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Forked from chriseidhof/animationcurves.swift
Created September 25, 2019 15:00
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// ContentView.swift
// AnimationTimingCurve
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 25.09.19.
// Copyright © 2019 Chris Eidhof. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
struct RecordTimingCurve: GeometryEffect {
var onChange: (CGFloat) -> () = { _ in () }
var animatableData: CGFloat = 0 {
didSet {
func effectValue(size: CGSize) -> ProjectionTransform {
return .init()
import Combine
final class AnimationTrace: ObservableObject {
let objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<(), Never>()
var data: [(time: CFTimeInterval, value: CGFloat)] = []
var startTime: CFTimeInterval {
data.first?.time ?? 0
var endTime: CFTimeInterval {
data.last?.time ?? 0
func record(_ value: CGFloat) {
data.append((CACurrentMediaTime(), value))
// if value == 1 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Data count: \(")
// }
func reset() {
data = []
struct Trace: Shape {
var values: [(CGFloat, CGFloat)] // the second component should be in range 0...1
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
guard let f = values.first, let l = values.last else { return Path() }
let xOffset = f.0
let xMultiplier = l.0 - f.0
return Path { p in
p.move(to: CGPoint(x: rect.minX, y: rect.maxY))
for value in values {
let point = CGPoint(x: rect.minX + ((value.0 - xOffset) / xMultiplier) * rect.width, y: rect.maxY - CGFloat(value.1) * rect.height)
p.addLine(to: point)
let animations: [(String, Animation)] = [
("default", .default),
("linear(duration: 1)", .linear(duration: 1)),
("interpolatingSpring(stiffnes: 5, damping: 3)", .interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 5, damping: 3)),
(".easeInOut(duration: 1)", .easeInOut(duration: 1)),
(".easeIn(duration: 1)", .easeIn(duration: 1)),
(".easeOut(duration: 1)", .easeOut(duration: 1)),
(".interactiveSpring(response: 3, dampingFraction: 2, blendDuration: 1)", .interactiveSpring(response: 3, dampingFraction: 2, blendDuration: 1)),
(".spring", .spring()),
(".default.repeatCount(3)", Animation.default.repeatCount(3)),
struct ContentView: View {
@ObservedObject var trace = AnimationTrace()
@State var animating: Bool = false
@State var selectedAnimationIndex: Int = 0
@State var slowAnimations: Bool = false
var selectedAnimation: (String, Animation) {
return animations[selectedAnimationIndex]
var body: some View {
VStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.offset(x: animating ? 100 : -100)
.modifier(RecordTimingCurve(onChange: {
}, animatableData: animating ? 1 : 0))
VStack {
Trace(values: {
(CGFloat($0), $1)
.stroke(, style: .init(lineWidth: 2))
.frame(height: 150)
.background(Rectangle().stroke(Color.gray, style: .init(lineWidth: 1)))
HStack {
Text("\(trace.endTime - trace.startTime)")
}.frame(width: 200)
Picker(selection: $selectedAnimationIndex, label: EmptyView(), content: {
ForEach(0..<animations.count) {
Button(action: {
self.animating = false
withAnimation(self.selectedAnimation.1.speed(self.slowAnimations ? 0.25 : 1), {
self.animating = true
}, label: { Text("Animate") })
Toggle(isOn: $slowAnimations, label: { Text("Slow Animations") })
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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