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Created February 23, 2015 16:12
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Accessible info tooltip
@charset 'UTF-8'
// Hide and show content accessibly. The content is visually hidden, but
// screen readers and other assistive technology should still read it.
@mixin accessible-hide
position: absolute
// Without any top/right/bottom/left declaration, the element would be
// positioned at its position in the normal flow. This may cause scrollbars
// so we move it to top/left position of the containing block.
left: 0
top: 0
height: 1px
width: 1px
overflow: hidden
// Legacy syntax for IE6 and IE7
clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px)
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)
@mixin accessible-show
position: static
left: auto
top: auto
width: auto
height: auto
overflow: visible
clip: auto
@charset 'UTF-8'
@mixin focus-box-shadow
box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba($color, 0.9)
@mixin focus-outline
outline: 0
@charset 'UTF-8'
// Modifiers for tooltip positioning
// This abstract class is applied a parent element of .info-tooltip
$tooltip-width: 200px
position: relative
display: inline-block
color: $color-muted
cursor: pointer
p, ul, ol
margin: 0
a, a:hover
color: lighten($color, 30%)
@extend %accessible-hide
// See z-indices.txt
z-index: 201
// Set opacity for fade-in transition
opacity: 0
+transition(opacity 250ms ease)
border-radius: $border-radius
padding: $vertical-gap-quarter $vertical-gap-half
background-color: $color-text
font-family: $font
font-size: $font-size-small
line-height: $line-height-small
color: white
// Show content on hover and focus
&:hover, &:focus
@extend %accessible-show
// Fade in
opacity: 1
position: absolute
// Per default, orient left/top so the tooltip is shown
// on the right/bottom
left: 0
top: $line-height + 2px
width: $tooltip-width
// Custom focus style
outline: 0
// Additional classes for positioning
@extend %info-tooltip-right
@extend %info-tooltip-top
// Positioning
&:hover, &:focus
left: auto
right: 0
&:hover, &:focus
top: auto
bottom: $line-height
<div class="info-tooltip info-tooltip-right" tabindex="0">
This content is readable all the time
<p class="info-tooltip-content">
This content is shown on focus, accessible to assistive technology all the time
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