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Last active September 18, 2019 22:33
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# CentOS 6.7 (Minimal) + Asterisk 11 + FreePBX 13 Install Script #
/bin/cat <<'EOTT' >/etc/yum.repos.d/FreePBX.repo
#Core PBX Packages
#Schmooze Commercial Packages
echo "Clean Yum just to make sure we have a fresh list"
yum clean all
yum update -y
# Disable selinux
setenforce 0
rm -rf /etc/selinux/config
touch /etc/selinux/config
echo "SELINUX=disabled" > /etc/selinux/config
# Install Asterisk 11
yum -y install asterisk11 asterisk11-addons asterisk11-curl asterisk11-odbc asterisk11-voicemail
# Asterisk Sounds
yum -y install asterisk-sounds-core-en-alaw asterisk-sounds-core-en-ulaw asterisk-sounds-core-en-gsm asterisk-sounds-extra-en-alaw asterisk-sounds-extra-en-ulaw asterisk-sounds-extra-en-gsm moh-sounds
# Play audio files from asterisk
yum -y install mpg123 sox # esound-devel
# Install spandsp for faxing
# yum -y install spandsp spandsp-devel
# fax conversion applications
# yum -y install libtiff libtiff-devel
yum -y install ghostscript ghostscript-fonts
# ImageMagick for EPM to convert images
# yum -y install ImageMagick
# Remove sendmail and install postifx to handle email
# yum -y install postfix mailx cyrus-sasl-plain
# Asterisk Switch Version Script
# yum -y install asterisk-version-switch
# Package install information for firstboot use
# yum -y install python-simplejson
# Fail2ban RPM for Security
yum -y install fail2ban
# NTP & Cron
yum -y install ntp incron
# Various utilities
yum -y install wget vim
# FreePBX
yum -y install freepbx php-5.3-zend-guard-loader
# Sysadmin
# yum -y install sysadmin
# Make a bunch of processes start on boot
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on
/sbin/chkconfig mysqld on
/sbin/chkconfig ntpd on
/sbin/chkconfig incrond on
/sbin/chkconfig fail2ban on
/sbin/chkconfig asterisk off
# ntp settings
# echo "driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift" > /etc/ntp.conf
# echo "server" >> /etc/ntp.conf
# echo "server" >> /etc/ntp.conf
# echo "server" >> /etc/ntp.conf
# echo "server" >> /etc/ntp.conf
# echo "fudge stratum 10" >> /etc/ntp.conf
# This makes the machine only respond to arps when the arp is received on the correct interface
echo "#This makes the machine only respond to arps when the arp is received on the correct interface" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# Change which user apache runs as so freepbx can modify asterisk files
sed -i "s/^User apache$/User asterisk/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sed -i "s/^Group apache$/Group asterisk/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# The standard timeout will prevent us from downloading modules and installing them
sed -i "s/^Timeout 120$/Timeout 300/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# Allow overrides in apache for FreePBX.
sed -i "s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# Improve the amount of memory php can use
sed -i "s/^memory_limit = 16M.*$/memory_limit = 128M/" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s/^memory_limit = 32M.*$/memory_limit = 128M/" /etc/php.ini
# fix php.ini config parameters
sed -i 's/upload_max_filesize = .*/upload_max_filesize = 100M/' /etc/php.ini
sed -i 's/post_max_size = .*/post_max_size = 100M/' /etc/php.ini
# Various file ownership changes
/bin/chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html
/bin/chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/php/session
/bin/chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk
# Create rc.local
/bin/echo "# Make sure asterisk starts on boot" >> /etc/rc.local
/bin/echo "/usr/sbin/fwconsole start" >> /etc/rc.local
# change sshd_config settings
# sed -i "s/#UseDNS yes/UseDNS no/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# create sudoers settings for user asterisk
sed -i "s/Defaults\s*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/g" /etc/sudoers
# run a weekly updatedb to keep locate up to date
echo -e "#"\!"/bin/bash\nupdatedb" > /etc/cron.weekly/
chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/
# Change home directory for Asterisk
cp -a /etc/skel /home/asterisk/ && chown -R asterisk:asterisk /home/asterisk && sed -i 's|^\(asterisk:.*\)/var/lib/asterisk[^:]*\(.*\)|\1/home/asterisk/\2|' /etc/passwd && chsh -s /bin/bash asterisk
# Reboot machine automatically after 20 seconds if it kernel panics
# cat << EOF >> /etc/sysctl.conf
## Reboot machine automatically after 20 seconds if it kernel panics
# kernel.panic = 20
fwconsole chown
# pull in all freepbx modules and load them
# fwconsole moduleadmin download firewall
# fwconsole moduleadmin install firewall
fwconsole moduleadmin uninstall dahdiconfig
fwconsole moduleadmin delete dahdiconfig
fwconsole moduleadmin uninstall sipstation
fwconsole moduleadmin delete sipstation
fwconsole moduleadmin uninstall digium_phones
fwconsole moduleadmin delete digium_phones
fwconsole moduleadmin uninstall cxpanel
fwconsole moduleadmin delete cxpanel
# fwconsole moduleadmin download sysadmin
# fwconsole moduleadmin install sysadmin
fwconsole moduleadmin upgradeall
fwconsole moduleadmin upgradeall # die hard upgrade
fwconsole moduleadmin upgrade cidlookup
fwconsole moduleadmin enable cidlookup
fwconsole moduleadmin upgrade donotdisturb
fwconsole moduleadmin enable donotdisturb
fwconsole moduleadmin upgrade findmefollow
fwconsole moduleadmin enable findmefollow
fwconsole moduleadmin upgrade dashboard
fwconsole moduleadmin enable dashboard
fwconsole moduleadmin upgradeall
fwconsole moduleadmin enable dashboard
fwconsole moduleadmin upgradeall
fwconsole moduleadmin upgradeall # die hard upgrade
fwconsole chown
fwconsole reload
echo "The installation is now complete"
echo "Please reboot your box now for all changes to take effect"
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