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Created June 10, 2023 12:11
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A patient with fever and chill and severe coughing with cold. He has fever since 7 days and swelling at right foot. Already
he is diagnosed with diabetes malattie. He is on tablet meclizidam 500 and insulin 12 unit since last 1 year. Now his reports
are showing that he is malaria positive with right foot cellulitis. He is on tablet zoseph cv, tablet lumerex 4 bd for 3 days,
tablet paracetamol 500 for 3 days, capsule pandi twice bd, daily dressing with glycerin and kmn 4, daily hgt checking twice
a day and giving dose of insulin as per scale.
"questions": [
"q1": "Has there been a recent change in the patient's diet or lifestyle that could affect his diabetes control?"
"q2": "Given that the patient is on insulin, has he recently experienced any episodes of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia?"
"q3": "Is the patient's fever responding to the paracetamol treatment?"
"q4": "How severe is the right foot cellulitis? Is there any evidence of systemic infection or sepsis?"
"q5": "Is the swelling in the patient's right foot associated with pain or functional impairment?"
"q6": "Considering the patient's diabetes diagnosis, are there signs of peripheral neuropathy or decreased circulation in the extremities?"
"q7": "Did the patient have any recent exposure to mosquitoes or traveled to a malaria-endemic area?"
"q8": "Are there any other signs of organ damage (like liver or kidney) due to malaria infection?"
"q9": "How are the patient's glucose levels responding to the current dose of insulin, especially in light of his acute illness?"
"q10": "Is the patient showing any allergic reactions or side effects from the medication for malaria or cellulitis?"
'questions' : [
"Given the patient's fever, could the insulin requirements have increased due to illness-induced insulin resistance?",
"Is the cellulitis in the right foot associated with any pain or functional impairment?",
"Is there any notable improvement or progression in the foot swelling since starting treatment for cellulitis?",
"What is the pattern of the patient's cough? Is it productive and, if so, what is the characteristic of the sputum?",
"Has the patient been monitored for potential interactions between meclizidam, insulin, and the new medications for malaria and cellulitis?",
"Given the diagnosis of cellulitis, has a blood culture been conducted to check for potential bacteremia?",
"How is the patient's overall diabetic control, considering HbA1c levels or other relevant markers, and does it need to be addressed in the management plan?",
"Does the patient have any history of peripheral vascular disease, which could potentially complicate the cellulitis and its treatment?"
"questions" : [
"What is the patient's current glycemic control status given that he is a known diabetic? Are any hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic symptoms reported?",
"Considering the presence of malaria and diabetes, are there any other concurrent systemic symptoms such as weight loss, weakness, or fatigue?",
"Is there any past history of similar fever episodes or other recurring infections, considering the patient's compromised immune status due to diabetes?",
"What is the severity and time course of the right foot swelling? Did it start before or after the fever onset?",
"Is there any peripheral neuropathy associated with the patient's diabetes, and could it potentially have contributed to the development of cellulitis in the right foot?",
"How is the patient's appetite and dietary intake, given that malnutrition can affect both diabetes management and recovery from malaria?",
"Are there any signs of complications related to malaria, such as anemia, jaundice, or organ dysfunction (e.g., renal, hepatic, or neurological)?",
"Given the patient's diabetic status and the presence of cellulitis, what is the status of peripheral vascular disease? Have Doppler studies been performed?",
"Considering the ongoing medication, how well is the patient tolerating the antimalarial drugs and antibiotics? Any adverse effects noted?",
"Is there any sign of improvement in the patient's fever or right foot swelling after starting the current treatment regimen?"
'questions': [
{"q3": "Given his diabetes and current foot cellulitis, is there any evidence of worsening peripheral neuropathy or impaired wound healing?"},
{"q4": "Considering the diagnosis of malaria, was there any travel or exposure history that might have led to the contraction of this disease?"},
{"q5": "Has the patient reported any side effects or adverse reactions to the current antimalarial and antibiotic regimen (Lumerex, Zoseph CV, Pandi)?"},
{"q6": "What were the results of the blood work and diagnostic imaging? Specifically, do we see any signs of potential complications such as acute kidney injury, hemolytic anemia, or jaundice due to malaria?"},
{"q7": "Have any vascular studies been done to assess the extent of cellulitis and possibility of deep vein thrombosis, given the localized swelling on the right foot?"},
{"q8": "What is the patient's level of hydration and nutritional status? Given the febrile state and systemic infections, has there been significant weight loss or changes in dietary habits?"},
{"q9": "Considering the ongoing treatment, has there been any improvement in the fever pattern and cellulitis? Are symptoms like chills and severe coughing abating?"},
{"q10": "Given his comorbid conditions, what are the potential concerns regarding disease progression or complications, and what preventive measures are being taken?"}
'questions' : [
"What is the patient's blood glucose level trend given the twice-daily readings and dose adjustments of insulin?",
"Has the patient had any prior episodes of foot infections, particularly related to his diabetes condition, such as diabetic ulcers or other cellulitis incidents?",
"Has the patient been in a location or environment recently that might have increased his risk of malaria exposure?",
"What is the patient's current hydration status and nutritional intake, given the fever, chills, and cough symptoms which can sometimes affect appetite and fluid intake?",
"Are there any signs of complications from malaria, such as issues related to the brain, lungs, kidneys, or anemia?",
"Are there any signs of systemic infection, such as altered mental status, low blood pressure, rapid heart rate, or organ dysfunction that might suggest sepsis from either malaria or cellulitis?",
"How is the patient's pain level in the right foot where the cellulitis is, and is it impacting his ability to mobilize?",
"Given the ongoing fever and cough, has a chest X-ray or CT scan been performed to rule out any respiratory conditions like pneumonia?",
"Considering the patient's diabetes, has an HbA1c test been conducted recently to monitor long-term glucose control, and how are the results?",
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