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Created August 28, 2019 04:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import json
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from configparser import ConfigParser
def kubectl(command, context=None, output=True):
context = f'--context={context}' if context else ''
output = '-o=json' if output else ''
command = f'kubectl {context} {command} {output}'
result = check_output(command, shell=True)
if output:
result = json.loads(result.decode('utf-8'))
return result
def main():
config = ConfigParser()'~/.kube/rancher-clusters.ini'))
existing_contexts = check_output('kubectl config get-contexts -o name', shell=True).decode('utf-8').split('\n')
for root_cluster in config.sections():
rancher_config = kubectl('config view --minify', context=root_cluster)
except CalledProcessError:
print(f'Rancher cluster {root_cluster} not found in ~/.kube/config')
username = rancher_config['users'][0]['name']
rancher_url_prefix = '/'.join(rancher_config['clusters'][0]['cluster']['server'].split('/')[:-1])
clusters = kubectl('get clusters', context=root_cluster)['items']
rancher_clusters = set()
for cluster in clusters:
cluster_name = root_cluster + "-" + cluster['spec']['displayName']
cluster_id = cluster['metadata']['name']
# skip root cluster as it is already defined
if cluster_id == 'local':
print(cluster['metadata']['name'], cluster['spec']['displayName'])
kubectl(f'config set-cluster {cluster_name} --server {rancher_url_prefix}/{cluster_id}', output=False)
kubectl(f'config set-context {cluster_name} --cluster {cluster_name} --user {username}', output=False)
for cluster_name in existing_contexts:
if cluster_name not in rancher_clusters and cluster_name != root_cluster and cluster_name.startswith(root_cluster):
print(f'Removing missing {cluster_name}')
check_output(f'kubectl config delete-context {cluster_name}', shell=True)
check_output(f'kubectl config delete-cluster {cluster_name}', shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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