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Created June 20, 2023 13:58
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IDAPython script to re-enable stubbed logs from jubeat (2008)
# Jubeat 1 has logging functions implemented using a #define such as:
# #define LOG_MISC(fmt, ...) while(LOGS_ENABLED) { log_body_misc(fmt, __VA_ARGS__); }
# However, because barely any optimisations were applied to the code, these are
# still present in the final binary, even when LOGS_ENABLED was 0. This script
# re-enables these logs.
# An example assembly snippet:
# start:
# xor eax, eax
# jz short end
# mov ecx, [ebp+var_10]
# push ecx
# push offset aError ; "error=%d"
# push offset aModule; "module"
# call ds:log_body_misc
# add esp, 0Ch
# jmp start
# end:
# By simply nopping out the leading xor and jz, and the trailing jmp, we can
# trivially restore the logs.
# This log restoration can be applied to device.dll, jubeat.exe, ledanim.dll,
# libbmsd.dll, netcom2.dll, pkfs.dll, sciunit.dll, and vsnet.dll
# For a given file.ext it will create file_logging.ext
import os
funcs = ['log_body_misc','log_body_warning','log_body_info','log_body_fatal']
nops = []
for f in funcs:
f_addr = get_name_ea(0, f)
xrefs = XrefsTo(f_addr)
for ref in xrefs:
# call ds:log_body_misc
call_loc = ref.frm
if idc.print_insn_mnem(call_loc) != 'call':
# add esp, 10h
esp_add = next_head(call_loc)
# jmp short loc_4027FE
jump_back = next_head(esp_add)
if idc.print_insn_mnem(jump_back) != 'jmp':
jump_sz = get_item_size(jump_back)
jump_target = get_operand_value(jump_back, 0)
# xor eax, eax
if idc.print_insn_mnem(jump_target) != 'xor':
# jz short loc_4027ED
branch_target = next_head(jump_target)
if idc.print_insn_mnem(branch_target) != 'jz':
branch_sz = get_item_size(branch_target)
nops.extend(range(jump_back, jump_back+jump_sz))
nops.extend(range(branch_target, branch_target+branch_sz))
src = ida_nalt.get_input_file_path()
base, ext = os.path.splitext(src)
dst = base + '_logging' + ext
with open(src, 'rb') as f:
binary = bytearray(
for nop in nops:
binary[ida_loader.get_fileregion_offset(nop)] = 0x90
with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
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