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Volatility Plugin To Detect and Decrypt Gh0stRAT communication In Memory
@author: Monnappa
Created on Sep 01,2014
This is a volatility plugin to detect and decrypt Gh0stRat communication in memory
copy this script to the volatility plugins directory
import volatility.plugins.common as common
import volatility.utils as utils
import volatility.plugins.malware.malfind as malfind
import volatility.win32.tasks as tasks
import volatility.win32.modules as modules
import volatility.plugins.taskmods as taskmods
from volatility.plugins.connections import Connections
from volatility.plugins.connscan import ConnScan
from volatility.plugins.netscan import Netscan
import struct
import zlib
import yara
has_yara = True
except ImportError:
has_yara = False
ghost_sig = {'ghostrat' : r'rule Gh0strat_encrypted_communication {strings: $any_variant = /[a-zA-z0-9:]{5,16}..\x00\x00..\x00\x00\x78\x9c/ condition: $any_variant}'
class GhostRat(taskmods.DllList):
"""Detects and decrypts Gh0stRat communication"""
def calculate(self):
if not has_yara:
debug.error("Please install Yara from")
addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config)
rules = yara.compile(sources=ghost_sig)
decrypted_data = None
mal_proc = {}
kdbg = tasks.get_kdbg(addr_space)
start = kdbg.MmSystemRangeStart.dereference_as("Pointer")
mods = dict((addr_space.address_mask(mod.DllBase), mod)
for mod in modules.lsmod(addr_space))
mod_addrs = sorted(mods.keys())
sessions = []
for proc in tasks.pslist(addr_space):
sid = proc.SessionId
if sid == None or sid in sessions:
session_space = proc.get_process_address_space()
if session_space == None:
scanner = malfind.DiscontigYaraScanner(address_space = session_space,
rules = rules)
for hit, address in scanner.scan(start_offset = start):
module = tasks.find_module(mods, mod_addrs, addr_space.address_mask(address))
content = session_space.zread(address,1024)
header_size = content.find("\x78\x9c")
magic_header_size = header_size - 8
magic_keyword = content[:magic_header_size]
comp_uncomp_size = content[magic_header_size:header_size]
s = struct.Struct("I I")
comp_size, uncomp_size = s.unpack(comp_uncomp_size)
enc_data = content[0:comp_size]
to_decrypt = content[header_size:comp_size]
dec_data = self.decrypt_communication(to_decrypt)
if not mal_proc:
self.get_ghost_process(magic_keyword, mal_proc, addr_space)
os_version = self.get_os_version(addr_space)
yield (mal_proc, address, magic_keyword, enc_data, dec_data, os_version)
def get_os_version(self, addr_space):
profile = addr_space.profile
os = profile.metadata.get('os', 'unknown')
os_version = profile.metadata.get('major', 0)
return os_version
def get_ghost_process(self, magic, mal_process, add_space):
rule = "rule Gh0strat_process {strings: $any_variant = " + '"' + magic + '"'+ " condition: $any_variant}"
ghost_proc_sig = {'ghostrat_process' : rule }
rules = yara.compile(sources=ghost_proc_sig)
for task in self.filter_tasks(tasks.pslist(add_space)):
scanner = malfind.VadYaraScanner(task = task, rules = rules)
for hit, address in scanner.scan():
if task.obj_name == "_EPROCESS":
process = str(task.ImageFileName)
pid = task.UniqueProcessId
mal_process[process] = pid
def decrypt_communication(self, to_decrypt):
index = 0
data = ""
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj()
while True:
block = to_decrypt[index:index+64]
if not block:
decompressed = decompressor.decompress(block)
if decompressed:
data = data + decompressed
index = index+64
remaining = decompressor.flush()
data = data + remaining
return data
def render_text(self, outfd, data):
mal_ids = []
for mal_process, addr, magic_keyword, encrypted, decrypted, os_version in data:
outfd.write("Gh0stRat Variant: {0}\n".format(magic_keyword))
for proc in mal_process:
outfd.write("Malicious Process: {0}(pid:{1})\n".format(proc, str(mal_process[proc])))
outfd.write("Gh0strat Encrypted Communicaton:\n")
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
["{0:#010x} {1:<48} {2}\n".format(addr + o, h,
''.join(c)) for o, h, c in
outfd.write("Decrypted Communication:\n")
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
["{0:#010x} {1:<48} {2}\n".format(o, h,
''.join(c)) for o, h, c in
for proc, pid in list(set(mal_ids)):
if os_version == 5:
outfd.write("connections - Network Connections of Malicious Process:\n")
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
net_con = Connections(self._config)
net_connections = net_con.calculate()
for tcp_obj in net_connections:
if tcp_obj.Pid == pid:
local = "{0}:{1}".format(tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress, tcp_obj.LocalPort)
remote = "{0}:{1}".format(tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress, tcp_obj.RemotePort)
outfd.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}(pid:{3})\n".format(local, remote, proc, tcp_obj.Pid))
outfd.write("connscan - Network Connections of Malicious Process:\n")
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
net_scan = ConnScan(self._config)
net_connscan = net_scan.calculate()
for tcp_obj in net_connscan:
if tcp_obj.Pid == pid:
local = "{0}:{1}".format(tcp_obj.LocalIpAddress, tcp_obj.LocalPort)
remote = "{0}:{1}".format(tcp_obj.RemoteIpAddress, tcp_obj.RemotePort)
outfd.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}(pid:{3})\n".format(local, remote, proc, tcp_obj.Pid))
elif os_version == 6:
outfd.write("netscan - Network Connections of Malicious Process({0} - pid:{1}):\n".format(proc,pid))
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
network = Netscan(self._config)
net_data = network.calculate()
outfd.write("{0:<10} {1:<8} {2:<30} {3:<20} {4:<16} {5:<8} {6:<14} {7}\n".format(
"Offset(P)","Proto", "Local Address",
"Foreign Address","State", "Pid",
"Owner", "Created"))
for net_object, proto, laddr, lport, raddr, rport, state in net_data:
if net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId == pid:
lendpoint = "{0}:{1}".format(laddr, lport)
rendpoint = "{0}:{1}".format(raddr, rport)
print("{0:<#10x} {1:<8} {2:<30} {3:<20} {4:<16} {5:<8} {6:<14} {7}\n".format(
net_object.obj_offset, proto, lendpoint,
rendpoint, state, net_object.Owner.UniqueProcessId,
str(net_object.CreateTime or '')
outfd.write("DLL's Loaded by the Malicious Process:\n")
outfd.write("-" * 78 + "\n")
self._config.PID = str(pid)
dl = taskmods.DllList(self._config)
dldata = dl.calculate()
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Hi, great module! I have come across many Gh0stRAT samples that use different zlib magic bytes, such as \x79\xdd, or \x7b\x9d, etc, instead of \x78\x9c. The Emerging Threats OPEN Suricata/Snort rulesets have just under 100 rules that detect these different magic bytes (grep the ruleset for "ET TROJAN Backdoor family PCRat/Gh0st").. I'm not sure if it would be practical to add these into your module but it may be worth a shot to allow this to detect additional Gh0stRAT samples/variants. Cheers!

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