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Created July 4, 2016 09:35
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{div, h1, h2, img, form, input} = React.DOM
@SearchBox = React.createClass
render: ->
div className: 'searchbox-container',
React.createElement Form, searchText: this.state.searchText, onSearchChange: this.searchChanged, onFocus: this.onFocus, onBlur: this.onBlur
React.createElement ResultList, data:, category: this.state.category, visible: (this.state.hasResults && this.state.focus)
searchChanged: (val) ->
self = this
self.setState({searchText: val})
if val.length
self.searchTimeout = setTimeout (-> self.doSearch(val)), 500
self.setState self.getInitialState()
onFocus: -> this.setState focus: true
onBlur: -> this.setState focus: false
doSearch: (val) ->
return if this.state.searchText.length == 0
self = this
$.ajax self.props.url, { data: {q: val}, dataType: 'json', success: (data) -> self.setState data: data, hasResults: data.length > 0 }
getInitialState: -> {searchText: '', data: [], category: '', hasResults: false, hasFocus: false}
@Form = React.createClass
render: ->
form className: 'searchbox-form',
`<svg className='icon svg-magnifier' id='magnifier'>
<use xmlnsXlink='' xlinkHref='#svg-magnifier' />
input value: this.props.searchText, ref: 'searchTextInput', onChange: this.handleChange, onBlur: this.props.onBlur, onFocus: this.props.onFocus,
handleChange: -> this.props.onSearchChange(this.refs.searchTextInput.value)
@ResultList = React.createClass
render: ->
div className: this.getClass(), (category) ->
div className: 'searchbox-category', key: "searchbox-category-#{category.title}",
div className: 'searchbox-category-header', category.title
div className: 'searchbox-category-results', (r) ->
React.createElement ResultItem, {href: r[0], text: r[1], image: r[2], key: r[0]}
getClass: ->
"searchbox-resultlist #{if this.props.visible then 'visible' else 'invisible'}"
@ResultItem = React.createClass
render: ->
div className: 'searchbox-resultitem', onClick: this.onClick,
div className: 'searchbox-resultitem-image', img src: this.props.image
div className: 'searchbox-resultitem-text', this.props.text
onClick: -> window.location.href = this.props.href
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