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Created December 5, 2011 04:47
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"I don’t know that. Would you like to search the web for it?",
"text"=>"I don’t know that. Would you like to search the web for it?"},
"^webSearchQuery^=^the radius of a blueberry muffin^^webSearchConfirmation^=^Yes^"},
"text"=>"Search the web"},
[Info - Forwarding object to iPhone] AddViews
[Ping - iPhone] (10)
[Info - Guzzoni] Received Object: RequestCompleted (group:, ref_id: 7096AD5E-C38F-4D88-9B37-691BD3D2AAFD, ace_id: 99740fbc-5bac-4b04-ac33-90c3815d6ccc)
[Info - Forwarding object to iPhone] RequestCompleted
[Pong - Guzzoni] (10)
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