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Last active March 26, 2024 18:50
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A class to iterate any iterable object in a new thread, plus a class to make this functionality available as a decorator for generator functions
import threading, queue, functools, logging
from import Generator
from contextlib import closing
SENTINEL = StopIteration
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ThreadedGenerator(Generator, closing):
Creates a generator that asynchronously produces a queue of results from any iterable object in
a new thread, and yields the results consumed from that queue within the current thread.
The interface is that of a generator - including __iter__, __next__, send, throw and close
methods - and also that of a context manager: i.e. it has __enter__ and __exit__ methods.
(Note: of these methods mentioned, all but 'send' and 'throw' are inherited).
The constructor accepts the arguments 'iterable' and, optionally, 'maxq'
'iterable' is the object forming the source of the data ultimately yielded. It can be any
iterable object, though typically will be an I/O bound iterator or generator (but not a
generator function: see ThreadedGenFunc).
'maxq' defines the maximum size to which the internal queue is allowed to grow, with 0 (the
default) representing an unlimited queue. It is important to specify a limit for iterators
producing a very large or unlimited number of values.
The 'send' and 'throw' methods are required internally to implement '__next__' and 'close', but
are not intended to be called externally (other than perhaps for testing and debugging - or, a
subclass could override '_dequeue' to incorporate logic responsive to send and throw calls.)
The 'close' method is only needed when fewer results are consumed than are produced from the
iterable object passed in (unless this is due to an exception: that situation is resolved
without requiring 'close'). The method not only closes the generator (so that no further
iteration is permitted) but also, importantly, allows the thread to terminate, thus avoiding
potential resource leakage.
To make closing more convenient, the class can be used as a context manager:
with ThreadedGenerator(it, maxq=1000) as tg:
for i in tg:
# do something with yielded results
# generator will now close, along with its internal thread
def __init__(self, iterable, maxq=0):
closing.__init__(self, self)
self._queue = queue.Queue(maxq)
self._producer = threading.Thread(target=self._enqueue, args=(iterable,), daemon=True)
self._consumer = self._dequeue()
self._thread_kill, self._thread_err = False, None
def _enqueue(self, iterable):
for _ in map(self._queue.put, iterable):
if self._thread_kill:
except Exception as err:
self._thread_err = err
logger.error('%r in thread', err)
logger.debug('Sentinel put; thread should now exit')
def _dequeue(self):
for i in iter(self._queue.get, SENTINEL):
yield i
if self._thread_err is not None:
raise RuntimeError(f'Error in thread {self._producer}') from self._thread_err
def _force_join(self):
self._thread_kill = True
# remove _queue's maxsize so neither put call in _enqueue blocks, ensuring it returns
with self._queue.mutex:
self._queue.maxsize = float('inf')
def send(self, value): # implements inherited __next__ method
return self._consumer.send(value)
def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None): # implements inherited close method
logger.debug('throw called with arg %s', typ)
self._consumer.throw(typ) # (typ, val, tb) signature of throw() deprecated
class ThreadedGenFunc:
A decorator class for generator functions. A decorated generator function will, when called,
result in a ThreadedGenerator object. The decorator will work both on functions and on methods.
The decorator should use the ThreadedGenFunc class, not an instance. Specifying
ThreadedGenerator's optional maxq argument is achieved by means of ThreadedGenFunc's
classmethod 'with_maxq'.
For example, to get a ThreadedGenerator object with an unlimted internal queue, the decorator
@ThreadedGenFunc would be appropriate but, otherwise, @ThreadedGenFunc.with_maxq(1000) could be
used (for a queue size of 1000). Alternatively, set a variable to the result of the 'with_maxq'
call and use that variable as the decorator: MyThrGenFunc = ThreadedGenFunc.with_maxq(1000),
then decorate with @MyThrGenFunc.
def __init__(self, genfunc):
self._genfunc = genfunc
self.maxq = 0
def with_maxq(cls, maxq):
def decorator(genfunc):
thr_genfunc = cls(genfunc)
thr_genfunc.maxq = maxq
return thr_genfunc
return decorator
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
#for when the generator function is a method
return functools.partial(self.__call__, instance)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
generator = self._genfunc(*args, **kwargs)
return ThreadedGenerator(generator, self.maxq)
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monkeytruffle commented Mar 23, 2024

This code owes a debt to this gist by @everilae - well worth checking out. I didn't designate this as a fork because I had already written a lot of it before discovering everilae's gist, and because it only shares 2 lines of code ('try:' and 'finally'!). However, seeing that gist, plus the comments over there, definitely influenced my version.

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