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Last active February 3, 2018 23:09
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Comparation parsing broken JSON text with json decoder and re modules.
from re import sub
from timeit import timeit
from json import loads
from requests import get
def test(res):
return type(res) == list and \
type(res[0]) == dict and \
type(res[0]["last_updated"]) == int
url = "" # Bad formatted JSON
# Parsing raw text response
raw_text = loads(sub(r'"(-*\d+(?:\.\d+)?)"', r"\1", get(url).text))
# Parsing JSON responses
raw_json_1 = get(url).json()
raw_json_2 = loads(get(url).text)
responses = [
{"title": "Parsed with: re.sub()",
"response": raw_text,
"setup": "from re import sub;from json import loads;",
"code": "loads(sub(r'" + '"(-*\d+(?:\.\d+)?)"' + "', r'" + "\\1', get(url).text))"},
{"title": "Parsed with: requests.get(...).json()",
"response": raw_json_1,
"setup": "",
"code": "get(url).json()"},
{"title": "Parsed with: json.loads()",
"response": raw_json_2,
"setup": "from json import loads",
"code": "loads(get(url).text)"}
for res in responses:
print("\t%s" % res["title"])
print("\n>>> %s" % res["code"])
print("%s ..." % str(res["response"])[0:200])
result = test(res["response"])
print("\n--------> Test %s! <--------" % ("passed" if result else "failed"))
bench = timeit(res["code"],
setup="url='%s';from requests import get;%s" % (url, res["setup"]),
print("Benchmark: %f" % bench)
""" Output:
Parsed with: re.sub()
>>> loads(sub(r'"(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)"', r'\1', get(url).text))
[{'id': 'bitcoin', 'name': 'Bitcoin', 'symbol': 'BTC', 'rank': 1, 'price_usd': 9308.99, 'price_btc': 1.0, '24h_volume_usd': 7456650000.0, 'market_cap_usd': 156795386599, 'available_supply': 16843437.0 ...
--------> Test passed! <--------
Benchmark: 0.151925
Parsed with: requests.get(...).json()
>>> get(url).json()
[{'id': 'bitcoin', 'name': 'Bitcoin', 'symbol': 'BTC', 'rank': '1', 'price_usd': '9308.99', 'price_btc': '1.0', '24h_volume_usd': '7456650000.0', 'market_cap_usd': '156795386599', 'available_supply': ...
--------> Test failed! <--------
Benchmark: 0.136815
Parsed with: json.loads()
>>> loads(get(url).text)
[{'id': 'bitcoin', 'name': 'Bitcoin', 'symbol': 'BTC', 'rank': '1', 'price_usd': '9308.99', 'price_btc': '1.0', '24h_volume_usd': '7456650000.0', 'market_cap_usd': '156795386599', 'available_supply': ...
--------> Test failed! <--------
Benchmark: 0.162506
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