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Created September 15, 2018 13:35
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elm - sortable-table example
module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), Person, config, init, main, presidents, update, view)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, input, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (placeholder)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Table
main =
{ init = \() -> init presidents
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
type alias Model =
{ people : List Person
, tableState : Table.State
, query : String
init : List Person -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init people =
model =
{ people = people
, tableState = Table.initialSort "Year"
, query = ""
( model, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= SetQuery String
| SetTableState Table.State
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
SetQuery newQuery ->
( { model | query = newQuery }
, Cmd.none
SetTableState newState ->
( { model | tableState = newState }
, Cmd.none
view : Model -> Html Msg
view { people, tableState, query } =
lowerQuery =
String.toLower query
acceptablePeople =
List.filter (String.contains lowerQuery << String.toLower << .name) people
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Birthplaces of U.S. Presidents" ]
, input [ placeholder "Search by Name", onInput SetQuery ] []
, Table.view config tableState acceptablePeople
config : Table.Config Person Msg
config =
{ toId = .name
, toMsg = SetTableState
, columns =
[ Table.stringColumn "Name" .name
, Table.intColumn "Year" .year
, Table.stringColumn "City" .city
, Table.stringColumn "State" .state
type alias Person =
{ name : String
, year : Int
, city : String
, state : String
presidents : List Person
presidents =
[ Person "George Washington" 1732 "Westmoreland County" "Virginia"
, Person "John Adams" 1735 "Braintree" "Massachusetts"
, Person "Thomas Jefferson" 1743 "Shadwell" "Virginia"
, Person "James Madison" 1751 "Port Conway" "Virginia"
, Person "James Monroe" 1758 "Monroe Hall" "Virginia"
, Person "Andrew Jackson" 1767 "Waxhaws Region" "South/North Carolina"
, Person "John Quincy Adams" 1767 "Braintree" "Massachusetts"
, Person "William Henry Harrison" 1773 "Charles City County" "Virginia"
, Person "Martin Van Buren" 1782 "Kinderhook" "New York"
, Person "Zachary Taylor" 1784 "Barboursville" "Virginia"
, Person "John Tyler" 1790 "Charles City County" "Virginia"
, Person "James Buchanan" 1791 "Cove Gap" "Pennsylvania"
, Person "James K. Polk" 1795 "Pineville" "North Carolina"
, Person "Millard Fillmore" 1800 "Summerhill" "New York"
, Person "Franklin Pierce" 1804 "Hillsborough" "New Hampshire"
, Person "Andrew Johnson" 1808 "Raleigh" "North Carolina"
, Person "Abraham Lincoln" 1809 "Sinking spring" "Kentucky"
, Person "Ulysses S. Grant" 1822 "Point Pleasant" "Ohio"
, Person "Rutherford B. Hayes" 1822 "Delaware" "Ohio"
, Person "Chester A. Arthur" 1829 "Fairfield" "Vermont"
, Person "James A. Garfield" 1831 "Moreland Hills" "Ohio"
, Person "Benjamin Harrison" 1833 "North Bend" "Ohio"
, Person "Grover Cleveland" 1837 "Caldwell" "New Jersey"
, Person "William McKinley" 1843 "Niles" "Ohio"
, Person "Woodrow Wilson" 1856 "Staunton" "Virginia"
, Person "William Howard Taft" 1857 "Cincinnati" "Ohio"
, Person "Theodore Roosevelt" 1858 "New York City" "New York"
, Person "Warren G. Harding" 1865 "Blooming Grove" "Ohio"
, Person "Calvin Coolidge" 1872 "Plymouth" "Vermont"
, Person "Herbert Hoover" 1874 "West Branch" "Iowa"
, Person "Franklin D. Roosevelt" 1882 "Hyde Park" "New York"
, Person "Harry S. Truman" 1884 "Lamar" "Missouri"
, Person "Dwight D. Eisenhower" 1890 "Denison" "Texas"
, Person "Lyndon B. Johnson" 1908 "Stonewall" "Texas"
, Person "Ronald Reagan" 1911 "Tampico" "Illinois"
, Person "Richard M. Nixon" 1913 "Yorba Linda" "California"
, Person "Gerald R. Ford" 1913 "Omaha" "Nebraska"
, Person "John F. Kennedy" 1917 "Brookline" "Massachusetts"
, Person "George H. W. Bush" 1924 "Milton" "Massachusetts"
, Person "Jimmy Carter" 1924 "Plains" "Georgia"
, Person "George W. Bush" 1946 "New Haven" "Connecticut"
, Person "Bill Clinton" 1946 "Hope" "Arkansas"
, Person "Barack Obama" 1961 "Honolulu" "Hawaii"
, Person "Donald Trump" 1946 "New York City" "New York"
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