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Created March 21, 2017 19:57
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extract frame info
config = {}
# where we find the Python libraries
#config['py_lib_dir'] = 'C:\\Program Files\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\'
# where we find the Python libraries
config['py_lib_dir'] = 'C:\\Program Files\\Anaconda2\\Lib\\'
#import os
#from os import listdir
imagepath = "D:\\gta5_frames"
outpath = "D:\\output_gta5_frames_renderdoc"
for f in listdir(outpath):
images = [join(imagepath, f) for f in listdir(imagepath)]
# where we store extraction results
#config['save_dir'] = 'C:/gta5_frames_c/comaprison_study/p3'
# creates a prefixes for files and directories from logfilename
#config['dir_prefix'] = lambda logFilename : ''
#config['file_prefix'] = lambda logFilename : basename(logFilename)[:-4] + '_'
The following values depend on the game and need to be specified.
Hence, we do not set default values.
For extracting mesh, shader, and texture ids we need to reliably identify the G-buffer pass.
By 'G-buffer' pass we mean the pass that renders all objects of interest. Hence, this pass will reference
all meshes, shaders, and textures.
We identify the G-buffer pass by its render targets (number of color targets, whether there is depth)
If multiple passes fulfil the specified conditions, we only process the first one.
You need to change this behaviour for some games.
# number of color targets that identify the G-buffer pass, most probably 4 as games want to use all available render targets
config['gbufferpass_colortargets'] = 4
# whether G-buffer pass has a depth target
config['gbufferpass_hasdepth'] = True
# Our names for the color buffers
config['gbuffer_names'] = ['gbuffer1', 'gbuffer2', 'gbuffer3', 'gbuffer4']
# the number should match the config['gbufferpass_colortargets']
We want to extract clean images without any UI elements.
Hence, we need to identify the pass where the HUD is rendered.
# number of color targets that identify the HUD pass
config['hudpass_colortargets'] = 4
# whether HUD pass has a depth target
config['hudpass_hasdepth'] = 'True'
# name of drawcall event
config['hudpass_drawcallname'] = ''
import sys
imageIndex = 0
for im in images:
print im
renderdoc.LoadLogfile(im, im, False, True)
# Load frame info
frameInfo = renderdoc.FrameInfo
assert(len(frameInfo) == 1, 'expected only one frame.')
frameId = renderdoc.CurFrame
print 'Extracting from frame %d' % frameId
# Get prefix and set up directory
from os import mkdir
from os.path import dirname, basename, exists
dirPrefix = config['dir_prefix'](renderdoc.LogFileName)
filePrefix = config['file_prefix'](renderdoc.LogFileName)
#saveDir = '%s/%s/' % (config['save_dir'], dirPrefix)
config['dir_prefix'] = lambda logFilename : ''
config['file_prefix'] = lambda logFilename : basename(logFilename)[:-4] + '_'
saveDir = outpath + '/'+str(im)
if not exists(saveDir):
print 'Output directory is %s' % saveDir
print 'File prefix is %s' % filePrefix
# Get drawcalls
drawcalls = renderdoc.GetDrawcalls(frameId)
print 'Found %d drawcalls.' % len(drawcalls)
def containsTargets(drawcallName, numColorTargets, hasDepthTarget):
""" Determines if drawcall has multiple render targets by checking its name.
The name is defined by renderdoc and contains information about render targets."""
if hasDepthTarget:
return drawcallName.find('(%d Targets + Depth)' % numColorTargets) >= 0
return drawcallName.find('(%d Targets)' % numColorTargets) >= 0
def findGbufferPass(numColorTargets, hasDepthTarget):
""" Identifies the G-buffer pass. """
gbufferEnd = 0
gbufferIds = [i for i,call in enumerate(drawcalls) if containsTargets(, numColorTargets, hasDepthTarget)]
if len(gbufferIds) == 1:
gbufferId = gbufferIds[0]
gbufferCalls = drawcalls[gbufferId].children
print 'G-buffer pass has %d drawcalls.' % len(gbufferCalls)
gbufferEnd = drawcalls[gbufferId].children[-1].eventID # last drawcall of the G-buffer pass
assert(gbufferEnd > 0, 'Did not find any drawcall with the specified G-buffer settings.')
return gbufferId, gbufferEnd
def findFinalPass(numColorTargets, hasDepthTarget, drawCallName):
""" Returns the EventID of the pass that draws the final image (before HUD). """
# Find last drawcall before HUD
potentialHudIds = [i for i,call in enumerate(drawcalls) if containsTargets(, numColorTargets, hasDepthTarget)]
print 'Found %d potential HUD passes.' % len(potentialHudIds)
colorpassIds = [i for i,call in enumerate(drawcalls) if containsTargets(, 1, False)]
a = colorpassIds[:]
assert(len(a) > 0, 'Found not enough potential final passes.')
firstPotentialFinalId = max(a)
finalPassId = 0
return [call.eventID for call in drawcalls[-1:0:-1] if >= 0][1]
def getColorBuffers(frameId, eventId):
""" Sets the pipeline to eventId and returns the ids of bound render targets. """
renderdoc.SetEventID(None, frameId, eventId)
commonState = renderdoc.CurPipelineState
outputTargets = commonState.GetOutputTargets()
return [t for t in outputTargets if str(t) <> '0']
def initIDRendering(frameId, gbufferId, gbufferEnd):
""" Initializes ID rendering. """
gbufferStart = drawcalls[gbufferId].children[0].eventID
renderdoc.SetEventID(None, frameId, gbufferStart)
renderdoc.SetIDRenderingEvents(frameId, gbufferStart, gbufferEnd)
gbufferId, gbufferEnd = findGbufferPass(config['gbufferpass_colortargets'], config['gbufferpass_hasdepth'])
print 'G-buffer pass is done at EID %d.' % gbufferEnd
bufferIds = getColorBuffers(frameId, gbufferEnd)
# Save color targets
for i,bid in enumerate(bufferIds):
renderdoc.SaveTexture(bid, '{0}/{1}_{2}.png'.format(saveDir, filePrefix, config['gbuffer_names'][i]))
# Save depth target
depthTarget = renderdoc.CurPipelineState.GetDepthTarget()
renderdoc.SaveTexture(depthTarget, '{0}/{1}_depth.exr'.format(saveDir, filePrefix))
finalPassId = findFinalPass(config['hudpass_colortargets'], config['hudpass_hasdepth'], config['hudpass_drawcallname'])
assert(finalPassId == 0, 'Found not enough potential final passes.')
bufferIds = getColorBuffers(frameId, finalPassId)
assert(len(bufferIds) == 1, 'Found %d potential final render targets.' % len(bufferIds))
renderdoc.SaveTexture(bufferIds[0], '{0}/{1}_final.png'.format(saveDir, filePrefix))
# now do the id rendering
print 'Rendering ids...',
initIDRendering(frameId, gbufferId, gbufferEnd)
bufferIds = getColorBuffers(frameId, gbufferEnd)
bufferNames = ['texture', 'mesh', 'shader', 'overflow']
for i,bid in enumerate(bufferIds):
renderdoc.SaveTexture(bid, '{0}/{1}_{2}.png'.format(saveDir, filePrefix, bufferNames[i]))
renderdoc.HashTextures('{0}/{1}_tex.txt'.format(saveDir, filePrefix))
renderdoc.HashBuffers('{0}/{1}_mesh.txt'.format(saveDir, filePrefix))
renderdoc.HashShaders('{0}/{1}_shader.txt'.format(saveDir, filePrefix))
print 'done.'
# close renderdoc
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Does this run on the latest version of Renderdoc? 😄

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Can this python script work on the compiled renderdoc in 'playing for data' with GTAV captured frame?

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vinjn commented Sep 23, 2020

rdc python API is changed, this is outdated

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