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Created October 7, 2019 16:51
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# Wordcloud
# Remove potential bots w/ > 100 tweets in the dataset
bots <- rownames(rtStats)[which(rtStats$num_tweets > 100)]
reducedTweet <- allTweets[!allTweets$screen_name %in% bots,]
reducedTweet$text <- texts(reducedTweet$text) %>%
iconv(from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII", sub = "") %>%
gsub(pattern = "<[A-Z+0-9]+>", repl = " ")
# Tokenize words
tkn <- tokens(reducedTweet$text,
remove_twitter = T,
remove_separators = T,
remove_symbols = T,
remove_punct = T,
remove_url = T,
remove_hyphens = T,
remove_numbers = T)
# Remove stopwords and stem words
gotDfm <- dfm(tkn, tolower = T,
remove = stopwords("en"),
stem = T)
# Remove irrelevant terms incl. single-character words
badWords <- c("game", "throne", "gameofthron", "got",
"watch", "episod", "season", "show",
"just", "like")
gotDfm <- gotDfm[,nchar(colnames(gotDfm)) > 1 &
!colnames(gotDfm) %in% badWords]
epAirTime <- ymd_hms("2019-04-14 21:00:00", tz = "EST") + dweeks(0:5)
wcLists <- lapply(1:6, function(x){
idx <- tweetReduced$created_at > epAirTime[x] + dhours(2) &
tweetReduced$created_at < epAirTime[x] + ddays(4)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
for(i in 1:length(wcLists)){
max_words = 100)
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