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Last active October 3, 2023 22:30
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LFT Post Configurator | Valolytics

Questions, Problems or want to message me?

Join the Valolytics Discord server.

How to start

  1. Login at with your Discord account.
  2. Join the official Valolytics Discord server, or add the bot to your server.
  3. Optional: If you want to use the player achievements, you need to connect your Riot Games Account at the top right here after you logged in with Discord.
  4. Go to Discord and use the /lft_post command in the DM of the Valolytics Bot or in a channel in which the bot has access.

Step 1: Personal data

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  • NAME: Your ingame name, full name, full name with your ingame name in between, or whatever your want.
  • IMAGE LINK: A link to a photo representing you. For example you in person or your twitter profile picture. You can use image links from the internet or use local images with the correct path.
  • PERSONAL DATA: The default values are Age, Nationality and Language, but you can put everything you want in here. If you want to that some part of the text appear bold, you need to begin the bold text with <b> and end it with </b>. For flags to appear with the images you need to enter the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code. You can find a full list of this codes here. If you want to have extra line breaks, you need to write <br/>.
  • TWITTER / X: Your twitter / X username.
  • DISCORD: Your discord username or tag.


Step 2: Selecting your peak rank


Select your peak rank in the dropdown menu.


Step 3: Ingame data

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  • INGAME DATA: The default values are Availability and Experience, but you can put in here what ever you want. For bold text use <b></b> again. Also you can use <br/> again for line breaks.
  • PEAK RATING: If your selected rank is Immortal 1 or above, you can set here your peak rating. If you leave it blank, it won't be shown.


After Step 3, the Discord message should look like this, and a new message should be appeared.


If the new message says Player Achievements you can go normally to Step 4. But if the message looks like on the right and says Team Achievements then jump to Step 5.

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Step 4: Selecting Player Achievements

If you have connected your Riot Games account with Valolytics and you played in some events covered by Valolytics, you can select these here. The syntax of each event is this: {Placement} @ {Region} | {Tournament} | {Event}
If you select any of this events, they will be shown in ascending order of your placement. If your placement is N/A they will be ordered descending by the rating.
If you don't select any event, the Player Achievement list will not be shown.
By pressing the green Confirm button you confirming the selection.
If you selected one event wrong, you can reset the selected events with the red Reset button.

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Step 5: Adding Team Achievements

By pressing the blue + Add Team Achievement you can add a new Team Achievement.

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  • EVENT: The name of the event you achieved the achievement.
  • PLACEMENT: The placement in this event. You can for example: 1st, #2, Top 8, 5..
  • EVENT LOGO LINK: A link to an image of this event. If you dont find the logo, you can try to find it on this git repository.


If the given image was a correct link, it will be shown here.
Be careful: If you choose a path to a local image, it will not be shown here and it will say, that the provided image may not work. But don't panic you can change this later.
If you added all the team achievements you want, you can confirm it with the green Confirm button.


Step 6: Agent Tierlist

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Here you can set up the agent tierlist. By default there are three categories Very good, Good and Willing to learn. By pressing one of the buttons you will get the agent dropdown like on the right. Here you can select the agents you want to have in the previous clicked tier.
After the selection you will see the agents listed under the text. Now you can select agents for another tier or if you forgot a agent you can go to the same tier again and change the selection.

If you click the blue + Add Tier button, you can add a new tier to the tierlist.


  • TITLE: Title of the tier.
  • BACKGROUND COLOR: Background color of the tier.
  • FONT COLOR: Font color of the TITLE text. You can leave this blank for the default font color, which you can set in Step 8.

If you click the red - Remove Tier button, you can select a tier which you want to remove from the tierlist.

With the green Confirm button you confirming the selection.
If you not selecting any agents in any tier, the tierlist will not be shown.


Step 7: Adding past teams

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If you click on the blue + Add Past Team button you can add a team, in which you were before.

  • TEAM NAME: The name of the team, in which you were before
  • DESCRIPTION: You can write here anything. For example you could mention your role (e.g. Analyst or Head Coach), your duration or your join and leave date. If you want to use line breaks for better formatting, you can use <br/> for it.
  • TEAM LOGO LINK: A link to the team logo. Can also be a local file.


Step 8: Defining the theme


Here you can define your theme:

  • BACKGROUND COLOR: The HEX code of the background color.
  • BACKGROUND IMAGE LINK: The image of the background. If you provided an invalid link the BACKGROUND COLOR will be used.
  • FONT COLOR: The HEX code of the font color.
  • THEME COLOR 1: The HEX code of the Theme color 1.
  • THEME COLOR 2: The HEX code of the Theme color 2.


Step 9: Viewing your result

If all steps are done correct, the discord bot will attach a HTML file. Download the HTML file and open it.
Now you will see the result and take screenshots of it to use it for your Twitter / X LFT post. If you like this feature, feel free to tag @valolyticsGG in the post.
If you aren't satisfied of the result or one image is invalid, you can edit the HTML file (this need HTML experience). Otherwise you can try to execute the command again or ask for help on the Valolytics Discord.

Step 10: Have a nice day :)

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