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Created April 13, 2015 01:01
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// NSString+Truncate.m
// EMLabel
// Created by Mona Zhang on 3/31/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mona Zhang. All rights reserved.
#import "NSString+Truncate.h"
@implementation NSString (Truncate)
# pragma mark - Helper method
Returns whether string will fit in given size. Uses `boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context` to check if the max height of the string given a constraining width is greater than the height of the given size parameter.
- (BOOL)willFitToSize:(CGSize)size trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes {
return [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", self, trailingString] boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)
context:nil].size.height <= size.height;
Uses one of three truncation modes to truncate string and append a trailing string.
- EMTruncationModeSubtraction: subtracts a character from the string until it fits the constraining size.
- EMTruncationModeAddition: appends a character to the string until it does not fit the constraining size, then constructs the string using the index of the last character that fit.
- EMTruncationModeBinarySearch: uses a binary search to find the lower bound.
The font size of trailing string is assumed to be the same as the font size of the string being truncated, or calculations would be too funny to calculate.
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedStringByTruncatingToSize:(CGSize)size
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString
color:(UIColor *)color
truncationMode:(EMTruncationMode)truncationMode {
switch (truncationMode) {
case EMTruncationModeAddition: {
return [self stringUsingAdditionToTruncateToSize:size attributes:attributes trailingString:trailingString color:color];
case EMTruncationModeSubtraction: {
return [self stringUsingSubtractionToTruncateToSize:size attributes:attributes trailingString:trailingString color:color];
case EMTruncationModeBinarySearch: {
return [self stringUsingBinarySearchToTruncateToSize:size attributes:attributes trailingString:trailingString color:color];
// Default to binary search
return [self stringUsingBinarySearchToTruncateToSize:size attributes:attributes trailingString:trailingString color:color];
#pragma mark - Truncation methods
Subtracts one character at a time from string (+ trailingString). Stops when height of bounds fits the constraining height and uses index to reconstruct string that fits.
Performance: O(N), where N is length of the string
(this is a horrible method to use if you have long strings to truncate).
- (NSAttributedString *)stringUsingSubtractionToTruncateToSize:(CGSize)size
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString
color:(UIColor *)color {
if (![self willFitToSize:size trailingString:@"" attributes:attributes]) {
NSMutableString *string = [self mutableCopy];
NSRange rangeOfLastCharacter = {string.length - 1, 1};
while (![string willFitToSize:size trailingString:trailingString attributes:attributes]) {
[string deleteCharactersInRange:rangeOfLastCharacter];
NSInteger indexOfLastCharacter = rangeOfLastCharacter.location + rangeOfLastCharacter.length;
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[string substringToIndex:indexOfLastCharacter] attributes:attributes];
[attributedString appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:trailingString attributes:@{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color,
NSFontAttributeName: attributes[NSFontAttributeName]
return attributedString;
} else {
return [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:self attributes:attributes];
TruncationModeAddition - adds one character at a time from string (+ trailingString). Stops when height of bounds exceeds the constraining height and uses index to reconstruct string that fits.
Performance: constant in the size parameter
- (NSAttributedString *)stringUsingAdditionToTruncateToSize:(CGSize)size
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString
color:(UIColor *)color {
if (![self willFitToSize:size trailingString:@"" attributes:attributes]) {
NSMutableString *stringThatFits = [@"" mutableCopy];
NSRange range = {0, 1};
while ([stringThatFits willFitToSize:size trailingString:trailingString attributes:attributes]) {
[stringThatFits insertString:[self substringWithRange:range] atIndex:range.location];
NSInteger indexOfLastCharacterThatFits = range.location - range.length;
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[stringThatFits substringToIndex:indexOfLastCharacterThatFits] attributes:attributes];
[attributedString appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:trailingString attributes:@{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color,
NSFontAttributeName: attributes[NSFontAttributeName]
return attributedString;
} else {
return [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:self attributes:attributes];
TruncationModeBinarySearch - using 0 and N as starting indices, where N is the length of the string, perform a binary search that maintains the invariants that:
- height at minIndex <= size.height
- height at maxIndex > size.height
Returns minIndex when minIndex and maxIndex are adjacent
Performance: log(N)
- (NSAttributedString *)stringUsingBinarySearchToTruncateToSize:(CGSize)size
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes
trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString
color:(UIColor *)color {
if (![self willFitToSize:size trailingString:@"" attributes:attributes]) {
NSInteger indexOfLastCharacterThatFits = [self binarySearchForStringIndexThatFitsSize:size attributes:attributes minIndex:0 maxIndex:self.length trailingString:trailingString];
NSMutableAttributedString *string = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[self substringToIndex:indexOfLastCharacterThatFits] attributes:attributes];
[string appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:trailingString attributes:@{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color,
NSFontAttributeName: attributes[NSFontAttributeName]
return string;
} else {
return [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:self attributes:attributes];
- (NSInteger)binarySearchForStringIndexThatFitsSize:(CGSize)size attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes minIndex:(NSInteger)minIndex maxIndex:(NSInteger)maxIndex trailingString:(NSString *)trailingString {
- height at minIndex <= size.height
- height at maxIndex > size.height
NSInteger midIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
NSString *subString = [self substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, midIndex)];
// Invariant assertions
assert([[self substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, minIndex)] willFitToSize:size trailingString:trailingString attributes:attributes]);
assert(![[self substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, maxIndex)] willFitToSize:size trailingString:trailingString attributes:attributes]);
if (maxIndex - minIndex == 1) {
return minIndex;
// String is greater than constraining size, start search with minIndex as new maximum
// The max index will always be greater than the size
if (![subString willFitToSize:size trailingString:trailingString attributes:attributes]) {
return [self binarySearchForStringIndexThatFitsSize:size attributes:attributes minIndex:minIndex maxIndex:midIndex trailingString:trailingString];
// String is less than constraining size, start search with midIndex as new minimum
// The minimum index will be less than or equal to the size
else {
return [self binarySearchForStringIndexThatFitsSize:size attributes:attributes minIndex:midIndex maxIndex:maxIndex trailingString:trailingString];
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