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Last active August 4, 2018 16:25
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Object things
// A class is used to mint new objects. The class here is used to create new car objects
// in the program. You may think of it as a car factory.
// Classes specify methods and attributes.
// Methods define operations that can be performed on (or by) an object: a car in this case.
// The methods defined in this Car class are "move" and "turn". See the comments written for
// each method for info on their functions.
// Attributes indicate well... attributes of objects. They help ho"ld the state of the object
// at any given instance. The attributes for the car are "location", "brand", "model", and "direction".
// Silly silly old Car
class Car {
// Them attributes (or fields, or properties, or instance variables or... whatchamakalit)
private int location; // Where is my ride?!!!
private String brand; // Who made that silly car eh? Who?!
private String model; // Oh what do the silly car makers call their silly car?
private int direction; // Where's it headed? In the Atlantic I hope.
// This is the constructor. A method used for initializing the attributes
// of a specific car when created. You don't invoke it; java invokes it
// automatically when you create a new car, like when you do 'new Car("BMX", "XXX2")'
public Car(String brand, String model) {
this.brand = brand;
this.model = model;
location = 0;
direction = 90;
// What happens when you push the throttle. Voom vava voom!!!
public void move(int dist) {
this.location += dist;
// What happens when you turn the steering. Remember to look left when turning right. *wink*
public void turn(int angle) {
direction = (direction + angle) % 360;
// OH! Turns out it has GPS! Still hate it nonetheless :/
public String tellLocation() {
return String.format("The %s %s is %d miles/%d degrees off of base", brand, model, location, direction);
// This is where the real action is. Where we get to actually do stuff
// in our program. See classes are dumb, they do nothing aside creating
// kids eh... objects. Objects are what we actually use to interesting
// stuff like, of course, sending of your silly car(s) and then pretending that
// you actually care.
// The Program (sounds sci-fi eh?)
public class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Car car = new Car("Audi", "880XE"); // Mint a new Audi ride
car.move(100); // Move it 100 miles off
System.out.println(car.tellLocation()); // Oh where's it?
car.move(30); // It moves another 30 miles
car.turn(280); // turning 280 degress
System.out.println(car.tellLocation()); // Oh where's it again?
Car honda = new Car("Honda", "Anaconda"); // Mint a new Honda ride
honda.move(80); // Move it 80 miles off
System.out.println(honda.tellLocation()); // Oh where's it?
// Final Output:
// The Audi 880XE is 100 miles/90 degrees off of base
// The Audi 880XE is 130 miles/10 degrees off of base
// The Honda Anaconda is 80 miles/90 degrees off of base
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