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Created July 21, 2014 18:37
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Websocket Frames
namespace Tsunami.Server
open System
open System.IO
open System.Linq
open System.Net
open System.Net.Sockets
open System.Text
open System.Threading
open System.Runtime.Serialization
module WebSockets =
type WebsocketFrame =
| ContinuationFrame //%x0
| TextFrame //%x1
| BinaryFrame //%x2
| ReservedNonControl //%x3-7
| ConnectionClosed //%x8
| Ping //%x9
| Pong //%xA
| ReservedControl //%xB-F
/// Swaps the Endian only if the Machine Is Little Endian
let swapEndian (bs : byte array) = if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian then Array.rev bs else bs
let unwrapFrame (stream:Stream) =
async {
let! firstByte_t = stream.AsyncRead(1)
let firstByte = firstByte_t.[0]
let final = firstByte &&& 128uy <> 0uy
let opcode =
match firstByte &&& 15uy with
| 0uy -> ContinuationFrame
| 1uy -> TextFrame
| 2uy -> BinaryFrame
| 3uy | 4uy | 5uy | 6uy | 7uy -> ReservedNonControl
| 8uy -> ConnectionClosed
| 9uy -> Ping
| 10uy -> Pong
| 11uy | 12uy | 13uy | 14uy | 15uy -> ReservedControl
| _ -> failwith "given the mask above this cannot happen"
let! secondByte_t = stream.AsyncRead(1)
let secondByte = secondByte_t.[0]
let mask = secondByte &&& 128uy <> 0uy
let! payloadLength =
match secondByte &&& 127uy with
| 127uy ->
async {
let! int64Bytes = stream.AsyncRead(8)
return BitConverter.ToUInt64(int64Bytes |> swapEndian, 0)
| 126uy ->
async {
let! int16Bytes = stream.AsyncRead(2)
return uint64 (BitConverter.ToUInt16(int16Bytes |> swapEndian, 0))
| x -> async { return uint64 (Convert.ToUInt16(x)) }
let payloadLength' = int32 payloadLength // TODO support int64 payloads....
let! data =
if mask
async {
let! mask = stream.AsyncRead(4)
let! data = stream.AsyncRead(payloadLength')
return data |> Array.mapi (fun i b -> b ^^^ mask.[i % 4])
return (opcode, data, final)
let wrapFrame (opcode : WebsocketFrame, data:byte array, final : bool, mask : uint32 option) =
let firstByte =
match opcode with
| ContinuationFrame -> 0uy
| TextFrame -> 1uy
| BinaryFrame -> 2uy
| ReservedNonControl -> failwith "Use of reserved unsuported opcode \"ReservedNonControl\""
| ConnectionClosed -> 8uy
| Ping -> 9uy
| Pong -> 10uy
| ReservedControl -> failwith "Use of reserved unsuported opcode \"ReservedControl\""
|> fun x -> if final then x ||| 128uy else x
let length = data |> Array.length // NOTE Length cannot be > int32 but can be > int16
let lengthBytes =
if length < 126 then [Convert.ToByte(length)]
else if length < int32 UInt16.MaxValue then 126uy :: (BitConverter.GetBytes(length) |> swapEndian |> Seq.skip 2 |> Seq.toList)
else 127uy :: ([0uy;0uy;0uy;0uy] @ ((BitConverter.GetBytes(length) |> swapEndian |> Seq.toList))) // TODO support 64 bit lengths
|> function
| (x::xs) as ys -> if mask.IsSome then (x ||| 128uy) :: xs else ys // Set the mask bit if one is available
| _ -> failwith "Should not happen - should have at least one byte in the list"
let maskedData =
match mask with
| None -> data
| Some(m) ->
let maskBits = BitConverter.GetBytes(m) |> swapEndian // Note order really does not matter for this
Array.append maskBits (data |> Array.mapi (fun i b -> b ^^^ maskBits.[i % 4]))
Array.append (firstByte :: lengthBytes |> List.toArray) maskedData
let echo (ns:NetworkStream) : Async<unit> =
async {
while true do
let! msg = unwrapFrame(ns)
match msg with
| (TextFrame, data, true) ->
do! ns.AsyncWrite(wrapFrame (TextFrame, data, true, None))
| _ -> ()
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