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Created August 12, 2016 19:50
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Show keyboard bindings for the SciTE code editor
# (Python 2)
# looks through SciTE source code and user properties,
# and creates an html file showing current bindings
# usage:
# download SciTE and Scintilla source
# place this script in the scite/src/scripts directory
# edit the pathPropertiesMain = line to point to your global properties file
# edit the pathPropertiesUser = line to point to your user properties file (or None)
# run the script, which creates CurrentBindings_platform.html in current directory.
# features:
# reads properties files and follows import statements
# includes *language bindings in properties
# includes user.shortcuts bindings in properties
# includes command.shortcut bindings in properties
# includes custom menukey bindings in properties
# includes Scintilla bindings
# includes bindings from SciTE source code that aren't shown in menus
pathPropertiesMain = r'/path/to/'
pathPropertiesUser = r'/path/to/'
pathOutputFile = r'./CurrentBindings_$platform.html'
import os
import re
class PropSetFile(object):
def __init__(self, platform):
self.props = dict()
self.platform = platform
self.filesSeen = dict()
self.root = None
self.condition = None
def GetString(self, key):
return self.props.get(key, '')
def GetInt(self, key, default=0):
s = self.Expanded(self.GetString(key))
return int(s) if s else default
def ReadFile(self, filename):
assert os.path.abspath(filename) not in self.filesSeen, 'cannot import a file twice'
self.filesSeen[os.path.abspath(filename)] = 1
if os.path.isfile(filename):
def ReadString(self, contents):
contents = contents.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')
s = ''
for line in contents:
s += line
if line.endswith('\\'):
s = s[0:-1]
s = ''
def Expanded(self, s):
i = 0
while '$(' in s and i < 200:
s = self._expandOnce(s)
i += 1
return s
def _expandOnce(self, s):
if s.startswith('$(') and s.endswith(')'):
propname = s[2:-1]
assert ' ' not in propname, "We don't yet support $(expand) etc."
return self.GetString(propname)
elif '$(' in s:
assert False, "We don't yet support expressions containing $() " + s
return s
def _importStar(self):
assert not self.Expanded(self.GetString('imports.include')), 'imports.include not supported'
exclude = self.Expanded(self.GetString('imports.exclude')).split(' ')
filesList = [os.path.splitext(name)[0] for name in os.listdir(self.root) if name.endswith('.properties')]
for name in filesList:
if name not in exclude:
name = os.path.join(self.root, name + '.properties')
if os.path.abspath(name) not in self.filesSeen:
def _readLine(self, s):
if s.startswith('#') or not s.strip():
elif s.startswith('module '):
assert False, ' not supported'
elif s.startswith('import '):
filename = s[len('import '):]
if filename == '*':
elif '/tools_personal/register' not in filename:
self.ReadFile(os.path.join(self.root, filename + '.properties'))
elif s.startswith('if PLAT_WIN'):
self.condition = 'win32'
elif s.startswith('if PLAT_MAC'):
self.condition = 'mac'
elif s.startswith('if PLAT_GTK'):
self.condition = 'gtk'
elif s.startswith('if PLAT_UNIX'):
self.condition = 'gtk' # ok because this script isn't supported for mac.
elif s.startswith('if '):
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported conditional " + s)
if self.condition:
if s[0] == '\t':
if self.platform != self.condition:
s = s[1:]
self.condition = None
if s[0] != '[': # we don't yet support sections
parts = s.split('=', 1)
if len(parts) == 0:
warn('unrecognized line in properties: ' + s)
self.props[parts[0]] = parts[1]
def getAllProperties(propertiesMain, propertiesUser, platform, overrideDir=None):
props = PropSetFile(platform)
if propertiesMain:
props.root = overrideDir or os.path.split(propertiesMain)[0]
if propertiesUser:
props.root = os.path.split(propertiesUser)[0]
return props
def readShortcutLanguageMenu(results, props, key):
value = props.GetString(key)
if value.strip():
languageName, languageShort, keyPress, _ = value.split('|')
keyPress = props.Expanded(keyPress)
if keyPress.strip():
command = 'set language ' + languageName.replace('&', '')
results.append(KeyBinding('properties *language', command, keyPress, priority=40, platform='any'))
def readShortcutFromCommand(results, props, key):
matchObj = re.match(r'^command\.name\.([0-9]+)\.([^=]+)', key)
if matchObj:
number =
filetypes =
name = props.Expanded(props.GetString(key))
platform = props.Expanded(filetypes)
platform = 'any' if platform == '*' else platform
setShortcutKey = 'command.shortcut.' + number + '.' + filetypes
setShortcutValue = props.Expanded(props.GetString(setShortcutKey))
if name and len(number) == 1 and not setShortcutValue:
binding = KeyBinding('properties command (implicit)', name, priority=50, platform=platform)
binding.keyChar = number
binding.control = True
elif name and setShortcutValue:
results.append(KeyBinding('properties command', name, setShortcutValue, priority=50, platform=platform))
def readPropertiesUserShortcuts(results, props, key):
value = props.GetString(key)
parts = value.split('|')
for pair in takePairs(parts):
if pair and len(pair) == 2:
pair[0] = props.Expanded(pair[0])
pair[1] = props.Expanded(pair[1])
results.append(KeyBinding('properties user.shortcuts', pair[1], pair[0], priority=60, platform='any'))
def readFromProperties(bindings, props):
for key in props.props:
if key.startswith('*language.'):
readShortcutLanguageMenu(bindings, props, key)
elif key == 'user.shortcuts':
readPropertiesUserShortcuts(bindings, props, key)
elif key.startswith(''):
readShortcutFromCommand(bindings, props, key)
def readUserDefinedKeys(props):
mapMenuPathToNewAccel = dict()
for key in props.props:
if key.startswith('menukey.'):
val = props.Expanded(props.GetString(key))
if val:
mapMenuPathToNewAccel[key[len('menukey.'):]] = val
return mapMenuPathToNewAccel
def getMapFromIdmToMenuText():
map = dict()
with open(os.path.join("..", "win32", "SciTERes.rc"), "rt") as f:
for l in f:
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith("MENUITEM") and "SEPARATOR" not in l:
l = l.replace("MENUITEM", "").strip()
text, symbol = l.split('",', 1)
symbol = symbol.strip()
text = text[1:].replace("&", "").replace("...", "")
if "\\t" in text:
text = text.split("\\t", 1)[0]
map[symbol] = text
return map
def writeOutputFile(bindings, outputFile, includeDuplicates=False):
mapSciteToString = getMapFromIdmToMenuText()
mapScintillaToString = getMapScintillaToString()
prevLine = None
with open(outputFile, 'w') as out:
scriptname = os.path.split(__file__)[1].replace('.pyc', '.py')
out.write(startFile.replace('%script%', scriptname))
out.write("<h2>Current key bindings</h2>\n")
out.write("<table><tr><th> </th><th> </th><th> </th><th> </th></tr>\n")
for binding in bindings:
line = writeOutputBinding(binding, mapSciteToString, mapScintillaToString)
if includeDuplicates or line != prevLine:
# skip redundant entry; SciTE and Scintilla will sometimes define the same binding.
prevLine = line
def renderCommand(command, mapSciteToString, mapScintillaToString):
matchObj = re.match(r'(IDM_BUFFER\+|Buffer)([0-9])$', command)
if matchObj:
command = 'Open tab %d' % (int( + 1)
elif command in mapSciteToString:
command = mapSciteToString[command]
elif command in mapScintillaToString:
command = mapScintillaToString[command]
command = command.replace('V C ', 'Visual Studio-style ')
elif command.startswith('IDM_'):
command = command.replace('IDM_', '').lower().replace('_', ' ')
command = command.replace('matchppc', ' match ppc')
command = command[0].upper() + command[1:].lower()
command = command.replace('...', '')
return command
def writeOutputBinding(binding, mapSciteToString, mapScintillaToString):
s = ''
s += '<tr><td>%s</td>' % escapeXml(binding.keyChar)
s += '<td>%s</td>' % escapeXml(binding.getKeyString())
s += '<td>%s</td>' % escapeXml(
renderCommand(binding.command, mapSciteToString, mapScintillaToString))
notes = ''
if '*' in binding.platform:
notes += 'only %s' % binding.platform
elif 'properties' in binding.setName:
notes += 'from properties'
s += '<td>%s</td></tr>\n' % escapeXml(notes)
return s
def getMapScintillaToString():
import re
mapScintillaToString = dict()
mapNumberToSciConstant = dict()
with open('../../scintilla/include/Scintilla.h', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('#define SCI_'):
poundDefine, constantName, number = line.split()
mapNumberToSciConstant[number] = constantName
r = re.compile(r'(get|set|fun) ([^=]+)=([0-9]+)\(')
rSpaceBeforeCapital = re.compile(r'([A-Z])')
with open('../../scintilla/include/Scintilla.iface', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
matchObj = r.match(line)
if matchObj:
number =
sciConst = mapNumberToSciConstant.get(number, None)
if sciConst is not None:
name =' ')[-1]
name = rSpaceBeforeCapital.sub(r' \1', name)
mapScintillaToString[sciConst] = name.lstrip(' ')
return mapScintillaToString
def normalizeMenuPath(s, platform):
s = s.replace('&' if platform == 'win32' else '_', '') # menupath='menukey/File/Save As...'
s = s.replace('.', '') # menupath='menukey/File/Save As'
s = s.replace('/', '.') # menupath='menukey.File.Save As'
s = s.replace(' ', '_') # menupath='menukey.File.Save_As'
return s.lower() # menupath='menukey.file.save_as'
def readFromSciTEItemFactoryEntry(parts, bindings, mapUserDefinedKeys):
path, accel, gcallback, command, itemType, whitespace = parts
accel = accel.lstrip(' "').rstrip('"')
path = path.strip('"').lstrip('"{/')
name = path.split('/')[-1].replace('_', '')
userDefined = mapUserDefinedKeys.get(normalizeMenuPath(path, 'gtk'), '')
if userDefined != '""' and userDefined != 'none':
accel = userDefined or accel
accel = accel.replace('>space', '>Space')
if accel and accel != 'NULL':
bindings.append(KeyBinding('SciTEItemFactoryEntry or user-defined', name, accel, priority=80, platform='gtk'))
def readFromSciTEResAccelTableEntry(parts, bindings):
key, command, modifiers = [part.strip() for part in parts]
if key.startswith('"'):
key = key.replace('"', '')
elif key.startswith('VK_'):
key = key[len('VK_'):].replace('MULTIPLY', '*')
key = key[0] + key[1:].lower()
elif key == '187':
modparts = [m.strip() for m in modifiers.split(',') if m.strip() != 'VIRTKEY']
modifiers = ('+'.join(modparts) + '+') if modparts else ''
bindings.append(KeyBinding('SciTERes accel', command, modifiers + key, priority=80, platform='win32'))
def readFromScintillaKeyMapEntry(parts, bindings):
key, modifiers, command, whitespace = [part.strip() for part in parts]
command = command.rstrip('} ')
key = key.lstrip('{ ')
if key == '0':
elif key.startswith("'"):
key = key.replace("'", '')
key = key.replace('\\\\', '\\')
elif key.startswith('SCK_'):
key = key[len('SCK_'):]
key = key[0] + key[1:].lower()
map = dict(SCI_CTRL=(True, False, False), SCI_ALT=(False, True, False), SCI_SHIFT=(False, False, True),
SCMOD_META=(True, False, False), SCI_CSHIFT=(True, False, True), SCI_ASHIFT=(False, True, True),
SCI_SCTRL_META=(True, False, True), SCI_CTRL_META=(True, False, False), SCI_NORM=(False, False, False))
binding = KeyBinding('Scintilla keymap', command, priority=0, platform='any')
binding.control, binding.alt, binding.shift = map[modifiers]
binding.keyChar = key
def readFromSciTEItemFactoryList(bindings, mapUserDefinedKeys):
start = '''void SciTEGTK::CreateMenu() {'''
end = ''' gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(PWidget(wSciTE)), accelGroup);'''
lines = retrieveCodeLines('../gtk/SciTEGTK.cxx', start, end)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('{'):
parts = line.split(',')
if len(parts) != 6:
raise RuntimeError('line started with { but did not have 6 parts ' + line)
readFromSciTEItemFactoryEntry(parts, bindings, mapUserDefinedKeys)
def readFromSciTEResAccelTable(bindings):
lines = retrieveCodeLines('../win32/SciTERes.rc', start, 'END')
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('\t'):
line = line.strip()
if line and 'IDM_TOOLS+' not in line and not line.startswith('//'):
parts = line.split(',', 2)
if len(parts) != 3:
raise RuntimeError('accelerator item did not have 3 parts ' + line)
readFromSciTEResAccelTableEntry(parts, bindings)
def readFromScintillaKeyMap(bindings):
start = '''const KeyToCommand KeyMap::MapDefault[] = {'''
lines = retrieveCodeLines('../../scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx', start, '};')
insideMac = False
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line == '#if OS_X_KEYS':
insideMac = True
elif line == '#endif' or line == '#else':
insideMac = False
elif line.startswith('#if '):
raise RuntimeError('unknown preprocessor condition in keymap.cxx ' + line)
elif not insideMac and line.startswith('{'):
parts = line.split(',')
if len(parts) != 4:
raise RuntimeError('line started with { but did not have 4 parts ' + line)
readFromScintillaKeyMapEntry(parts, bindings)
def main(propertiesMain, propertiesUser, outputFileTemplate):
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] != 2:
print('this script is not supported in python 3')
assert '$platform' in outputFileTemplate, 'outputFile should include $platform.'
assert not os.path.isfile('../src/PythonExtension.cxx'), 'Please run instead.'
for platform in ('gtk', 'win32'):
props = getAllProperties(propertiesMain, propertiesUser, platform)
platformCapitalized = platform[0].upper() + platform[1:]
outputFile = outputFileTemplate.replace('$platform', platformCapitalized)
bindings = []
addCallsToAssignKeyBindings(bindings, props)
readFromProperties(bindings, props)
mapUserDefinedKeys = readUserDefinedKeys(props)
if platform == 'gtk':
addBindingsManual(bindings, gtkKmapBindings)
readFromSciTEItemFactoryList(bindings, mapUserDefinedKeys)
bindings.sort(key=lambda obj: obj.getSortKey())
writeOutputFile(bindings, outputFile)
class KeyBinding(object):
def __init__(self, setName, command, shortcut=None, priority=0, platform='all'):
self.control = False
self.alt = False
self.shift = False
self.keyChar = None
self.command = command
self.priority = priority
self.platform = platform
self.setName = setName
if shortcut:
def setKeyFromString(self, s):
s = s.replace('<control>', 'Ctrl+').replace('<alt>', 'Alt+').replace('<shift>', 'Shift+')
self.keyChar = s.split('+')[-1]
modifiers = s.split('+')[0:-1]
for item in modifiers:
item = item.lower()
if item == 'control':
self.control = True
elif item == 'ctrl':
self.control = True
elif item == 'alt':
self.alt = True
elif item == 'shift':
self.shift = True
raise ValueError('unrecognized modifier')
if self.keyChar[0] != self.keyChar[0].upper():
raise ValueError('key should be upper case ' + s)
def getKeyString(self):
s = 'Ctrl+' if self.control else ''
s += 'Alt+' if self.alt else ''
s += 'Shift+' if self.shift else ''
return s + self.keyChar
def getSortKey(self):
return (self.keyChar, self.control, self.alt, self.shift, self.priority)
def __repr__(self):
return '|'.join((self.getKeyString(), self.command, str(self.priority), self.platform, self.setName))
def addBindingsManual(bindings, s):
lines = s.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line.strip():
keys, command, priority, platform, setName = line.split('|')
bindings.append(KeyBinding(setName, command, keys, priority=int(priority), platform=platform))
def retrieveCodeLines(filename, startingLine, endingLine, mustInclude=None):
allLines = readall(filename, 'rb').replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')
# confirm that the first line is in the file exactly once
linesThatMatchStart = [i for i, line in enumerate(allLines) if line == startingLine]
if len(linesThatMatchStart) != 1:
raise RuntimeError(
'\n%s\n seen %d times in \n%s\n, rather than once.' % (startingLine, len(linesThatMatchStart), filename))
lineNumber = linesThatMatchStart[0]
seenMustInclude = False
endLine = None
while lineNumber < len(allLines):
lineNumber += 1
if allLines[lineNumber] == endingLine and (seenMustInclude or not mustInclude):
endLine = lineNumber
elif allLines[lineNumber] == mustInclude:
seenMustInclude = True
if endLine is None:
raise RuntimeError('Failure: ending line %s not found in file %s' % (endingLine, filename))
return allLines[linesThatMatchStart[0]:endLine + 1]
def takePairs(iterable):
import itertools
it = iter(iterable)
item = list(itertools.islice(it, 2))
while item:
yield item
item = list(itertools.islice(it, 2))
def warn(prompt):
while True:
s = getInput('Continue? y/n')
if s == 'y':
elif s == 'n':
raise RuntimeError('chose not to continue')
def getInput(prompt):
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
return raw_input(prompt)
return input(prompt)
def readall(filename, mode='rb'):
with open(filename, mode) as f:
def escapeXml(s):
s = s.replace('&', '&amp;')
s = s.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;')
return s.replace('"', '&quot;').replace("'", '&apos;')
def assertEq(expected, received):
if expected != received:
raise AssertionError('expected %s but got %s' % (expected, received))
def assertEqArray(expected, received):
assertEq(len(expected), len(received))
for i in range(len(expected)):
assertEq(repr(expected[i]), repr(received[i]))
def addCallsToAssignKeyBindings(bindings, props):
# from SciTEBase::ReadProperties
s = '''Control+Shift+L|SCI_LINEDELETE|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey\n'''
if props.GetInt("os.x.home.end.keys"):
s += '''Home|SCI_SCROLLTOSTART|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Home|SCI_NULL|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Alt+Home|SCI_NULL|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
End|SCI_SCROLLTOEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+End|SCI_NULL|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey'''
if props.GetInt("wrap.aware.home.end.keys", 0):
if props.GetInt("vc.home.key", 1):
s += '''Home|SCI_VCHOMEWRAP|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Home|SCI_VCHOMEWRAPEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Alt+Home|SCI_VCHOMERECTEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
End|SCI_LINEENDWRAP|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+End|SCI_LINEENDWRAPEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey'''
s += '''Home|SCI_HOMEWRAP|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Home|SCI_HOMEWRAPEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Alt+Home|SCI_HOMERECTEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
End|SCI_LINEENDWRAP|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+End|SCI_LINEENDWRAPEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey'''
if props.GetInt("vc.home.key", 1):
s += '''Home|SCI_VCHOME|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Home|SCI_VCHOMEEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Alt+Home|SCI_VCHOMERECTEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
End|SCI_LINEEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+End|SCI_LINEENDEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey'''
s += '''Home|SCI_HOME|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Home|SCI_HOMEEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+Alt+Home|SCI_HOMERECTEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
End|SCI_LINEEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey
Shift+End|SCI_LINEENDEXTEND|1|any|SciTEProps.cxx AssignKey'''
addBindingsManual(bindings, s)
# from KeyToCommand kmap[] in SciTEGTK.cxx
gtkKmapBindings = r'''Control+Tab|IDM_NEXTFILESTACK|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Shift+Control+Tab|IDM_PREVFILESTACK|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+Enter|IDM_COMPLETEWORD|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Alt+F2|IDM_BOOKMARK_NEXT_SELECT|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Alt+Shift+F2|IDM_BOOKMARK_PREV_SELECT|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+F3|IDM_FINDNEXTSEL|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+Shift+F3|IDM_FINDNEXTBACKSEL|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+F4|IDM_CLOSE|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+J|IDM_PREVMATCHPPC|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+Shift+J|IDM_SELECTTOPREVMATCHPPC|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+K|IDM_NEXTMATCHPPC|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+Shift+K|IDM_SELECTTONEXTMATCHPPC|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]
Control+*|IDM_EXPAND|30|gtk|KeyToCommand kmap[]'''
startFile = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<!--Generated by scite/scripts/%script% -->
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family:verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 80% }
table { border: 1px solid #1F1F1F; border-collapse: collapse; }
td { border: 1px solid; border-color: #E0E0E0 #000000; padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; }
th { border: 1px solid #1F1F1F; padding: 1px 5px 1px 5px; }
thead { background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; }
def tests():
propstring = r'''
testfileendswithslash=test''' + '\\'
props = PropSetFile('gtk')
assertEq('b=c', props.GetString('a'))
assertEq('abc', props.GetString('span'))
assertEq('abc', props.Expanded(props.GetString('test.expand')))
assertEq('gtk', props.GetString('plat'))
assertEq('test', props.GetString('testfileendswithslash'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
msg = 'keymap.cxx not found, please download both the scintilla and scite sources and place this script in the /scite/src/scripts directory'
if not os.path.isfile('../../scintilla/src/KeyMap.cxx'):
elif not os.path.isfile('../gtk/SciTEGTK.cxx' ):
main(pathPropertiesMain, pathPropertiesUser, pathOutputFile)
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