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Created February 8, 2012 16:01
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Mandelbrot with complex numbers: Lisp vs C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MSTEPS 50000
#define MRADIUS 2.0
#define IMG_SIZE 1024
/* Squared absolute value. */
static inline double cabs2(complex z) {
double x = creal(z), y = cimag(z);
return x*x + y*y;
/* Coloring according to
static inline float mandelbrot(complex z0) {
/* zp contains producnt of z_1 * z_2 * .. z_{n-1}, where z_n is
first value out of MRADIUS circle. */
complex z = z0, zp = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MSTEPS && (cabs2(z) < MRADIUS*MRADIUS); ++i) {
zp *= z; // Accumulate zp
z = z*z + z0; // Mandelbrot calculation
if (i == MSTEPS) {
return 0; // Point inside
} else {
return carg(zp/z);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double delta = 4.0/(IMG_SIZE-1);
FILE *outf = NULL;
char buf;
char name[]="test.pgm";
outf = fopen(name, "w");
fprintf(outf, "P5 %d %d 255\n", IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE/2);
for (int ln = 0; ln < IMG_SIZE/2; ++ln) {
double y0 = ln*delta;
for (int p = 0; p < IMG_SIZE; ++p) {
double x0 = (p - IMG_SIZE/2-IMG_SIZE/8)*delta;
float b = mandelbrot(x0 + I*y0);
if (b)
buf = floor(255*(0.55 + 0.45*sin(b)));
buf = 0;
fwrite(&buf, 1, 1, outf);
return 0;
* Compilation:
* gcc -O3 -std=c99 -m cmandelbrot.c
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(deftype dcomplex () '(complex double-float))
(defconstant +nsteps+ 50000)
(defconstant +imgsize+ 1024)
(declaim (inline cabs2))
(defun cabs2 (z)
(declare (type dcomplex z))
(+ (expt (realpart z) 2)
(expt (imagpart z) 2)))
(declaim (inline mandelbrot))
;; Mandelbrot algorithm with coloring from
(defun mandelbrot (z0)
(declare (type dcomplex z0))
(let ((z z0)
(zp (complex 1d0 0d0)))
(declare (type dcomplex z zp))
(dotimes (i +nsteps+ 0f0)
(when (>= (cabs2 z) 4d0)
(return (coerce (phase (/ zp z)) 'single-float)))
(setf zp (* zp z))
(setf z (+ z0 (* z z))))))
(defun calculate ()
(let ((step (/ 4d0 (1- +imgsize+))))
(with-open-file (img "test.pgm"
:element-type :default ; Bivalent stream
:if-exists :supersede
:direction :output)
(format img "P5 ~A ~A 255~%" +imgsize+ (floor +imgsize+ 2))
(dotimes (y (/ +imgsize+ 2))
(dotimes (x +imgsize+)
(let ((b (mandelbrot (complex (* step (- x
(floor +imgsize+ 2)
(floor +imgsize+ 8)))
(* step y)))))
(if (zerop b)
(write-byte 0 img)
(write-byte (floor (* 255 (+ 0.55 (* 0.45 (sin b)))))
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