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Created June 20, 2023 23:46
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Reasons to use Ember

Ember.js: A tried and tested tool with significant advantages

1. Introduction

In the dynamic landscape of web application development, choosing the correct technology stack is vital. Among a plethora of excellent frontend frameworks, the decision can be daunting. This whitepaper aims to shed light on the benefits of selecting Ember.js, an unconventional yet robust choice.

2. Ember.js: An Overview

Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework, facilitating the development of scalable single-page web applications. It operates on the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern and adheres to convention over configuration (CoC) and the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle 1.

3. Convention over Configuration

Ember.js strongly emphasizes convention over configuration, providing sensible defaults for rapid development. Unlike React and Vue, which require more upfront decisions and library integrations, Ember.js streamlines setup, accelerating time-to-market 2.

4. Built-in Best Practices

With built-in best practices, Ember.js minimizes the accumulation of technical debt arising from ad-hoc solutions. This attribute proves particularly beneficial for large projects or teams, where consistency and scalability are pivotal 3.

5. Full-featured Framework

Unlike React and Vue, which are more library-focused, Ember.js is a comprehensive, opinionated framework. It includes built-in functionality for routing, a data layer, and a robust testing framework. This rich feature set saves development time that would otherwise be spent integrating separate libraries 4.

6. Stability without Stagnation

Ember.js strictly adheres to semantic versioning and ensures a well-established upgrade path. This approach allows regular feature and improvement additions without breaking existing functionalities. Ember's focus on stability offers a significant advantage for long-term projects 5.

7. Community and Ecosystem

Ember.js boasts an active and dedicated community that, despite being smaller than React's, Angular's, or Vue's, ensures direct engagement and support. Furthermore, Ember's mature addon ecosystem extends the framework's capabilities, offering an array of solutions for diverse needs 6.

8. Corporate Backing and Trust

Companies like LinkedIn, Square, and Discourse employ Ember.js for their professional, large-scale applications, demonstrating its reliability. Ember.js is backed by major corporations, promising long-term support and continuous updates 7.

9. Innovative Features

Ember.js's latest edition, Ember Octane, offers a modern development experience with features like native JavaScript classes and decorators. These innovative tools equip businesses with a cutting-edge technology stack, fostering competitive advantage 8.

10. Conclusion

Despite the dominance of more mainstream frameworks, Ember.js provides a robust, scalable, and efficient choice for frontend development. Its built-in best practices, convention-over-configuration philosophy, and focus on stability make Ember.js an ideal contender for modern web development.


9, Feb 21). Ember.js: Less Time Programming, More Time Developing. Medium. Retrieved from


  1. Ember.js Guides. (n.d.). Introduction. Retrieved from

  2. Krill, Paul. (2019, Jan 14). What is Ember.js? A front-end framework for ambitious web applications. InfoWorld. Retrieved from

  3. Balani, Sameer. (2018, Nov 2). How Ember.js helps you write less code. Startfunction. Retrieved from

  4. Johnson, Skyler. (201

  5. Ember.js Guides. (n.d.). The Ember Release Cycle. Retrieved from

  6. Ember Observer. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  7. Built With Ember. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  8. Ember.js Guides. (n.d.). Octane Update. Retrieved from

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