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## CONFIG | Airflow Configs
## if we use legacy 1.10 airflow commands
legacyCommands: false
## configs for the airflow container image
repository: apache/airflow
tag: 2.1.2-python3.8
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
pullSecret: ""
uid: 50000
gid: 0
## the airflow executor type to use
## - allowed values: "CeleryExecutor", "KubernetesExecutor", "CeleryKubernetesExecutor"
## - customize the "KubernetesExecutor" pod-template with `airflow.kubernetesPodTemplate.*`
executor: CeleryExecutor
## the fernet encryption key (sets `AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY`)
## - [WARNING] you must change this value to ensure the security of your airflow
## - set `AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY` with `airflow.extraEnv` from a Secret to avoid storing this in your values
## - use this command to generate your own fernet key:
## python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; FERNET_KEY = Fernet.generate_key().decode(); print(FERNET_KEY)"
fernetKey: "1SdAD-wfuoFZnqXLax-TQcG3nJ0dDd-EDJ1f_2v_phs="
## the secret_key for flask (sets `AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__SECRET_KEY`)
## - [WARNING] you must change this value to ensure the security of your airflow
## - set `AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__SECRET_KEY` with `airflow.extraEnv` from a Secret to avoid storing this in your values
webserverSecretKey: "fmdkajtojomerau0vco9kKDl"
## environment variables for airflow configs
## - airflow env-vars are structured: "AIRFLOW__{config_section}__{config_name}"
## - airflow configuration reference:
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## config:
## # dag configs
## # email configs
## # domain used in airflow emails
## # ether environment variables
## a list of users to create
## - templates can ONLY be used in: `password`, `email`, `firstName`, `lastName`
## - templates used a bash-like syntax: ${MY_USERNAME}, $MY_USERNAME
## - templates are defined in `usersTemplates`
- username: admin
password: admin
role: Admin
firstName: admin
lastName: admin
## bash-like templates to be used in `airflow.users`
## - [WARNING] if a Secret or ConfigMap is missing, the sync Pod will crash
## - [WARNING] all keys must match the regex: ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## usersTemplates
## kind: configmap
## name: my-configmap
## key: username
## kind: secret
## name: my-secret
## key: password
usersTemplates: {}
## if we create a Deployment to perpetually sync `airflow.users`
## - when `true`, users are updated in real-time, as ConfigMaps/Secrets change
## - when `true`, users changes from the WebUI will be reverted automatically
## - when `false`, users will only update one-time, after each `helm upgrade`
usersUpdate: true
## a list airflow connections to create
## - templates can ONLY be used in: `host`, `login`, `password`, `schema`, `extra`
## - templates used a bash-like syntax: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY} or $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
## - templates are defined in `connectionsTemplates`
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## connections:
## - id: my_aws
## type: aws
## description: my AWS connection
## extra: |-
## { "aws_access_key_id": "${AWS_KEY_ID}",
## "aws_secret_access_key": "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}",
## "region_name":"eu-central-1" }
connections: []
## bash-like templates to be used in `airflow.connections`
## - see docs for `airflow.usersTemplates`
connectionsTemplates: {}
## if we create a Deployment to perpetually sync `airflow.connections`
## - see docs for `airflow.usersUpdate`
connectionsUpdate: true
## a list airflow variables to create
## - templates can ONLY be used in: `value`
## - templates used a bash-like syntax: ${MY_VALUE} or $MY_VALUE
## - templates are defined in `connectionsTemplates`
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## variables:
## - key: "var_1"
## value: "my_value_1"
## - key: "var_2"
## value: "my_value_2"
variables: []
## bash-like templates to be used in `airflow.variables`
## - see docs for `airflow.usersTemplates`
variablesTemplates: {}
## if we create a Deployment to perpetually sync `airflow.variables`
## - see docs for `airflow.usersUpdate`
variablesUpdate: true
## a list airflow pools to create
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## pools:
## - name: "pool_1"
## description: "example pool with 5 slots"
## slots: 5
## - name: "pool_2"
## description: "example pool with 10 slots"
## slots: 10
pools: []
## if we create a Deployment to perpetually sync `airflow.pools`
## - see docs for `airflow.usersUpdate`
poolsUpdate: true
## default nodeSelector for airflow Pods (is overridden by pod-specific values)
## - docs for nodeSelector:
defaultNodeSelector: {}
## default affinity configs for airflow Pods (is overridden by pod-specific values)
## - spec for Affinity:
defaultAffinity: {}
## default toleration configs for airflow Pods (is overridden by pod-specific values)
## - spec for Toleration:
defaultTolerations: []
## default securityContext configs for airflow Pods (is overridden by pod-specific values)
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
## sets the filesystem owner group of files/folders in mounted volumes
## this does NOT give root permissions to Pods, only the "root" group
fsGroup: 0
## extra annotations for airflow Pods
podAnnotations: {}
## extra pip packages to install in airflow Pods
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra environment variables for the airflow Pods
## - spec for EnvVar:
extraEnv: []
## extra containers for the airflow Pods
## - spec for Container:
extraContainers: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the airflow Pods
## - spec for VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the airflow Pods
## - spec for Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## FILE |
## the full content of the `` file (as a string)
## - docs for airflow cluster policies:
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## stringOverride: |
## # use a custom `xcom_sidecar` image for KubernetesPodOperator()
## from airflow.kubernetes.pod_generator import PodDefaults
## PodDefaults.SIDECAR_CONTAINER.image = ""
stringOverride: ""
## the name of a Secret containing a `` key
## - if set, this disables `airflow.localSettings.stringOverride`
existingSecret: ""
## FILE | pod_template.yaml
## - generates a file for `AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__POD_TEMPLATE_FILE`
## - the `dags.gitSync` values will create a git-sync init-container in the pod
## - the `airflow.extraPipPackages` will NOT be installed
## the full content of the pod-template file (as a string)
## - [WARNING] all other `kubernetesPodTemplate.*` are disabled when this is set
## - docs for pod-template file:
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## stringOverride: |-
## apiVersion: v1
## kind: Pod
## spec: ...
stringOverride: ""
## resource requests/limits for the Pod template "base" container
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the Pod template
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the Pod template
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the Pod template
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## annotations for the Pod template
podAnnotations: {}
## the security context for the Pod template
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## extra pip packages to install in the Pod template
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the Pod template
## - spec for VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the Pod template
## - spec for Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## COMPONENT | db-migrations Deployment
## if the db-migrations Deployment/Job is created
## - [WARNING] if `false`, you have to MANUALLY run `airflow db upgrade` when required
enabled: true
## if a post-install helm Job should be used (instead of a Deployment)
## - [WARNING] setting `true` will NOT work with the helm `--wait` flag,
## this is because post-install helm Jobs run AFTER the main resources become Ready,
## which will cause a deadlock, as other resources require db-migrations to become Ready
runAsJob: false
## resource requests/limits for the db-migrations Pods
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the db-migrations Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the db-migrations Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the db-migrations Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the db-migrations Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## Pod labels for the db-migrations Deployment
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the db-migrations Deployment/Job
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the db-migrations Deployment/Job
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## the number of seconds between checks for unapplied db migrations
## - only applies if `airflow.dbMigrations.runAsJob` is `false`
checkInterval: 300
## COMPONENT | Sync Deployments
## - used by the Deployments/Jobs used by `airflow.{connections,pools,users,variables}`
## resource requests/limits for the sync Pods
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the sync Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the sync Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the sync Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the sync Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## Pod labels for the sync Deployments/Jobs
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the sync Deployments/Jobs
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the sync Deployments/Jobs
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## COMPONENT | Airflow Scheduler
## the number of scheduler Pods to run
## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `scheduler.podDisruptionBudget`
replicas: 1
## resource requests/limits for the scheduler Pod
## - spec of ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the scheduler Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the scheduler Pods
## - spec of Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the scheduler Pods
## - spec of Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the scheduler Pods
## - spec of PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## labels for the scheduler Deployment
labels: {}
## Pod labels for the scheduler Deployment
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the scheduler Deployment
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the scheduler Deployment
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the scheduler
## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the scheduler
enabled: false
## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the scheduler
maxUnavailable: ""
## the minimum available pods/percentage for the scheduler
minAvailable: ""
## sets `airflow --num_runs` parameter used to run the airflow scheduler
numRuns: -1
## configs for the scheduler Pods' liveness probe
## - `periodSeconds` x `failureThreshold` = max seconds a scheduler can be unhealthy
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 5
## extra pip packages to install in the scheduler Pods
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the scheduler Pods
## - spec of VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the scheduler Pods
## - spec of Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## extra init containers to run in the scheduler Pods
## - spec of Container:
extraInitContainers: []
## COMPONENT | Airflow Webserver
## FILE |
## the full content of the `` file (as a string)
## - docs for Flask-AppBuilder security configs:
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## stringOverride: |
## from airflow import configuration as conf
## from import AUTH_DB
## # the SQLAlchemy connection string
## # use embedded DB for auth
stringOverride: ""
## the name of a Secret containing a `` key
existingSecret: ""
## the number of web Pods to run
## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `web.podDisruptionBudget`
replicas: 1
## resource requests/limits for the web Pod
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the web Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the web Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the web Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the web Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## labels for the web Deployment
labels: {}
## Pod labels for the web Deployment
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the web Deployment
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the web Deployment
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the web Deployment
## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the web Deployment
enabled: false
## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the web Deployment
maxUnavailable: ""
## the minimum available pods/percentage for the web Deployment
minAvailable: ""
## configs for the Service of the web Pods
annotations: {}
# annotations:
# '{"default": "config-default"}'
sessionAffinity: "None"
sessionAffinityConfig: {}
type: NodePort
externalPort: 8080
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
http: ""
## configs for the web Pods' readiness probe
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 6
## configs for the web Pods' liveness probe
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 6
## extra pip packages to install in the web Pods
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the web Pods
## - spec for VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the web Pods
## - spec for Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## COMPONENT | Airflow Workers
## if the airflow workers StatefulSet should be deployed
enabled: true
## the number of worker Pods to run
## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget`
## - this is the minimum when `workers.autoscaling.enabled` is true
replicas: 1
## resource requests/limits for the worker Pod
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the worker Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the worker Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the worker Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the worker Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## labels for the worker StatefulSet
labels: {}
## Pod labels for the worker StatefulSet
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the worker StatefulSet
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the worker StatefulSet
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the worker StatefulSet
## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the worker StatefulSet
enabled: false
## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the worker StatefulSet
maxUnavailable: ""
## the minimum available pods/percentage for the worker StatefulSet
minAvailable: ""
## configs for the HorizontalPodAutoscaler of the worker Pods
## - [WARNING] if using git-sync, ensure `dags.gitSync.resources` is set
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## autoscaling:
## enabled: true
## maxReplicas: 16
## metrics:
## - type: Resource
## resource:
## name: memory
## target:
## type: Utilization
## averageUtilization: 80
enabled: false
maxReplicas: 2
metrics: []
## configs for the celery worker Pods
## if celery worker Pods are gracefully terminated
## - consider defining a `workers.podDisruptionBudget` to prevent there not being
## enough available workers during graceful termination waiting periods
## graceful termination process:
## 1. prevent worker accepting new tasks
## 2. wait AT MOST `workers.celery.gracefullTerminationPeriod` for tasks to finish
## 3. send SIGTERM to worker
## 4. wait AT MOST `workers.terminationPeriod` for kill to finish
## 5. send SIGKILL to worker
gracefullTermination: false
## how many seconds to wait for tasks to finish before SIGTERM of the celery worker
gracefullTerminationPeriod: 600
## how many seconds to wait after SIGTERM before SIGKILL of the celery worker
## - [WARNING] tasks that are still running during SIGKILL will be orphaned, this is important
## to understand with KubernetesPodOperator(), as Pods may continue running
terminationPeriod: 60
## extra pip packages to install in the worker Pod
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the worker Pods
## - spec for VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the worker Pods
## - spec for Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## COMPONENT | Flower
## if the airflow flower UI should be deployed
enabled: true
## the number of flower Pods to run
## - if you set this >1 we recommend defining a `flower.podDisruptionBudget`
replicas: 1
## resource requests/limits for the flower Pod
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the flower Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the flower Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the flower Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the flower Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## labels for the flower Deployment
labels: {}
## Pod labels for the flower Deployment
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the flower Deployment
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the flower Deployment
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the flower Deployment
## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the flower Deployment
enabled: false
## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the flower Deployment
maxUnavailable: ""
## the minimum available pods/percentage for the flower Deployment
minAvailable: ""
## the name of a pre-created secret containing the basic authentication value for flower
## - this will override any value of `config.AIRFLOW__CELERY__FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH`
basicAuthSecret: ""
## the key within `flower.basicAuthSecret` containing the basic authentication string
basicAuthSecretKey: ""
## configs for the Service of the flower Pods
annotations: {}
# annotations:
# '{"default": "config-default"}'
type: NodePort
externalPort: 5555
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## configs for the flower Pods' readinessProbe probe
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 6
## configs for the flower Pods' liveness probe
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 6
## extra pip packages to install in the flower Pod
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraPipPackages:
## - "SomeProject==1.0.0"
extraPipPackages: []
## extra VolumeMounts for the flower Pods
## - spec for VolumeMount:
extraVolumeMounts: []
## extra Volumes for the flower Pods
## - spec for Volume:
extraVolumes: []
## CONFIG | Airflow Logs
## the airflow logs folder
path: /opt/airflow/logs
## configs for the logs PVC
## if a persistent volume is mounted at `logs.path`
enabled: false
## the name of an existing PVC to use
existingClaim: ""
## sub-path under `logs.persistence.existingClaim` to use
subPath: ""
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
## - if set to "", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is omitted
## - if set to "-", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is set to ""
storageClass: ""
## the access mode of the PVC
## - [WARNING] must be "ReadWriteMany" or airflow pods will fail to start
accessMode: ReadWriteMany
## the size of PVC to request
size: 1Gi
## CONFIG | Airflow DAGs
## the airflow dags folder
path: /opt/airflow/dags
## configs for the dags PVC
## if a persistent volume is mounted at `dags.path`
enabled: false
## the name of an existing PVC to use
existingClaim: ""
## sub-path under `dags.persistence.existingClaim` to use
subPath: ""
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
## - if set to "", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is omitted
## - if set to "-", then `PersistentVolumeClaim/spec.storageClassName` is set to ""
storageClass: ""
## the access mode of the PVC
## - [WARNING] must be "ReadOnlyMany" or "ReadWriteMany" otherwise airflow pods will fail to start
accessMode: ReadOnlyMany
## the size of PVC to request
size: 1Gi
## configs for the git-sync sidecar (
## if the git-sync sidecar container is enabled
enabled: false
## the git-sync container image
tag: v3.2.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
uid: 65533
gid: 65533
## resource requests/limits for the git-sync container
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the url of the git repo
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # https git repo
## repo: ""
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # ssh git repo
## repo: ""
repo: ""
## the sub-path within your repo where dags are located
## - only dags under this path within your repo will be seen by airflow,
## (note, the full repo will still be cloned)
repoSubPath: ""
## the git branch to check out
branch: master
## the git revision (tag or hash) to check out
revision: HEAD
## shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits
depth: 1
## the number of seconds between syncs
syncWait: 60
## the max number of seconds allowed for a complete sync
syncTimeout: 120
## the name of a pre-created Secret with git http credentials
httpSecret: ""
## the key in `dags.gitSync.httpSecret` with your git username
httpSecretUsernameKey: username
## the key in `dags.gitSync.httpSecret` with your git password/token
httpSecretPasswordKey: password
## the name of a pre-created Secret with git ssh credentials
sshSecret: ""
## the key in `dags.gitSync.sshSecret` with your ssh-key file
sshSecretKey: id_rsa
## the string value of a "known_hosts" file (for SSH only)
## - [WARNING] known_hosts verification will be disabled if left empty, making you more
## vulnerable to repo spoofing attacks
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## sshKnownHosts: |-
## <HOST_NAME> ssh-rsa <HOST_KEY>
sshKnownHosts: ""
## the number of consecutive failures allowed before aborting
## - the first sync must succeed
## - a value of -1 will retry forever after the initial sync
maxFailures: 0
## CONFIG | Kubernetes Ingress
## if we should deploy Ingress resources
enabled: true
## the `apiVersion` to use for Ingress resources
## - for Kubernetes 1.19 and later: ""
## - for Kubernetes 1.18 and before: ""
## configs for the Ingress of the web Service
## annotations for the web Ingress
annotations: "airflow-v2-web-static-ip" "managed-cert" "gce"
## additional labels for the web Ingress
labels: {}
## the path for the web Ingress
## - [WARNING] do NOT include the trailing slash (for root, set an empty string)
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # webserver URL:
## path: "/airflow"
path: ""
## the hostname for the web Ingress
host: ""
## configs for web Ingress TLS
## enable TLS termination for the web Ingress
enabled: false
## the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
## http paths to add to the web Ingress before the default path
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## precedingPaths:
## - path: "/*"
## serviceName: "my-service"
## servicePort: "port-name"
precedingPaths: []
## http paths to add to the web Ingress after the default path
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## succeedingPaths:
## - path: "/extra-service"
## serviceName: "my-service"
## servicePort: "port-name"
succeedingPaths: []
## configs for the Ingress of the flower Service
## annotations for the flower Ingress
# annotations: {}
annotations: nginx
## additional labels for the flower Ingress
labels: {}
## the path for the flower Ingress
## - [WARNING] do NOT include the trailing slash (for root, set an empty string)
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # flower URL:
## path: "/airflow/flower"
path: ""
## the hostname for the flower Ingress
host: ""
## configs for flower Ingress TLS
## enable TLS termination for the flower Ingress
enabled: false
## the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
## http paths to add to the flower Ingress before the default path
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## precedingPaths:
## - path: "/*"
## serviceName: "my-service"
## servicePort: "port-name"
precedingPaths: []
## http paths to add to the flower Ingress after the default path
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## succeedingPaths:
## - path: "/extra-service"
## serviceName: "my-service"
## servicePort: "port-name"
succeedingPaths: []
## CONFIG | Kubernetes RBAC
## if Kubernetes RBAC resources are created
## - these allow the service account to create/delete Pods in the airflow namespace,
## which is required for the KubernetesPodOperator() to function
create: true
## if the created RBAC Role has GET/LIST on Event resources
## - this is needed for KubernetesPodOperator() to use `log_events_on_failure=True`
events: true
## CONFIG | Kubernetes ServiceAccount
## if a Kubernetes ServiceAccount is created
## - if `false`, you must create the service account outside this chart with name: ``
create: true
## the name of the ServiceAccount
## - by default the name is generated using the `airflow.serviceAccountName` template in `_helpers/common.tpl`
name: ""
## annotations for the ServiceAccount
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # EKS - IAM Roles for Service Accounts
## annotations:
## "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXX:role/<<MY-ROLE-NAME>>"
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # GKE - WorkloadIdentity
## annotations:
annotations: {}
## CONFIG | Kubernetes Extra Manifests
## extra Kubernetes manifests to include alongside this chart
## - this can be used to include ANY Kubernetes YAML resource
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## extraManifests:
## - apiVersion:
## kind: BackendConfig
## metadata:
## name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-test"
## spec:
## securityPolicy:
## name: "gcp-cloud-armor-policy-test"
- apiVersion:
kind: ManagedCertificate
name: managed-cert
namespace: airflow-v2
# - apiVersion:
# kind: BackendConfig
# metadata:
# name: config-default
# namespace: airflow-v2
# spec:
# iap:
# enabled: true
# oauthclientCredentials:
# secretName: airflow-iap-secret
## DATABASE | PgBouncer
## if the pgbouncer Deployment is created
enabled: true
## configs for the pgbouncer container image
tag: 1.15.0-patch.0
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
uid: 1001
gid: 1001
## resource requests/limits for the pgbouncer Pods
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the pgbouncer Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the pgbouncer Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the pgbouncer Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## the security context for the pgbouncer Pods
## - spec for PodSecurityContext:
securityContext: {}
## labels for the pgbouncer Deployment
labels: {}
## Pod labels for the pgbouncer Deployment
podLabels: {}
## annotations for the pgbouncer Deployment
annotations: {}
## Pod annotations for the pgbouncer Deployment
podAnnotations: {}
## if we add the annotation: "" = "true"
safeToEvict: true
## configs for the PodDisruptionBudget of the pgbouncer Deployment
## if a PodDisruptionBudget resource is created for the pgbouncer Deployment
enabled: false
## the maximum unavailable pods/percentage for the pgbouncer Deployment
## the minimum available pods/percentage for the pgbouncer Deployment
## configs for the pgbouncer Pods' liveness probe
enabled: true
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 15
failureThreshold: 3
## the maximum number of seconds to wait for queries upon pod termination, before force killing
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120
## sets pgbouncer config: `max_client_conn`
maxClientConnections: 100
## sets pgbouncer config: `default_pool_size`
poolSize: 20
## sets pgbouncer config: `log_disconnections`
logDisconnections: 0
## sets pgbouncer config: `log_connections`
logConnections: 0
## ssl configs for: clients -> pgbouncer
## sets pgbouncer config: `client_tls_sslmode`
mode: prefer
## sets pgbouncer config: `client_tls_ciphers`
ciphers: normal
## sets pgbouncer config: `client_tls_ca_file`
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: root.crt
## sets pgbouncer config: `client_tls_key_file`
## - [WARNING] a self-signed cert & key are generated if left empty
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: client.key
## sets pgbouncer config: `client_tls_cert_file`
## - [WARNING] a self-signed cert & key are generated if left empty
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: client.crt
## ssl configs for: pgbouncer -> postgres
## sets pgbouncer config: `server_tls_sslmode`
mode: prefer
## sets pgbouncer config: `server_tls_ciphers`
ciphers: normal
## sets pgbouncer config: `server_tls_ca_file`
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: root.crt
## sets pgbouncer config: `server_tls_key_file`
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: server.key
## sets pgbouncer config: `server_tls_cert_file`
existingSecret: ""
existingSecretKey: server.crt
## DATABASE | Embedded Postgres
## if the `stable/postgresql` chart is used
## - [WARNING] the embedded Postgres is NOT SUITABLE for production deployments of Airflow
## - [WARNING] consider using an external database with `externalDatabase.*`
## - set to `false` if using `externalDatabase.*`
enabled: true
## the postgres database to use
postgresqlDatabase: airflow
## the postgres user to create
postgresqlUsername: postgres
## the postgres user's password
postgresqlPassword: airflow
## the name of a pre-created secret containing the postgres password
existingSecret: ""
## the key within `postgresql.existingSecret` containing the password string
existingSecretKey: "postgresql-password"
## configs for the PVC of postgresql
## if postgres will use Persistent Volume Claims to store data
## - [WARNING] if false, data will be LOST as postgres Pods restart
enabled: true
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
storageClass: ""
## the access modes of the PVC
- ReadWriteOnce
## the size of PVC to request
size: 8Gi
## configs for the postgres StatefulSet
## the nodeSelector configs for the postgres Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the postgres Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the postgres Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## annotations for the postgres Pods
podAnnotations: "true"
## DATABASE | External Database
## the type of external database
## - allowed values: "mysql", "postgres"
type: postgres
## the host of the external database
host: localhost
## the port of the external database
port: 5432
## the database/scheme to use within the external database
database: airflow
## the user of the external database
user: airflow
## the name of a pre-created secret containing the external database password
passwordSecret: ""
## the key within `externalDatabase.passwordSecret` containing the password string
passwordSecretKey: "postgresql-password"
## extra connection-string properties for the external database
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## # require SSL (only for Postgres)
## properties: "?sslmode=require"
properties: ""
## DATABASE | Embedded Redis
## if the `stable/redis` chart is used
## - set to `false` if `airflow.executor` is `KubernetesExecutor`
## - set to `false` if using `externalRedis.*`
enabled: true
## the redis password
password: airflow
## the name of a pre-created secret containing the redis password
existingSecret: ""
## the key within `redis.existingSecret` containing the password string
existingSecretPasswordKey: "redis-password"
## configs for redis cluster mode
## if redis runs in cluster mode
enabled: false
## the number of redis slaves
slaveCount: 1
## configs for the redis master StatefulSet
## resource requests/limits for the redis master Pods
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the redis master Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the redis master Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the redis master Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## annotations for the redis master Pods
podAnnotations: "true"
## configs for the PVC of the redis master Pods
## use a PVC to persist data
enabled: false
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
storageClass: ""
## the access mode of the PVC
- ReadWriteOnce
## the size of PVC to request
size: 8Gi
## configs for the redis slave StatefulSet
## - only used if `redis.cluster.enabled` is `true`
## resource requests/limits for the slave Pods
## - spec for ResourceRequirements:
resources: {}
## the nodeSelector configs for the redis slave Pods
## - docs for nodeSelector:
nodeSelector: {}
## the affinity configs for the redis slave Pods
## - spec for Affinity:
affinity: {}
## the toleration configs for the redis slave Pods
## - spec for Toleration:
tolerations: []
## annotations for the slave Pods
podAnnotations: "true"
## configs for the PVC of the redis slave Pods
## use a PVC to persist data
enabled: false
## the name of the StorageClass used by the PVC
storageClass: ""
## the access mode of the PVC
- ReadWriteOnce
## the size of PVC to request
size: 8Gi
## DATABASE | External Redis
## the host of the external redis
host: localhost
## the port of the external redis
port: 6379
## the database number to use within the the external redis
databaseNumber: 1
## the name of a pre-created secret containing the external redis password
passwordSecret: ""
## the key within `externalRedis.passwordSecret` containing the password string
passwordSecretKey: "redis-password"
## extra connection-string properties for the external redis
## ____ EXAMPLE _______________
## properties: "?ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_OPTIONAL"
properties: ""
## CONFIG | ServiceMonitor (Prometheus Operator)
## if ServiceMonitor resources should be deployed for airflow webserver
## - [WARNING] you will need a metrics exporter in your `airflow.image`, for example:
## - ServiceMonitor is a resource from prometheus-operator:
enabled: false
## labels for ServiceMonitor, so that Prometheus can select it
prometheus: kube-prometheus
## the ServiceMonitor web endpoint path
path: /admin/metrics
## the ServiceMonitor web endpoint interval
interval: "30s"
## CONFIG | PrometheusRule (Prometheus Operator)
## if PrometheusRule resources should be deployed for airflow webserver
## - [WARNING] you will need a metrics exporter in your `airflow.image`, for example:
## - PrometheusRule is a resource from prometheus-operator:
enabled: false
## labels for PrometheusRule, so that Prometheus can select it
additionalLabels: {}
## alerting rules for Prometheus
## - docs for alerting rules:
groups: []
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