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Created March 3, 2023 05:52
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Plugin Name: Cat Slider mono96
Description: 同じカテゴリー記事のカルーセルスライダー [cat_slider]
Version: 1.0
/* 参考 */
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
define( 'MY_CAT_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ) );
// ヘッダーに追加するコード
function add_cat_slider_files() {
if ( ! wp_style_is( 'swiper-style', 'enqueued' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'swiper-style', '');
wp_enqueue_style( 'swiper-cat-mono96-style', MY_CAT_PLUGIN_URL .'css/swiper-cat-style.css');
//JavaScript の読み込み
if ( ! wp_style_is( 'swiper-js', 'enqueued' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'swiper-js', '', '', '', true);
if ( ! wp_style_is( 'swiper-setting-js', 'enqueued' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'swiper-setting-js', MY_CAT_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/swiper_setting.js', '', '', true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_cat_slider_files');
// カルーセルスライダー ショートコード
function mono96_cat_shortcode_slider() {
global $post;
if ( ! is_single() ){
return ;
$categories = get_the_category();
if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) {
$category_slug = $categories[0]->slug;
echo '<div class="swiper categorie_swiper">';
echo '<div class="swiper-wrapper">';
$loop = new WP_Query(array(
'orderby' => 'rand',
'post_type' => 'post', // ポストタイプを設定 デフォルト投稿はそのまま
'posts_per_page' => 10, // 記事数を設定
'category_name' => $category_slug
/* Start the Loop */
while ($loop->have_posts()) :
echo '<div class="swiper-slide">';
echo '<div class="swiper-slide__inner">';
echo '<div class="swiper-slide__inner--item">';
if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
echo '<figure class="post__thumb--img">'."\n";
echo ' <!-- アイキャッチ画像 有り -->'."\n";
echo '<a href="';
echo the_permalink();
echo '" style="background-image: url(\'';
echo the_post_thumbnail_url('large');
echo '\')"></a>'."\n";
echo '<figure class="post__thumb--img">'."\n";
echo ' <!-- アイキャッチ画像がない場合 -->'."\n";
echo '<a href="';
echo the_permalink();
echo '" style="background-image: url(\'';
echo MY_CAT_PLUGIN_URL .'img/no-image.jpg';
echo '\')"></a>'."\n";
echo '</figure>'."\n";
echo '<div class="text-block">';
echo '<div class="meta-block">';
echo '<span class="date">' . the_time('Y.m.d') . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<a href="';
echo the_permalink() ;
echo '" rel="bookmark" title="';
echo $post->post_title;
echo '">';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<!-- If we need pagination -->';
echo '<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>';
echo '<!-- Add Arrows -->';
echo '<div class="swiper-button-prev swiper-button-white"></div>';
echo '<div class="swiper-button-next swiper-button-white"></div>';
echo ' <!-- If we need scrollbar -->';
echo '<div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div>';
echo '</div>';
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'cat_slider', 'mono96_cat_shortcode_slider' );
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