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Last active January 16, 2019 06:00
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Playground XYZ - Software Engineer Candidate Assignment


  • Aim to spend between 1 and 2 hours on the assigment - this is not a lot of time so be realistic when deciding what to try and implement
  • Limit your use of non-essential additional dependencies
  • Aim for readbility, maintainability and testability
  • Don't aim for lots of features and code! It's MUCH better to have a clean code base that is missing some requirements than a mess of half implemented features.
  • Your work will be assessed on readability, maintainability and testibility - keep this in mind


Design and implement a working RESTful API that allows for the management of a music collection. It's up to you which entities should be implemented, e.g. artists, albums, tracks etc.

Data persistence isn't required, although ensure the application has some data populated when it first starts.

Include an example of interesting ways to fetch data, e.g. most recently added tracks.

Your implementation should:

  • be implemented using Node.js and Express
  • return suitable HTTP error codes and responses
  • identify (with comments) incomplete and sub optimal parts of the application
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