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Created October 7, 2019 17:47
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# Define real pars mu and sigma, sample 100x
trueMu <- 5
trueSig <- 2
randomSample <- rnorm(100, trueMu, trueSig)
# Grid approximation, mu %in% [0, 10] and sigma %in% [1, 3]
grid <- expand.grid(mu = seq(0, 10, length.out = 200),
sigma = seq(1, 3, length.out = 200))
# Compute likelihood
lik <- sapply(1:nrow(grid), function(x){
sum(dnorm(x = randomSample, mean = grid$mu[x],
sd = grid$sigma[x], log = T))
# Multiply (sum logs) likelihood and priors
prod <- lik + dnorm(grid$mu, mean = 0, sd = 5, log = T) +
dexp(grid$sigma, 1, log = T)
# Standardize the lik x prior products to sum up to 1, recover unit
prob <- exp(prod - max(prod))
# Sample from posterior dist of mu and sigma, plot
postSample <- sample(1:nrow(grid), size = 1e3, prob = prob)
plot(grid$mu[postSample], grid$sigma[postSample],
xlab = "Mu", ylab = "Sigma", pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,.2))
abline(v = trueMu, h = trueSig, col = "red", lty = 2)
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