7-D7D3FE6710FA
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/C3B8A61D-4019-485A-B3DB-3406BE37432A
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/6BEF5EB0-86A5-4F8C-8FC9-7E68F5901BC0
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/D4A091C1-E944-4E0E-A7BB-3974B15EAA3F
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/599F0BD7-44B4-4A63-8217-60D872090DA3
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/91762011-BA3A-4E52-ABE4-07373DBCFC56
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/E61C20B0-C291-44B3-AE24-594D6FFF5B6D
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/B464A363-F929-4BC9-98D0-48E56C3E3752
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) apsd (52712)
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon apsd[52712]: [Warning] Setting up a new database at path /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/ApplePushService/aps.db.
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 44: Bundle at path /Applications/ did not have a CFBundleIdentifier in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/1B5583ED-7458-4707-BDBB-2C39FF736562
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/B15C3B19-A18A-4B5D-BCC2-A6CA3B6731E8
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/BA024E33-52DC-4175-9873-7D56CB53F2FE
Jan 7 22:19:43 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/205F6237-41D0-4B64-BD1C-B8D5BBC45D24
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/D47733E1-627F-41E9-A7CC-9E005B256275
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/E4332DB3-6B07-467A-8FC9-CEEA8AEEA5F7
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer performGatherWithError:]: Updated plugin containers with parent bundle IDs
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon locationd[52680]: [Core] no LaunchEvents found
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIClientConnection _doInstallationForURL:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/Users/molikto/Projects/Games/SpyLove/code/ios/robovm-build/tmp/iOS/ios/x86_64/" type Developer (LSInstallType = (null)) requested by CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 52686)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 4 for client
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 3 for client
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Did not construct delta; doing full copy for installation.
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 2 for client
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon identityservicesd[52673]: [Warning] Failed to move incoming files to to-be-deleted directory /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/delete error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "“incomingfiles” couldn’t be moved to “delete” because either the former doesn't exist, or the folder containing the latter doesn't exist." UserInfo={NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/incomingfiles, NSUserStringVariant=(
), NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/incomingfiles, NSDestinationFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/delete/53C25B3A-58A9-467B-A212-0CD6D45C67E0, NSUnderlyingError=0x79949e10 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}} -- delete anyway
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon identityservicesd[52673]: [Warning] Failed to move incoming files to to-be-deleted directory /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/delete error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "“incomingfiles” couldn’t be moved to “delete” because either the former doesn't exist, or the folder containing the latter doesn't exist." UserInfo={NSSourceFilePathErrorKey=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/incomingfiles, NSUserStringVariant=(
), NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/incomingfiles, NSDestinationFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/delete/53C25B3A-58A9-467B-A212-0CD6D45C67E0, NSUnderlyingError=0x79949e10 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}} -- delete anyway
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon lsd[52691]: [default] Request to synchronize with MobileInstallation made by pid 52706
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIClientConnection enumerateInstalledAppsWithOptions:completion:]: Enumerate installed apps requested by lsd (pid 52691) with options (null)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon locationd[52680]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon routined[52667]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for binary named ''
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon apsd[52712]: 2017-01-07 22:19:44 +0800 apsd[52712]: Peer connection [pid=52673] missing server
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon apsd[52712]: 2017-01-07 22:19:44 +0800 apsd[52712]: Peer connection [pid=52673] missing server
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]:
AB Migration - image db migration took 0.059831s
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon identityservicesd[52673]: [Warning] Setting up a new database at path /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/IdentityServices/ids.db.
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]: warning: Could not compile statement INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ABAccount (AccountIdentifier) SELECT DISTINCT AccountIdentifier FROM ABStore_old WHERE AccountIdentifier IS NOT NULL;: no such column: AccountIdentifier
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]: warning: Could not compile statement INSERT INTO ABPersonChanges (record, type, sequence_number, Image, ExternalIdentifier, StoreID) SELECT record, type, -1, Image, ExternalIdentifier, StoreID FROM ABPersonChanges_old;: no such column: Image
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CloudKeychainPr (52713)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon routined[52667]: table drop: 101
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 +[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer enumeratePluginKitPluginsInBundle:updatingPluginParentID:ensurePluginsAreExecutable:installProfiles:error:enumerator:]: Failed to get plugin bundles for bundle : Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/, SourceFileLine=37}
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) wcd (52676)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) carkitd (52714)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]: table drop: 101
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IDSKeychainSync (52715)
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]:
AB Migration - main db migration took 0.357982s
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:44 bogon[52706]: Error opening database: unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon wcd[52676]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) dataaccessd (52716)
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlstoraged (52717)
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIFileManager realPathForURL:ifChildOfURL:]: Rejecting /Applications/ -> /../../../../usr/lib/libSystem.dylib, as it is points outside or to the base /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon wcd[52676]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) PS: The subscription plugin class does not support push notification refreshing.
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon lsd[52691]: Detected potentially harmful notification post rate of 60.6659 notifications per second
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) AS: <MSASDaemonModel: 0x7d3116c0>: Migrating database from version -1 to version 2.
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) AS: <MSASDaemonModel: 0x7d3116c0>: Set database version to 2.
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:45 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assistantd (52665)
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) healthd (52670)
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:46 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 44: Bundle at path /Applications/ did not have a CFBundleIdentifier in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb04aa000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon routined[52667]: [LOCATION TAGGING] error fetching current location of interest, Error Domain=RTErrorDomain Code=5 "no location" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no location}
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon profiled[52694]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon pkd[52711]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon routined[52667]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon routined[52667]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) AssetCacheLocat (52718)
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=org.snailya.spylove; Version=1, ShortVersion=1.0>
Jan 7 22:19:46 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for org.snailya.spylove at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/7D6B77A2-884B-4BC5-8AF3-3EF305C2499A
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for org.snailya.spylove at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0324000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.17s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.20s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 2.96s
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon nsurlsessiond[52705]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x786638f0> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968 509}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7bc20750> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968 509}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7d841e20> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968 509}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon routined[52667]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b987340> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968 509}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon profiled[52694]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x79042ec0> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968 509}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon nsurlsessiond[52705]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon routined[52667]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon routined[52667]: [MIGRATION] file did not exist, Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "“” couldn’t be removed." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x79f853d0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}, NSFilePath=~/Library/Logs/, NSUserStringVariant=(
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) swcd (52721)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syncdefaultsd (52719)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) appstored (52725)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) searchd (52720)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon swcd[52721]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) bird (52723)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eaaa8) and /Applications/ (0xa9c0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eab70) and /Applications/ (0xa9c16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eaaf8) and /Applications/ (0xa9c1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eab48) and /Applications/ (0xa9c25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eaa80) and /Applications/ (0xa9c2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eabe8) and /Applications/ (0xa9c3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eab20) and /Applications/ (0xa9c43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1ead28) and /Applications/ (0xa9c464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eac60) and /Applications/ (0xa9c554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eaad0) and /Applications/ (0xa9c57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1ead00) and /Applications/ (0xa9c61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eacd8) and /Applications/ (0xa9c66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eacb0) and /Applications/ (0xa9c694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eabc0) and /Applications/ (0xa9c6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eab98) and /Applications/ (0xa9c70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eac10) and /Applications/ (0xa9c784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eac88) and /Applications/ (0xa9c7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: objc[52722]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1eac38) and /Applications/ (0xa9c7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon bird[52723]: [default] [CRIT] Assertion failed: qos_class_self() == QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT
Jan 7 22:19:47 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) callservicesd (52722)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon appstored[52725]: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not open database, resetting: [14, /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/7CB922E0-C28E-4E4E-9E57-87E9E7D72B30/Documents/appstored.sqlitedb]
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon appstored[52725]: Failed to delete db handle 0x7a66f9f0! SQLite error 21.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon appstored[52725]: SSSQLiteDatabase: Could not execute SQL: ATTACH DATABASE "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/7CB922E0-C28E-4E4E-9E57-87E9E7D72B30/Documents/updates.sqlitedb" AS software_updates_db;: [14, unable to open database: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/7CB922E0-C28E-4E4E-9E57-87E9E7D72B30/Documents/updates.sqlitedb, /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/System/7CB922E0-C28E-4E4E-9E57-87E9E7D72B30/Documents/appstored.sqlitedb]
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon searchd[52720]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon appstored[52725]: [ODRServiceDelegate]: No existing database at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/OnDemandResources/Database/odr.sqlite, signal folks that this one might not be trustworthy IRT files on the device.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon appstored[52725]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:19:47 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) suggestd (52724)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: [TransactionManager] Handling invalidated XPC connection
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon callservicesd[52722]: [Default] Unable to initialize CXCallDirectoryStore for reading: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b60e280 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) RemindersSpotli (52726)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) MobileCalSpotli (52727)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon suggestd[52724]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [ops] readyPlugIns failed:Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Extension request failed. Error: Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Error registering file provider extension Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}.
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) calaccessd (52729)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon suggestd[52724]: [suggestions] Could not delete all pseudo-contacts: (null)
Jan 7 22:19:47 bogon sharingd[52679]: objc[52679]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xff3244c) and /Applications/ (0xfd73b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon mapspushd[52730]: objc[52730]: Class MSPUserRoutingPreferences is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x14d62f0) and /Applications/ (0x30454). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mapspushd (52730)
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon mapspushd[52730]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon tccd[52698]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 52667
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) MobileSMSSpotli (52731)
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamPriority
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ContactsCoreSpo (52733)
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) profiled (52732)
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon profiled[52732]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) sharingd (52679)
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon locationd[52680]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon assetsd[52675]: [error] error: -addPersistentStoreWithType:SQLite configuration:(null) URL:file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite options:{
NSPersistentStoreFileProtectionKey = NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication;
NSPersistentStoreOrderKeyUpdateNotification = 1;
NSSQLitePersistWALOption = 1;
NSSQLitePragmasOption = {
"journal_mode" = WAL;
} ... returned error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134100 "(null)" UserInfo={metadata={
ImportedFileSystemAssets = 1;
ImportedFileSystemAssetsDate = "2015-09-02 20:02:20 +0000";
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 637;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
AdditionalAssetAttributes = <3dec35fe e0a05143 21fcfa10 b2a6786b 1ae6a42f f208b0ba 94a624d5 0c4373eb>;
Adjustment = <80c158a6 bc060506 f3df23da 0434c82b 60705711 6b075533 60d8b275 ddf51b98>;
Album = <e8767b3e bfe5ecc1 b25977b4 b730f67c 39aadd57 43bce82f b6f61c8e 7878a5a9>;
AlbumList = <e5114d78 8b74fd88 a8c4e778 1e1a8f99 5d997d0a d7cc865f c0fdf949 3c8876ff>;
Asset = <80539942 7002b8c5 dd17a301 39af51a1 c42b3f3c fb967122 a4c3a7a4 e94ec728>;
AssetDescription = <bcf1df7a 47f359c3 78df6ab0 c7e21a64 280768f5 81219f26 8e123f62 beaeff67>;
CloudFeedAssetsEntry = <9a5209ab 7afe5269 9c6873bb db7a8263 4a134b60 b596b771 c46e5eaf eaf5f5ed>;
CloudFeedCommentsEntry = <c8b68a81 bf231338 e9e0c729 a5e5f32d 9d567c42 2a077f5e 83224874 c09b56de>;
CloudFeedEntry = <84a3a085 7259191c 27321530 115ad96b ad6c03de 766f121d 3b167f7b d36be7cb>;
CloudMaster = <390193dd 78eb55e8 2dbea523 b10da0ca af925f4e dd9cdd3c cbbb40e5 f80f4a9c>;
CloudMasterMediaMetadata = <15687a91 d8d834db 39bfd32e 34dba948 7d21ae4f b8e2bd7c d50cce7d 8f4f7cf8>;
CloudResource = <504e43a8 bd5f1538 613c2f8f edef0533 4ff06d1f d79ad0dd 7a51eec5 e6effb3e>;
CloudResourceNode = <94e55ec1 703f1bb6 dc962bdf c72a47bb b3137517 4e957406 cc16adb8 f5b94a3f>;
CloudSharedAlbum = <38494495 b03399f7 a0192ff7 7aaa9808 6b03bc98 2e755916 7e99f44a e5c9a9cf>;
CloudSharedAlbumInvitationRecord = <b148ee93 11dad2a0 d71c7e5d d24059f8 04063e7e b895c69a 096c82a1 35729edd>;
CloudSharedComment = <f976d2c8 e5e30b3e 61a2f1fb 249c6b9e 79b321a4 1a4526b6 30e94820 a4fdfcb5>;
Face = <773522af 2604e581 e1065f32 972ecd11 d4de1bc7 0c70f577 b690d85c 10d68d13>;
FaceAlbum = <d97e1944 a9dbd300 b93a842e 39892146 6845fbaf cfae4619 dae4906c dc126736>;
FetchingAlbum = <a2d8a9a9 76a37bf0 81dd9551 83c9f267 072066dc 6ed56a63 605b78f2 6b191c6f>;
Folder = <2af6ecf8 3b04eaa3 8fc25612 63c9654a 0f695356 0a656182 8391016a 88cdfc38>;
GenericAlbum = <e0999b0d 796e4d60 82dd957b 35b2be24 8d0331f9 c8155ada d274e78b 190de0a6>;
GenericAsset = <f552e8d1 6ca712aa cbc20d47 0cb3e408 b74188de 4b0f6a43 0642370b 49cd8868>;
Keyword = <cacff224 ab0db1e5 1ed5c9ca 5328bece f077109a de43611f d791ff7e 78bf2a4d>;
Moment = <3c51072e 7e0015e1 dc21446c 8dbf88ad 45a6004b d7772fbe 7d33d4da 391acf03>;
MomentLibrary = <04833df8 ceea9de6 fb8d65f1 034fa9ac f26123cd daa766db 37fe8b11 9143cdb1>;
MomentList = <d06203e1 8c6f1842 087bf48c 7511eee9 fa5624be 393e8a71 0649f989 8c0165ad>;
Person = <ac06921b a5b5bd98 4f2fd374 5c252862 c74d995e 8b8f7e2a 31104681 b7d16b25>;
PersonReference = <34c68274 75a7d454 ef09c333 9b80d6df 35989b02 78ac847d f0611a3b 5e77dcb2>;
PhotoStreamAlbum = <94735bc4 002f2206 42a23db1 1e94ec39 d4030097 e72d4613 f9de87a4 61c6a53b>;
SearchData = <8ad03e02 85ace0eb f0389adb b365596b a2766ecb bac19e26 09522fd0 17eb6053>;
SidecarFile = <875a252a 731824dd 7417c83b 8009c9f1 7450d736 8c59e8a3 1e62919a 65642546>;
UnmanagedAdjustment = <f3ed37c1 482b51c0 a280dc46 42dac71c 262c1a1a cb79f149 02cddd1d a8e77ef5>;
WallpaperAlbum = <4e0cf957 b63238c0 e25f87a4 0f78b021 c2fa4863 e054ec44 3c072b0c 2ecda4af>;
WallpaperAsset = <c8e3132f cac95637 5e973ef0 21e68227 a17d026d f4cd13c4 fefbe794 d2030506>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = SQLite;
NSStoreUUID = "3F642A05-50EB-4DB3-8C26-3554B5F25849";
PLLibraryUpgradeType = Rebuild;
PLMigrationDate = "2015-09-02 20:02:04 +0000";
PLModelVersion = 9047;
PLOSVersion = "15A281";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
}, reason=The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store} with userInfo dictionary {
metadata = {
ImportedFileSystemAssets = 1;
ImportedFileSystemAssetsDate = "2015-09-02 20:02:20 +0000";
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 637;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes = {
AdditionalAssetAttributes = <3dec35fe e0a05143 21fcfa10 b2a6786b 1ae6a42f f208b0ba 94a624d5 0c4373eb>;
Adjustment = <80c158a6 bc060506 f3df23da 0434c82b 60705711 6b075533 60d8b275 ddf51b98>;
Album = <e8767b3e bfe5ecc1 b25977b4 b730f67c 39aadd57 43bce82f b6f61c8e 7878a5a9>;
AlbumList = <e5114d78 8b74fd88 a8c4e778 1e1a8f99 5d997d0a d7cc865f c0fdf949 3c8876ff>;
Asset = <80539942 7002b8c5 dd17a301 39af51a1 c42b3f3c fb967122 a4c3a7a4 e94ec728>;
AssetDescription = <bcf1df7a 47f359c3 78df6ab0 c7e21a64 280768f5 81219f26 8e123f62 beaeff67>;
CloudFeedAssetsEntry = <9a5209ab 7afe5269 9c6873bb db7a8263 4a134b60 b596b771 c46e5eaf eaf5f5ed>;
CloudFeedCommentsEntry = <c8b68a81 bf231338 e9e0c729 a5e5f32d 9d567c42 2a077f5e 83224874 c09b56de>;
CloudFeedEntry = <84a3a085 7259191c 27321530 115ad96b ad6c03de 766f121d 3b167f7b d36be7cb>;
CloudMaster = <390193dd 78eb55e8 2dbea523 b10da0ca af925f4e dd9cdd3c cbbb40e5 f80f4a9c>;
CloudMasterMediaMetadata = <15687a91 d8d834db 39bfd32e 34dba948 7d21ae4f b8e2bd7c d50cce7d 8f4f7cf8>;
CloudResource = <504e43a8 bd5f1538 613c2f8f edef0533 4ff06d1f d79ad0dd 7a51eec5 e6effb3e>;
CloudResourceNode = <94e55ec1 703f1bb6 dc962bdf c72a47bb b3137517 4e957406 cc16adb8 f5b94a3f>;
CloudSharedAlbum = <38494495 b03399f7 a0192ff7 7aaa9808 6b03bc98 2e755916 7e99f44a e5c9a9cf>;
CloudSharedAlbumInvitationRecord = <b148ee93 11dad2a0 d71c7e5d d24059f8 04063e7e b895c69a 096c82a1 35729edd>;
CloudSharedComment = <f976d2c8 e5e30b3e 61a2f1fb 249c6b9e 79b321a4 1a4526b6 30e94820 a4fdfcb5>;
Face = <773522af 2604e581 e1065f32 972ecd11 d4de1bc7 0c70f577 b690d85c 10d68d13>;
FaceAlbum = <d97e1944 a9dbd300 b93a842e 39892146 6845fbaf cfae4619 dae4906c dc126736>;
FetchingAlbum = <a2d8a9a9 76a37bf0 81dd9551 83c9f267 072066dc 6ed56a63 605b78f2 6b191c6f>;
Folder = <2af6ecf8 3b04eaa3 8fc25612 63c9654a 0f695356 0a656182 8391016a 88cdfc38>;
GenericAlbum = <e0999b0d 796e4d60 82dd957b 35b2be24 8d0331f9 c8155ada d274e78b 190de0a6>;
GenericAsset = <f552e8d1 6ca712aa cbc20d47 0cb3e408 b74188de 4b0f6a43 0642370b 49cd8868>;
Keyword = <cacff224 ab0db1e5 1ed5c9ca 5328bece f077109a de43611f d791ff7e 78bf2a4d>;
Moment = <3c51072e 7e0015e1 dc21446c 8dbf88ad 45a6004b d7772fbe 7d33d4da 391acf03>;
MomentLibrary = <04833df8 ceea9de6 fb8d65f1 034fa9ac f26123cd daa766db 37fe8b11 9143cdb1>;
MomentList = <d06203e1 8c6f1842 087bf48c 7511eee9 fa5624be 393e8a71 0649f989 8c0165ad>;
Person = <ac06921b a5b5bd98 4f2fd374 5c252862 c74d995e 8b8f7e2a 31104681 b7d16b25>;
PersonReference = <34c68274 75a7d454 ef09c333 9b80d6df 35989b02 78ac847d f0611a3b 5e77dcb2>;
PhotoStreamAlbum = <94735bc4 002f2206 42a23db1 1e94ec39 d4030097 e72d4613 f9de87a4 61c6a53b>;
SearchData = <8ad03e02 85ace0eb f0389adb b365596b a2766ecb bac19e26 09522fd0 17eb6053>;
SidecarFile = <875a252a 731824dd 7417c83b 8009c9f1 7450d736 8c59e8a3 1e62919a 65642546>;
UnmanagedAdjustment = <f3ed37c1 482b51c0 a280dc46 42dac71c 262c1a1a cb79f149 02cddd1d a8e77ef5>;
WallpaperAlbum = <4e0cf957 b63238c0 e25f87a4 0f78b021 c2fa4863 e054ec44 3c072b0c 2ecda4af>;
WallpaperAsset = <c8e3132f cac95637 5e973ef0 21e68227 a17d026d f4cd13c4 fefbe794 d2030506>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = (
NSStoreType = SQLite;
NSStoreUUID = "3F642A05-50EB-4DB3-8C26-3554B5F25849";
PLLibraryUpgradeType = Rebuild;
PLMigrationDate = "2015-09-02 20:02:04 +0000";
PLModelVersion = 9047;
PLOSVersion = "15A281";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
reason = "The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store";
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon assistantd[52665]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:19:48 bogon useractivityd[52728]: objc[52728]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xaaf744c) and /Applications/ (0x8105b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon sharingd[52679]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) useractivityd (52728)
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon useractivityd[52728]: Irrecoverable error for useractivity connection
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon healthd[52670]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon sharingd[52679]: [Handoff] Clearing store as format is invalid (null)
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon healthd[52670]: [extensions] Error: failed to load bundle "/Applications/": Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The bundle “CompanionHealth.bundle” couldn’t be loaded because its executable couldn’t be located." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try reinstalling the bundle., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle’s executable couldn’t be located., NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “CompanionHealth.bundle” couldn’t be loaded because its executable couldn’t be located., NSBundlePath=/Applications/}
Jan 7 22:19:49 bogon sharingd[52679]: [Daemon] SDStatusMonitor::SBGetScreenLockStatus returned 268435459
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [ops] plug-in <PKPlugin: 0x7b16e430 1BE8D675-508B-48BE-AD3A-9691C3778F2F 3(0) /Applications/> pre-screen sees activating state
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [ops] readyPlugIns failed:Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Extension request failed. Error: Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon healthd[52670]: CoreLocation: Error on message reply (Connection interrupted)
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Error registering file provider extension Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}.
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon healthd[52670]: [mobile_asset] Error fetching local-only assets: Error Domain=ASError Code=21 "Unable to copy asset information from for asset type" UserInfo={NSDescription=Unable to copy asset information from for asset type}
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52738)
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) cloudd (52737)
Jan 7 22:19:50 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:19:51 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Request received to remove pairs that are no longer paired by the host.
hostPairedArray = (
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Requesting launch of org.snailya.spylove with options: {
arguments = (
environment = {
NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
stderr = "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/tmp/0LC8FH";
stdout = "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/tmp/9TibsR";
"wait_for_debugger" = 0;
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Beginning launch sequence for bundle 'org.snailya.spylove'
retryTimeout: 300.000000 (default write LaunchRetryTimeout <value>)
bootTimeout: 300.000000 (default write BootRetryTimeout <value>)
bootLeeway: 120.000000 (default write BootLeeway <value>)
Note: Use 'xcrun simctl spawn booted defaults write <domain> <key> <value>' to modify defaults in the booted Simulator device.
Simulator booted at: 2017-01-07 14:19:39 +0000
Current time: 2017-01-07 14:19:51 +0000
Within boot leeway: YES
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Launch attempt #0 for bundle 'org.snailya.spylove', have been trying to launch for 0 seconds. Modern launch services = YES
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Got LSBundleProxy for 'org.snailya.spylove', sequenceNumber 509, cacheGUID 9FAE82D2-13FF-4F4B-8F87-81EB50CF9968
Jan 7 22:19:51 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: [Common] [FBSSystemService][0xd44a] Sending request to open "org.snailya.spylove"
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [ops] plug-in <PKPlugin: 0x7b16e430 1BE8D675-508B-48BE-AD3A-9691C3778F2F 3(0) /Applications/> pre-screen sees activating state
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [ops] readyPlugIns failed:Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Extension request failed. Error: Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Error registering file provider extension Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}.
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon fileproviderd[52664]: [default] [ERROR] Could not register file provider Error: Error Domain=PlugInKit Code=4 "no such plugin (uuid not found)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no such plugin (uuid not found)}
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon routined[52667]: [METRIC] Asset, Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) kbd (52739)
Jan 7 22:19:52 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon routined[52667]: [STATE MODEL] timed out waiting for favorite places
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon routined[52667]: [STATE MODEL] failed to disambiguate using favorite places, error, Error Domain=RTErrorDomain Code=0 "timed out waiting for favorite places" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=timed out waiting for favorite places}
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon routined[52667]: [STATE MODEL] failed to disambiguate, error, Error Domain=RTErrorDomain Code=0 "timed out waiting for favorite places" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=timed out waiting for favorite places}
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon calaccessd[52729]: notify name "_CalDatabaseChangedNotification" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon suggestd[52724]: [EventKit] __44-[EKEventStore insertSuggestedEventCalendar]_block_invoke_3: Could not insert the Found in Mail calendar with error Error Domain=EKCADErrorDomain Code=1012 "(null)"
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52740)
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - ___MobileAssetUpdateClientUsage_block_invoke: Could not get accessing clients is nil
Jan 7 22:19:53 bogon[52740]: Performing account migration. Asking dataaccessd to exit
Jan 7 22:19:54 bogon AppleIDAuthAgent[52674]: objc[52674]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x8fcc44c) and /Applications/ (0x6702b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:57 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - ___MobileAssetUpdateClientUsage_block_invoke: Could not get accessing clients is nil
Jan 7 22:19:58 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:58 bogon[52740]: dataaccessd does not seem to want to quit. Sending it a SIGKILL
Jan 7 22:19:58 bogon[52660] ([52716]): Service exited due to Killed: 9
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) dataaccessd (52741)
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x143bc44c) and /Applications/ (0x141fdb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - ___MobileAssetUpdateClientUsage_block_invoke: Could not get accessing clients is nil
Jan 7 22:19:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: [] Failed to get group container URL
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: [] Trying to create persistent store, but the URL is nil
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: [] Shared context has no valid persistent store
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: [] No shared context: (
0 NotesShared 0x14d3e86b +[ICNoteContext sharedContext] + 185
1 MobileNotes 0x14d36f13 MobileNotes + 7955
2 0x000eacd8 __47-[DMMigrationPluginWrapperProxy handleMessage:]_block_invoke + 1368
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0208adaf _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x020ad6ef _dispatch_client_callout + 14
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x020946bf _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 978
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x02094285 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 134
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x02427d5e _pthread_wqthread + 1070
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0242790a start_wqthread + 34
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon[52740]: [] No shared context: (
0 NotesShared 0x14d3e86b +[ICNoteContext sharedContext] + 185
1 MobileNotes 0x14d370d8 MobileNotes + 8408
2 0x000eacd8 __47-[DMMigrationPluginWrapperProxy handleMessage:]_block_invoke + 1368
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0208adaf _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x020ad6ef _dispatch_client_callout + 14
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x020946bf _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 978
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x02094285 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 134
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x02427d5e _pthread_wqthread + 1070
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0242790a start_wqthread + 34
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon accountsd[52708]: Failed to get cs_flags, error=3
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon accountsd[52708]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=3 cs_flags=ffffffff, task->pid_self=-1
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon accountsd[52708]: SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: No such process[52716]/0#-1 LF=3
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon accountsd[52708]: *** -[NSXPCConnection valueForEntitlement:]: Error getting value for entitlement '': Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=3 "No such process"
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon bird[52723]: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort ''. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/clients-b.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/c-trained.plist if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/wifis.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/wifis.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-locations.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-locations.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-cells.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/h-wifis.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/compass.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/compass.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/history.db if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/history.db-journal if present
Jan 7 22:19:59 bogon locationd[52680]: Deleting /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/glgps_nvs.bin if present
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon cloudd[52737]: [LogFacilityCK] Could not create primary backing account
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon mapspushd[52730]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7d07aa70 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon mapspushd[52730]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7977db20 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon akd[52743]: objc[52743]: Class AKToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x8076f8) and /Applications/ (0x1655e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon akd[52743]: objc[52743]: Class AKMasterToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x807720) and /Applications/ (0x16560c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) akd (52743)
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon routined[52667]: There was an error while communicating with the MapsSupport service: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b87d1e0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon bird[52723]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mdmd (52744)
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon healthd[52670]: [legacy] *** Ending non-existent xpc transaction: HDFitnessFriendsCloudKitFetch.
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon UserEventAgent[52663]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b91f4f0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7be2f630> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [AppLibrary] Applications did fail to uninstall: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7be2f630> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
) (appInfos: (
"<SBApplicationInfo: 0x7da2e040; bundleIdentifier:; displayName: iCloud Drive; sdkVersion: 10.2>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon nsurlsessiond[52705]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x79a53500> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon bird[52723]: [default] [ERROR] failed to uninstall iCloud Drive App
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon routined[52667]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7bb74940> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon profiled[52732]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b86dd70> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon assetsd[52675]: [error] warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'identifier' for entity AlbumList while resolving selector 'setIdentifier:' on class 'PLManagedAlbumList'. Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon assetsd[52675]: [error] warning: dynamic accessors failed to find @property implementation for 'identifier' for entity AlbumList while resolving selector 'identifier' on class 'PLManagedAlbumList'. Did you remember to declare it @dynamic or @synthesized in the @implementation ?
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: objc[52708]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x10ca9894) and /Applications/ (0x10bed4f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon appstored[52725]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7a66f4e0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon assetsd[52675]: [Thumbnails] Wrote thumbnail rebuild indicator file /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Media/PhotoData/Thumbnails/rebuild
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: objc[52708]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x11d9744c) and /Applications/ (0x11bd8b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:00 bogon accountsd[52708]: Error loading /Applications/ dlopen(/Applications/, 265): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/ mach-o, but wrong architecture
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: AIDA Notification plugin running
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon mapspushd[52730]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b76a970 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon mapspushd[52730]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7d07e4d0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Message with Transport ID 8E595511-D4E3-446A-BE97-BE0A2F6C0A7B could not be sent!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "No internal identifier was found for message with transport ID: 8E595511-D4E3-446A-BE97-BE0A2F6C0A7B"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon[52660] ([52745]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon[52660] ([52745]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon[52740]: Failed removing legacy ubiquitous files from container, error: {
NSFilePath = "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~TextInput";
NSURL = "file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~TextInput";
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 \"No such file or directory\"";
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) medialibraryd (52746)
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Validation] User version is 0, building tables for newly created DB
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: Bogus event on event stream listener.
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon healthd[52670]: objc[52670]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x16a1a44c) and /Applications/ (0x18372b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [SortMap] Unicode version has changed after sort map update. Coalescing mismatched collections...
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [ML3MusicLibrary] Track de-orphaning: removing orphaned tracks at paths {(
Jan 7 22:20:01 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:20:01 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:01 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IMDPersistenceA (52747)
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon IMDPersistenceAgent[52747]: [Warning] Setting up a new database at path /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/SMS/sms.db.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: [Migration] Failed to enumerate old iTunes videos paths at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Media/Photos/Videos [Migration will continue.] Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Videos” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Media/Photos/Videos, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b07a0a0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: PassbookDataMigrator: Beginning performMigration... (didUpgrade=NO; didRestoreFromBackup=NO; didMigrateBackupFromDifferentDevice=NO; didRestoreFromCloudBackup=NO;)
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon passd[52748]: objc[52748]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x11b9344c) and /Applications/ (0x119d4b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) passd (52748)
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:02 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:02 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:02 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon passd[52748]: Migrating data...
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: PassbookDataMigrator: Ending performMigration.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) filecoordinatio (52749)
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: AIDA Notification plugin running
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05aa8) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e20a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05b70) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e216c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05af8) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e21e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05b48) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e225c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05a80) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e22ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05be8) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e23ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05b20) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e243c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05d28) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e2464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05c60) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e2554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05ad0) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e257c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05d00) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e261c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05cd8) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e266c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05cb0) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e2694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05bc0) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e26e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05b98) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e270c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05c10) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e2784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05c88) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e27ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: objc[52740]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xae05c38) and /Applications/ (0x1b9e27fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: Bogus event on event stream listener.
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon[52740]: Uninstalling the Videos app...
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0428000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by (pid 52740) for identifier with options: (null)
Jan 7 22:20:02 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb0428000 +[MIContainer allContainersForIdentifier:options:error:]: 389: No bundle container found for identifier
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon syncdefaultsd[52719]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon backboardd[52678]: [Orientation] No accelerometer; not detecting orientation!
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon assertiond[52681]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:03 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1ec09894) and /Applications/ (0x1e7d04f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67aa8) and /Applications/ (0x1e4860a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67b70) and /Applications/ (0x1e48616c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67af8) and /Applications/ (0x1e4861e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67b48) and /Applications/ (0x1e48625c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67a80) and /Applications/ (0x1e4862ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67be8) and /Applications/ (0x1e4863ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67b20) and /Applications/ (0x1e48643c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67d28) and /Applications/ (0x1e486464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67c60) and /Applications/ (0x1e486554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67ad0) and /Applications/ (0x1e48657c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67d00) and /Applications/ (0x1e48661c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67cd8) and /Applications/ (0x1e48666c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67cb0) and /Applications/ (0x1e486694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67bc0) and /Applications/ (0x1e4866e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67b98) and /Applications/ (0x1e48670c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67c10) and /Applications/ (0x1e486784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67c88) and /Applications/ (0x1e4867ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: objc[52677]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdc67c38) and /Applications/ (0x1e4867fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) newswidgetpolic (52751)
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon newswidgetpolicyd[52751]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: watch-companion is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129071431
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129072723
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon assetsd[52675]: [Generic] [ClientServerTransaction] handling 1 outstanding transactions...
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon assetsd[52675]: [ChangeHub] Forcing change log reset because of outstanding transactions
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon assetsd[52675]: [Migration] Forcing redundant import because of outstanding transactions
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon newswidgetpolicyd[52751]: [general] Failed to write Parsec availability to disk.
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon assetsd[52675]: [ChangeHub] _clearStore successfull
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) watchlistd (52750)
Jan 7 22:20:03 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visibility for the current storefront...
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Current storefront identifier: (null)
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Warning] <SPUIHeaderBlurView 0x7bf6fa90> is being asked to animate its opacity. This will cause the effect to appear broken until opacity returns to 1.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Start Playback observation
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon locationd[52680]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon backboardd[52678]: [Orientation] Orientation blocking: timeout exceeded!
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:04 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextSetCompositeOperation: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextFillRects: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextScaleCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - ___MobileAssetUpdateClientUsage_block_invoke: Could not get accessing clients is nil
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:04 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - ___MobileAssetUpdateClientUsage_block_invoke: Could not get accessing clients is nil
Jan 7 22:20:04 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Now playing app did change to '(null)' (playing: 0) from '(null)'
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: WLKPlaybackSummary - Parameter failed validation bundleID. It is nil
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: [WLDPushNotificationController] Setting notifications enabled: 1
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Got launch notification:
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visbility for storefront/bag change...
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visibility for the current storefront...
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Current storefront identifier: (null)
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] throwing out icon because it isn't visible in the model : node=<SBApplicationIcon: 0x7dd5e920; nodeID: ''>
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7dc36740> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7bee5b70>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7dc344f0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7dc344f0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:20:04 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:04 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7dc36740> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7beed9c0>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7dc344f0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7dc344f0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: iTunes Store environment is: ST11
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Got launch notification:
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visbility for storefront/bag change...
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visibility for the current storefront...
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Current storefront identifier: 143462-1,29
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 7 22:20:05 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52660] ([52753]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52660] ([52753]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7d87d8d0;>
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7d87d440;>
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon backboardd[52678]: [Common] Couldn't find the digitizer HID service, this is probably bad
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7db92910;>
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7dc72690;>
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [WF_Service] Setting up connection to service...
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52710]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon locationd[52680]: [Core] Client '' is attempting to masquerade as uninstalled app with effective bundle identifier ''
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52660] ([52754]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon[52660] ([52754]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:20:05 bogon appstored[52725]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Application] Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Jan 7 22:20:06 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52755)
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon[52755]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon watchlistd[52750]: [WLDPushNotificationController] Configuration: {
environment = production;
"register-success" = "";
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon watchlistd[52750]: [WLDPushNotificationController] Push enabled: 1, environment: production
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:20:06 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon watchlistd[52750]: [WLDPushNotificationController] Push token: (null), DSID: (null), connection: <APSConnection: 0x7c108080>
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon watchlistd[52750]: [WLDPushNotificationController] Setting enabled topics: (
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "ACDAuthenticationPluginManager: an authentication plugin of class (null) for auth type none could not be instantiated! Load Error: (null)"
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon accountsd[52708]: [daemon] "The authentication plugin for account (null) (B5027C58-D8F4-4D6D-835A-B8DECF42F7C4) could not be found!"
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: [core] "Error returned from daemon: Error Code=11 "(null)""
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x8710][52758]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x8710]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7bf6afb0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: [Common] [FBSSystemService][0xd44a] Error handling open request for org.snailya.spylove: <NSError: 0x7b833fe0; domain: FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain; code: 1 (RequestDenied); reason: "The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Unspecified."> {
description = "The request to open "org.snailya.spylove" failed.";
failureReason = "The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Unspecified.";
underlyingError = <NSError: 0x7b834320; domain: FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain; code: 1 (Unspecified)> {
description = "The operation couldn’t be completed. (FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain error 1.)";
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Error Launching: Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "The request to open "org.snailya.spylove" failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Unspecified., NSLocalizedDescription=The request to open "org.snailya.spylove" failed., BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b834320 {Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)" UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=Unspecified}}}
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Non-FBS error launching 'org.snailya.spylove', will NOT retry. Error was: Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "The request to open "org.snailya.spylove" failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Unspecified., NSLocalizedDescription=The request to open "org.snailya.spylove" failed., BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b834320 {Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)" UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=Unspecified}}}
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: Simulator slow-motion animations are now off
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon[52660] ([52759]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:06 bogon[52660] ([52759]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) MobileCal (52757)
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon MobileCal[52757]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x7675][52760]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x7675]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7db35ef0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon calaccessd[52729]: notify name "_CalDatabaseChangedNotification" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon watchlistd[52750]: TV app is enabled: 0
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: libMobileGestalt MGIOKitSupport.c:373: value for udid-version property of IODeviceTree:/product is invalid ((null))
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:52: _CTServerConnectionCopyMobileEquipmentInfo: CommCenter error: 1:45 (Operation not supported)
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:181: No CT mobile equipment info dictionary while fetching kCTMobileEquipmentInfoIMEI
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:07 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db9b950;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7d822c90;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon assetsd[52675]: [ChangeHub] Old version of the changeStore found; clearing
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332dd20;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x8332cf30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7db91450;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7beda590;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Uninstalling the TV app...
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb02a2000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by watchlistd (pid 52750) for identifier with options: (null)
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon syslogd[52662]: Disabling module writes to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DiagnosticLogs/AppInstallation/AppInstallation.log following 6 failures (Operation Failed)
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon installd[52672]: 0xb02a2000 +[MIContainer allContainersForIdentifier:options:error:]: 389: No bundle container found for identifier
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon watchlistd[52750]: TV app is enabled: 0
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: BUG in libdispatch: 16B2555 14C89 - 3916 - 0x446f
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon assetsd[52675]: [ChangeHub] _clearStore successfull
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:08.654+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7e180ac0>{number = 2, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon MobileCal[52757]: Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <RootNavigationController: 0x7da6aa00>.
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon appstored[52725]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:08 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:08 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon medialibraryd[52746]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:09.608+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7c097440>{number = 3, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:09.670+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7afb6170>{number = 4, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:09.697+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7af9c280>{number = 5, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon tccd[52698]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52746
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:09 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:10.038+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7c383500>{number = 6, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:10.100+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7afb4160>{number = 7, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon dataaccessd[52741]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:10.457+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7c383500>{number = 6, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon itunesstored[52709]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Got launch notification:
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visbility for storefront/bag change...
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Updating app visibility for the current storefront...
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Current storefront identifier: 143462-1,29
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: objc[52752]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x110ab44c) and /Applications/ (0x10eecb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:10.648+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7c596f40>{number = 8, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:10.658+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7e180ac0>{number = 2, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:10 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:10 bogon mobileassetd[52696]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:20:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon watchlistd[52750]: TV app is enabled: 0
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanotimekitcomp (52752)
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon ServerFileProvider[52756]: objc[52756]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x131c244c) and /Applications/ (0x13003b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ServerFileProvi (52756)
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:11 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: [general] SYService resumed with no pairing store
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon ServerFileProvider[52756]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Now playing app did change to '(null)' (playing: 0) from '(null)'
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: [sync] error resuming _syncService: Error Domain=SYErrorDomain Code=2003 "This operation cannot complete until pairing is completed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=This operation cannot complete until pairing is completed.}
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon watchlistd[52750]: WLKPlaybackSummary - Parameter failed validation bundleID. It is nil
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: [companionapp] Could not enumerate installed applications with complications. Third party applications mayb be missing from Gallery. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated from this process.}
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: [companionapp] Could not enumerate installed applications. Third party applications may be missing from Gallery. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated.}
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon watchlistd[52750]: Now playing app did change to '(null)' (playing: 0) from '(null)'
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon watchlistd[52750]: WLKPlaybackSummary - Parameter failed validation bundleID. It is nil
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:12 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:13 bogon itunesstored[52709]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:20:13 bogon itunesstored[52709]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:20:13 bogon itunesstored[52709]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:20:25 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:20:25 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:20:25 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 505411200
Jan 7 22:20:25 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:25.757+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7e177e70>{number = 9, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:25 bogon calaccessd[52729]: 2017-01-07 22:20:25.795+0800|52729|<NSThread: 0x7af81e30>{number = 10, name = (null)}|log.facility.eventkit.notifications: Sync running. Waiting for it to finish before checking for updates.
Jan 7 22:20:27 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL
Jan 7 22:20:27 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: [snapshot] Error decoding face snapshot contexts: Dictionary validation failed: putative dictionary is a (null)
Jan 7 22:20:27 bogon nanotimekitcompaniond[52752]: *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData:]: data is NULL
Jan 7 22:20:40 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Jan 7 22:20:40 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Note ) AS: <MSIOSAlbumSharingDaemon: 0x7f012e70>: Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Jan 7 22:20:40 bogon mstreamd[52668]: (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Jan 7 22:20:44 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:20:44 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:20:44 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:20:44 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:20:48 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon[52775]: objc[52775]: Class AWDCXCallDirectoryChanged is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1230a58) and /Applications/ (0x111018). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon logd[52671]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52775)
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon logd[52671]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon[52775]: [Default] Error performing migrations: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b67b330 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon[52775]: [Default] Error migrating store: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b67b330 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon[52660] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon[52775]: [Default] Unable to initialize CXCallDirectoryStore for reading and writing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7b67e890 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 7 22:20:49 bogon callservicesd[52722]: [Default] Error synchronizing call directory extensions: Error Code=0 "(null)"
Jan 7 22:22:34 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:22:34 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52686]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xc1b0][52790]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xc1b0]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x86d516e0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4454][52791]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4454]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:36 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x86d20f10; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x68d8][52792]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x68d8]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7d9c0bc0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xe0ae][52793]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xe0ae]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:37 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7d805110; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xdf00][52794]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xdf00]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x86a2d440; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xa46d][52795]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xa46d]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:38 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7db36420; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x3b99][52796]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x3b99]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x86a2d440; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4bae][52797]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4bae]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:39 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x85e6c0a0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x3bcc][52798]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x3bcc]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7bfa24e0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x9a6f][52799]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x9a6f]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:40 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7db0f7b0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xa2e8][52800]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xa2e8]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x86b8e950; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon[52660] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x916d][52801]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x916d]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:22:41 bogon SpringBoard[52677]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7d805110; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: --- syslogd restarted ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:22:53 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:22:53 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for Boolean: HighPriorityIO
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52804] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 7 22:22:53 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon[52807]: Alarm module initialized.
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon syslogd[52806]: ASL Sender Statistics
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) aslmanager (52834)
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: [] __nwlog_err_simulate_crash_libsystem libsystem simulate crash unavailable "libsystem_network.dylib: networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings :: received NULL response"
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: [] networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings received NULL response, dumping backtrace:
[i386] libnetcore-856.30.16
0 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01c9b14d __nw_create_backtrace_string + 123
1 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01c8f873 networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings + 93
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a666ef _dispatch_client_callout + 14
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a4ac04 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 235
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a4b693 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1103
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a4ba27 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 357
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a4d46d _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 384
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a4d285 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 134
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01de0d5e _pthread_wqthread + 1070
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01de090a start_wqthread + 34
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) backboardd (52822)
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) containermanage (52836)
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon containermanagerd[52836]: 0x17271c0 main: containermanagerd performing first boot initialization
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon containermanagerd[52836]: 0x17271c0 -[MCMMigrationStatus isBuildUpgrade]: Current build version (14C89 / (null)) equal to last version recorded (14C89 / (null)); skipping upgrade
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assertiond (52825)
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:53 bogon containermanagerd[52836]: 0x17271c0 main: containermanagerd first boot cleanup complete
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon lsd[52835]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) lsd (52835)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) locationd (52824)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) routined (52810)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon locationd[52824]: Logging binary sensor data to /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/locationdSensors.bin
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon routined[52810]: [METRIC] Asset, Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon locationd[52824]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon locationd[52824]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/Traffic.bundle
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon locationd[52824]: BLP: Need a bundle path or a bundle identifier.
Jan 7 22:22:54 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon locationd[52824]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/MotionCalibration.bundle
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) securityd (52838)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon securityd[52838]: unable to access hwaes key
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) distnoted (52841)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon distnoted[52841]: # distnote server daemon absolute time: 120623.722520628 civil time: Sat Jan 7 22:22:54 2017 pid: 52841 uid: 501 root: yes
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ids_simd (52813)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: [default] IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: Initialized Simulator HID System Manager: <SimulatorHIDFallbackSystem: 0x79d47340>
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) tccd (52840)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mobileassetd (52839)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon tccd[52840]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) accountsd (52842)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) geod (52844)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: objc[52830]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xd22a44c) and /Applications/ (0xd06bb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CloudKeychainPr (52848)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) apsd (52849)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlsessiond (52847)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1288c894) and /Applications/ (0xe5944f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206daa8) and /Applications/ (0xc7df0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206db70) and /Applications/ (0xc7df16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206daf8) and /Applications/ (0xc7df1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206db48) and /Applications/ (0xc7df25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206da80) and /Applications/ (0xc7df2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dbe8) and /Applications/ (0xc7df3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206db20) and /Applications/ (0xc7df43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dd28) and /Applications/ (0xc7df464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dc60) and /Applications/ (0xc7df554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dad0) and /Applications/ (0xc7df57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dd00) and /Applications/ (0xc7df61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dcd8) and /Applications/ (0xc7df66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dcb0) and /Applications/ (0xc7df694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dbc0) and /Applications/ (0xc7df6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206db98) and /Applications/ (0xc7df70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dc10) and /Applications/ (0xc7df784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dc88) and /Applications/ (0xc7df7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon backboardd[52822]: objc[52822]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1206dc38) and /Applications/ (0xc7df7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata page is missing PID information for notifyd (52831)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info notifyd (52831)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) notifyd (52831)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata page is missing PID information for syslogd (52806)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info syslogd (52806)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syslogd (52806)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon apsd[52849]: 2017-01-07 22:22:54 +0800 apsd[52849]: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': Unknown service name
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CoreSimulatorBr (52830)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IDSKeychainSync (52850)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon apsd[52849]: 2017-01-07 22:22:54 +0800 apsd[52849]: Peer connection [pid=52817] missing server
Jan 7 22:22:54 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pasted (52851)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon pasted[52851]: Service started.
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon pasted[52851]: BundleID from team (null) is requesting pasteboard
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon pasted[52851]: Registering for pasteboard preferences notification:
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon pasted[52851]: ...requesting pasteboard completed. Error: (null)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x7a0087b0> registered
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x7a109560> registered
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistryd (52843)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52846)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) installd (52816)
Jan 7 22:22:54 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52852)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistrylau (52853)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon nanoregistrylaunchd[52853]: [root_daemon] launch_disable_directory("/Applications/") duration: 0.011 returned 133
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0x1ce11c0 main: Reboot detected
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0x1ce11c0 is_build_upgrade: Current build version (14C89 / (null)) equal to last version recorded (14C89 / (null)); skipping upgrade
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0x1ce11c0 __47-[MIDeveloperDiskImageTracker checkMountPoint:]_block_invoke: /Applications/ is not present now or before
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIClientConnection enumerateInstalledAppsWithOptions:completion:]: Enumerate installed apps requested by lsd (pid 52835) with options (null)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) budd (52827)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: Request received to remove pairs that are no longer paired by the host.
hostPairedArray = (
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon locationd[52824]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon geod[52844]: [GEOPersistenceManager] 4.1 Mapping directory does not exist. Will create it at path: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/GeoServices/PhoneNumberMapping.plist
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon geod[52844]: [LogMessageLogging] 5.1 adaptorOptionsArray is nil or empty, there no adaptors available to create
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pkd (52855)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (52854)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:55 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon[52854]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1718044c) and /Applications/ (0x16fc1b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 +[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer enumeratePluginKitPluginsInBundle:updatingPluginParentID:ensurePluginsAreExecutable:installProfiles:error:enumerator:]: Failed to get plugin bundles for bundle : Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/, SourceFileLine=37}
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mediaremoted (52812)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) revisiond (52826)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) SpringBoard (52821)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) fileproviderd (52808)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mstreamd (52811)
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon assetsd[52819]: objc[52819]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x59c44c) and /Applications/ (0x1914b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:55 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) AppleIDAuthAgen (52818)
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIFileManager realPathForURL:ifChildOfURL:]: Rejecting /Applications/ -> /../../../../usr/lib/libSystem.dylib, as it is points outside or to the base /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assetsd (52819)
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon sharingd[52823]: objc[52823]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xfe8544c) and /Applications/ (0xfcc6b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) wcd (52820)
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon mstreamd[52811]: (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) sharingd (52823)
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) healthd (52814)
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon CoreSimulatorBridge[52830]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon wcd[52820]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon mstreamd[52811]: (Note ) PS: The subscription plugin class does not support push notification refreshing.
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon mstreamd[52811]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon wcd[52820]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:56 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assistantd (52809)
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 44: Bundle at path /Applications/ did not have a CFBundleIdentifier in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon installd[52816]: 0xb0666000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon sharingd[52823]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syncdefaultsd (52856)
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon locationd[52824]: [Core] no LaunchEvents found
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 4 for client
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 3 for client
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 2 for client
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: calling xpc_event_provider_token_fire for client session
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon nsurlsessiond[52847]: Failed to send PDURLSessionProxy startup message, error Error Code=200 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7ac116a0 {Error Code=3 "No pair is active." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No pair is active.}}}
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon locationd[52824]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon routined[52810]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon pkd[52855]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon backboardd[52822]: [Orientation] No accelerometer; not detecting orientation!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:57 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon assertiond[52825]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) itunesstored (52858)
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1ee1d894) and /Applications/ (0x1e9e44f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdaa8) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdb70) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdaf8) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdb48) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbda80) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdbe8) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdb20) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdd28) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdc60) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdad0) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdd00) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdcd8) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdcb0) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdbc0) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) carkitd (52859)
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdb98) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdc10) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdc88) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: objc[52821]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdcbdc38) and /Applications/ (0x1e69a7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon itunesstored[52858]: [SoftwareUpdatesStore]: Skipping most of server registration for server <SSXPCServer: 0x7bc0ce20> since we are using appstored software updates
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon routined[52810]: [LOCATION TAGGING] error fetching current location of interest, Error Domain=RTErrorDomain Code=5 "no location" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no location}
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon routined[52810]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon routined[52810]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon syncdefaultsd[52856]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon akd[52860]: objc[52860]: Class AKToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x80a6f8) and /Applications/ (0x1365e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon akd[52860]: objc[52860]: Class AKMasterToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x80a720) and /Applications/ (0x13660c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) akd (52860)
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:57 bogon fileproviderd[52808]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlstoraged (52861)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: watch-companion is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129071431
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129072723
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon assistantd[52809]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Warning] <SPUIHeaderBlurView 0x7a3bb6b0> is being asked to animate its opacity. This will cause the effect to appear broken until opacity returns to 1.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon passd[52864]: objc[52864]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x11b3744c) and /Applications/ (0x11978b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextSetCompositeOperation: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextFillRects: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextScaleCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon healthd[52814]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) passd (52864)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) medialibraryd (52865)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon medialibraryd[52865]: [ML3MusicLibrary] Track de-orphaning: removing orphaned tracks at paths {(
Jan 7 22:22:58 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:22:58 --- last message repeated 5 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon locationd[52824]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon backboardd[52822]: [Orientation] Orientation blocking: timeout exceeded!
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] throwing out icon because it isn't visible in the model : node=<SBApplicationIcon: 0x7a053fc0; nodeID: ''>
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon healthd[52814]: [extensions] Error: failed to load bundle "/Applications/": Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The bundle “CompanionHealth.bundle” couldn’t be loaded because its executable couldn’t be located." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try reinstalling the bundle., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The bundle’s executable couldn’t be located., NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “CompanionHealth.bundle” couldn’t be loaded because its executable couldn’t be located., NSBundlePath=/Applications/}
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7a14e3a0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7a517a80>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7a545d80> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7a545d80> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241aa8) and /Applications/ (0xafd0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241b70) and /Applications/ (0xafd16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241af8) and /Applications/ (0xafd1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241b48) and /Applications/ (0xafd25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241a80) and /Applications/ (0xafd2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241be8) and /Applications/ (0xafd3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241b20) and /Applications/ (0xafd43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241d28) and /Applications/ (0xafd464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241c60) and /Applications/ (0xafd554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241ad0) and /Applications/ (0xafd57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241d00) and /Applications/ (0xafd61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241cd8) and /Applications/ (0xafd66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241cb0) and /Applications/ (0xafd694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241bc0) and /Applications/ (0xafd6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241b98) and /Applications/ (0xafd70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241c10) and /Applications/ (0xafd784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241c88) and /Applications/ (0xafd7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: objc[52866]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa241c38) and /Applications/ (0xafd7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) callservicesd (52866)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) profiled (52867)
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:22:58 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: [TransactionManager] Handling invalidated XPC connection
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon callservicesd[52866]: [Default] Unable to initialize CXCallDirectoryStore for reading: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7d03c210 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 7 22:22:58 bogon profiled[52867]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7a14e3a0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7a506f90>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7a545d80> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7a545d80> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon ServerFileProvider[52862]: objc[52862]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x131aa44c) and /Applications/ (0x12febb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon healthd[52814]: CoreLocation: Error on message reply (Connection interrupted)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x79eaa7f0;>
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x79fb8670;>
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon backboardd[52822]: [Common] Couldn't find the digitizer HID service, this is probably bad
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [WF_Service] Setting up connection to service...
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7a5187e0;>
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x79fb5b60;>
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon locationd[52824]: [Core] Client '' is attempting to masquerade as uninstalled app with effective bundle identifier ''
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52854]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamPriority
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IMDPersistenceA (52871)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ([52870]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ([52870]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon useractivityd[52868]: objc[52868]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xaaf144c) and /Applications/ (0x80ffb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ServerFileProvi (52862)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) bird (52869)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon bird[52869]: [default] [CRIT] Assertion failed: qos_class_self() == QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Application] Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon bird[52869]: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort ''. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) useractivityd (52868)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon bird[52869]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) filecoordinatio (52874)
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon ServerFileProvider[52862]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:22:59 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon UserEventAgent[52807]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7da6c260> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon nsurlsessiond[52847]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x78f18d60> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon bird[52869]: [default] [ERROR] failed to uninstall iCloud Drive App
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x79ec31e0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7a302c20> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [AppLibrary] Applications did fail to uninstall: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7a302c20> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
) (appInfos: (
"<SBApplicationInfo: 0x7a0441d0; bundleIdentifier:; displayName: iCloud Drive; sdkVersion: 10.2>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon profiled[52867]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7ba38150> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon passd[52864]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b546680> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon routined[52810]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b8848e0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon medialibraryd[52865]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon medialibraryd[52865]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon useractivityd[52868]: Irrecoverable error for useractivity connection
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) cloudd (52873)
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) searchd (52875)
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon searchd[52875]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: BUG in libdispatch: 16B2555 14C89 - 3916 - 0x7a1b
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon cloudd[52873]: [LogFacilityCK] Could not create primary backing account
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52865
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52865
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:00 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon healthd[52814]: [legacy] *** Ending non-existent xpc transaction: HDFitnessFriendsCloudKitFetch.
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon logd[52815]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) MobileSMSSpotli (52876)
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon logd[52815]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon[52804] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon mobileassetd[52839]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 7 22:23:01 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:01 bogon itunesstored[52858]: iTunes Store environment is: MR22
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 7 22:23:02 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7a239e30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7fe5d110;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7a258030;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: -[BBDataProviderManager noteSettingsChanged:forSectionID:] no data provider found for:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7a239e30;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7fe5d110;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:02 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [General] BBRemoteDataProvider: <BBDataProviderIdentity 0x7a258030;> does not respond to noteSectionInfoDidChange:
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon medialibraryd[52865]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 7 22:23:03 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52865
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon tccd[52840]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 52865
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:23:03 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: libMobileGestalt MGIOKitSupport.c:373: value for udid-version property of IODeviceTree:/product is invalid ((null))
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:52: _CTServerConnectionCopyMobileEquipmentInfo: CommCenter error: 1:45 (Operation not supported)
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:181: No CT mobile equipment info dictionary while fetching kCTMobileEquipmentInfoIMEI
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 7 22:23:03 bogon itunesstored[52858]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xbcbc][52878]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xbcbc]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x79f409b0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xced7][52879]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xced7]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:05 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x79f1c610; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xd2d][52880]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xd2d]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a41ed60; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x43ce][52881]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x43ce]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:06 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a57d010; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x31b6][52882]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x31b6]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x848a5ec0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon AppleIDAuthAgent[52818]: objc[52818]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x8f9144c) and /Applications/ (0x66c7b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x930][52883]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x930]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:07 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x83c38e40; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x1093][52884]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x1093]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a516410; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x70d8][52885]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x70d8]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:08 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x83930150; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x6375][52886]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x6375]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x79ecb8a0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xb3cb][52887]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xb3cb]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:09 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a085500; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xe7de][52888]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xe7de]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x839effc0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4c17][52889]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x4c17]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:10 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a382210; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x6800][52890]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x6800]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a54c220; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x427b][52891]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x427b]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:11 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a57bad0; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x729c][52892]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0x729c]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a059450; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon[52804] (UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xebc6][52893]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures:
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.snailya.spylove[0xebc6]': No such process (err 3)
Jan 7 22:23:12 bogon SpringBoard[52821]: [Common] Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7a185510; org.snailya.spylove; pid: -1>
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: --- syslogd restarted ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 17 18:57:22 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 17 18:57:22 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for Boolean: HighPriorityIO
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Jan 17 18:57:22 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syslogd[50835]: ASL Sender Statistics
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) configd_sim (50858)
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: _cache_delete_register
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) aslmanager (50861)
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: _file_brute_force_cull(10,1000)
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) identityservice (50846)
Jan 17 18:57:22 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) cfprefsd (50863)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) UserEventAgent (50836)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50836]: Alarm module initialized.
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: [] __nwlog_err_simulate_crash_libsystem libsystem simulate crash unavailable "libsystem_network.dylib: networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings :: received NULL response"
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: [] networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings received NULL response, dumping backtrace:
[i386] libnetcore-856.30.16
0 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01ccd14d __nw_create_backtrace_string + 123
1 libsystem_network.dylib 0x01cc1873 networkd_privileged_reload_managed_network_settings + 93
2 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a986ef _dispatch_client_callout + 14
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a7cc04 _dispatch_queue_serial_drain + 235
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a7d693 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 1103
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a7da27 _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 357
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a7f46d _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 384
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x01a7f285 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 134
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01e12d5e _pthread_wqthread + 1070
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x01e1290a start_wqthread + 34
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assertiond (50854)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) containermanage (50866)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro containermanagerd[50866]: 0x16d31c0 main: containermanagerd performing first boot initialization
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro containermanagerd[50866]: 0x16d31c0 -[MCMMigrationStatus isBuildUpgrade]: Current build version (14C89 / (null)) equal to last version recorded (14C89 / (null)); skipping upgrade
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) backboardd (50851)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) locationd (50853)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro containermanagerd[50866]: 0x16d31c0 main: containermanagerd first boot cleanup complete
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) routined (50840)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro lsd[50865]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) lsd (50865)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [METRIC] Asset, Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: objc[50859]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xd28d44c) and /Applications/ (0xd0ceb78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: Logging binary sensor data to /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/locationd/locationdSensors.bin
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/Traffic.bundle
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: BLP: Need a bundle path or a bundle identifier.
Jan 17 18:57:23 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: [Core] #BLP bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/MotionCalibration.bundle
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) securityd (50868)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) tccd (50869)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) distnoted (50872)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro distnoted[50872]: # distnote server daemon absolute time: 193814.088542251 civil time: Tue Jan 17 18:57:23 2017 pid: 50872 uid: 501 root: yes
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro securityd[50868]: unable to access hwaes key
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 0 contextLevel: -1 appearance: 0
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mobileassetd (50870)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: main display width 640 height 1136 framebuffer width 640 height 1136 scale 2 orientation 0
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: _sideways 0
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ids_simd (50843)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: layer position 320 568 bounds 0 0 640 1136
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistryd (50873)
Jan 17 18:57:23 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CoreSimulatorBr (50859)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Switching to keyboard: en
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 0 contextLevel: 2999 appearance: 0
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: main display width 640 height 1136 framebuffer width 640 height 1136 scale 2 orientation 0
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: _sideways 0
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: layer position 320 568 bounds 0 0 640 1136
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nanoregistrylau (50876)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) accountsd (50871)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: [default] IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nanoregistrylaunchd[50876]: [root_daemon] launch_disable_directory("/Applications/") duration: 0.020 returned 133
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: Initialized Simulator HID System Manager: <SimulatorHIDFallbackSystem: 0x7a155ad0>
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pasted (50878)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro pasted[50878]: Service started.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) geod (50875)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro pasted[50878]: BundleID from team (null) is requesting pasteboard
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro pasted[50878]: Registering for pasteboard preferences notification:
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro pasted[50878]: ...requesting pasteboard completed. Error: (null)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x78d67240> registered
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x78a692c0> registered
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Pasteboard change listener callback port <NSMachPort: 0x7866a9a0> registered
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlsessiond (50877)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (50879)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro geod[50875]: [GEOPersistenceManager] 4.1 Mapping directory does not exist. Will create it at path: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/GeoServices/PhoneNumberMapping.plist
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) pkd (50880)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro geod[50875]: [LogMessageLogging] 5.1 adaptorOptionsArray is nil or empty, there no adaptors available to create
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) CloudKeychainPr (50881)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) apsd (50882)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata page is missing PID information for notifyd (50860)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info notifyd (50860)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) notifyd (50860)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata page is missing PID information for syslogd (50835)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata page is missing main binary UUID info syslogd (50835)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syslogd (50835)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro apsd[50882]: 2017-01-17 18:57:24 +0800 apsd[50882]: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': Unknown service name
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IDSKeychainSync (50883)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro apsd[50882]: 2017-01-17 18:57:24 +0800 apsd[50882]: Peer connection [pid=50846] missing server
Jan 17 18:57:24 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x128c4894) and /Applications/ (0xe5cc4f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5aa8) and /Applications/ (0xc8170a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5b70) and /Applications/ (0xc81716c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5af8) and /Applications/ (0xc8171e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5b48) and /Applications/ (0xc81725c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5a80) and /Applications/ (0xc8172ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5be8) and /Applications/ (0xc8173ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5b20) and /Applications/ (0xc81743c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5d28) and /Applications/ (0xc817464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5c60) and /Applications/ (0xc817554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5ad0) and /Applications/ (0xc81757c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5d00) and /Applications/ (0xc81761c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5cd8) and /Applications/ (0xc81766c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5cb0) and /Applications/ (0xc817694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5bc0) and /Applications/ (0xc8176e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5b98) and /Applications/ (0xc81770c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5c10) and /Applications/ (0xc817784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5c88) and /Applications/ (0xc8177ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: objc[50851]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x120a5c38) and /Applications/ (0xc8177fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) budd (50856)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) installd (50845)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (50884)
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0x1c601c0 main: Reboot detected
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0x1c601c0 is_build_upgrade: Current build version (14C89 / (null)) equal to last version recorded (14C89 / (null)); skipping upgrade
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0x1c601c0 __47-[MIDeveloperDiskImageTracker checkMountPoint:]_block_invoke: /Applications/ is not present now or before
Jan 17 18:57:24 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIClientConnection enumerateInstalledAppsWithOptions:completion:]: Enumerate installed apps requested by lsd (pid 50865) with options (null)
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mediaremoted (50839)
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (50886)
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) fileproviderd (50837)
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:25 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 +[MILaunchServicesDatabaseGatherer enumeratePluginKitPluginsInBundle:updatingPluginParentID:ensurePluginsAreExecutable:installProfiles:error:enumerator:]: Failed to get plugin bundles for bundle : Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/, SourceFileLine=37}
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mstreamd (50841)
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x171c644c) and /Applications/ (0x17007b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=Automatic;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Requesting installation of file:///Users/molikto/Projects/Games/SpyLove/code/ios-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphonesimulator/ with options: {
CFBundleIdentifier = "org.snailya.spylove";
PackageType = Developer;
SimulatorRootPath = "/Applications/";
SimulatorUserPath = "/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data";
Jan 17 18:57:25 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) SpringBoard (50850)
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro assetsd[50848]: objc[50848]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x63244c) and /Applications/ (0x19aab78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assetsd (50848)
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIFileManager realPathForURL:ifChildOfURL:]: Rejecting /Applications/ -> /../../../../usr/lib/libSystem.dylib, as it is points outside or to the base /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) AppleIDAuthAgen (50847)
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) revisiond (50855)
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:26 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) wcd (50849)
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mstreamd[50841]: (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mstreamd[50841]: (Note ) PS: The subscription plugin class does not support push notification refreshing.
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mstreamd[50841]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 37: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIBundle _validateWithError:]: 44: Bundle at path /Applications/ did not have a CFBundleIdentifier in its Info.plist
Jan 17 18:57:27 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb03b4000 -[MIExecutableBundle _validateWithError:]: 81: Bundle at path /Applications/ has missing or invalid CFBundleExecutable in its Info.plist
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: [Core] no LaunchEvents found
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 4 for client
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 3 for client
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro CoreSimulatorBridge[50859]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 2 for client
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: calling xpc_event_provider_token_fire for client session
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro wcd[50849]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIClientConnection _doInstallationForURL:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/Users/molikto/Projects/Games/SpyLove/code/ios-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphonesimulator/" type Developer (LSInstallType = (null)) requested by CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 50859)
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro pkd[50880]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 MDMCreateDeltaDirectory: calling MDMDirectoryDiff with:
state->old_bundle: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/A76B0D81-9A29-46D9-936C-90BD4E69C267/
state->new_bundle: /Users/molikto/Projects/Games/SpyLove/code/ios-moe/build/moe/xcodebuild/Debug-iphonesimulator/
state->dst_bundle: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/, binaryDiff flag: FALSE
dst_ipa: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb04b8000 __MDMDirectoryDiff_block_invoke.37: calling writeDictToFile with: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: No directory for bundleID:, sessionID:
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb04b8000 writeDictToFile: ==== Successfully wrote Manifest cache to /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Library/Caches/
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: No directory for bundleID:, sessionID:
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: Failed to send PDURLSessionProxy startup message, error Error Code=200 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7d944db0 {Error Code=3 "No pair is active." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No pair is active.}}}
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) assistantd (50838)
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: [Orientation] No accelerometer; not detecting orientation!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: assertion failed: 16B2555 14C89: libxpc.dylib + 68346 [F3AA3C03-1D97-3E2F-AB3C-5B679540170D]: 0x7d
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:28 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro assertiond[50854]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundlePatch ID=org.snailya.spylove; Version=, ShortVersion=(null)>
Jan 17 18:57:28 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIInstallableBundlePatch applyPatchWithError:]: Attempting patch update of org.snailya.spylove from 1 (1.0) to ((null))
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1ef52894) and /Applications/ (0x1eb194f4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03aa8) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03b70) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03af8) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03b48) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03a80) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03be8) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03b20) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03d28) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03c60) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03ad0) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03d00) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03cd8) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03cb0) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03bc0) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03b98) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03c10) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03c88) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: objc[50850]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xdd03c38) and /Applications/ (0x1e7cf7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro sharingd[50852]: objc[50852]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xfe5144c) and /Applications/ (0xfc92b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro wcd[50849]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) carkitd (50892)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) itunesstored (50890)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [LOCATION TAGGING] error fetching current location of interest, Error Domain=RTErrorDomain Code=5 "no location" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=no location}
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: [SoftwareUpdatesStore]: Skipping most of server registration for server <SSXPCServer: 0x7bf551c0> since we are using appstored software updates
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIInstallableBundle _refreshUUIDForContainer:withError:]: Data container for org.snailya.spylove is now at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/2AF83A33-86DB-45A6-B1CB-D68B4B79F7AF
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for org.snailya.spylove at /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7C961970-1144-4B66-96AB-00EC76722CF7
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [METRIC] Failed metric submission because Diagnostics and Usage is disabled.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro fileproviderd[50837]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro installd[50845]: 0xb0436000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.45s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.45s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.96s
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7ca321f0> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7C961970-1144-4B66-96AB-00EC76722CF7/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {3F67B991-0E2E-4252-9E0E-CBF9A6C2AB85 248}
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7af56510> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7C961970-1144-4B66-96AB-00EC76722CF7/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {3F67B991-0E2E-4252-9E0E-CBF9A6C2AB85 248}
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7dc3be50> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7C961970-1144-4B66-96AB-00EC76722CF7/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {3F67B991-0E2E-4252-9E0E-CBF9A6C2AB85 248}
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: watch-companion is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:869: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) syncdefaultsd (50888)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro akd[50893]: objc[50893]: Class AKToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x80e6f8) and /Applications/ (0x1665e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro akd[50893]: objc[50893]: Class AKMasterToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x80e720) and /Applications/ (0x16660c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) akd (50893)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) swcd (50897)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [default] LaunchServices observer: Installed (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7a161f80> org.snailya.spylove file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/7C961970-1144-4B66-96AB-00EC76722CF7/ <org.snailya.spylove <installed >>"
) {3F67B991-0E2E-4252-9E0E-CBF9A6C2AB85 248}
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro swcd[50897]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro syncdefaultsd[50888]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) appstored (50898)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) nsurlstoraged (50899)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryCommCenterMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7aa8) and /Applications/ (0xa5c0a4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeviceUnlocked is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7b70) and /Applications/ (0xa5c16c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseMigration is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7af8) and /Applications/ (0xa5c1e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryDeleteAll is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7b48) and /Applications/ (0xa5c25c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryCallAddedBeforeUnlock is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7a80) and /Applications/ (0xa5c2ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoBootstrap is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7be8) and /Applications/ (0xa5c3ec). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseSaveError is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7b20) and /Applications/ (0xa5c43c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryUninitializedDatabaseSave is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7d28) and /Applications/ (0xa5c464). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryMissingCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7c60) and /Applications/ (0xa5c554). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryDatabaseInfo is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7ad0) and /Applications/ (0xa5c57c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryTransactionLogSize is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7d00) and /Applications/ (0xa5c61c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistorySyncOverLimit is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7cd8) and /Applications/ (0xa5c66c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistorySync is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7cb0) and /Applications/ (0xa5c694). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryErrorReport is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7bc0) and /Applications/ (0xa5c6e4). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryEntitlementRejection is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7b98) and /Applications/ (0xa5c70c). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryGizmoDatabaseMigrationFailure is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7c10) and /Applications/ (0xa5c784). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7c88) and /Applications/ (0xa5c7ac). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: objc[50894]: Class AWDCallHistoryMalformedCloudChangeToken is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xa1b7c38) and /Applications/ (0xa5c7fc). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) bird (50896)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129071431
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: libMobileGestalt utility.c:416: no value found for key 1129072723
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro bird[50896]: [default] [CRIT] Assertion failed: qos_class_self() == QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT
Jan 17 18:57:29 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro bird[50896]: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort ''. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) callservicesd (50894)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) healthd (50842)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:29 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) suggestd (50895)
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro bird[50896]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: [Orientation] Orientation blocking: timeout exceeded!
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Documents/>
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: [TransactionManager] Handling invalidated XPC connection
Jan 17 18:57:29 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro callservicesd[50894]: [Default] Unable to initialize CXCallDirectoryStore for reading: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallDirectory” in the folder “Library”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Library/CallDirectory, NSUnderlyingError=0x78a1d840 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro UserEventAgent[50836]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7c92c9e0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro bird[50896]: [default] [ERROR] failed to uninstall iCloud Drive App
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro suggestd[50895]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x78664590> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x79e3b080> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro nsurlsessiond[50877]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7de37b00> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:30 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) calaccessd (50902)
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) searchd (50903)
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Warning] <SPUIHeaderBlurView 0x7b4ac200> is being asked to animate its opacity. This will cause the effect to appear broken until opacity returns to 1.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro searchd[50903]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro passd[50904]: objc[50904]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x11ba444c) and /Applications/ (0x119e5b78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) passd (50904)
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: [ODRBackgroundMaintenance]: -[ODRBackgroundMaintenance startBackgroundMaintenanceOperations]
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) sharingd (50852)
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:30 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) medialibraryd (50913)
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextSetCompositeOperation: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextFillRects: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextScaleCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:30 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) profiled (50914)
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro medialibraryd[50913]: [ML3MusicLibrary] Track de-orphaning: removing orphaned tracks at paths {(
Jan 17 18:57:31 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:31 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50911]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50911]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:31 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro profiled[50914]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro assistantd[50838]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: iTunes Store environment is: NWK
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] throwing out icon because it isn't visible in the model : node=<SBApplicationIcon: 0x7b29a8c0; nodeID: ''>
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] could not find icon for representation ->
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 17 18:57:31 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:31 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7ae4fa90> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7fe48b20>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7ae51fd0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7ae51fd0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mapspushd[50907]: objc[50907]: Class MSPUserRoutingPreferences is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x15b82f0) and /Applications/ (0xf4454). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) mapspushd (50907)
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mapspushd[50907]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mapspushd[50907]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7be226b0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mapspushd[50907]: Could not set the backup exclusion flag equal to 0 on URL file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSURL=file:///Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7d820280 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro routined[50840]: There was an error while communicating with the MapsSupport service: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “GeoBookmarks.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/molikto/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/30C15035-9657-49A7-8900-44793B526136/data/Containers/Data/Application/9386923F-A4B9-4D59-9320-2E54ABE2F163/Library/Maps/GeoBookmarks.plist, NSUnderlyingError=0x7a35e7b0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Common] [SBFImageColorSpaceUtilities] failed to create copy with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7ae4fa90> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome; Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 Profile) of original CGImage=<CGImage 0x7b235290>
<<CGColorSpace 0x7ae51fd0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)>
width = 320, height = 568, bpc = 8, bpp = 32, row bytes = 1280
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little
is mask? No, has mask? No, has matte? No, should interpolate? Yes with colorSpace=<CGColorSpace 0x7ae51fd0> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB IEC61966-2.1)
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: iTunes Store environment is: NWK
Jan 17 18:57:31 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:32 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro appstored[50898]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro backboardd[50851]: [Common] Couldn't find the digitizer HID service, this is probably bad
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7b394a20;>
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7b5a1910;>
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [WF_Service] Setting up connection to service...
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7b5a4b70;>
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7ae950a0;>
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro locationd[50853]: [Core] Client '' is attempting to masquerade as uninstalled app with effective bundle identifier ''
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamPriority
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro medialibraryd[50913]: [Service] Database already validated. Returning immediately.
Jan 17 18:57:32 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro sharingd[50852]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2717: Failed to get battery level
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Getting container class internal daemon!
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) IMDPersistenceA (50918)
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50920]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50920]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50886]: [SBServer] AX SpringBoardServer: Error: Domain:IPC Code:0 Reason:The operation couldn’t be completed. Could not find server for service:
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50917]): Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro[50832] ([50917]): Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Application] Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Jan 17 18:57:32 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 50913
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) deleted (50908)
Jan 17 18:57:32 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) EscrowSecurityA (50906)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: SSURLSessionManager: A nil value was loaded from the bag for key metrics.
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [appinstallation] LaunchServices observer: Apps Failed be Uninstalled: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b4d47a0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [AppLibrary] Applications did fail to uninstall: (
"<LSApplicationProxy: 0x7b4d47a0> file:///Applications/ < <installed >>"
) (appInfos: (
"<SBApplicationInfo: 0x7b469080; bundleIdentifier:; displayName: iCloud Drive; sdkVersion: 10.2>"
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceAddressBook from invalid client with pid 50913
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) geocorrectiond (50905)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro useractivityd[50900]: objc[50900]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0xaa7f44c) and /Applications/ (0x808db78). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) (50912)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro itunesstored[50890]: Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/var/mobile/Library/Caches/sharedCaches/ Errno:2
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerVisibilityDidChange:] visibility = 0
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: -[CCUIAirStuffSectionController discoveryControllerSettingsDidChange:] discoverableMode = 0
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro geocorrectiond[50905]: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ 0x786714c0 _primaryAccount = (null) personID = (null) mapsToken = (null)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro geocorrectiond[50905]: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ 0x786714c0 startProcessing - failed. Not authorized (0)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: metadata shared cached uuid is null (using logd's shared cache info) ProtectedCloudK (50910)
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro logd[50844]: Failed to harvest strings for pathless uuid '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CustomVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro ProtectedCloudKeySyncing[50910]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro tccd[50869]: [access] Refusing TCCAccessRequest for service kTCCServiceReminders from invalid client with pid 50840
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServices_CombinedVocalizerVoices/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro SpringBoard[50850]: [Connection] already have data provider for section; using existing one
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro calaccessd[50902]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 506275200
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro calaccessd[50902]: 25534103: Updating last saved to 506275200
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable to get local URL for asset: Error Domain=MobileAssetError Code=1 "(null)" [com_apple_MobileAsset_VoiceServicesVocalizerVoice/]
Jan 17 18:57:33 Minghaos-MacBook-Pro mobileassetd[50870]: mobileassetd - _localURLForAsset: [] _localURLForAsset[]: unable
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