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Last active August 11, 2016 15:20
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Save monostere0/47b9071445e083d150c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lodash in-browser JSON transformer
(function() {
* LODASH in-Browser JSON transformer
* Use this in a bookmarket (save its contents in a bookmark) and whenever you open a JSON response (e.g.
* you can use it to test lodash methods against the data.
* Lodash is exposed on window as _ and "json" global variable contains the data within the browser window.
* Copy the line below and save it as the url of a new bookmark (it's the same code as below but minified for bookmark use):
* javascript:!function(){function onScriptLoaded(){window.json=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(initialJSONCode)),display(window.json),input.addEventListener("input",onInput),document.body.appendChild(input),document.body.appendChild(info)}function onInput(t){if(! display(initialJSONCode),void setInputState(,"success");var e=wrap(;e&&"object"==typeof e?(setInputState(,"success"),display(e)):setInputState(,"error")}function display(t){pre.innerText?pre.innerText=JSON.stringify(t,null,2):pre.textContent=JSON.stringify(t,null,2)}function wrap(t){var e=null;try{e=new Function("return "+t)()}catch(n){}return e}function setInputState(t,e){"error"===e?ERROR_COLOR:SUCCESS_COLOR}var LODASH_SCRIPT_SRC="//",INFO_TEXT="Test lodash methods (available in this page as _ global variable) against this data. The global variable json holds the JSON value loaded on this page. Empty the text field to return to the inital JSON value.",PLACEHOLDER_TEXT="lodash code transformation goes here",ERROR_COLOR="#E37171",SUCCESS_COLOR="#A5E371",input=document.createElement("textarea"),info=document.createElement("div"),script=document.createElement("script"),pre=document.querySelector("pre"),initialJSONCode=JSON.parse(pre.innerText||pre.textContent);with(input.setAttribute("type","text"),input.setAttribute("placeholder",PLACEHOLDER_TEXT),info.innerHTML=INFO_TEXT,"fixed",top="0",right="0",width="200px",minHeight="70px",padding="2%",background="#D6E38F",opacity="0.8";with("fixed",bottom="0",width="80%",padding="20px",margin="5%",fontSize="15px";script.src=LODASH_SCRIPT_SRC,script.onload=onScriptLoaded,document.head.appendChild(script)}();
var INFO_TEXT = 'Test lodash methods (available in this page as _ global variable) against this data. The global variable json holds the JSON value loaded on this page. Empty the text field to return to the inital JSON value.';
var PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = 'lodash code transformation goes here';
var ERROR_COLOR = '#E37171';
var SUCCESS_COLOR = '#A5E371';
var input = document.createElement('textarea');
var info = document.createElement('div');
var script = document.createElement('script');
var pre = document.querySelector('pre');
var initialJSONCode = JSON.parse(pre.innerText || pre.textContent);
input.setAttribute('type', 'text');
input.setAttribute('placeholder', PLACEHOLDER_TEXT);
info.innerHTML = INFO_TEXT;
with ( {
position = 'fixed';
top = '0';
right = '0';
width = '200px';
minHeight = '70px';
padding = '2%';
background = '#D6E38F';
opacity = '0.8';
with ( {
position = 'fixed';
bottom = '0';
width = '80%';
padding = '20px';
margin = '5%';
fontSize = '15px';
script.src = LODASH_SCRIPT_SRC;
script.onload = onScriptLoaded;
function onScriptLoaded() {
window.json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(initialJSONCode)); //copy to the window
input.addEventListener('input', onInput);
function onInput(e) {
if (! {
setInputState(, 'success');
var result = wrap(;
if (result && 'object' === typeof result) {
setInputState(, 'success');
} else {
setInputState(, 'error');
function display(result) {
if (pre.innerText) {
pre.innerText = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2);
} else {
pre.textContent = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2);
function wrap(code) {
var result = null;
try {
result = new Function('return ' + code)();
} catch (e) {}
return result;
function setInputState(input, state) { = state === 'error' ? ERROR_COLOR : SUCCESS_COLOR;
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