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Created June 23, 2013 22:58
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Plot Weekly or Monthly Totals in R
# load data:
log <- data.frame(Date = c("2013/05/25","2013/05/28","2013/05/31","2013/06/01","2013/06/02","2013/06/05","2013/06/07"),
Quantity = c(9,1,15,4,5,17,18))
# convert date variable from factor to date format:
log$Date <- as.Date(log$Date,
"%Y/%m/%d") # tabulate all the options here
# create variables of the week and month of each observation:
log$Month <- as.Date(cut(log$Date,
breaks = "month"))
log$Week <- as.Date(cut(log$Date,
breaks = "week",
start.on.monday = FALSE)) # changes weekly break point to Sunday
# graph by month:
ggplot(data = log,
aes(Month, Quantity)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = sum, # adds up all observations for the month
geom = "bar") + # or "line"
labels = date_format("%Y-%m"),
breaks = "1 month") # custom x-axis labels
# graph by week:
ggplot(data = log,
aes(Week, Quantity)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = sum, # adds up all observations for the week
geom = "bar") + # or "line"
labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"),
breaks = "1 week") # custom x-axis labels
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Great way to show off cut(), but the 'scales' library isn't needed to scale the date. The ggplot scale_x_date() can be run with the date_labels argument.

ggplot(data = log, aes(Month, Quantity)) + stat_summary(fun.y = sum, geom = "bar") + scale_x_date(date_labels="%Y-%m", date_breaks = "1 month")

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following code is giving error message as" Error in strsplit(unitspec, " ") : non-character argument" please tell me the solution

graph by month:

ggplot(data = log,
aes(Month, Quantity)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = sum, # adds up all observations for the month
geom = 'bar') + # or "line"
labels = date_format('%Y-%m'),
breaks = "1 month") # custom x-axis labels

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@Dhanashree2491 - a quick google search turned up:

In a nutshell, you must change "breaks" to "date_breaks" in the last line of code you pasted

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Jukang commented Aug 9, 2020

Thank you for the nice examples!! Is there any way to remove grid bw background and modify the dates on the x-axis to mm/dd/yyyy format?

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