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Created March 18, 2012 21:17
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namespace Pro\CrawlerBundle\Parser;
use Goutte\Client;
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
use Pro\CrawlerBundle\Entity\ZonaDeluxe as entity;
class zonaDeluxe
private $url;
private $client;
public function __construct()
$this->client = new Client();
public function getLocalBase()
$discotecas = Array();
$crawler = $this->client->request('GET',$this->url);
$discos = $crawler->filter("#parte_discos")->filter(".cajaDisco2")->filter("a");
$urls = $discos->extract(Array("href"));
$images = $discos->filter("img")->extract(Array("title","src"));
preg_match("#_\d*#is", $images[$i][1], $aux);
preg_match("#[^_]\d*#is", $aux[0], $aux1);
$latlog = $this->getLatLog($discotecas[$i]["url"]);
$discotecas[$i]["lat"] = $latlog["lat"];
$discotecas[$i]["lng"] = $latlog["lng"];
$localinfo = $this->getLocalInfo($discotecas[$i]["id"]);
return $discotecas;
public function getLatLog($url)
$dicotecas = Array();
$crawler = $this->client->request('GET',$url);
$script = $crawler->filter("body")->filter("script")->eq(9)->text();
preg_match("#var point = new GLatLng\([^\)]*#is", $script, $aux);
preg_match("#\([^\)]*#is", $aux[0], $aux1);
preg_match("#[^\(][^\)]*#is", $aux1[0], $aux2);
$latlog = explode(",",$aux2[0]);
return $dicotecas;
public function getLocalInfo($id)
$dicotecas = Array();
$url = "";
$crawler = $this->client->request('POST',$url, array("id" => $id));
$comment = $crawler->filter("p")->text();
return $dicotecas;
public function getLocalFlush()
$em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');;
$discotecas = $this->getLocalBase();
foreach($discotecas as $dicoteca)
$local = $em->getRepository('ProCrawlerBundle:ZonaDeluxe')->findOneByName($dicoteca["title"]);
$auxloca = new entity();
$auxloca->setCreateAt(new \DateTime("now"));
$local = new ZonaDeluxe;
$local->setCreateAt(new \DateTime("now"));
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