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Created October 31, 2023 13:03
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bin/glances --issue
Glances 4.0.0_beta01 (venvs/glances/glances/
Python 3.11.2 (venvs/glances_org/bin/python3)
PsUtil 5.9.6 (venvs/glances_org/lib/python3.11/site-packages/psutil/
alert [OK] 0.00002s
amps [OK] 0.00311s key=name
[{'count': 0,
'countmax': None,
'countmin': 1.0,
'key': 'name',
'name': 'Dropbox',
'refresh': 3.0,
'regex': True,
'result': None,
'timer': 2.167696952819824}, ...]
cloud [OK] 0.00004s
connections [OK] 0.00740s
'LISTEN': 47,
'SYN_RECV': 0,
'SYN_SENT': 0,
'initiated': 0,
'net_connections_enabled': True,
'nf_conntrack_count': 108.0,
'nf_conntrack_enabled': True,
'nf_conntrack_max': 262144.0,
'nf_conntrack_percent': 0.04119873046875,
'terminated': 0}
containers [OK] 0.00005s
core [OK] 0.00061s
{'log': 4, 'phys': 4}
cpu [OK] 0.00031s
{'cpucore': 4,
'ctx_switches': 971,
'guest': 0.0,
'guest_nice': 0.0,
'idle': 97.7,
'interrupts': 790,
'iowait': 0.0,
'irq': 0.0,
'nice': 0.1,
'soft_interrupts': 734,
'softirq': 0.1,
'steal': 0.1,
'syscalls': 0,
'system': 1.1,
'time_since_update': 2.0555291175842285,
'total': 25.0,
'user': 0.9}
diskio [OK] 0.00062s key=disk_name
[{'disk_name': 'sr0',
'key': 'disk_name',
'read_bytes': 0,
'read_count': 0,
'time_since_update': 2.037081003189087,
'write_bytes': 0,
'write_count': 0}, ...]
folders [OK] 0.00005s
fs [OK] 0.00065s key=mnt_point
[{'device_name': '/dev/sda2',
'free': 106468171776,
'fs_type': 'ext4',
'key': 'mnt_point',
'mnt_point': '/',
'percent': 54.3,
'size': 245616852992,
'used': 126645723136}, ...]
gpu [OK] 0.00003s
help [OK] 0.00001s
ip [NA]
irq [NA]
load [OK] 0.00004s
{'cpucore': 4, 'min1': 0.09375, 'min15': 0.09765625, 'min5': 0.07470703125}
mem [OK] 0.00025s
{'active': 5278945280,
'available': 14552961024,
'buffers': 880672768,
'cached': 7657189376,
'free': 14552961024,
'inactive': 3776086016,
'percent': 13.2,
'shared': 72429568,
'total': 16769503232,
'used': 2216542208}
memswap [OK] 0.00034s
{'free': 18708684800,
'percent': 0.0,
'sin': 0,
'sout': 0,
'time_since_update': 2.0574660301208496,
'total': 18708684800,
'used': 0}
network [OK] 0.00058s key=interface_name
[{'alias': None,
'cumulative_cx': 1361634384,
'cumulative_rx': 680817192,
'cumulative_tx': 680817192,
'cx': 1378,
'interface_name': 'lo',
'is_up': True,
'key': 'interface_name',
'rx': 689,
'speed': 0,
'time_since_update': 2.0170176029205322,
'tx': 689}, ...]
now [OK] 0.00002s
'2023-10-31 14:00:50 CET'
percpu [OK] 0.00007s key=cpu_number
[{'cpu_number': 0,
'guest': 0.0,
'guest_nice': 0.0,
'idle': 33.0,
'iowait': 0.0,
'irq': 0.0,
'key': 'cpu_number',
'nice': 0.0,
'softirq': 0.0,
'steal': 0.0,
'system': 0.0,
'total': 67.0,
'user': 0.0}, ...]
ports [OK] 0.00001s
processcount [OK] 0.06001s
{'pid_max': 0, 'running': 1, 'sleeping': 114, 'thread': 292, 'total': 175}
processlist [OK] 0.00035s key=pid
[{'cmdline': ['venvs/glances_org/bin/python3', 'bin/glances', '--issue'],
'cpu_percent': 5.7,
'cpu_times': pcputimes(user=0.4, system=0.13, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.01, iowait=0.0),
'gids': pgids(real=33, effective=33, saved=33),
'io_counters': [0, 8192, 0, 8192, 1],
'key': 'pid',
'memory_info': pmem(rss=33792000, vms=122073088, shared=13381632, text=2830336, lib=0, data=30113792, dirty=0),
'memory_percent': 0.20150865253728703,
'name': 'glances',
'nice': 0,
'num_threads': 1,
'pid': 1355770,
'status': 'R',
'time_since_update': 2.1586413383483887,
'username': 'user'}, ...]
psutilversion [OK] 0.00004s
(5, 9, 6)
quicklook [OK] 0.00053s
{'cpu': 25.0,
'cpu_hz': 0.0,
'cpu_hz_current': 2294566000.0,
'cpu_name': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz',
'mem': 13.2,
'percpu': [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}],
'swap': 0.0}
raid [NA]
sensors [OK] 0.00001s
smart [NA]
system [OK] 0.00001s
{'hostname': '',
'hr_name': 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 64bit',
'linux_distro': 'Debian GNU/Linux 12',
'os_name': 'Linux',
'os_version': '6.1.0-13-amd64',
'platform': '64bit'}
uptime [OK] 0.00013s
{'seconds': 91145}
wifi [NA]
Total time to update all stats: 0.08001s
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