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Last active December 17, 2015 06:29
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  • Save monmon/5566085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save monmon/5566085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sicp 3章 問題3.6 まで。2013-05-13 担当分。
(use slib)
(load "/usr/local/slib/random")
(load "./s3.1.2_estimate-pi-using-rand.scm")
(use srfi-27) ; random-real
(print "---------------------------- q3.5 -----------------------------")
; モンテカルロ積分
; たとえば四角形をちょうど半分にし、その片方の面積を求めたい場合、
; ランダムに点を取り、その点が求めたい方に入っているかどうかの確率は1/2
; つまり、(四角形の面積) * 1/2 で求めたい面積が求まる
(define (random-in-range low high)
(let ((range (- high low)))
(+ low (* (random-real) range)))) ; (+ low (random range))))
(define (estimate-integral P x1 x2 y1 y2 trials)
(define (dist a1 a2)
(abs (- a1 a2)))
(define (area x1 x2 y1 y2)
(* (dist x1 x2) (dist y1 y2)))
(* (area x1 x2 y1 y2)
(monte-carlo trials
(lambda ()
(define x (rand-in-rang x1 x2))
(define y (rand-in-rang y1 y2))
(P x y)))))
(use gauche.test)
(test-start "estimate-integral")
(define (rand-in-rang a1 a2)
(if (>= a2 a1)
(random-in-range a1 a2)
(random-in-range a2 a1)))
(test-section "case: square using corners at (0, 0) and (100, 100)")
(define x1 0)
(define x2 200)
(define y1 0)
(define y2 200)
(define (in-square? x y)
(define X1 0)
(define X2 100)
(define Y1 0)
(define Y2 100)
(and (>= x X1) (<= x X2) (>= y Y1) (<= y Y2)))
(test "is erea 10000? (margin:200)" 10000 (lambda () (estimate-integral in-square? x1 x2 y1 y2 1000))
(lambda (expected actual) (<= (abs (- expected actual)) 200)))
(test-section "case: circle using corners of radius 100 centered (100, 100)")
(define x1 0)
(define x2 200)
(define y1 0)
(define y2 200)
(define (in-circle? x y)
(define R 100)
(define X 100)
(define Y 100)
(>= (* R R) (+ (* (- x X) (- x X)) (* (- y Y) (- y Y)))))
(test "is erea about 31400? (margin:200)" 31400 (lambda () (estimate-integral in-circle? x1 x2 y1 y2 1000))
(lambda (expected actual) (<= (abs (- expected actual)) 200)))
(test-start "estimate-pi using estimate-integral")
(define x1 0)
(define x2 2)
(define y1 0)
(define y2 2)
(define (in-unit-circle? x y)
(define R 1)
(define X 1)
(define Y 1)
(>= (* R R) (+ (* (- x X) (- x X)) (* (- y Y) (- y Y)))))
(test "is erea about 3.14?" 3.14 (lambda () (estimate-integral in-unit-circle? x1 x2 y1 y2 1000))
(lambda (expected actual) (<= (abs (- expected actual)) 0.2)))
;(print (* (estimate-integral in-unit-circle? x1 x2 y1 y2 20000000) 1.0))
; s3.1.2_rand.scmと同じでrand自体はlambdaを返し、その引数がsymbolになっていれば良さそう
(define a 3)
(define b 5)
(define m 13)
(define random-init 8)
(define (rand-update x)
(modulo (+ (* a x) b) m))
(define rand
(let ((x random-init))
(define (rand-generate)
(set! x (rand-update x))
(define (rand-reset)
(lambda (new-x)
(set! x new-x)))
; lambdaでもいいよ
;(define dispatch (lambda (command)
; (cond ((eq? command 'generate) (rand-generate))
; ((eq? command 'reset) (rand-reset))
; (else error "no command"))))
(define (dispatch command)
(cond ((eq? command 'generate) (rand-generate))
((eq? command 'reset) (rand-reset))
(else error "no command")))
(use gauche.test)
(test-start "new rand")
(test-section "case: generate")
(test* "rand?" 3 (rand 'generate))
(test* "rand?" 1 (rand 'generate))
(test* "rand?" 8 (rand 'generate))
(test* "rand?" 3 (rand 'generate))
(test* "rand?" 1 (rand 'generate))
(test* "rand?" 8 (rand 'generate))
(test-section "case: reset")
; 3 -> 1 -> 8 -> 3 -> 1 -> 8
(rand 'generate) ;=> 3
((rand 'reset) 1)
(test* "rand?" 8 (rand 'generate))
; (代入がないとすると)s3.1.2_estimate-pi-using-rand.scm と違い、
; rand-updateを直接使うしかない
; つまり、iter で回す時に乱数を覚えておかなければいけない
(define (estimate-pi trials)
(sqrt (/ 6 (random-gcd-test trials random-init))))
(define (random-gcd-test trials initial-x)
(define (iter trials-remaining trials-passed x)
(let ((x1 (rand-update x)))
(let ((x2 (rand-update x1)))
(cond ((= trials-remaining 0)
(/ trials-passed trials))
((= (gcd x1 x2) 1)
(iter (- trials-remaining 1)
(+ trials-passed 1)
(iter (- trials-remaining 1)
(iter trials 0 initial-x))
(load "./s3.1.2_rand.scm")
; ランダムな2つの数の gcd が 1 になる確率は 6/(pi^2)
; なので、pi は逆数とって平方根取ればよい
(define (estimate-pi trials)
(sqrt (/ 6 (monte-carlo trials cesaro-test))))
(define (cesaro-test)
(= (gcd (rand) (rand)) 1))
; trials 分繰り返し、最後に (experiment が #t の回数) / traials の確率を出す
(define (monte-carlo trials experiment)
(define (iter trials-remaining trials-passed)
(cond ((= trials-remaining 0)
(/ trials-passed trials))
(iter (- trials-remaining 1) (+ trials-passed 1)))
(iter (- trials-remaining 1) trials-passed))))
(iter trials 0))
(print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
(print (estimate-pi 100))
; refs.
(define a 3)
(define b 5)
(define m 13)
(define random-init 8)
(define (rand-update x)
(modulo (+ (* a x) b) m))
(define rand
(let ((x random-init))
(lambda ()
(set! x (rand-update x))
(use gauche.test)
(test-start "rand")
(test* "rand?" 3 (rand))
(test* "rand?" 1 (rand))
(test* "rand?" 8 (rand))
(test* "rand?" 3 (rand))
(test* "rand?" 1 (rand))
(test* "rand?" 8 (rand))
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