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Created March 25, 2016 23:10
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  • Save mongoose54/69d00cc30b6002efc6cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mongoose54/69d00cc30b6002efc6cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
elastix is started at Fri Mar 25 16:08:57 2016.
Running elastix with parameter map 0
Current time: Fri Mar 25 16:08:57 2016.
Installing all components.
InstallingComponents was successful.
ELASTIX version: 4.801
Command line options from ElastixBase:
-fMask unspecified, so no fixed mask used
-mMask unspecified, so no moving mask used
-out output_path_not_set
-priority unspecified, so NORMAL process priority
-threads unspecified, so all available threads are used
WARNING: The parameter "UseDirectionCosines", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The option "UseDirectionCosines" was not found in your parameter file.
From elastix 4.8 it defaults to true!
This may change the behavior of your registrations considerably.
Command line options from TransformBase:
-t0 unspecified, so no initial transform used
Reading images...
Reading images took 0 ms.
WARNING: the fixed pyramid schedule is not fully specified!
A default pyramid schedule is used.
WARNING: the moving pyramid schedule is not fully specified!
A default pyramid schedule is used.
WARNING: The parameter "AutomaticTransformInitialization", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "AutomaticTransformInitializationMethod", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "GeometricalCenter" is used instead.
Transform parameters are initialized as: [0, 0, 0]
WARNING: The parameter "AutomaticScalesEstimation", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
Scales for transform parameters are: [100000, 1, 1]
Initialization of all components (before registration) took: 0 ms.
Preparation of the image pyramids took: 18 ms.
Resolution: 0
ERROR: File "output_path_not_set\IterationInfo.0.R0.txt" could not be opened!
WARNING: The parameter "ShowExactMetricValue", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseMultiThreadingForMetrics", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
Setting the fixed masks took: 0 ms.
Setting the moving masks took: 0 ms.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedImageBSplineInterpolationOrder", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseRandomSampleRegion", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfHistogramBins", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfFixedHistogramBins", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfMovingHistogramBins", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "3" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseFastAndLowMemoryVersion", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseJacobianPreconditioning", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FiniteDifferenceDerivative", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SP_A", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "20" is used instead.
WARNING: You have set MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts to 8.
This functionality is known to cause problems (stack overflow) for large values.
If elastix stops or segfaults for no obvious reason, reduce this value.
You may select the RandomSparseMask image sampler to fix mask-related problems.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidInitialTime", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaxBandCovSize", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "192" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfBandStructureSamples", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "10" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseAdaptiveStepSizes", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaximumStepLength", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfGradientMeasurements", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfJacobianMeasurements", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "1000" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidScaleFactor", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.1" is used instead.
Elastix initialization of all components (for this resolution) took: 1 ms.
Initialization of AdvancedMattesMutualInformation metric took: 0 ms.
Starting automatic parameter estimation for AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent ...
WARNING: The parameter "ASGDParameterEstimationMethod", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "Original" is used instead.
Computing JacobianTerms ...
Computing the Jacobian terms took 0.000487s
NumberOfGradientMeasurements to estimate sigma_i: 15
Sampling gradients ...
Sampling the gradients took 0.049958s
Automatic parameter estimation took 0.05s
1:ItNr 2:Metric 3a:Time 3b:StepSize 4:||Gradient|| Time[ms]
0 -1.830466 0.000000 3.979960 0.010096 52.8
1 -1.818076 0.000000 3.979960 0.019868 5.9
2 -1.811476 1.000000 3.799053 0.015975 2.6
3 -1.817656 2.000000 3.633876 0.010173 2.1
4 -1.838138 2.999995 3.482465 0.005591 2.1
5 -1.779748 2.983240 3.484898 0.014451 2.2
6 -1.814807 3.877431 3.359638 0.005511 2.3
7 -1.796824 4.692752 3.253025 0.007067 2.3
8 -1.777885 5.079981 3.204725 0.017619 2.1
9 -1.833295 6.079682 3.086416 0.011604 1.9
10 -1.829024 7.079682 2.976499 0.014917 2.1
11 -1.861184 8.079647 2.874146 0.026933 2.8
12 -1.785781 9.079647 2.778595 0.022296 2.1
13 -1.822252 10.079647 2.689193 0.012296 2.3
14 -1.818176 11.079647 2.605364 0.021302 2.2
15 -1.842263 12.079647 2.526604 0.012118 3.9
16 -1.846684 13.079647 2.452465 0.007386 2.5
17 -1.826119 13.062360 2.453710 0.007662 2.0
18 -1.820203 13.045111 2.454953 0.013682 2.2
19 -1.792588 14.043406 2.385018 0.005332 2.8
20 -1.844936 14.026488 2.386170 0.002784 2.4
21 -1.817740 14.068526 2.383310 0.015691 3.1
22 -1.790826 14.055458 2.384198 0.016988 2.0
23 -1.836456 15.055458 2.318072 0.011341 14.3
24 -1.824087 16.055457 2.255515 0.006943 31.4
25 -1.854730 16.038880 2.256525 0.013761 1.9
26 -1.806053 17.018884 2.198359 0.003014 2.1
27 -1.837232 17.002328 2.199317 0.008285 2.4
28 -1.805919 17.025164 2.197996 0.012970 2.1
29 -1.822598 18.022203 2.141836 0.017708 2.0
30 -1.849517 19.022203 2.088320 0.005221 2.2
31 -1.814300 19.170758 2.080597 0.016023 2.0
32 -1.838861 19.165032 2.080894 0.015229 2.6
33 -1.847309 20.165032 2.030344 0.011207 1.8
34 -1.837834 21.135504 1.983580 0.006425 2.0
35 -1.807770 21.712911 1.956766 0.009788 2.1
36 -1.843278 21.701079 1.957308 0.007068 4.2
37 -1.852141 21.684468 1.958069 0.012870 2.1
38 -1.826427 22.674980 1.913662 0.008092 1.8
39 -1.828564 22.657664 1.914421 0.019363 2.2
40 -1.804885 23.269355 1.887969 0.009083 2.4
41 -1.813500 24.269287 1.846266 0.010702 2.3
42 -1.838031 25.264407 1.806554 0.011804 2.0
43 -1.845784 26.263977 1.768348 0.005814 2.0
44 -1.808802 26.246724 1.768994 0.005801 2.3
45 -1.793958 26.236912 1.769361 0.003186 9.5
46 -1.825827 26.240825 1.769215 0.007958 2.7
47 -1.837122 26.225042 1.769806 0.017047 2.1
48 -1.818566 27.224868 1.733113 0.011986 2.5
49 -1.813089 28.224868 1.697905 0.013192 1.9
50 -1.831618 29.140226 1.666908 0.005945 2.5
51 -1.835945 29.272847 1.662511 0.017602 2.1
52 -1.814310 30.261967 1.630432 0.018247 2.2
53 -1.791004 31.261967 1.599235 0.014256 2.0
54 -1.839197 32.261967 1.569209 0.013277 1.8
55 -1.855318 33.261966 1.540290 0.005109 2.7
56 -1.849293 33.359012 1.537540 0.011535 2.1
57 -1.768231 33.341902 1.538024 0.005363 2.0
58 -1.811222 33.532943 1.532636 0.012111 2.0
59 -1.832269 33.796715 1.525258 0.004832 3.0
60 -1.829343 33.892218 1.522605 0.005619 1.9
61 -1.835163 33.876274 1.523047 0.007247 2.1
62 -1.812285 34.311990 1.511049 0.010347 1.8
63 -1.825061 34.516059 1.505495 0.014134 2.1
64 -1.813160 35.516036 1.478857 0.016179 2.7
65 -1.805336 36.516034 1.453145 0.030990 1.9
66 -1.839472 37.516034 1.428312 0.007252 2.0
67 -1.798617 38.516034 1.404313 0.002526 2.1
68 -1.847245 38.597614 1.402391 0.022189 2.2
69 -1.844913 39.289756 1.386291 0.010736 2.6
70 -1.818243 40.139425 1.367026 0.004748 1.8
71 -1.842082 40.263062 1.364267 0.017838 2.4
72 -1.810718 40.245750 1.364652 0.010890 2.0
73 -1.825183 41.243149 1.342785 0.006482 2.4
74 -1.834959 42.190092 1.322662 0.013227 2.0
75 -1.807642 42.172792 1.323025 0.011094 2.0
76 -1.817208 43.172707 1.302410 0.008259 1.9
77 -1.857326 43.155433 1.302760 0.006565 2.0
78 -1.822179 43.865219 1.288505 0.004224 2.8
79 -1.814914 43.867917 1.288451 0.022066 2.3
80 -1.794741 43.916118 1.287495 0.006477 2.1
81 -1.817884 44.915968 1.267965 0.007013 1.8
82 -1.840236 44.982362 1.266689 0.004135 2.2
83 -1.841747 44.972946 1.266870 0.003710 2.0
84 -1.817646 44.961997 1.267080 0.009777 1.9
85 -1.793430 44.956101 1.267194 0.014457 2.0
86 -1.830022 45.956059 1.248269 0.025327 1.8
87 -1.822133 46.956059 1.229900 0.018047 2.7
88 -1.794247 47.956056 1.212064 0.010251 2.0
89 -1.833483 48.154693 1.208583 0.003173 1.9
90 -1.850850 48.403370 1.204252 0.004948 9.3
91 -1.849859 48.453223 1.203388 0.008208 2.4
92 -1.840219 48.446966 1.203496 0.013467 2.2
93 -1.811906 48.429650 1.203796 0.018098 2.3
94 -1.836758 49.427607 1.186739 0.011146 2.0
95 -1.809953 50.412766 1.170367 0.002941 2.4
96 -1.829659 50.401308 1.170555 0.001623 2.0
97 -1.817428 50.410970 1.170397 0.006416 2.7
98 -1.789715 50.401169 1.170557 0.012518 2.0
99 -1.822628 50.384015 1.170839 0.017541 2.2
100 -1.792147 51.384015 1.154663 0.003176 2.1
101 -1.828151 51.367106 1.154933 0.011996 2.0
102 -1.818215 51.497026 1.152863 0.006458 2.6
103 -1.856662 52.381370 1.138970 0.004699 2.0
104 -1.836581 52.635946 1.135032 0.005379 2.0
105 -1.804516 52.747188 1.133320 0.002198 1.9
106 -1.790121 52.783338 1.132765 0.011984 2.2
107 -1.819855 52.767448 1.133009 0.015496 2.0
108 -1.827603 52.750133 1.133275 0.006295 2.0
109 -1.828727 53.746460 1.118169 0.011926 2.0
110 -1.834480 54.399238 1.108488 0.004035 1.8
111 -1.791528 54.460792 1.107584 0.012348 2.8
112 -1.829561 54.451136 1.107726 0.004838 2.1
113 -1.829584 55.304505 1.095337 0.014421 1.9
114 -1.846515 55.287218 1.095585 0.006383 2.0
115 -1.802016 56.281214 1.081494 0.012338 2.2
116 -1.840513 57.242126 1.068212 0.015536 2.0
117 -1.784352 58.242126 1.054731 0.002344 2.0
118 -1.828686 58.226438 1.054940 0.011061 1.8
119 -1.809855 58.368576 1.053051 0.007869 1.9
120 -1.804113 59.357186 1.040096 0.007591 2.0
121 -1.806148 59.339912 1.040319 0.023415 2.5
122 -1.823639 60.339911 1.027529 0.011278 2.1
123 -1.815904 61.339911 1.015050 0.012167 2.0
124 -1.857661 61.322594 1.015264 0.008189 2.1
125 -1.849669 61.305353 1.015477 0.011316 2.4
126 -1.798525 61.293037 1.015629 0.007359 1.9
127 -1.825770 61.374784 1.014621 0.014383 2.0
Time spent in resolution 0 (ITK initialization and iterating): 0.395 s.
Stopping condition: Maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Settings of AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent in resolution 0:
( SP_a 83.579155 )
( SP_A 20.000000 )
( SP_alpha 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMax 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMin -0.017317 )
( SigmoidScale 0.000010 )
Resolution: 1
ERROR: File "output_path_not_set\IterationInfo.0.R1.txt" could not be opened!
WARNING: The parameter "ShowExactMetricValue", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseMultiThreadingForMetrics", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
Setting the fixed masks took: 0 ms.
Setting the moving masks took: 0 ms.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedImageBSplineInterpolationOrder", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseRandomSampleRegion", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfHistogramBins", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfFixedHistogramBins", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfMovingHistogramBins", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "3" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseFastAndLowMemoryVersion", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseJacobianPreconditioning", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FiniteDifferenceDerivative", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SP_A", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "20" is used instead.
WARNING: You have set MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts to 8.
This functionality is known to cause problems (stack overflow) for large values.
If elastix stops or segfaults for no obvious reason, reduce this value.
You may select the RandomSparseMask image sampler to fix mask-related problems.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidInitialTime", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaxBandCovSize", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "192" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfBandStructureSamples", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "10" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseAdaptiveStepSizes", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaximumStepLength", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfGradientMeasurements", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfJacobianMeasurements", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "1000" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidScaleFactor", requested at entry number 1, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.1" is used instead.
Elastix initialization of all components (for this resolution) took: 1 ms.
Initialization of AdvancedMattesMutualInformation metric took: 0 ms.
Starting automatic parameter estimation for AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent ...
WARNING: The parameter "ASGDParameterEstimationMethod", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "Original" is used instead.
Computing JacobianTerms ...
Computing the Jacobian terms took 0.000907s
NumberOfGradientMeasurements to estimate sigma_i: 15
Sampling gradients ...
Sampling the gradients took 0.076028s
Automatic parameter estimation took 0.08s
1:ItNr 2:Metric 3a:Time 3b:StepSize 4:||Gradient|| Time[ms]
0 -1.703010 0.000000 2.388782 0.020606 84.5
1 -1.680679 0.000000 2.388782 0.034178 2.4
2 -1.702197 1.000000 2.280201 0.066206 2.0
3 -1.649666 2.000000 2.181062 0.097483 2.0
4 -1.674836 3.000000 2.090184 0.150753 2.2
5 -1.671361 4.000000 2.006577 0.210944 2.3
6 -1.711554 5.000000 1.929401 0.229456 1.9
7 -1.672493 6.000000 1.857942 0.219907 2.1
8 -1.660098 7.000000 1.791587 0.229296 2.0
9 -1.656607 8.000000 1.729808 0.225779 2.2
10 -1.681227 9.000000 1.672147 0.167766 2.2
11 -1.710682 10.000000 1.618207 0.161488 2.0
12 -1.676045 11.000000 1.567638 0.174910 2.0
13 -1.705699 12.000000 1.520134 0.144376 2.0
14 -1.742619 13.000000 1.475424 0.104450 2.6
15 -1.687651 14.000000 1.433269 0.077415 2.0
16 -1.701678 15.000000 1.393456 0.069878 1.9
17 -1.721462 16.000000 1.355795 0.061432 2.3
18 -1.730219 17.000000 1.320116 0.055174 2.3
19 -1.698939 18.000000 1.286267 0.049026 2.6
20 -1.709872 19.000000 1.254111 0.037538 2.0
21 -1.739620 20.000000 1.223522 0.047363 2.4
22 -1.691792 21.000000 1.194391 0.059059 2.0
23 -1.700964 22.000000 1.166614 0.048231 2.2
24 -1.690486 23.000000 1.140101 0.036780 1.9
25 -1.701989 24.000000 1.114765 0.029495 2.1
26 -1.748810 25.000000 1.090531 0.010807 4.2
27 -1.710949 24.987343 1.090831 0.038099 2.7
28 -1.698723 25.977567 1.067838 0.055703 2.2
29 -1.705253 26.977567 1.045581 0.059397 2.1
30 -1.740839 27.977567 1.024233 0.042356 1.9
31 -1.726062 28.977567 1.003739 0.041096 3.0
32 -1.748965 29.977567 0.984049 0.046243 1.8
33 -1.707259 30.977567 0.965117 0.029278 2.0
34 -1.710305 31.977567 0.946899 0.005354 2.0
35 -1.714205 31.962118 0.947176 0.020862 1.9
36 -1.740322 31.946878 0.947448 0.017359 2.3
37 -1.742193 32.946875 0.929886 0.015671 2.0
38 -1.708549 32.931656 0.930148 0.007530 2.0
39 -1.672668 32.920820 0.930335 0.024350 2.1
40 -1.748243 33.911434 0.913551 0.026630 2.1
41 -1.708830 34.911434 0.897212 0.002899 3.3
42 -1.720420 35.147336 0.893443 0.019242 2.1
43 -1.705522 35.138424 0.893584 0.013941 1.9
44 -1.717488 36.138261 0.877948 0.009942 2.9
45 -1.712807 37.050292 0.864155 0.011843 2.9
46 -1.684374 37.050087 0.864158 0.040978 2.3
47 -1.718199 38.050087 0.849523 0.041048 2.0
48 -1.724648 39.050087 0.835376 0.032962 1.8
49 -1.701244 40.050087 0.821693 0.043362 2.5
50 -1.720555 41.050087 0.808450 0.024195 2.0
51 -1.728404 42.050087 0.795628 0.015555 1.9
52 -1.722857 43.050086 0.783206 0.032544 1.9
53 -1.728687 44.050086 0.771166 0.021247 2.3
54 -1.714131 45.050086 0.759491 0.013255 3.0
55 -1.681361 46.049994 0.748164 0.055568 2.1
56 -1.747310 47.049994 0.737170 0.031782 1.8
57 -1.729488 48.049994 0.726494 0.034266 2.3
58 -1.667936 48.034493 0.726657 0.030320 2.7
59 -1.697357 49.034493 0.716282 0.022681 1.9
60 -1.740980 49.019251 0.716438 0.009952 2.1
61 -1.722881 49.029408 0.716334 0.028352 2.1
62 -1.725204 49.013908 0.716492 0.048199 2.4
63 -1.705453 50.013908 0.706403 0.005255 2.0
64 -1.768105 50.998332 0.696744 0.006869 1.9
65 -1.681155 50.987278 0.696851 0.010134 2.0
66 -1.716047 50.972352 0.696996 0.006186 2.0
67 -1.717560 50.957893 0.697136 0.017465 2.6
68 -1.673300 51.671535 0.690290 0.020835 1.9
69 -1.704638 52.671530 0.680920 0.017062 2.1
70 -1.728610 53.671526 0.671801 0.019117 2.0
71 -1.730023 54.671498 0.662924 0.026932 2.1
72 -1.735926 54.655998 0.663059 0.016241 2.7
73 -1.725453 55.655980 0.654410 0.022656 2.0
74 -1.693132 55.640480 0.654542 0.021892 2.1
75 -1.718215 55.624979 0.654675 0.027764 1.9
76 -1.700342 56.624979 0.646241 0.018744 2.8
77 -1.689260 57.624979 0.638021 0.013522 2.0
78 -1.712859 57.820173 0.636441 0.004884 2.0
79 -1.702021 57.904168 0.635764 0.006766 2.0
80 -1.713005 57.891906 0.635863 0.004923 1.8
81 -1.678037 57.891594 0.635865 0.014076 2.5
82 -1.748918 57.985379 0.635110 0.012006 2.0
83 -1.738873 57.969910 0.635235 0.016143 1.8
84 -1.743153 58.964118 0.627337 0.027392 1.9
85 -1.718992 58.949054 0.627455 0.039371 2.1
86 -1.774668 59.949054 0.619704 0.020970 9.4
87 -1.689596 60.949054 0.612142 0.015938 2.8
88 -1.679429 61.949045 0.604762 0.014559 1.9
89 -1.718612 62.922100 0.597750 0.028173 2.1
90 -1.725808 62.925461 0.597726 0.014818 2.4
91 -1.695631 63.925390 0.590688 0.017448 2.7
92 -1.764912 63.909911 0.590796 0.002226 1.9
93 -1.741981 63.897959 0.590879 0.017634 2.0
94 -1.694202 63.966082 0.590405 0.012112 2.3
95 -1.720252 64.946726 0.583669 0.004306 2.1
96 -1.700461 64.932498 0.583765 0.020942 2.3
97 -1.708668 65.117734 0.582510 0.014034 2.0
98 -1.734467 65.121276 0.582486 0.031442 2.0
99 -1.724741 66.119947 0.575809 0.008596 1.9
100 -1.690904 67.079156 0.569538 0.017658 2.0
101 -1.732417 67.064075 0.569635 0.013550 2.8
102 -1.728420 67.048815 0.569734 0.016868 1.9
103 -1.683570 68.047665 0.563343 0.013157 2.0
104 -1.698565 68.033843 0.563431 0.026027 1.9
105 -1.733175 69.033833 0.557173 0.014376 2.8
106 -1.733443 70.033821 0.551053 0.007903 2.1
107 -1.689866 70.019643 0.551138 0.009582 1.9
108 -1.703439 70.340609 0.549202 0.010220 2.1
109 -1.684405 70.325358 0.549293 0.021194 2.0
110 -1.732058 71.323489 0.543355 0.027982 2.7
111 -1.734856 71.307989 0.543446 0.019019 2.2
112 -1.740092 72.307989 0.537622 0.011303 1.8
113 -1.694770 72.292764 0.537710 0.008193 2.2
114 -1.711422 72.280632 0.537780 0.019308 2.8
115 -1.703563 72.275823 0.537807 0.023536 1.9
116 -1.706899 73.275115 0.532107 0.019923 1.9
117 -1.697339 73.259705 0.532194 0.024953 2.1
118 -1.753243 73.244206 0.532281 0.015185 2.0
119 -1.676473 74.241249 0.526709 0.049585 2.7
120 -1.743338 74.228842 0.526778 0.023645 1.8
121 -1.673416 75.228842 0.521303 0.007133 2.2
122 -1.690858 76.206609 0.516060 0.010009 2.0
123 -1.702264 76.242358 0.515870 0.005546 2.4
124 -1.672885 76.273786 0.515703 0.013662 2.0
125 -1.701679 76.258866 0.515783 0.042411 2.0
126 -1.724859 77.258866 0.510533 0.011036 2.0
127 -1.689053 78.258862 0.505390 0.040587 2.2
Time spent in resolution 1 (ITK initialization and iterating): 0.373 s.
Stopping condition: Maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Settings of AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent in resolution 1:
( SP_a 50.164422 )
( SP_A 20.000000 )
( SP_alpha 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMax 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMin -0.015501 )
( SigmoidScale 0.000021 )
Resolution: 2
ERROR: File "output_path_not_set\IterationInfo.0.R2.txt" could not be opened!
WARNING: The parameter "ShowExactMetricValue", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseMultiThreadingForMetrics", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
Setting the fixed masks took: 0 ms.
Setting the moving masks took: 0 ms.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedImageBSplineInterpolationOrder", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseRandomSampleRegion", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfHistogramBins", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfFixedHistogramBins", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfMovingHistogramBins", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "3" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseFastAndLowMemoryVersion", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseJacobianPreconditioning", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FiniteDifferenceDerivative", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SP_A", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "20" is used instead.
WARNING: You have set MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts to 8.
This functionality is known to cause problems (stack overflow) for large values.
If elastix stops or segfaults for no obvious reason, reduce this value.
You may select the RandomSparseMask image sampler to fix mask-related problems.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidInitialTime", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaxBandCovSize", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "192" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfBandStructureSamples", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "10" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseAdaptiveStepSizes", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaximumStepLength", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfGradientMeasurements", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfJacobianMeasurements", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "1000" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidScaleFactor", requested at entry number 2, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.1" is used instead.
Elastix initialization of all components (for this resolution) took: 1 ms.
Initialization of AdvancedMattesMutualInformation metric took: 0 ms.
Starting automatic parameter estimation for AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent ...
WARNING: The parameter "ASGDParameterEstimationMethod", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "Original" is used instead.
Computing JacobianTerms ...
Computing the Jacobian terms took 0.000870s
NumberOfGradientMeasurements to estimate sigma_i: 15
Sampling gradients ...
Sampling the gradients took 0.074365s
Automatic parameter estimation took 0.08s
1:ItNr 2:Metric 3a:Time 3b:StepSize 4:||Gradient|| Time[ms]
0 -1.632319 0.000000 1.677486 0.060336 83.2
1 -1.623704 0.000000 1.677486 0.238372 2.1
2 -1.519265 1.000000 1.601236 0.316659 1.9
3 -1.581983 2.000000 1.531617 0.322196 2.0
4 -1.608949 3.000000 1.467800 0.380230 3.1
5 -1.563602 4.000000 1.409088 0.351507 1.8
6 -1.619165 5.000000 1.354892 0.354147 2.3
7 -1.600616 6.000000 1.304711 0.348639 2.2
8 -1.594313 7.000000 1.258114 0.321424 2.9
9 -1.594756 8.000000 1.214731 0.351772 2.0
10 -1.579546 9.000000 1.174240 0.317744 1.8
11 -1.618515 10.000000 1.136361 0.330930 2.2
12 -1.590743 11.000000 1.100850 0.345261 4.6
13 -1.655678 12.000000 1.067491 0.354465 8.2
14 -1.609687 13.000000 1.036094 0.348683 13.6
15 -1.645780 14.000000 1.006491 0.300776 2.1
16 -1.595495 15.000000 0.978533 0.317532 2.0
17 -1.622742 16.000000 0.952086 0.333097 2.4
18 -1.619514 17.000000 0.927032 0.331946 1.8
19 -1.622569 18.000000 0.903261 0.341317 1.9
20 -1.607086 19.000000 0.880680 0.354920 2.0
21 -1.588850 20.000000 0.859200 0.344722 2.3
22 -1.628919 21.000000 0.838743 0.341222 2.9
23 -1.619440 22.000000 0.819237 0.332104 2.0
24 -1.632561 23.000000 0.800618 0.355313 1.9
25 -1.597467 24.000000 0.782827 0.299362 1.9
26 -1.640706 25.000000 0.765809 0.245928 1.8
27 -1.578391 26.000000 0.749515 0.217296 2.6
28 -1.650280 27.000000 0.733900 0.237681 2.4
29 -1.601001 28.000000 0.718922 0.327177 1.9
30 -1.575470 29.000000 0.704544 0.283504 2.1
31 -1.655163 30.000000 0.690729 0.225455 2.7
32 -1.646656 31.000000 0.677446 0.225677 2.0
33 -1.597065 32.000000 0.664664 0.211189 2.0
34 -1.641230 33.000000 0.652356 0.195899 8.1
35 -1.656330 34.000000 0.640494 0.257100 3.4
36 -1.638749 35.000000 0.629057 0.259221 3.2
37 -1.593684 36.000000 0.618021 0.157864 2.0
38 -1.639912 37.000000 0.607365 0.119385 2.0
39 -1.632978 38.000000 0.597071 0.121920 2.1
40 -1.666946 39.000000 0.587120 0.124791 2.0
41 -1.683264 40.000000 0.577495 0.165706 3.0
42 -1.657130 41.000000 0.568181 0.199809 1.9
43 -1.647666 42.000000 0.559162 0.209175 2.2
44 -1.619729 43.000000 0.550425 0.218050 2.0
45 -1.605376 44.000000 0.541957 0.150379 1.9
46 -1.623381 45.000000 0.533745 0.047036 2.3
47 -1.595066 46.000000 0.525779 0.019246 2.1
48 -1.663246 46.993100 0.518100 0.041719 2.2
49 -1.652537 47.776599 0.512197 0.024947 2.0
50 -1.641481 48.776007 0.504861 0.042693 2.1
51 -1.636873 48.753960 0.505021 0.067303 2.0
52 -1.646229 49.753960 0.497883 0.110170 2.0
53 -1.614232 50.753960 0.490944 0.134656 2.0
54 -1.624921 51.753960 0.484196 0.112450 2.1
55 -1.613048 52.753960 0.477631 0.081590 2.9
56 -1.591014 53.753960 0.471242 0.070137 2.0
57 -1.684959 54.753960 0.465021 0.076914 2.0
58 -1.612467 55.753960 0.458963 0.074906 1.8
59 -1.651644 56.753960 0.453060 0.027448 2.3
60 -1.627787 57.753960 0.447307 0.040770 2.2
61 -1.649093 58.753694 0.441700 0.084362 1.9
62 -1.631427 59.753694 0.436230 0.106315 2.4
63 -1.664639 60.753694 0.430894 0.074090 2.1
64 -1.677913 61.753694 0.425687 0.072147 2.9
65 -1.652090 62.753694 0.420605 0.073073 9.5
66 -1.607715 63.753694 0.415642 0.023696 2.0
67 -1.687801 63.745938 0.415680 0.050312 2.1
68 -1.658911 64.018247 0.414349 0.046785 2.2
69 -1.649037 65.018247 0.409532 0.020378 2.4
70 -1.633438 66.016571 0.404833 0.017588 2.6
71 -1.649314 66.376187 0.403167 0.043718 2.1
72 -1.628419 66.369420 0.403198 0.043808 2.0
73 -1.656956 67.365635 0.398653 0.068845 2.0
74 -1.630673 68.365635 0.394192 0.048751 2.4
75 -1.618929 69.365635 0.389830 0.033939 2.2
76 -1.641671 70.365624 0.385563 0.051545 2.0
77 -1.634623 71.365623 0.381389 0.014869 1.9
78 -1.624426 72.332324 0.377438 0.025122 2.0
79 -1.657249 72.310846 0.377525 0.044691 5.0
80 -1.661757 72.997944 0.374766 0.027347 2.2
81 -1.609692 73.996217 0.370827 0.039503 2.0
82 -1.606049 74.511234 0.368828 0.012162 2.6
83 -1.624649 74.548142 0.368685 0.037770 2.1
84 -1.682088 74.526448 0.368769 0.032890 2.1
85 -1.630179 75.526299 0.364949 0.051134 1.9
86 -1.598549 75.504252 0.365033 0.073186 2.0
87 -1.621866 76.504252 0.361289 0.036596 2.7
88 -1.695829 77.504252 0.357621 0.017236 2.3
89 -1.661215 78.444784 0.354239 0.024736 2.1
90 -1.644665 78.422997 0.354316 0.045178 1.8
91 -1.626251 79.422724 0.350789 0.020077 2.3
92 -1.645919 80.419785 0.347340 0.019898 2.1
93 -1.643569 81.025698 0.345278 0.010477 2.0
94 -1.669146 81.058176 0.345168 0.059670 2.1
95 -1.664806 81.036172 0.345242 0.079272 2.0
96 -1.642372 82.036172 0.341892 0.029326 2.4
97 -1.641217 83.036172 0.338605 0.013783 2.1
98 -1.642908 83.016124 0.338671 0.020043 1.8
99 -1.669644 83.250605 0.337909 0.023075 2.0
100 -1.651800 83.228902 0.337979 0.039040 2.0
101 -1.671261 84.132958 0.335073 0.025821 2.6
102 -1.615765 85.111910 0.331982 0.016655 2.0
103 -1.643524 85.544185 0.330635 0.043661 2.1
104 -1.637985 86.527826 0.327610 0.034336 2.0
105 -1.650223 87.527817 0.324591 0.034273 2.5
106 -1.637572 88.527698 0.321628 0.032192 1.8
107 -1.654407 89.527372 0.318719 0.033009 2.0
108 -1.658137 90.526696 0.315863 0.020872 9.2
109 -1.631275 91.481502 0.313182 0.013045 2.1
110 -1.664975 91.461318 0.313238 0.032240 2.0
111 -1.601777 91.439773 0.313298 0.019044 3.0
112 -1.602466 92.235801 0.311096 0.043860 2.0
113 -1.667056 92.214636 0.311154 0.016207 2.0
114 -1.621016 93.059481 0.308849 0.016358 1.8
115 -1.638294 93.256763 0.308316 0.016034 2.0
116 -1.670427 93.354973 0.308051 0.027831 2.6
117 -1.657890 93.342441 0.308085 0.048605 2.0
118 -1.659745 94.342382 0.305414 0.052639 2.0
119 -1.669273 95.342382 0.302789 0.020411 2.0
120 -1.649936 96.291636 0.300339 0.004844 1.9
121 -1.638697 96.307735 0.300297 0.037683 2.4
122 -1.662142 96.293108 0.300335 0.028148 1.8
123 -1.658610 97.292570 0.297797 0.030537 2.0
124 -1.652782 97.336767 0.297686 0.013810 2.0
125 -1.630587 97.533974 0.297191 0.029980 1.9
126 -1.649633 97.532131 0.297195 0.036551 2.9
127 -1.681739 98.529660 0.294715 0.065912 2.0
Time spent in resolution 2 (ITK initialization and iterating): 0.405 s.
Stopping condition: Maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Settings of AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent in resolution 2:
( SP_a 35.227197 )
( SP_A 20.000000 )
( SP_alpha 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMax 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMin -0.022047 )
( SigmoidScale 0.000091 )
Resolution: 3
ERROR: File "output_path_not_set\IterationInfo.0.R3.txt" could not be opened!
WARNING: The parameter "ShowExactMetricValue", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseMultiThreadingForMetrics", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
Setting the fixed masks took: 0 ms.
Setting the moving masks took: 0 ms.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedImageBSplineInterpolationOrder", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseRandomSampleRegion", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfHistogramBins", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfFixedHistogramBins", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfMovingHistogramBins", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "32" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingLimitRangeRatio", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.01" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FixedKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MovingKernelBSplineOrder", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "3" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseFastAndLowMemoryVersion", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseJacobianPreconditioning", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "FiniteDifferenceDerivative", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "false" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SP_A", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "20" is used instead.
WARNING: You have set MaximumNumberOfSamplingAttempts to 8.
This functionality is known to cause problems (stack overflow) for large values.
If elastix stops or segfaults for no obvious reason, reduce this value.
You may select the RandomSparseMask image sampler to fix mask-related problems.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidInitialTime", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaxBandCovSize", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "192" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfBandStructureSamples", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "10" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "UseAdaptiveStepSizes", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "true" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "MaximumStepLength", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "1" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfGradientMeasurements", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "NumberOfJacobianMeasurements", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "1000" is used instead.
WARNING: The parameter "SigmoidScaleFactor", requested at entry number 3, does not exist at all.
The default value "0.1" is used instead.
Elastix initialization of all components (for this resolution) took: 1 ms.
Initialization of AdvancedMattesMutualInformation metric took: 0 ms.
Starting automatic parameter estimation for AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent ...
WARNING: The parameter "ASGDParameterEstimationMethod", requested at entry number 0, does not exist at all.
The default value "Original" is used instead.
Computing JacobianTerms ...
Computing the Jacobian terms took 0.000907s
NumberOfGradientMeasurements to estimate sigma_i: 15
Sampling gradients ...
Sampling the gradients took 0.077712s
Automatic parameter estimation took 0.08s
1:ItNr 2:Metric 3a:Time 3b:StepSize 4:||Gradient|| Time[ms]
0 -1.600809 0.000000 1.248751 0.099565 81.0
1 -1.592675 0.000000 1.248751 0.480784 2.0
2 -1.424130 1.000000 1.191989 0.405068 2.8
3 -1.617768 2.000000 1.140164 0.231872 2.0
4 -1.525314 2.999268 1.092690 0.513482 2.0
5 -1.445422 3.999268 1.048981 0.456041 2.0
6 -1.568385 4.999268 1.008635 0.429684 2.9
7 -1.481501 5.999268 0.971277 0.474943 1.9
8 -1.566116 6.999268 0.936588 0.506842 1.9
9 -1.483634 7.999268 0.904291 0.443625 2.0
10 -1.592286 8.999268 0.874147 0.422371 2.0
11 -1.495555 9.999268 0.845948 0.471574 2.2
12 -1.580633 10.999268 0.819511 0.451044 7.4
13 -1.529416 11.999268 0.794677 0.489792 2.3
14 -1.525604 12.999268 0.771304 0.424333 2.3
15 -1.530609 13.999268 0.749266 0.462484 1.7
16 -1.557721 14.999268 0.728453 0.469450 2.0
17 -1.552048 15.999268 0.708764 0.532238 2.0
18 -1.493059 16.999268 0.690112 0.463458 2.6
19 -1.569232 17.999268 0.672417 0.466603 2.2
20 -1.536884 18.999268 0.655606 0.493937 1.9
21 -1.581192 19.999268 0.639615 0.471687 2.0
22 -1.545696 20.999268 0.624386 0.482704 2.0
23 -1.545321 21.999268 0.609865 0.444260 2.6
24 -1.540450 22.999268 0.596005 0.564614 2.0
25 -1.562444 23.999268 0.582760 0.459156 2.1
26 -1.573860 24.999268 0.570091 0.328948 2.0
27 -1.586333 25.999268 0.557961 0.381944 3.0
28 -1.590214 26.999268 0.546337 0.453626 1.9
29 -1.535866 27.999268 0.535187 0.495564 1.9
30 -1.552755 28.999268 0.524483 0.392779 2.7
31 -1.603732 29.999268 0.514199 0.438803 1.8
32 -1.567770 30.999268 0.504310 0.482398 2.0
33 -1.595376 31.999268 0.494795 0.490446 2.0
34 -1.526595 32.999268 0.485632 0.433679 1.9
35 -1.637603 33.999268 0.476802 0.492981 1.9
36 -1.539301 34.999268 0.468288 0.438102 2.6
37 -1.578620 35.999268 0.460072 0.209934 1.9
38 -1.584316 36.999268 0.452140 0.389881 2.1
39 -1.536491 37.999268 0.444476 0.479226 1.9
40 -1.565717 38.999268 0.437068 0.438654 2.0
41 -1.605654 39.999268 0.429903 0.434035 2.7
42 -1.601393 40.999268 0.422969 0.519718 2.0
43 -1.578917 41.999268 0.416255 0.467862 3.0
44 -1.599629 42.999268 0.409751 0.429780 1.8
45 -1.569189 43.999268 0.403447 0.364304 2.7
46 -1.586512 44.999268 0.397334 0.247013 2.0
47 -1.627083 45.999268 0.391404 0.380561 1.9
48 -1.603919 46.999268 0.385648 0.509155 2.1
49 -1.580530 47.999268 0.380059 0.449959 2.0
50 -1.615672 48.999268 0.374629 0.331542 2.5
51 -1.631119 49.999268 0.369353 0.346518 2.0
52 -1.563542 50.999268 0.364223 0.334956 1.8
53 -1.626251 51.999268 0.359233 0.273442 2.2
54 -1.619085 52.999268 0.354379 0.284471 2.0
55 -1.609039 53.999268 0.349654 0.361460 2.6
56 -1.552103 54.999268 0.345053 0.345359 2.1
57 -1.586361 55.999268 0.340572 0.240272 2.1
58 -1.636410 56.999268 0.336205 0.258030 2.0
59 -1.595592 57.999268 0.331949 0.213928 2.3
60 -1.619608 58.999268 0.327800 0.181165 1.9
61 -1.611615 59.999268 0.323753 0.240592 1.9
62 -1.608578 60.999268 0.319805 0.316025 2.0
63 -1.584912 61.999268 0.315952 0.335107 1.9
64 -1.615194 62.999268 0.312190 0.293858 2.8
65 -1.644365 63.999268 0.308518 0.293479 2.1
66 -1.593748 64.999268 0.304930 0.217209 2.0
67 -1.574795 65.999268 0.301425 0.212511 2.0
68 -1.613920 66.999268 0.298000 0.266981 1.8
69 -1.566750 67.999268 0.294651 0.259064 2.4
70 -1.642644 68.999268 0.291378 0.243089 2.0
71 -1.623192 69.999268 0.288176 0.272155 1.9
72 -1.580144 70.999268 0.285043 0.325451 2.0
73 -1.634957 71.999268 0.281978 0.244097 2.3
74 -1.615575 72.999268 0.278978 0.101892 2.0
75 -1.607123 73.999268 0.276042 0.025312 2.0
76 -1.644940 74.998838 0.273168 0.030861 1.8
77 -1.623479 75.310997 0.272282 0.054949 2.0
78 -1.587814 75.908626 0.270603 0.100225 2.4
79 -1.569954 76.908626 0.267839 0.157193 1.9
80 -1.640041 77.908626 0.265131 0.166172 2.0
81 -1.610528 78.908626 0.262478 0.156732 2.0
82 -1.623250 79.908626 0.259876 0.166146 2.0
83 -1.620908 80.908626 0.257326 0.183990 2.7
84 -1.587784 81.908626 0.254826 0.181443 1.9
85 -1.611746 82.908626 0.252373 0.138253 2.3
86 -1.573136 83.908626 0.249968 0.071701 2.0
87 -1.574885 84.908626 0.247607 0.072385 2.6
88 -1.605049 85.908625 0.245291 0.050416 10.4
89 -1.582868 86.908621 0.243018 0.049544 2.2
90 -1.585760 87.907909 0.240788 0.086867 2.3
91 -1.584965 88.907909 0.238598 0.093936 2.0
92 -1.639848 89.907909 0.236446 0.057978 1.9
93 -1.648400 90.907909 0.234333 0.049981 2.7
94 -1.602441 91.907789 0.232258 0.040174 2.1
95 -1.622178 92.901616 0.230232 0.004677 1.9
96 -1.606894 92.897451 0.230240 0.026074 1.9
97 -1.616342 92.889724 0.230256 0.041543 2.8
98 -1.607549 93.638936 0.228751 0.022853 2.4
99 -1.613705 93.726568 0.228576 0.048961 2.1
100 -1.606477 94.492317 0.227061 0.070657 1.9
101 -1.572502 94.784595 0.226488 0.051826 2.0
102 -1.577431 95.784588 0.224548 0.052657 2.6
103 -1.602278 95.821757 0.224477 0.105625 1.9
104 -1.619707 96.821757 0.222572 0.085557 2.0
105 -1.618987 97.821757 0.220698 0.054388 2.0
106 -1.600133 98.821645 0.218857 0.024325 2.9
107 -1.589060 99.056461 0.218429 0.065032 2.1
108 -1.564673 99.931503 0.216848 0.105522 1.8
109 -1.606573 100.931503 0.215070 0.118317 2.3
110 -1.610383 101.931503 0.213320 0.033690 2.1
111 -1.598896 102.931290 0.211599 0.044527 2.7
112 -1.615715 102.909840 0.211636 0.067962 2.0
113 -1.620914 103.909746 0.209942 0.014775 2.5
114 -1.597481 103.885240 0.209983 0.033372 2.2
115 -1.643754 104.023853 0.209750 0.071977 2.8
116 -1.608471 104.012467 0.209769 0.074378 1.9
117 -1.621346 105.012467 0.208105 0.104553 2.0
118 -1.637802 106.012467 0.206466 0.085539 2.4
119 -1.619406 107.012467 0.204853 0.055371 2.2
120 -1.616605 106.986197 0.204895 0.093161 2.0
121 -1.571645 107.986197 0.203307 0.070128 2.6
122 -1.602269 108.986197 0.201743 0.054742 2.0
123 -1.567094 109.986172 0.200203 0.071708 2.3
124 -1.631468 110.986170 0.198686 0.112064 2.1
125 -1.630710 111.986170 0.197192 0.102494 2.0
126 -1.588893 112.986170 0.195720 0.079769 2.0
127 -1.635247 113.986170 0.194270 0.051654 1.9
Time spent in resolution 3 (ITK initialization and iterating): 0.372 s.
Stopping condition: Maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Settings of AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent in resolution 3:
( SP_a 26.223768 )
( SP_A 20.000000 )
( SP_alpha 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMax 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMin -0.026270 )
( SigmoidScale 0.000221 )
ERROR: File "output_path_not_set\TransformParameters.0.txt" could not be opened!
Registration result checksum: 130133999
Final metric value = -1.635247
Settings of AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent for all resolutions:
( SP_a 83.579155 50.164422 35.227197 26.223768 )
( SP_A 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000 )
( SP_alpha 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMax 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 )
( SigmoidMin -0.017317 -0.015501 -0.022047 -0.026270 )
( SigmoidScale 0.000010 0.000021 0.000091 0.000221 )
Time spent on saving the results, applying the final transform etc.: 18 ms.
Current time: Fri Mar 25 16:08:58 2016.
Time used for running elastix with this parameter file: 1.6s.
Total time elapsed: 1.6s.
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